Through prayer, we’ve been inspired by 1 Kings 19:11-13, God’s voice was not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, it was in the still, small voice.
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Through prayer, we’ve been inspired by 1 Kings 19:11-13, God’s voice was not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, it was in the still, small voice.
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Vince Faurote shares with us his experience of Easter in the seminary and explains that Jesus doesn't speak to us in the silence only during Lent - it's his normal way of communicating. He encourages us, as we move out of our Lenten Pause, to be sure to take our practices of stillness with us so that we can continue to hear the voice of the Risen Lord.
Hear more from Vince on The Daily Refill Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Heather Khym explains that sometimes there are parts of our hearts that feel like Holy Saturdays - filled with sadness, unclarity, and waiting. However, she reminds us to hold onto hope - hope that, just as Jesus was on mission those three days in the tomb, unseen and unheard, he's still on mission for us now.
Hear more from Heather on The Abiding Together Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Pete Burak encourages us to ask the question: What needs to be put on the cross with Jesus?
Hear more from John on The Spirit Filled Leadership Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Joel Stepanek reflects on Holy Thursday and the Last Supper. Jesus tells us that no servant is above his master, and proceeds to wash the apostles' feet, including even Judas. Do we do the same? Do we let our love be as boundless and reckless as Jesus' was? Whose feet is Jesus asking us to wash?
Hear more from Joel at:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Johnathan Blevins reflects on the lessons he learned from his years working in Catholic Parishes. We often expect-or at least desire-perfection from teams, staffs, or any type of group we have working together. The Church is no exception. However, Johnathan reminds us that we ourselves aren't even perfect, and accomplishing perfection on our own terms and expecting that from everyone else wasn't even something Jesus attained. So, release your expectations of perfection and control, work forward, and, in the end, surrender it all to the caring providence of Jesus.
Hear more from Johnathan at:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, John Edwards asks us an important question: how's your Lent going so far? We're late in the game of Lent - it's almost over! If you find yourself at this point like many others no different than before Lent began and away from your Lenten observances, then it's probably time to take John's advice and slow down. The Lord commands us to slow down so we can actually fruitfully live life, not just be consumed by all the ongoings of life. If you're tired, weary, and feeling like you failed at Lent - that's okay. Slow down, and take this Holy Week to hear the Lord's voice in the quiet stillness calling you back.
Hear more from John on The Just a Guy in the Pew Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Dr. Peter Molinoski talks about the story from 1 Kings 19 and how the great noises that Elijah experiences are real, but also symbols for the interior noises and distractions that seek to keep us from reflection and integration. He encourages us to quiet those inner tempests and care for the outcast part of our soul that longs for stillness and peace.
Hear more from Dr. Peter on The Interior Integration for Catholics Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Kenna Millea shares how her own reflection on her newborn daughter led her to better understand that the Lord loves her with the same intensity and intimacy. As we create room this Lent, let's remember to let the Lord fill it with that knowledge and experience of him and his love.
Hear more from Kenna on The This Whole Life Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Gabriel Gessler encourages us to go adore Jesus in the Eucharist. He points out how much noise is in our lives, but also that God's voice isn't in those. He's asking us the important questions and telling us the important things in his still small voice. Go, quiet down, and listen to him in humble, calm, adoration.
Find out more about the Damascus Catholic Mission Campus at:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, JeffSchiefelbein invites us to intentionally pray for and, especially, with our spouses. If you don't have a spouse, you can still pray for them intentionally. Let's make sure to always make Jesus a part of our relationships by prioritizing him in them.
Hear more from Jeff on The BeatiDudes Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Olivia Parker reflects how God chooses to be small so that he can draw near to us. She encourages us to take this time of Lent to grow in openness to knowing him how he wants us to.
Find out more about the Damascus Catholic Mission Campus at:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Gene Monterastelli reflects on the ways the Lord has spoken and speaks to Him, slowly and little by little revealing himself to him.
Hear more from Gene at Apex Ministries and on The "Our Lady of Podcast" podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Anna Mitchell reflects on 1 Kings 19 to share with us about how God speaks in the silence and asks us to imitate his gentleness.
Hear more from Anna on The Son Rise Morning Show:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Kyle Heimann invites us to reflect on how God might be speaking to us. The Lord tends not to use a booming voice or necessarily sound like the instantly-recognizable Morgan Freeman, but rather speaks to us in the quiet.
Find more from Kyle at!
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Shane Bednarek reflects on the nineteenth chapter of the book of Kings and invites us to take time and space in silence to hear the Father speak to us in his still, small voice, inviting us to rest and life.
Find out more about the Damascus Catholic Mission Campus at:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Paul Kolker reflects on his experience in improv comedy and Our Lady. Improv requires you to accept the incoming situation and build on it - to say "yes and". Our Lady, in her own way, is the perfect model of this. When she received the news she was to be the mother of God, she replied "Yes" and then built upon that answer. Whether you're in improv or meditating upon Our Lady, take this Lent to hear the Lord inviting you to say "yes" to life and then build upon it.
Hear more from Paul on The BeatiDudes Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Dr. Scott Powell reflects on the wilderness. God draws us into the wilderness not to punish us, but to put us in a place of stillness and quiet where he can remind us who he is and win us back with his love.
Hear more from Dr. Scott on The Sunday School Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Nick Meyer reflects on a lenten experience he had, where the Lord encountered him in the silence, and how the Lord showed him that that re-orientation away from disorder and toward the Lord is the ultimate purpose of Lent.
Nick is a part of Exodus 90. Learn more about it here:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Justin Aquila reflects on the RCIA process and how each of us, ultimately, have been chosen and elected by the Lord to be his very own people - his sons and daughters by grace.
Hear more from Justin on The Ten Thousand Places Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Nick Bezner talks about fasting. He explains there's the tried and true ways of thinking of fasting, but invites us to go deeper by giving up three physical gratifications we tend to take for granted each day of Lent. Whether it's our snooze button, that second cup of coffee, or all the Instagram reels we can binge, Nick helps us see these as gifts and ones that can be offered back to the Jesus as a small participation in his own sacrifice.
Hear more from Nick on The BeatiDudes Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Fr. John Riccardo talks about how we hear God. He first reminds us that God does, in fact, speak, and wants to talk with us a whole lot more than we want to talk with him. He is always taking the initiative toward us. So, what's the surest way to hear God's voice? Scripture. There, you will always hear him speak his love and closeness to you.
Hear more from Fr. John on The You Were Born for This Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Kate Olivera shares her experience of how what she prays at mass impacts her daily life. While she doesn't always live out the words of the prayer exactly that isn't the point. The point is to bring God into all of it and all of it to God. Where does God want to meet you in your schedule today?
Hear more from Kate on The Pillar In-Depth Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Leryn Detraz invites us to look back at how the Lord has spoken in our lives in big and small moments. She shares how she felt the Lord calling her to change everything when he placed on her heart the desire to become a full time missionary at the Damascus Mission Campus. How is the Lord calling you the stillness of Lent? Will it change everything?
Check out the Damascus Mission Campus here:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Katie Prejean McGrady prays the "Come Reign in Us" litany from the Sisters of Life. She invites us to pause and empty our minds and hearts so that Jesus can come with his love and peace and reign in us.
Hear more from Katie on The Ave Explores Podcast and The Katie McGrady Show:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Matt Swaim reveals how God calls each Lent not to take on random spiritual practices or hardships with no discernment, but rather to adopt the pillars of Lent in particular ways that directly correlate with the areas in which we need to grow most.
Hear more from Matt on The Son Rise Morning Show:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Cindy shares words that our Creator wants us to hear from him. He's always inviting us to seek him, to find him - to find love.
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Luke Carey explains how God can always be found in the silence, but getting ourselves there can be challenging. Nevertheless, God is always waiting to meet us there, we just have to have the courage to quiet ourselves so we can encounter him.
Hear more from Luke on The Catching Foxes Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Paul George and Deacon Adam talk about the story of St. Ignatius' conversion story and how the Lord calls each of us to encounter him in the stillness and the silence.
Hear more from Paul and Deacon Adam on The Paul George Show Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Monica Aquila talks about how desire is an inescapable reality for humans. We are bombarded by wants and needs constantly - it's part of our living condition. However, God doesn't love us in spite of that - he loves us because that's how he made us. And that's how he chooses to come to us as a proposal answer to those desires.
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Keith Little shares with us his personal experience of slowing down to hear God's voice so that he and his family could discern God's will well together. It's when we slow down that we can hear God speaking and be open to receiving all that he wants to give us.
Hear more from Keith Little on The Cordial Catholic Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Dom Bettinelli reflects on wisdom his mother left her family before her passing. She shared that surrender to God only leads to tender reception from the one who created us, peace about the past, and hope for the future.
Hear more from Dom on The Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Alex Dee reflects on how God meets us in the present moment. This is where God chooses to be and invites us to be with him. When we take time to pause, we can reorient ourselves, and bring our hectic lives into contact with the peace of God in the present moment.
Hear more from Alex on The Saints Alive Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Cindy Black reflects on the times we feel inconvenienced in our lives. Inevitably, it happens to all of us. And we may well be legitimately inconvenienced. However, Cindy reminds us that our inconveniences are always part of a wider perspective-particularly, God's. Our job and prayer is to see with that same perspective God sees, and to live it joyfully and lovingly.
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Sofia Carozza reflects on how God meets us through our desires. Jesus proposes himself as the response-the answer-the the desires of our hearts. She invites us to pause with her this Lent to hear the desires of our heart and how God is speaking to us in and through them.
Hear more from Sofia Carozza on The Pilgrim Soul Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Nancy Bandzuch reflects on the disciples courage and humility when they asked the Lord to teach them how to pray. This Lent, Nancy encourages us to pray for that same courage and humility so we can grow closer in relationship with God.
Hear more from Nancy Bandzuch on The Catholic Sprouts Podcast:
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Mariam Schmitz shares with us about how the tasks of life and our desire for efficiency can creep up on us. In those times, we tend to make God another task and want him to work just like everything else we can control. But, Mariam reminds us that God is greater than all of those things, and that, if we slow down and trust him, we'll receive the most important response to our striving.
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Kyle Heimann talks about his first experience of hearing God speak to him. Quiet is the medium through which God likes to talk to us, but we have to give him the chance.
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Ryan O'Hara shares with us about how God speaks to us in the silence, but he doesn't make us listen. Part of our prayer is quieting ourselves so we can be present to God and hear him talking to us as we talk to him - heart to heart.
Hear more from Ryan O'Hara on The Better Preach Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Andrea Serrani shares about how God teaches us with gentle lessons in everyday life. The day-in and day-out tasks that are all around us in our work, families, and relationships are the simple and mundane places that often God is speaking to us - we just have to listen for him.
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Pat Padley reminds us to take Jesus' yoke upon us and to release everything else to Jesus. After all, it's only in that way that we can find true rest.
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Mary Jo Parrish shares with us about how God desires to hold us close and let us rest in his love. In doing so, he "recharges" us. He fills us with what we need to be our truest selves - to be his sons and daughters.
Hear more from Mary Jo Parrish on The Building Through Him Podcast:
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Pat Millea shares with us about when our own plans and projects for prayer can actually get in the way of us praying. When those things become the focus of our prayer instead of God, we have to remember the one to whom we are praying is most interested in receiving us how we actually are and loving us there.
Hear more from Pat Millea on The This Whole Life Podcast:
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Sarah Christmyer shares with us about how when we fast, we often "hear" the grumblings of our desires: "I'm hungry!", "I'm tired!", "I just want to relax!", etc.. But Sarah reminds us that all the noise from our desires are places we can turn to God and bring him into our experience. She helps us see that we can turn our longings for earthly things into moments of longing for and encounter with the Lord.
Hear more from Sarah Christmyer on The Living the Word Bible Podcast:
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Dr. Tom McGovern shares with us about he encounters God best in silence and stillness. Prayer is not so much about "doing" as much as it is about "being". So, while prayer can be written or spontaneous, quiet or vocal, Dr. Tom reminds us that sitting in the stillness with God can be one of the most impactful ways to hear his voice.
Hear more from Dr. Tome McGovern on The Doctor, Doctor Podcast:
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Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Zac Coyle shares with us about how God encounters us in our lived experience, especially in the silence. But we have to be sure to quiet down and look for him, which, as Zac explains, the Ignatian examination of consciousness and adoration can help us do.
Hear more from Zac Coyle on The Spirit in the Schools Podcast:
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Deacon Charlie Echeverry shares with us how one question from a young school girl prompted him to reflect on the love story between himself and the Lord, and how ultimately, apart from anything he's ever done or will do, God's love has always been and will always be there for him.
Hear more from Deacon Charlie on The Living the Call Podcast:
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
Welcome to the Daily Refill: Lenten Pause!
Today, Dr. Lewis Pearson shares with us how the 1 Kings 19 impacts the way he experiences the challenges of life and feeling tired and weary. He reminds us that God is always with us, but that reality doesn't stop him from wanting us to be completely honest with him. Even if we don't magically feel better from knowing that the Lord is always speaking with us--that's okay. God wants us to share that with him, too.
Hear more from Dr. Pearson on The Ten Thousand Places Podcast:
Thanks for joining us today! Be sure to check out tomorrow's episode, too, along with all the great content at!
He is Risen, Alleluia! To celebrate Christ's resurrection, we have a special podcast for you today: Nuns Telling Jokes. May these jokes bring you Easter joy!
Daniel Harms talks about the last words of film critic, Roger Ebert, and the faith crisis of YouTubers.
More from "Short Catholic" -
Show Notes:
Today, we remember the death of Jesus Christ. This episode from Doctor, Doctor discusses the history of the practice of crucifying people and what happens during a crucifixion to the human body from a medical point of view.
More from Doctor Doctor:
Show Notes:
Today is Holy Thursday: the day we remember when Jesus instituted the Eucharist and washed the feet of His disciples. Today, Bishop Kevin Rhoades talks about how we are called to figuratively wash each other's feet, especially those who are struggling with the Church and feel lost or frustrated.
More from "Truth in Charity with Bishop Rhoades"
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Fr. John Burns talks about how Holy Week gives us a chance to enter intentionally into the suffering of Christ.
More from Ave Spotlight:
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Leah talks with gifted storyteller Mary Lenaburg about her new forthcoming book, Be Bold in the Broken. In this her second book, Mary —the author of Be Brave in the Scared—explores her journey to self-acceptance as she struggled to make sense of who she is and what she had to offer. Leah and Mary discuss
More from Do Something Beautiful:
Show Notes:
On Saturday night, the Catholic Church will welcome thousands of people across the world into the Church, that is to say they will become Catholic. But, what makes a Catholic a Catholic? This podcast episode discusses the history of this process of Christian initiation and Catholic identity today.
More about Ten Thousand Places:
Show Notes:
Tomorrow we will celebrate Palm Sunday. Mike Kelly shares his experience of coming to know God in a personal way on Palm Sunday on a Spring break vacation at a Church far away from home.
More from Pray for 2:
Show Notes:
Our Lenten journeys are coming to an end. Today, Mary Jo Parrish has one question for you as we end this journey: Where are you going? This podcast reflects on God’s mercy and how His love can transform our life.
More from Building Through Him – Kingdom Builders:
Show Notes:
Today is the Annunciation! We don’t usually think about St. Joseph on this day, but since this is the Year of St. Joseph, why not?
More from Catholic Sprouts:
Show Notes:
Has your lent felt like its gone up in smoke? The Hernon’s has, literally! This podcast shares the story of a very trying moment that proved God’s faithfulness.
The original post, links, and video can be found at
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Show Notes:
Today’s episode features an interview with Haley Scott DeMaria, a former swimmer at the University of Notre Dame. She was involved in the tragic 1992 snow storm bus crash. From going from never walking again to swimming and honoring the legacy of her teammates, Haley Scott DeMaria shares about her own journey of how this tragedy and suffering turned out to be a beautiful, transformative life experience.
More from Irish Sports Saturdays:
Show Notes:
Since when is suffering part of discipleship? Since forever. Here is why… More about the Renovo Podcast More Episodes: Show Notes:
The post Suffering – Renovo appeared first on Spoke Street.
Tomorrow, we celebate Passion Sunday. Passion Sunday marks two weeks until Easter Sunday and the beginning of what we call Passiontide. Passiontide is a two week period, from tomorrow until Easter, that particularly reflects on the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Sunday Word podcast is back with us today to help us prepare for the […]
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Today we celebrate the solemnity of Saint Joseph. Sister Ignatia is back with us to share about her personal devotion to Saint Joseph and how you may grow in friendship with this saint as well. More from Morning Jolt More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
The post Personal Devotion to St. Joseph – Morning Jolt appeared first on Spoke Street.
Charles and Amanda Shepard talk about the conversion of Salvador Dali and his image of Jesus on the Cross. St. John of the Cross Sketch: Dali’s image: More from Catholic Art History More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
The post Christ of Saint John of the Cross – Catholic Art History appeared first on Spoke Street.
Leah Darrow joins us today to remind us what Lent is all about. Lent is not about how much we are suffering by enduring our Lenten sacrifices and promises, but it is about growing in love with Jesus. More from Do Something Beautiful More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
The post Growing in Love of Jesus Crucified – Do Something Beautiful appeared first on Spoke Street.
Jesus asks a lot of questions in the Gospels. What are you looking for? Why do you call me good? How does your concern affect me? Does this shock you? Do you want to be well? Have you anything here to eat? And on and on. More about Church Life Today More Episodes: Show Notes: […]
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How do we keep Jesus at the center of Lent? It shouldn’t just be some hoops to jump through. Nancy and Bill break it down! More about The Domestic Church Project Podcast More Episodes: Show Notes:
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This week we celebrate Laetare Sunday, the half-way point of Lent. Ten Thousand Places discusses the significance of this Sunday and the way it forms our expectation and rejoicing for the celebrations that are to come in Easter More about Ten Thousand Places More Episodes: Show Notes:
The post Laetare Sunday: Rejoicing in Expectation – Ten Thousand Places appeared first on Spoke Street.
Stations of the cross are in most of our churches, and are a common Lenten prayer. But where did they originate? More about the Renovo Podcast More Episodes: Show Notes:
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Why would God the Father send his only Son to die for us? Today’s podcast is a reflection on that very question. More from Short Catholic More Episodes: Show Notes:
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Jesus is always waiting there with open arms to receive us. We are God’s chosen ones. If God is for us, who can be against us? More from Building Through Him – Kingdom Builders More Episodes: Show Notes:
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Abiding Together spends some time with dear friend, Fr. Josh Johnson, to discuss the invitation to God’s mercy as we prepare for the season of Lent. Fr. Josh shares his own personal stories of healing through the sacrament of confession Link to original podcast and show notes. And catch part 2 here. More from Abiding […]
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Sister Ignatia sits down with Sister Karol Ann to talk about how St. John of God introduced her to discover even more Saint friends. More from Morning Jolt More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
The post Finding Your Saint friend – St. John of God – Morning Jolt appeared first on Spoke Street.
Fr. Matt Coonan and Fr. Drew Curry give a preview of the readings coming up in this Sunday’s Mass. They discuss how on our Lenten journey we should root out our sin and bad habits that keep us from being a temple for Jesus Christ. The Readings for Sunday: (note, your Mass could use […]
The post Third Sunday of Lent – The Sunday Word appeared first on Spoke Street.
Today, Mike Kelly shares a 2 minute reflection on a moment in his life where he came to know of God’s love and faithfulness in a new way. More from Pray for 2 More Episodes: Show Notes:
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In this episode, “Hope and Healing in Times of Trial, Sister Miriam,” Michelle and Heather talk about their own personal journeys through the hardships of life. Their vulnerable conversation shares how hoping in Jesus allowed for their own healing and growth. Link to original podcast and show notes. More from Abiding Together More Episodes: Show […]
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Harvard psychiatrist, Dr. Kevin Majeres, joins Dr. Tom McGovern, and Dr. Chris Stroud, to share practical tips on living with anxiety, especially how we can use moments of stress and anxiety to grow in faith and unite ourselves to God in prayer. This episode encourages us to seek God in all that we are experiencing. […]
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Today’s episode reflects on the Lenten pillar of prayer through the life of St. Agnes of Bohemia, the saint who’s feast day is celebrated today. Through the life of St. Agnes of Bohemia, we are reminded that becoming closer to God and more like Him is our goal in Lent. More from Catholic Sprouts More […]
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A good reminder for families, but also, something to consider for those without children as well! More from Church Life Today More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
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Sister Ignatia helps us prepare for Sunday’s Gospel reading in this reflection on the Transfiguration. More from Morning Jolt More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
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Today’s episode features Leah Darrow’s conversation with John O’Leary, a burn survivor, where they discuss how John found motivation after tragedy and how he continues to have hope in his life. John’s perspective is one that can encourage us all to persevere in our trials by seeking refuge in God and His presence. More from […]
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Kyle Heimann sits down with his son Frank to discuss the popular Gospel story of the Prodigal Son. Their conversation reminds us of the greatness of God’s mercy for us and the joy we can have with others growing closer to Christ. More from Catholicism with My Kid More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” […]
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In 2009, Mark Herzlich was a Boston College football star when suddenly he was diagnosed with cancer. He found an unexpected friend in his fight. A Notre Dame loving nun from Indiana starting writing to Mark. The two struck a friendship and Mark grew in his faith and says the power of prayer was a […]
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One of the three traditional Lenten practices is almsgiving. Today’s brief podcast episode reflects on the themes of almsgiving and friendship through the film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. More from 2 Minute Takes More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
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Looking for ideas on how to celebrate Lent as a couple or as a family? Listen in! When a married person celebrates Lent, especially when they have children, it looks very different than how a single person or religious does it. Cana90 and Stations Books More from Messy Family Podcast More Episodes from “40 Podcasts […]
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Bishop reflects upon the temptations of Jesus in the desert and how we can avoid temptation. More from Truth in Charity with Bishop Rhoades More Episodes from “40 Podcasts for Lent” Show Notes:
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Andrea Serrani talks about 3 things in 8 minutes. Today’s episode talks about Saints that turned their lives around, a message from Pope Francis for Lent 2021, and how to survive Lent if you are feeling overwhelmed. More from The Daily Refill More Episodes: Show Notes:
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This is part three of a series on the Person of Jesus revealed in Scripture and what it means to personally know Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Heather, Michelle, and Sr. Miriam talk about how relevant this is right now as we struggle to see a way forward in the craziness […]
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Let’s kick this Lent off right! Doug Tooke explains what this is all about. More about the Renovo Podcast More Episodes: Show Notes:
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40 Podcasts for Lent We’ll send you 40 podcasts over the 40 days of Lent — all from inviting, authentic Catholic voices. Just like yours. Thanks for joining us on this journey. Please spread the word and invite others to be inspired this Lent! For more great podcasts, check out Show Notes:
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