Helping you become financially independent by cutting your expenses and increasing your income to live life on your terms and spend more money on the things you love. Our show is the layman’s guide to simple personal finance, investing, taxes, frugal living, saving money, budgeting, entrepreneurship, freelancing, early retirement, financial freedom/independence, travel hacking, student loans, paying off debt, avoiding credit cards, real estate and life hacks. Sean is the author of The Early Retirement Roadmap and Kevin is an instructor of Financial Peace University where they continue to share their stories with their fellow middle class citizens, accepting them where they are and helping to get them to where they want to be. CHA-CHING!
Supporting Anti-Racism Through Giving
Jun 27, 2020
Episode 189: Today we’re talking about why it’s important to support anti-racism, and how we’re using our privilege to be good allies.
Giving is an essential part of the financial independence movement. It’s especially important to have these discussions in relation to privilege and personal finance.
Kevin chose to donate to Black Lives Matter in support of the parent cause. Sean donated to Campaign Zero to end police violence. You can learn more about both of these causes in the links below.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
Do-It-Yourself Debt Relief Options
Jun 24, 2020
Episode 185: Learn some effective DIY debt relief options with insight from Todd Christensen, author of Everyday Money for Everyday People and Education Manager at the nonprofit credit counseling agency, Money Fit by DRS.
Why You Should DIY Your Debt Relief
DIY debt relief is nothing new. The Snowball Method and Avalanche Method are two commonly discussed tactics for paying down your debt.
The Snowball Method encourages you to pay off your smaller debts first to build sustainable habits. Once those debts are paid off, you use the money to tackle the bigger debts.
The Avalanche Method takes the opposite approach. It encourages you to pay down the debts with the highest interest first, with the potential to get you out of debt sooner and save you money. However, this can be more challenging from a sustainable habit-building perspective. The Snowball Method is a great starting point, but you should plan on shifting to the avalanche after you find your motivation.
Regardless of which option you choose, taking the DIY approach makes sense. It helps you save fees (or more debt) by hiring a service or coach. It also starts to build those habits and mindset shifts within you for long-term success.
How to Do the DIY Debt Landslide
The Debt Landslide is ideal for anyone who has a major purchase in the near future. The idea is focusing on your debt newest account because the various credit score bureaus weigh your most recent activity over your debt history. By paying down your newest account, you’ll build your credit score faster.
In other words, if you know you’re going to need a loan for a new car next year, start paying down the most recent debt now.
How to Do the DIY Debt Cascade
The other DIY debt payment methods are for those who have a bit of extra money to put toward their debt. The Debt Cascade is for those who are living from paycheck to paycheck.
With the Debt Cascade, you’ll make your minimum payments this month as your baseline. Then, you’ll pay the same amount again next month, even if they say the minimum amount has gone down. Continue this process until you are able to create that gap between what they’re asking and what you have.
For example, if your minimum payment is $50 per month when you get started, it could be $45 next month. Instead of paying $45, pay $50 again and chip away at that debt over time.
Book Giveaway
The first three visitors to can use the code 2FrugalDudes to get a free copy of Todd’s book, Everyday Money for Everyday People.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
Our Tiller Money App Review
Jun 19, 2020
Episode 187: Kevin’s talking about his experience with the Tiller Money app, how it works, and if it’s worth the subscription. Tune in for the full details.We’re also talking charcoal grilling. YUM.
What is Tiller Money?
Tiller Money is a budgeting app that syncs with your bank accounts and pulls the categorized data to Google Sheets. This easy synchronization makes it easier to manipulate the data and generate the info you want to see at any given time.
Why Use the Tiller Money App?
One of the great features is that you can set up different budgets for different months, which is different than other budgeting apps that take a more static approach. Tiller is also ideal for people who like something more tangible rather than operating within an app.
The Tiller Money App also sends a daily email giving you a financial snapshot of what’s going on in your accounts. They also have a community with training webinars and a beta lab for extensions to your core spreadsheet.
Is Tiller Worth It?
Tiller is well worth the investment if you’re looking to dive into your budget and want to manipulate the data and analyze it to your liking.
The annual fee is around $50, but you can get a 30 Day Free Trial here.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
How to Work On Your Business Instead of In Your Business
Jun 17, 2020
Episode 186: Learn how to be a boss rather than an employee as an entrepreneur. We’re talking about how to take a high-level approach to your business without getting caught in the day-to-day work with Terry Ogburn of Ogburn’s Business Solutions.Tune in for a free consulting session!
Working on Your Business vs. Working in Your Business
What’s the difference between working on your business and working in your business?
Every business starts with a vision. It’s an idea about an opportunity that begins to take form.
Then comes the detailed planning. Things like procuring office supplies and putting a financial plan in place. In essence, you become a manager.
Then comes the technical side of your work: the skills and execution.
For many entrepreneurs, the technical side becomes a comfort zone. It becomes challenging to delegate without stifling their creativity or micromanaging.
When you work on the business, you set standard operating procedures, job descriptions, and high-level tasks that make delegation possible. It means looking ahead and reverse engineering your goals to get outside the one-person show and grow. You execute, analyze, and adjust.
Maximizing Your Business During the Pandemic
The pandemic has caused a lot of challenges for many businesses. However, there are also vast opportunities that can take your business to the next level. From acquiring new assets at a low rate to providing solutions to help customers recover, there’s always an opportunity to succeed.
Look at your competition and see who is going out of business and selling their supplies. Look at your customers and see how you can be proactive during these changing times.
Be the person that steps up and fix something that’s wrong. Consumers are looking for innovators and leaders in this situation. Be proactive, mobilize, and capitalize.
How to Push Ahead as an Entrepreneur
Take an objective approach to everything you see and hear as an entrepreneur. Find ways to evolve and adapt to changing times.
To do this, you’ll need to take a step back and look at your business as a whole. Find the workaround and find wiggle room within protocols to change your offerings and adapt to the market.
Creativity and discipline will be your two greatest assets as an entrepreneur, regardless of what situation you find yourself in.
Four Keys to Success when Working on Your Business
You have to be committed. Burn the boats and don’t look back.
Be totally determined in everything you do. If there’s something you want, you need to take the approach that nothing can stop you from getting across the finish line.
Put disciplines in your life that allow your dreams to come true. Procrastinate on the things that don’t lead to your goals.
Visualize your success. Visualization is a powerful mental tool. Think about what your business will look like in the future, then visualize the path to get there.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
Becoming a Giver While Pursuing Financial Independence
Jun 12, 2020
Episode 185: How can you give back while saving money? We’re talking about the joys of giving while pursuing financial independence, and a few ways to be a giver.
One of the most significant mindset shifts when pursuing financial independence is learning the value of giving. When you start to realize that you can live on less, you find that you’re able to give more to the causes that matter to you.
Find Your Cause
Think of the causes that matter to you. It could be anything from your local church to a non-profit that supports something that impacts your life. Giving to a cause that aligns with your values is guaranteed to make you feel good.
Set Aside Money to Give
Both Kevin and Sean work giving into their budget. Consider using separate accounts or working automation into your banking to ensure the cause you care about is cared for before you spend.
Pay it Forward
One of the best ways to be a giver is to pay it forward. Consider surprising someone by paying for their order in the drive through or giving an extra generous tip to a minimum wage worker. These small actions ultimately mean nothing when calculating how much money ends up in your bank account. Yet it can make a big impact on someone’s day.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
Getting Real Estate Deals for $0 Out-of-Pocket
Jun 10, 2020
Episode 184: We’re talking about landing the ideal real estate deal when starting with real estate investing. We’re touching on the Blink book, being a corporate drop-out, and how to be a successful landlord.
The Ideal Real Estate Deal
Many people ask what the ideal real estate deal looks like. The ideal real estate deal is a multi-family purchase that becomes an income-generating property within 12 months using $0 out-of-pocket.
How does this happen?
What is BRRRR?
BRRRR is an acronym that stands for:
Buy a distressed asset, rehab it, rent out the units to give yourself some money, refinance, and repeat with a new property.
Over time, as you build your reputation, you’ll be able to secure $0 out-of-pocket deals. Real estate investing is also a team sport: if you find the deal, the capital will come.
How to Be a Successful Landlord
The trick to becoming a successful landlord is accountability. Protecting your investment by holding tenants accountable to their actions, even when it means making difficult decisions. Sometimes that means being the bad guy in an eviction situation.
It also means being an advocate for your tenants and helping them figure something out during a tough situation, like the COVID-19 pandemic.
Finally, continuously updating and adapting your contracts will ensure that you’re covered no matter what happens. Using the Bigger Pockets pro membership can help.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
Tips for Choosing a Mortgage Insurance Provider
Jun 05, 2020
Episode 183: On this episode of the Where Our Money Went series, we’re talking mortgage insurance, Amazon Prime, and streaming services. Tune in for tips on choosing a mortgage insurance provider for your home.
What is Mortgage Insurance?
Mortgage insurance is required in many areas. The purpose is to cover the lender in the event that you default on your mortgage. If you have a USDA or FHA mortgage, you’ll be required to pay mortgage insurance up until a certain portion of your premium is paid off. For private mortgage insurance providers, mortgage insurance is often required if you have a down payment of less than 20% of the total home cost.
A few months ago, Kevin eliminated his mortgage insurance (PMI) because he had built up enough equity by paying down the premium. Kevin discovered that he had an overage and received a refund from the mortgage company. He used the money to make an extra mortgage payment on the principle.
How Mortgage Insurance is Calculated
Your mortgage insurance will depend on a lot of variables. You have the opportunity to shop around and compare companies, but it’s not a direct comparison. There are different accreditation to consider, the depth of the coverage, environmental and geographical considerations, etc.
Take time to read the fine print and highlight any red flags or perceived benefits before making a decision on your provider.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
Teaching Financial Literacy Education from an Early Age
Jun 03, 2020
Episode 182: Learn how to teach financial literacy to children and why kids are never too young to learn about personal finance. We’re talking about the free K-12 Financial Education curriculum and how it’s impacting students of all ages.
Why Teach Kids About Personal Finance
Healthy financial habits start at a young age. Children are influenced by their parents when it comes to money management. Teaching kids about personal finance before they’re out on their own, you can set them up for future success and help them set their own path forward.
Young children in elementary school can learn the basics, with the lessons getting more complex as they get older. As a younger child, learning that money is earned, how to save up for something, and the importance of giving are age-appropriate lessons. At the high school level, that evolves into the specific skills, understanding credit, learning how to invest, etc.
The Choose FI Foundation is a completely free curriculum that has lessons covering from kindergarten to graduation. Whether you’re a teacher, homeschooler, or an interested parent, you can access that information here.
Why Teach Kids Entrepreneurship
A lot of courses will teach people about how to cut your budget and expenses to save more money. However, that’s only one side of the equation. Building your wealth through side hustles, improved job opportunities, and negotiating payments can increase income on a grander scale.
It also helps students develop the skills they’ll need outside of school to survive and thrive as adults. From planning to problem-solving to interacting with other people, there are non-monetary benefits to learning the basics of entrepreneurship.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
An Update on the Payroll Protection Program for Small Business Employees
May 29, 2020
Episode 181: Tune in for an update on the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses. If you’re a small business employee, you’ll want to hear this information. We’re also talking about giving, budgeting for gas, and thanking teachers everywhere.
A PPP Update
Kevin finally received his PPP update. The program had come to a halt as funding dried up, but some of the larger businesses have paid back their funds, creating opportunities for small businesses across the country.
If you’re an employee for a small business, talk to your employer about the PPP. There have been reports of employers who have received the PPP but haven’t paid their employees, which is what the program is for. These situations can be reported.
Thank a Teacher
Remember to set aside some money in your budget to buy a gift for your children’s teachers in this strange year. This experience has been a great reminder of how essential and valued teachers truly are.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
How Blue Collar Workers Can Achieve the American Dream
May 27, 2020
Episode 180: Learn how blue collar workers can achieve the American Dream without a college degree. We’re talking about financial independence and the five steps to achieving your goals.
Tips for Allocating Your Salary
The first step in allocating your salary is to shift your mindset. Train yourself to forget about a percentage of the money you earn, using automation to allocate it toward a high-interest savings account before it hits your account. Thanks to compound interest, every little bit counts and your retirement will be covered.
How to Find Comfort, Peace, and Freedom at any Level
To achieve comfort, peace, and freedom at any income level is to identify what you want your life to look like. What’s your why? What’s the thing that drives you and keeps you moving forward?
If you can start visualizing what you want your life to look like (even going as far as to create a vision board) you can identify what will bring you comfort, peace, and freedom. Drill down into the minutia and start to make a plan.
Begin with the end in mind.
Five Steps for Achieving Any Goal
Take a Second to Congratulate Yourself
The first step is acknowledging the decision you’ve made. Congratulating yourself can help trigger a mindset shift. Picture yourself as a winner and pursue that image.
Make Your Goal Crystal Clear
Make your goal as clear as possible. Get into the finer details and cover all your bases. Be proactive in considering potential barriers.
Build the Goal with Certainty
Break your goal into pieces. If your timeline is a year, break it into traceable goals for the months, weeks, and days ahead. Breaking it into small, actionable steps makes it easier to move forward.
Make Your Goal Automatic
Use automation to reach your goal. For financial goals, you can go to your payroll officer and have them put money aside off each paycheck. You can set an automatic transfer to move money to an account you can reach on the day you get paid.
Remove your human nature from the equation, and embrace the idea of setting it and not sweating it.
Share Your Goal
Now it’s time to tell people about your goal. This will create accountability. Build a support team that will remind you of your goals and what you’re working toward.
Disclaimer: Kevin and Sean are not professional financial advisors. Do not take any advice they give without first speaking with a professional and performing your own due diligence.This post may include affiliate links.
Managing Financial Expectations During Divorce
May 22, 2020
Episode 179: On this episode of the Where Our Money Went series, we’re talking about managing financial expectations during a divorce. We’re taking a deep dive into investing and planning for the future. Investing in Mediation When possible, using mediation can help a couple work through the divorce process without [...]
Tips for Living on an Inconsistent Income
May 20, 2020
Episode 178: Tune in for tips for personal finance for self-employed individuals. We’re covering financial planning when living on an inconsistent income for side-hustles and entrepreneurship. The Challenges with Self-Employed Income One of the common challenges entrepreneurs and small business owners face is a fluctuation in income. It makes it [...]
Re-Evaluating Expenses After COVID-19
May 15, 2020
Episode 177: On this episode of the Where Our Money Went series, we’re talking about re-evaluating expenses during and after COVID-19. From eating out at restaurants and getting takeout, to streaming services to Amazon Prime, we’re talking about what works and what might be a thing of the past. The [...]
Our Stimulus Check Review: Small Business and Personal
May 13, 2020
Episode 176: We’re bringing you insights from both the small business owner (Kevin) and employee (Sean) about receiving government stimulus checks during Covid-19. Tune in to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. Small Business Stimulus – Kevin’s Review Kevin’s experience with the small business support check was less [...]
Expert Advice for Escaping a Broken Mindset
May 08, 2020
Episode 175: What is a broken mindset? How can you identify your own broken mindset? Tune in and learn about tapping into a broken mindset and taking the steps to explore new opportunities with Aaron Fragnito of Peoples Capital Group. What is a Broken Mindset? A broken mindset is when [...]
All About Buying and Repairing Used Items
May 05, 2020
Episode 174: On this episode of the Where Our Money Went series, we’re talking about buying used items. From go-karts to bikes, learn how to buy used items to save money, and teach some valuable repair skills. This week, Kevin’s money went toward buying a used go-kart as a fun [...]
Rental Secrets: Controlling What You Pay for Rent
Apr 28, 2020
Episode 173: Learn how to control what you pay for rent with Justin Pogue, an author and real estate consultant who’s been featured on Fox News, SFGate, and Justin is using his years of experience to share some insights from his new book, Rental Secrets. Here’s what you need [...]
Small Business Survival Tips for the Pandemic
Apr 25, 2020
Episode 172: Learn about some of the available options for small businesses to get through the COVID-19 crisis. We’re also talking about resetting finance goals and trying to stick to a grocery budget during the pandemic. SBA Paycheck Protection Program The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a forgivable loan, as [...]
How to Be a Good Human During the Pandemic
Apr 21, 2020
Episode 171: Are you doing your part? Today we’re touching on the Coronavirus and how you can be a good human during the pandemic. Think of Others Before Yourself One of the common things we’ve been hearing is that if you’re actively healthy, Coronavirus isn’t a concern. However, you have [...]
Tips for Saving Money on Healthcare
Apr 18, 2020
Episode 170: Learn the top tips for budgeting and saving on healthcare using some traditional and modern solutions to become a smart healthcare consumer. We’re taking a look behind the scenes in healthcare costs with Scott Heiser, author of Healthcare is Making Me Sick. Saving on healthcare isn’t about taking [...]
Building a Kid’s Survival Kit for Isolation
Apr 15, 2020
Episode 169: Sean has been stocking up on activities to keep his kids entertained during social isolation as a result of Covid-19. Tune in for some helpful tips on staying frugal during Coronavirus and investing your tax return. Outdoor Activities Sports equipment – football, soccer ball, basketball, nets Fishing gear [...]
Top Five Tips for Picking the Right Credit Card
Apr 08, 2020
Episode 168: Learn five tips for picking the right credit card with credit expert Gerri Detweiler, author of “Finance Your Own Business: Get on the Financing Fast Track” and Education Director at Nav. 1. Know Your Spending Habits Everyone gets a credit card with good intentions. However, what we intend [...]
Using a Personal Finance Journal to Reach Your Goals
Apr 03, 2020
Episode 167: Learn how to set personal finance goals and the power of budget tracking. We’re talking about the 2 Frugal Dudes Personal Finance Journal, tracking expenses, categorizing expenses, and achieving Financial Independence. Tune in to learn how you can win some extra freebies! Buy your personal finance journal here. [...]
Mysteries and Lies About Federal Student Loans
Mar 30, 2020
Episode 166: Learn about the nuances of federal student loans, misconceptions about loan forgiveness, and how to watch out for common mistakes when looking for student loan information with Michael Cundick of Student Loan Tutor. What Makes Federal Student Loans Unique? Federal student loans are a unique form of debt, [...]
What to Do When You Get Extra Money
Mar 26, 2020
Episode 165: We’re talking about investing, saving, and optimizing large sums of money. We’ll also touch on protecting your investments during the market slump as a result of Coronavirus. We often talk about what you should do when you get a large lump sum of money, and how you can [...]
All About Tax-Qualified Investment Options
Mar 16, 2020
Episode 164: Here’s what you need to know about tax-qualified investment options, how your behavior impacts your investments, and how to navigate tax deferment decisions with Don Eschbach of KISC. Don Eschbach is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF), Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist (CRPS), Accredited Portfolio Management Advisor (APMA), but most [...]
Tips for Selling Items on OfferUp for Extra Income
Mar 11, 2020
Episode 163: Kevin is sharing helpful tips for selling unused items on OfferUp to get some extra cash. Sean is recounting his experience talking to his kids about money after our “Tips for Raising Money Savvy Kids” episode. What is OfferUp? OfferUp is a market place app that lets you [...]
Tips for Raising Money Savvy Kids
Mar 06, 2020
Episode 162: Learn helpful tips for raising money savvy kids. We’re talking about why you should teach kids about money and how to go about it, with Rocky Lalvani, a Certified Profit First Coach. Why It’s Important to Teach Kids About Money Teaching your children about money sets them up [...]
Frugal Tips for Buying Lawn Maintenance Equipment
Mar 03, 2020
Episode 160: Learn frugal tips for buying lawn maintenance equipment, as well as helpful tips for tools and protecting your investment in this episode of the Where Our Money Went series. Sean is in the market for new lawn maintenance tools. Here are a few helpful pieces of advice for [...]
Your Guide To Passive Real Estate Investing Using Real Estate Syndications
Feb 28, 2020
Episode 160: Learn about how to invest passively in real estate syndications, to get all the benefits of investing in real estate with none of the hassles of being a landlord with Annie Dickerson of Goodegg Investments. What is a Real Estate Syndication? Syndications are group investments. Rather than dealing [...]
Frugal Tips for Building a Garage Gym
Feb 25, 2020
Episode 159: Learn frugal tips for building a garage gym, including a few pros and cons to consider. Sean’s money went toward buying a $70 pull-up bar to start putting together a home gym. He also bought a set of rings to be able to do ring rows and dips. [...]
Putting the Fun Back in Frugality
Feb 21, 2020
Episode 158: Learn how to make frugal living fun with tips for mindful spending and striving to increase your income rather than living a life of deprivation with Diana Merriam, founder of the EconoMe Conference. Tune in for a discount code and a chance to win tickets! Overcoming Mindless Consumption [...]
Tips for Filing a Tax Extension
Feb 18, 2020
Episode 157: Learn how to file a tax extension with the IRS and tips for filing a business tax extension or personal tax extension. If you’re running a business, filing an extension for your business taxes is really easy. It’s a few questions, a quick submission, and gives you a [...]
Tips for Frugal Travel in the UK
Feb 14, 2020
Episode 156: Learn how to navigate the UK on a budget. Find out how to save on transit and accommodations, as well as few hidden costs to look out for. Kevin is reporting from the UK, with some helpful tips for traveling through this often costly part of the world. [...]
How to De-Risk the Move to Self-Employment
Feb 11, 2020
Episode 155: Learn helpful tips for becoming self-employed while reducing risk. We’re talking about the seven financial keys to success and how to identify what’s holding you back so that you can work around them to achieve your entrepreneurial goals. On this episode, we’re joined by small business expert and [...]
When to Do Your Own Repairs
Feb 07, 2020
Episode 154: Should you do your own repairs or hire someone else? In this episode of the Where Our Money Went series we’re talking about basic handy skills, opportunity cost, and free tool lending programs. Learning Some Basic Handy Skills If you own a car or a home, it’s always [...]
Choosing an Airline Loyalty Program
Feb 04, 2020
Episode 153: Learn about the perks of getting status with an airline and some considerations for choosing an airline loyalty program on this episode of the Where Our Money Went series. Kevin lost his American Airlines status. When this happens, he receives an offer to pay to maintain his status. [...]
Upgrading Your Financial Operating Systems
Jan 31, 2020
Episode 152: How you handle your money is largely based on how you were raised, how open you are when discussing money, and the mindset that was bestowed upon you in your youth. Learn how to upgrade your financial operating system with financial coach, Lisa Duke. What is a Financial [...]
Investing in Mortgage-Backed Securities
Jan 28, 2020
Episode 151: What happens when your mortgage is sold? What’s mortgage-backed security? How can you invest in mortgage-backed securities? What are the risks? We cover this and a bit about Apple Cards in our latest episode of Where Our Money Went. This week, Sean learned that his mortgage had been [...]
All About Frugality and Freelancing
Jan 24, 2020
Episode 150: Learn how freelancing can help you become financially independent with Kim at The Frugal Engineers. How Freelancing Can Help You Become Financially Independent The main benefit of side-hustles is that they can be leveraged to increase your income to pay down debts. By assigning all the money you [...]
Auditing Your Utility Bills to Save Money
Jan 21, 2020
Episode 149: Learn how to take a closer look at your utility bills to save money, especially when moving to a new home. Moving into a new home can be a learning experience, as you might not know what to expect during your first billing cycle. Setting up an audit [...]
Generating Passive Income with Real Estate Investing
Jan 17, 2020
Episode 148: What is passive income? How do you start generating passive income? How can you make real estate investing a passive income-generating venture? Learn how to start generating passive income with Dustin Heiner of Master Passive Income. Dustin started with real estate investing after learning that job security doesn’t [...]
Parenting and Technology: Raising Kids in the Digital Era
Jan 15, 2020
Episode 147: We’re talking about the importance of having hobbies, and what it’s like having kids in the era of smart devices and continuous internet access. Encouraging Tech Literacy in Children Kevin is getting back to hobbies, particularly woodworking. Right now he is building a new work table that will [...]
2019 In Review and the 2020 Vision
Jan 10, 2020
Episode 146: We’re looking at 2019 in review and taking a look at what’s ahead for 2020. Tune in to see what exciting things are next for The 2 Frugal Dudes Community. Kevin’s 2019 Goals and Accomplishments Kevin had a lot of success in 2019. He fully funded both his [...]
Smart Strategies for Saving Up for Your Travel Goals
Jan 08, 2020
Episode 145: How to save for travel so that you can see the world on a budget. Learn smart saving tips for traveling with Savely app founder, Hov Marukyan. Breaking Down Your Money Goals When you ask most people what their top three financial goals are, most will be able [...]
Why Women Should Invest In Real Estate and How to Get Started
Jan 03, 2020
Episode 144: Learn about why women should invest in property, how men and women invest differently, and the challenges females face with becoming high-level investors with Monick Halm of Real Estate Investor Goddesses. Monick Halm is a successful property investor with over 1300 units over six states. After years of [...]
Helpful Tips for Smart Online Shopping
Dec 31, 2019
Episode 143: Learn some frugal tips for online shopping based on Kevin and Sean’s experiences during the holiday season, on this episode of the Where Our Money Went series. We’re also touching on health insurance spending and planning. Purchase From Recommended Sites When shopping online, be wary of online sites [...]
A Guide to Living a Life of Frugality
Dec 27, 2019
Episode 142: Learn how to live a life of frugality with Denis Truefin. Determine the difference between being frugal vs. cheap, how to start saving money, and what to do with the money you save. What Does Frugal Mean? There’s often a negative connotation with being frugal, when people simply [...]
Evaluating Opportunity Cost with Business Travel
Dec 23, 2019
Episode 141: When you start a business or side hustle, you need to consider the opportunity cost of everything you do. Here’s what you need to know about measuring the opportunity cost of business travel. Measuring Opportunity Cost as a Business Owner One of the main considerations for entrepreneurs and [...]
Balancing Multiple and Competing Money Goals
Dec 20, 2019
Episode 140: Should you get rid of debt or invest? Should you invest or build an emergency fund? How do you balance conflicting money goals? Learn how to balance multiple and competing money goals with Bernadette Joy. How Personal Finance is Different for Millennials While personal finance is a challenge [...]
Figuring Out What’s Next In Financial Independence and Financial Lifestyle Planning
Dec 17, 2019
Episode 139: The question “what’s next?” affects a lot of people in the FIRE community. In this episode, we talk about navigating what’s next and figuring out your path to financial independence. Kevin’s money went toward a documentary. He purchased Playing with FIRE, a documentary about the Financial Independence Retire [...]
Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence
Dec 13, 2019
Episode 138: Learn how to achieve Financial Independence with a step-by-step guide in Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence, a book by Chris Mamula. Top Tips for Achieving Financial Independence Learn the Rules Learn the rules surrounding what people usually do and what people should be doing to achieve [...]
Helpful Tips for Buying New Appliances
Dec 10, 2019
Episode 137: Learn some helpful tips about buying new appliances. Find ways to save money on appliances and considerations for when moving to a new house. Sean is navigating the divorce process while closing on a house. This week, his money is going toward moving into the new home without [...]
The Best Ways to Prepare for Retirement Healthcare Costs
Dec 06, 2019
Episode 136: Learn about the costs of healthcare after retirement, and how to budget for retirement to ensure that you’re covered. We’ll teach you valuable tips and tricks for getting the most out of your retirement healthcare. Understanding Healthcare Costs in Retirement There’s a common misconception that Medicare is free. [...]
Eliminating Your Mortgage Insurance Premium
Dec 03, 2019
Episode 135: Your mortgage insurance premium is meant to protect the bank if you default on your mortgage. Once you pay down the loan, you are able to eliminate the charge. Tune in to discover how Kevin eliminated his mortgage insurance premium to save $100 per month on this episode [...]
Making Better Financial Decisions to Reach Success Faster
Nov 29, 2019
Episode 134: Learn how to make better financial decisions to reach success faster than you ever thought possible, with Dirk Maierhafer, author of the Quickstart Guide to Financial Success. What is Financial Success? The definition of financial success is objective: what success means to you might be different than your [...]
Creating Multiple Savings Accounts to Reach Your Goals
Nov 26, 2019
Episode 133: There are many reasons to have multiple bank accounts. Discover the pros and cons of creating multiple savings accounts and how you can use the envelope system to reach your goal on this episode in the Where Our Money Went series with guest host, Cassie Micheal. The Benefits [...]
How to Talk About Money with Your Spouse
Nov 22, 2019
Episode 132: Tips for communicating about money in your marriage to make sure you’re on the same page for saving, spending, and financial wellness with Lara McElderry of the Married to Doctors podcast and special guest host Cassie Michael from The Thrifty Couple. Why Couples Fight About Money According to [...]
Is Disney+ Worth the Investment?
Nov 19, 2019
Episode 131: Is Disney+ worth the money? What sets it apart from the rest of the streaming services? Is Disney+ Worth the Money? Disney+ is the freshly launched streaming service that not only boasts your favorite Disney movies and shows from the past decades, but it also hosts their child [...]
Lifestyle Deflation for a Better Life
Nov 15, 2019
Episode 130: Lifestyle deflation is the process of making small changes to remove low-value expenses. Learn how to use lifestyle deflation for a better frugal living with Dr. Bill Yount of Pivot Points MD. What is Lifestyle Deflation? Lifestyle deflation is identifying and correcting the excess spending and waste in [...]
How to Do a Profit First Distribution
Nov 11, 2019
Episode 129: Profit First is a money management system that helps entrepreneurs get paid. Tune in to learn how to do a Profit First distribution and use this money management system to your advantage. What is Profit First? Profit First is a money management system for small businesses. For every [...]
Your Guide to House Hacking
Nov 04, 2019
Episode 128: Learn how to hack your housing and how to become financially independent by capitalizing on the real estate market with Bradley Labrie. What Is House Hacking? House hacking is when you purchase a home or rental unit, living in one area and renting out the rest. This can [...]
Choosing a Mortgage Interest Rate
Oct 29, 2019
Episode 127: What considerations go into choosing a mortgage interest rate? When should you lock into a rate? Sean sheds some light on locking into a mortgage rate and paying down the interest at closing on this episode in the Where Our Money Went series. Tax Refunds Kevin got a [...]
How to Form a Healthy Relationship with Money
Oct 24, 2019
Episode 126: What is a healthy relationship with money? How can you build a healthy relationship with money? Deanna Broaddus of Recovering Women Wealth joins to help you fix your money mindset. Becoming Debt Free with Deanna Broaddus Deanna Broaddus grew up in an upper-middle-class household with healthy money habits. [...]
Tips for Spending Money in Groups
Oct 21, 2019
Episode 125: Figuring out how to split expenses within groups can be challenging. Tune in for tips on how to share costs and expenses with multiple people while traveling on this episode in the Where Our Money Went series. How to Split Money During Group Trips Kevin was at a [...]
How to Implement a Money Management System
Oct 15, 2019
Episode 124: Learn how to implement a money management system to create small, sustainable habits that lead to long-term financial independence. Scott Henderson, who grew up in a broken household, but grew up to discover the path to financial freedom and break the chains of poverty and is now helping [...]
When It’s Worth it to Spend Extra Money
Oct 11, 2019
Episode 123: When is it worth spending extra money along your journey to Financial Independence? Investing in high-quality products that you’ll use, and supporting your beloved furry friends are a few topics we’ll be covering in this episode of the Where Our Money Went series. Spending on Quality Products Kevin’s [...]
Tips for Managing Finances in the Military
Oct 08, 2019
Episode 122: Wondering how to manage your finances when you’re serving in the military? In this episode, we’re talking about military tax tips and military money management tips. On this episode, we’re talking to Scott Vance of the Sheepdog Financial podcast. Scott is a fee-only financial planner focusing on military [...]
Getting a Mortgage Without a Credit Score
Oct 04, 2019
Episode 121: Learn about getting a mortgage without a credit score– one of the caveats of financial independence! Paying Mortgage Insurance Premiums Kevin hasn’t had much time to spend money lately, because he’s head his head down at work. On the plus side, Kevin got a notice from his mortgage [...]
How to Get Started with Social Investing
Sep 30, 2019
Episode 120: What is social investing? What are investment clubs? Learn how to get started with social investing with Thomas Beattie of Voleo. Tune in to take advantage of free training! On today’s episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking to Thomas Beattie. With over 15 years of experience in [...]
How to Start a Business on a Budget
Sep 26, 2019
Episode 119: Wondering how to start a business on a budget? We’ve got you covered. On today’s episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking about starting a business on a shoestring budget with Bobby Warren, a former Associated Press award-winning journalist that left the industry to start an SEO and [...]
How to Save Money At Amusement Parks
Sep 24, 2019
Episode 118: Learn how to save money at amusement parks and catch some tips for how to start investing for your kids. On this episode of the Where Our Money Went series, Kevin shares his hack for saving money at amusement parks and Sean dives into teaching kids about compound [...]
Tips for Managing Your Business Finances
Sep 19, 2019
Episode 117: Need tips for managing your business finances and making your business more profitable? Tune in for details. On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking about tips for managing your business finances with Mike Michalowicz. An entrepreneur behind three multimillion-dollar companies, Mike is the author of Profit [...]
When Using Public Transit Makes Sense
Sep 16, 2019
Episode 116: Tips for using public transit when traveling. Does it make sense to take the bus, call a cab or book an Uber? Here’s what you need to know. Preparing for FinCon The conversation about public transit started during preparations for FinCon. When you’re traveling, when does it make [...]
10 Keys to Building a Financial Plan
Aug 27, 2019
Episode 115: Tune in for the 10 Keys to Building a Financial Plan that will set you up for success now and during retirement. In this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking to Ryan Inman about the 10 key components of building a financial plan. Ryan is a fee-only [...]
The Financial Independence Summit
Aug 19, 2019
Episode 114: How to budget money, how to save money, and how to become financially independent, all in one event. In this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re telling you everything you need to know about the upcoming FI Summit. It went so great last time that we’re doing it [...]
The Four Keys to Abundant Frugal Living
Aug 09, 2019
Episode 113: How to live frugally without sacrificing your dreams. Tune in for the four keys to abundant frugal living. On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking about the four keys to abundant frugal living with Steve & Annette Economides, frugal living experts, and NY Times Bestselling Authors. [...]
Planning for Senior Housing
Aug 07, 2019
Episode 112: On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking to Emmanuel Guarino, the leading retirement assisted living (RAL) realtor in Arizona, and a sought after coach. Emmanuel is teaching us all about planning for senior housing and the investment opportunities that come with it. About Emmanuel When Emmanuel [...]
How We Budget Our Money
Jul 19, 2019
Episode 111: Learn about how we budget our money, as we share a few ideas you can apply to your own budgeting process. How We Budget Our Money Kevin calls himself a lazy budgeter. All of his bills are set up on autopay, so his budgeting for extras all depends [...]
Life as a Renter
Jul 03, 2019
Episode 110: On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’ll be talking about life as a renter based on Sean’s own experience making the change from homeowner. Sean’s Renting Experience Sean has been renting for about three years as a part of his family’s FIRE goals. Renting has offered a [...]
All About Incorporating 2 Frugal Dudes
Apr 11, 2019
On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking all about the process of incorporating this podcast and making it into an official business. Don’t forget that you can get the replay videos of FI Summit here! Stay tuned for our next summit in the fall! CHA-CHING! Why We Incorporated 2 Frugal [...]
How to Survive with Only One Car
Mar 21, 2019
Episode 108: On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking about how to survive with only one family car to get you where you need to be. Don’t forget that you can get the replay videos of FI Sumit here! Stay tuned for our next summit in the fall! CHA-CHING! [...]
Frugal Tips for Tax Season
Feb 28, 2019
On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking about tips for tax season to help you maximize your tax return, whether you’re self-employed or working the 9-5. Using an Accountant Kevin wears a lot of hats: business owner, non-profit organizer, Podcaster extraordinaire– so it gets complicated. To simplify the [...]
How to Market Your Business on a Budget
Feb 14, 2019
Episode 106: On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking to Zack Miller, marketing expert and author of Anomaly. Zack joins us with valuable lessons on how to get attention for your business or career while being frugal. Visit Zack at! Zack’s Journey Zack graduated in 2007 from [...]
Ten Personal Finance Tips for Technology Professionals
Jan 24, 2019
Episode 105: We’re talking to Troy Hunt to learn ten personal finance tips for technology professionals. Troy is am author Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking and training technology professionals while blogging about it all on Troy’s Journey Troy comes from a software development background [...]
Everything You Need to Know About FI Summit
Jan 17, 2019
Episode 104: We’re covering everything you need to know about our first online FI Summit. Reserve your spot here. People who sign up for the live event will receive a free copy of the Early Retirement Roadmap and a FIRE calculator from Physician on FIRE. What is FI Summit? While [...]
Conducting a Personal Budget Analysis
Dec 20, 2018
On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re joined by our listener Mike Rollins as we tear apart his budget. Mike’s Journey Mike Rollins is the self-proclaimed Maverick of drone flying– even if that means he occasionally crashes the drone into himself. Early into Mike’s marriage, Mike and his wife [...]
Managing Your Personal and Business Finances
Nov 22, 2018
Episode 102: On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking with Sharita Humphrey on how to manage your personal and business finances. Sharita is a certified financial educator, coach, and educator who helps individuals and small business owners reach their financial goals. Sharita’s Journey Despite being comfortable now, Sharita [...]
Giving Hope with Your Financial Independence Feel Good Story of the Day
Nov 08, 2018
Episode 101: We’re sharing a good feeling of hope by discussing some positive stories and the 2 Frugal Dudes journey. We’ll be covering financial independence and the wide range of emotions that you may be experiencing on your financial journey. Frugal Tip Set up your IRA or 401K deductions on an [...]
2 Frugal Dudes Podcast | The 100th Episode!
Oct 25, 2018
Episode 100: We’re reliving the journey so far on the 100th episode of 2 Frugal Dudes. Two Years of Frugal Living: A Recap Once upon a time, Kevin and Sean met through their careers in software development. They started conversing about frugal living. Over time, they realized that they had [...]
Live From FinCon! Pt. 2
Oct 18, 2018
Episode 99: On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re live from FinCon again! We’ll give you an update of the conference as of day four. The last few days have been big on networking. FinCon is an excellent place to meet new contacts and help build each other’s businesses. [...]
2FD 098: Live from FinCon!
Oct 11, 2018
On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re live from FinCon! We’ll give you a rundown about what we’ve learned, how the conference is overall, and interesting frugal tips and tricks. FinCon is a conference where money and media meet. Overall, the atmosphere is very relaxed and inviting. We even [...]
Pursuing Financial Independence While Traveling Full-time
Oct 04, 2018
Episode 97: Learn how to pursue financial independence and be a part of the FIRE community while traveling full-time. Learn how to score great travel deals, find free lodgings, and explore the world on a dime. On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re pursuing FIRE while traveling full-time with [...]
Frugal Cruise Hacks for a Vacation on a Budget
Sep 27, 2018
Episode 96: Learn all about CoderCruise, Kevin’s experience there, and some frugal cruise hacks that will help you take a cruise vacation on a budget. Kevin and Swift Kick For those who don’t know, Kevin owns the company Swift Kick and provides personal and corporate software training packages. Kevin started [...]
Full Review of “Financially Stupid People are Everywhere”
Sep 20, 2018
Episode 95: we’re reviewing a book that Kevin recently read called Financially Stupid People are Everywhere by Jason Kelly, a book which was recommended by a previous guest on 2 Frugal Dudes! Kevin has a rule that every time someone recommends a book, he adds it to his Amazon wishlist. [...]
Tips for Affordable World Travel
Sep 13, 2018
Episode 94: Learn about affordable world travel with Trinity and Bonnie, who retired at age 43 in 2016, when they retired, sold everything, and started backpacking around the world. Visit them at Trin and Bonnie’s Journey Bonnie grew up in a frugal household, which sparked her entrepreneurial spirit. Her [...]
What it Means to Be Frugal | Peeling Back Frugality
Aug 30, 2018
Episode 94: We’re peeling back frugality with Joel Larsgaard of the How to Money Podcast (Formerly the Pour Not Poor Podcast at the time of recording). Find out more at Joel’s Journey Joel started working at age 14, showing his natural work ethic. He’s always had an understanding of [...]
Everything You Need to Know About Bankruptcy
Aug 23, 2018
Episode 92: We’re breaking down bankruptcy with Carmen Dellutri, CEO of the Dellutri Law Group and expert in bankruptcy, personal injury law, and a consumer protection advocate. Find out more at Carmen’s Journey If there’s anything Carmen has learned throughout the years, it’s that you should talk to your [...]
Find Freedom by Learning to be Better Stewards of Time, Talent, and Treasures
Aug 16, 2018
Episode 91: We’re helping you lift up your spirit if your finances are getting you down by learning to be better stewards of your time, talent, and treasures with Scott Maderer of Scott’s Journey Scott confesses that in his relationship, he’s the one who has struggled with implementing a [...]
How to Fuel Your Entrepreneur Aspirations
Aug 09, 2018
Episode 90: We’re learning how to fuel your entrepreneur aspirations through a discussion with Tom Sylvester, a business coach and strategist for entrepreneurs looking to build the right business, increase sales, and achieve financial freedom while creating the ideal lifestyle for their families. Visit Tom at Tom’s Journey Tom grew [...]
A Simple Guide to College 529 Plan Savings
Aug 02, 2018
Episode 89: Learn how to simplify College 529 savings plans. On this episode of Two Frugal Dudes, we’re learning how to simplify college 529 plan savings with Abby Chao, a college savings geek with a mission to democratize access to the best tools and information available to prepare financially for [...]
Escape Debt Collectors and Prevent Identity and Property Theft
Jul 26, 2018
Episode 88: Learn how to silence debt collectors, fix credit report errors, help with identity theft and prevent property theft. We’re joined by Sonya Smith-Valentine, founder and president of Sonya’s Journey Sonya is a CPA turned attorney who specializes in financial litigation. Her main role was representing consumers who [...]
How to become Debt and Mortgage Free While Boosting Your Net Worth
Jul 19, 2018
Episode 87: Learn how to get both mortgage and debt free in a few short years, and how to boost your net worth. We also cover estate planning. On this episode of Two Frugal Dudes, we’re putting debt in the rearview mirror, increasing our net worth, and looking ahead at [...]
Playing With Fire | A Documentary About the FIRE Community
Jul 12, 2018
Episode 86: Financially Independent Retired Early (FIRE) Community, Non-FIRE Neighbors, Switching To Internet Cable TV On this episode of Two Frugal Dudes, we’re Playing with FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) with guest Scott Rieckens from Scott’s Journey Scott is a two-time Emmy nominated film director, currently working on a [...]
Tips for Active Military, Veteran and Government Finances | Finding FI While Serving
Jul 05, 2018
Episode 85: Learn about the benefits military personnel should be aware of, and how to become financially independent while in the military. We cover helpful tips for active service members and veterans. Our Guest Doug Nordman from Discussion Points The benefits military personnel should be taking advantage of. How [...]
Your Guide to Investment Allocation, and Choosing Index Funds vs. Stock Options
Jun 28, 2018
Episode 84: Investment Allocation, Index Funds Vs. Stock, Cryptocurrency And Long-Term Care Insurance Our Guest Adam Fortuna from Discussion Points Lessons learned after receiving a windfall inheritance. Index Fund investing explained. Funds vs. Individual picks. How to set rules around your investment plan. Making room for speculative investing. Thoughts [...]
How to Get Out of a Bad Time-Share
Jun 21, 2018
Episode 83: Timeshare Exit, Risks Of Timeshares, Outsourcing Help And Putting Quality Back Into Your Diet Our Guest Gordon Newton from Discussion Points Why people want to exit their timeshares. Why timeshares are not an investment. Getting the right help to exit your timeshare. How to educate yourself o the [...]
Calculating the Home You Can Afford vs. What You Get Approved For
Jun 14, 2018
Episode 82: Downsizing, Evaluating Investment Property, Real Estate Misconceptions And Mastermind Groups Our Guest Dan Mackin from The Millennial Real Estate Investor Podcast. Discussion Points The cost of building your own electric bike. When downsizing your life gives you more quality for your money. How to evaluate investment properties. Calculating [...]
Learn about Buy and Hold Investing
Jun 07, 2018
Episode 81: Learn the basics of buy and hold investing, and how you can reinvent yourself and embrace change. Our Guest JimJim from Discussion Points Buy and Hold investing by perceived value. Looking at the world globally for investing and life choices. How JimJim knew to buy Apple stock in [...]
How to Talk About Money in Relationships and Navigate Marriage Counseling
May 31, 2018
Episode 80: How to Talk About Money in Relationships and Navigate Marriage Counseling Our Guest Ericka Young from Discussion Points The important money conversations to have with your significant other. How marriage counseling could kick things off in the right direction. The benefits of sharing your finances. Key financial [...]
Evaluating Opportunity Costs Between DIY and Paid Services
May 24, 2018
Episode 79: Finding the opportunity for adventure and learning the opportunity cost of debt. Learn how to decide between DIY and paid services. Our Guest Mrs. Adventure Rich from Discussion Points Looking back at debt in the rear view mirror. How to re-frame life as an adventure. Example adventures [...]
How to Live the Startup Life
May 17, 2018
Episode 78: Learn about living the startup life while finding money for what matters. Find helpful tips and tricks for being an entrepreneur and how to plan ahead for travel and retirement. Our Guest Garrett Philbin from Discussion Points How Garrett overcame taking risks for what mattered most. The [...]
How to List Your House on AirBnB and Make Money Doing It
May 10, 2018
Episode 77: Learn how to find a FI club and make extra income by listing your house on Airbnb. Find your niche market and grow a side-hustle that pays. Our Guest Ellen and Michael Robinson from Discussion Points Why you should find a local Financial Independence club and how [...]
What to Know About Retirement Accounts and Self-Directed IRAs
May 03, 2018
Episode 76: Tune into learn about retirement accounts and self-directed IRAs while pursuing your travel goals. Our Guest Kirk Chisholm from Discussion Points The different types of retirement accounts available. When to consider a retirement account rollover into an IRA. When to convert a traditional account to a Roth [...]
Tips for Starting House Hacking and Real Estate Investing
Apr 26, 2018
Episode 75: Learn how to start house hacking and real estate investing while managing your business finances. Our Guest Chad Carson from Discussion Points How to manage your business finances. Why house hacking is the easiest way to start with real estate investing. How to begin real estate investing [...]
How to Do Compound Debt Payoff with Side Hustles and Practical Budgeting
Apr 19, 2018
Episode 74: How to practice practical budgeting and enable compound debt pay-off with smart spending and side hustles. Our Guest Alex and Cassie from Discussion Points Recovery from 90K in debt and payday loan cycles. The 2% rule to pay off debt. The main reasons people end up in [...]
How to Take Mini-Retirements and Protect Your Wealth
Apr 12, 2018
Episode 73: How to plan a mini-retirement and tips for taking sabbaticals from work while protecting your wealth. You’ll also find some awesome $1 meals. Our Guest Jillian from Discussion Points What is a mini retirement. The keys to a successful mini retirement. Meals for under a buck. The [...]
Debt Payoff Strategies and How to Start Investing
Apr 05, 2018
Episode 72: Debt payoff strategies to help you invest while getting out of debt, and teaching you investing for beginners. Our Guest Mary Wheeler from Discussion Points How Mary paid of $30K of debt in 96 days. What debt is costing you. When to invest vs. payoff debt. How [...]
A Wall Street Guide to Achieving Your Goals Faster
Mar 29, 2018
Episode 71: Learn about Wall Street Life, how to improve your Financial Literacy, Achieving Goals Faster with the M.A.S.T.E.R. System and how to host Family Finance Meetings Our Guest Joey Fehrman from Discussion Points A glimpse into the life of a wall street employee. Fun ways to obtain financial [...]
How to Find Meaning in Your Money
Mar 22, 2018
Episode 70: Learn about money for meaning, overcoming fear, and how to align your values with your goals so you have no regrets on your death bed. Our Guest Mark Lancia and Mihaela Jekic from Discussion Points How to find meaning in your money. Lessons learned from achieving a [...]
Tips for Retiring Abroad and Managing Investment Properties Remotely
Mar 15, 2018
Episode 69: Learn about Geographic Arbitrage, Retiring Aboard, Managing Rental Property Remotely And Savings Statistics Our Guest Jim from Discussion Points Earning income with a high valued currency to spend it in a country with a lower valued currency. What you should think about if considering living abroad. Dealing [...]
Finding Frugal Experiences and Free Events with a Lifestyle Overhaul
Mar 08, 2018
Episode 68: Find out how to have frugal experiences and take trips every year on a budget. You’ll learn how a higher quality of life comes from a lower standard of living and how to find free events. Our Guest Amy and Tim Rutherford from Discussion Points Spending $115K [...]
How to detect financial fraud and find trustworthy financial advisors
Mar 01, 2018
Episode 67: Discover how to detect Financial Fraud and decide Who To Trust With Your Money. You’ll also learn about Stock Market Correction and working with Fiduciary Advisors. Our Guest Stephen Rischall from 1080 Financial Group. Discussion Points Frugal organized sports The different types of financial fraud. How to know [...]
Frugal Tips for Full-Time Traveling
Feb 22, 2018
Episode 66: Tune in for frugal tips for full-time traveling. You’ll learn how to catalog your keepsakes and calculate the costs of RV living and Boondocking! Our Guest Steve Adcock from Discussion Points Why we ignore the stock market ups and downs. The best place to take a shower [...]
Early Retirement Life and How to Be Happy with Mindfulness
Feb 15, 2018
Episode 65: Learn about life after early retirement and financial independence. We also talk about how to practice mindfulness and be happy with what you have. Tune in for a few useful tax filing tips to maximize your return. Our Guest Carl and Mindy from Discussion Points Where time [...]
Pension Plans, Calculating Retirement, Frugal Valentine’s Day Ideas
Feb 08, 2018
Episode 64: Learn about the best pension plans for you and how to calculate savings for retirement. We’re also diving into some frugal Valentine’s gift ideas. Our Guest Our awesome listener, Buddy Bonner! Discussion Points How pension plans work. Defined benefit vs. defined contribution plans. Why pensions are hard to [...]
Tips for Paying Off Student Loans
Feb 01, 2018
Episode 63: Helpful tips for paying off student loans. Tune in to learn more about the problem with early 401K withdrawals and how to get frugal internet TV streaming. Our Guest Travis Hornsby from Discussion Points Why you should care about paying off your student loans. The taxes and [...]
Maximizing Your Income and Practicing Intentional Spending
Jan 25, 2018
Episode 62: Find out how to maximize your income and practice intentional spending. You’ll learn how to get a raise, finance a frugal divorce, and focus on frugal profit. Our Guest Eric Rosenberg from Discussion Points How often you should get a raise. Shifting from a career to a [...]
Overcoming Financial Abuse and Improving Your Credit Score as a Single Parent
Jan 18, 2018
Episode 61: Learn about Financial Abuse, Improving Your Credit Score, Single Parents, Special Needs Assistance, Freelancing, Frugal Self-Defense, and Short-Term Investments Our Guest Sarah Allison from Discussion Points The biggest factors that go into your credit score. How to recognize financial abuse. Managing personal finances for single parents. Getting [...]
Managing Your Own Finances – Being Poor vs. Broke
Jan 11, 2018
Episode 60: Learn about Managing Your Own Finances, Being Poor Vs. Broke, Investment Expenses, Immigration Challenges, And Roth 401Ks Our Guest Valentine Nde from Discussion Points How expense ratios affect your investment returns. Valentine’s personal finance journey as an immigrant from being poor in Cameroon, Africa, going broke with [...]
The Path Towards Wealth
Jan 04, 2018
Episode 59: Learn about The Path Towards Wealth, 401K Changes, Saving On Groceries, Tackling Debt, New Year’s Resolutions And Cattle! Our Guest Justin Taylor from Discussion Points The changes coming to your 401K in 2018. Getting paid to go to college. How young people can get a loan. How [...]
Experiencing Freedom Before Financial Freedom
Dec 28, 2017
Episode 58: Live life with the confidence to have freedom before you’re financially independent. Learn the difference between being frugal and being cheap, and how to take the first steps toward financial freedom. Our Guest Ryland King from where he’s helping people get their financial life in order so [...]
Getting Started With Real Estate Investing
Dec 21, 2017
Episode 57: How to get started with real estate investing. Learn about the different ways to invest in real estate and how to avoid scams that will lose you money. Our Guest Eric Bowlin, a 31 year old financially independent real estate investor who shares his secrets through Discussion [...]
Saving Money The Best Way For Your Goals
Dec 14, 2017
Episode 56: How to save money for your goals. Learn why traditional savings accounts fail and how to pay yourself first. The choices you have with saving your money keep evolving as technology and competition improves. Here are some new ways to save money, where to find a good savings [...]
The Spending and Saving Habits of Americans
Dec 07, 2017
Episode 55: Learn about the surprising saving and spending trends in America. We peered into the spending and saving habits of Americans, looking at statistics around student loan debt, auto loans, the effect of our impulses and what millennials are doing differently. Jennifer McDermott from, has joined us to [...]
Saving Money Buying, Selling and Refinancing a Home
Nov 30, 2017
Episode 54: Learn how to save money buying, selling, and refinancing your home. You’ll find out how to find a great realtor, how to find a great lendor, and about the hidden closing costs when buying and selling a home. Dan Green from Growella (now has 15 years of [...]
Finding a Health Insurance Plan That Fits You
Nov 23, 2017
Episode 53: Find health insurance that fits your needs and your budget. Get up to date on alternatives to traditional health insurance plans and learn how to negotiate your rates. Jack Hooper from Take Command Health joins us to help clear up the changes to health insurance and give you [...]
Quality of Life Before Standard of Life
Nov 16, 2017
Episode 52: You can have a high quality of life without focusing on a high standard of living. Learn about living frugally to improve your quality of life in the middle class. Are you living a high quality of life? Donna Imam joins us to talk about what she thinks [...]
Listener Case Study with Kyle Anderson
Nov 09, 2017
Episode 51: Learn about how to live frugally in a tiny home and how to take a mini retirement. We’re also talking about validating your business idea and seeking investors. We are so lucky to have another listener join the show to share his story towards early retirement! Kyle Anderson [...]
Looking Back After One Year of Podcasting
Nov 02, 2017
Episode 50: We’re doing a review of the past year of podcasting, and what we’ve learned so far Can you believe we’ve been doing this podcast for a year already?It’s our one year anniversary and we’re taking this episode to look back at a year of fun and talk about [...]
2FD 049: Alternative Investments For Your Portfolio
Oct 26, 2017
Have you considered holding non-traditional alternative investments in your portfolio?Kirk Chisholm, a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) has joined us to provide some insight into the opportunities that exist for owning alternative investments. There are many ways to grow your money outside of the traditional stocks, bonds and other securities we’re [...]
2FD 048: Budgeting For a Vacation Abroad
Oct 19, 2017
Have you ever thought about taking a vacation abroad?Our return guest, Justin from is back with us after returning from a nine-week Euro-Trip with his family of five. Justin retired at the age of 33 and has been enjoying life ever since. Hear Justin’s take on what places to visit and how to [...]
2FD 047: Understanding Your Credit Report
Oct 12, 2017
Were you impacted by the recent Equifax cybersecurity breach?There are many reasons to monitor your credit report, which is free and entitled to you. Looking at your credit report and understanding how your credit score is calculated is very important in identifying fraud attempts or finding where your credit is [...]
2FD 046: Safely Withdrawing Your Investments in Retirement with Early Retirement Dude
Oct 05, 2017
Do you know how much you need in your investments to retire?Early Retirement Dude has joined us again after retiring early himself at the age of 36 almost 13 years ago! He explains to us the concept of a safe withdrawal rate to know how much you can withdrawal from your [...]
2FD 045: Listener Case Study with Sal Hernandez
Sep 28, 2017
We have the pleasure of performing another listener case study with Sal Hernandez today! Sal is a young professional that has been diligent about finding the right career for his life and focusing on paying off debt to pursue his financial dreams. With savings starting to accumulate and recently purchasing [...]
2FD 044: Finance Nerds Unite! Sharing Your Financial Journey with Phillip Taylor
Sep 21, 2017
Do you have a story to share with your personal finances? There is always room for more contributors to reach people in need of financial education. Today we are joined by PT from to talk about how to get started and the benefits of sharing your journey. Everyone’s situation [...]
2FD 043: Things to Consider About a College Education
Sep 14, 2017
Are you ready to go to college? College is a huge decision and it’s extremely important to know how much college to take and how much you can afford. Student loan debt is taking over the nation and many people are paying for it later in life after failing to [...]
2FD 042: Making Major Life Changes with Todd Nevins
Sep 07, 2017
Are you stuck in a rut or ready to stop living a normal, predictable life? Todd Nevins from the Go Hunt Life podcast has joined us to talk about the beauty in making major life changes. Todd has had the pleasure of interviewing people who have “pulled the ripcord” and [...]
2FD 041: Tapping into Your Freelancing Potential with Brennan Dunn
Aug 31, 2017
Are you considering freelancing to bring in some extra income? Brennan Dunn from Double Your Freelancing has joined us today to share insight into his freelancing story that led to generating seven figures a year for his business. You may not have as much job security as you think as [...]
2FD 040: The Reasons for Homeschooling with The Frugal Girl
Aug 24, 2017
Kristen, A.K.A. The Frugal Girl has joined us once again to share her experience from both being homeschooled herself and now homeschooling her own four children. This super-mom’s oldest child just recently graduated and she has decades of homeschooling wisdom to pour on us. The best thing is how pragmatic [...]
2FD 039: Listener Case Study with Aimee Knight
Aug 17, 2017
We are back with another jam packed listener case study! We are so excited to have Aimee Knight, a loyal 2 Frugal Dudes listener, come on the show to open up her life with you to see where she can improve her personal finances. Aimee has great savings habits and [...]
2FD 038: The Money You’re Leaving on The Table with John Wedding
Aug 10, 2017
Could there still be some places that you can cut back your spending? John Wedding from has joined us to share some of his straight-up, cold hard savings tips to help you do a little extra. Good deals are all around us and he’s going to help shed some [...]
2FD 037: Managing Your Personal Finances with
Aug 03, 2017
What are you using to help manage your personal finances? Today, we are joined by Kimmie Greene from, the FREE mobile app and website to manage your personal finances. We love using Mint for many things, like getting our free credit score, creating a budget, tracking our net worth, [...]
2FD 036: Blogging as a Side Hustle with J. Money
Jul 27, 2017
Have you considered starting a blog to bring in some side income? J. Money from and has joined us to share the pros and cons of blogging after years of experience buying and managing them over the years. He lets us know what has worked for him and what [...]
2FD 035: Charity and Giving
Jul 20, 2017
Do you ever ask yourself why, when or how much to give to charity? There are limitless ways you can give your time and money for great causes and trying to hash out the choices can be difficult. Some people need to see the impact of their giving in order [...]
2FD 034: Listener Case Study with Francis Pasket
Jul 13, 2017
We have completed our first ever listener case study! We are so excited to have Francis Pasket, a loyal 2 Frugal Dudes listener, come on the show to open up his life with you to see where he can improve. Francis and his family have the opportunity to live back [...]
2FD 033: Taking the Frugal Leap with Mrs. Frugalwoods
Jul 06, 2017
Are you or someone you know considering a frugal lifestyle? Liz, A.K.A. Mrs. Frugalwoods, has joined us to discuss the beauty in living a frugal life as she shares the wonderful experiences with her family throughout their journey. Their philosophy is that frugality enables you to pursue unusual aspirations and opens [...]
2FD 032: The Psychology of Investing
Jun 29, 2017
Do you know how your brain affects investing? As we wrap up our book study of Unshakeable by Tony Robbins, the book closes out with addressing the cognitive biases that affect investing and how to control them. Your brain can really take control of your emotions based on what you’re [...]
2FD 031: Setting Up Your Frugal Kitchen With The Frugal Girl
Jun 22, 2017
Are you throwing out food in your refrigerator at the end of the week? The Frugal Girl (Kristen) has joined us to help get your frugal cooking in order in a fun-filled episode with years of cooking experience. Kristen is a cheerful blogger who has been sharing her story through amazing, [...]
2FD 030: Investing In Yourself
Jun 15, 2017
Are you dedicating some of your time towards investing in yourself? Kevin and Sean reunited in Virginia Beach, VA at RevolutionConf, a conference for software engineers. Getting involved in our industry’s community through attending and eventually organizing meetups and conferences has played a key role in our professional development. [...]
2FD 029: The Financial Independence Online Community
Jun 08, 2017
Ever heard the term FIRE? The FIRE (Financial Independence and Retired Early) community has a large online presence of experts answering questions to help more people achieve their financial goals. There is a good chance that someone else in a similar situation as yourself has already asked questions that you [...]
2FD 028: Discussing Early Retirement with Others
Jun 01, 2017
Do you tell people that you’re planning for Early Retirement? Justin from joins us to share how discussions of Early Retirement went down with co-workers, family members, friends and in random talks. After losing his job, Justin realized that he could retire a lot sooner than his original plans [...]
2FD 027: Surviving Early Retirement
May 25, 2017
Thinking about Early Retirement? Early Retirement Dude from has joined us to share his experience of early retirement since he left the system almost 12 years ago at the age of 36. How will you know when to pull the trigger and get through the turmoil that will happen? [...]
2FD 026: Unshakeable Book Study Part 6
May 18, 2017
Do you understand the different types of assets you can invest in and where to place them? Holding different types of assets in your portfolio is critical to help minimize the downside and for creating an asset allocation that works for your lifestyle. There is no magic calculation to determine [...]
2FD 025: Unshakeable Book Study Part 5
May 11, 2017
Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew the common investment principles amongst all successful investors? Tony Robbins shares insight into the key principles to success after studying famous investors. Protect the downside in your investments with asymmetric risk calculations for the highest returns. Even the big guns aim for years with [...]
2FD 024: Unshakeable Book Study Part 4
May 04, 2017
Do you understand what exactly your financial advisor is doing for you and how they get paid? Tony Robbins sheds some light on the requirements of financial advisors and the difference between the two types. 90% of advisors are brokers that earn commissions based on sales and special interests could [...]
2FD 023: Unshakeable Book Study Part 3
Apr 27, 2017
When was the last time you looked at the costs your financial advisor or mutual funds are charging you? Many times as Jack Bogle says “Investors are taking 100% of the risk for 33% of the return.” Don’t let your retirement suffer because you’re not getting the best rates at [...]
2FD 022: Unshakeable Book Study Part 2
Apr 20, 2017
Are you scared of the stock market? Some of us need facts, math and history examples to build confidence in making decisions and Tony Robbins provides us that with his Freedom Facts in Chapter 2. Your biggest danger is being on the sidelines and letting inflation eat away at your [...]
2FD 021: Credit Card Rewards Hacking
Apr 13, 2017
Credit Cards can hurt a lot of people… But a select few can responsibly take advantage of the credit card rewards system to spread their dollar even further. Join us with our special guest Tom Marsden (@TommyboyCAN) to learn how he’s gaming his credit card rewards strategy to pay for [...]
2FD 020: Unshakeable Book Study Part 1
Apr 06, 2017
We started a book study! Follow along with us as we read through Tony Robbin’s new book Unshakeable. Hear our thoughts about the content in chapter 1 from the self-help guru talking about financial freedom. Tony goes over the concept of being Unshakeable and how the book is a summation [...]
2FD 019: Choosing Insurance
Mar 30, 2017
Choosing the right insurance can be confusing. Big players in the market make it hard sometimes to really understand your insurance choices and interfere with finding the best price for the right policy for you. Join us and our special guest Kevin Curry from Comparity to learn how the insurance [...]
2FD 018: Post-Cruise Update
Mar 23, 2017
Kevin took his first cruise! And he’s back to talk about his awesome experience and share some lessons learned. He even met people that cruise 24×7 because of the cost advantages! Tune in to hear about what he’d do differently looking back and where the deals were. Cruises have many [...]
2FD 017: Random Money
Mar 16, 2017
Getting random money is awesome! But deciding on how to use that money can be tough. The two options basically boil down to spending or saving it. It’s best to just brainstorm the different ways to use the money and then sit on it before the right mix comes to [...]
2FD 016: Military Finances with Russ Gates
Mar 09, 2017
The military has some awesome, well deserved, benefits! But you have to know how to use them… Join us and our special guest Russ Gates, an active military service member, talk about the options available to our military. The military offers some of the greatest benefits that you’ll never see [...]
2FD 015: You Need an Accountability Partner
Mar 02, 2017
So you have goals, but do you have someone to talk about with them? Having an accountability partner is important to turn your words into actions and also to share ideas and success with. Knowing you don’t want to let someone down can be enough motivation to kickstart your savings. A [...]
2FD 014: Starting a Business
Feb 23, 2017
We all seem to have great business ideas! But there are a lot of questions on how to start a business while keeping startup costs to a minimum. Many business fails and you want to learn quickly if you have a product or service that people want before you spend too [...]
2FD 013: Save Some Energy!
Feb 16, 2017
Energy is all around us.. But we usually have to pay money to consume it. The quickest way to start saving some extra money is to be mindful of where you are using the energy you have to pay for in your everyday life. Most utility companies offer budget billing [...]
2FD 012: Vacations on a Budget
Feb 08, 2017
Vacations are awesome! But are you paying for your vacation after you got home? Don’t take it home with you and do the planning up front to leave the stress behind you. Learn what the best vacations for you are and learn from the stories we’ll share about our experiences. [...]
2FD 011: What’s Your Money Backup Plan?
Feb 01, 2017
Life happens. But you don’t want unexpected changes in your life to wreck you finances. This is why having a backup plan is important but what is the best plan for you? It’s important to routinely evaluate your money risk in life and build a plan based on the variability [...]
2FD 010: All About Kids with Our Guest Erik Olson
Jan 25, 2017
Kids and money can be a serious matter. We love our kids and would do anything for them but knowing the boundaries of teaching and giving can be a tough game to play. Join us and our special guest Erik Olson as we share some insight into his life and [...]
2FD 009: Your Grocery Budget
Jan 18, 2017
We all have to eat… …But getting control of your grocery budget while trying to eat healthy can be a tricky game. Understand what best works for your diet and split your groceries between bulk, online or the nearest grocery store to get the most out of your money. Planning [...]
2FD 008: Get Rid of Stuff!
Jan 11, 2017
It’s time to tackle that clutter! You could be sitting on top of cash that could be used to help pay of debt or make you some passive income. Simplifying your life can help relieve anxiety and improve focus. New hobbies come and go and buying new stuff with old [...]
2FD 007: Take Advantage of Your Retirement Accounts
Jan 04, 2017
Retirement Accounts can be confusing! It’s easy to lose track of your savings when you just dump it into your retirement accounts until 60. Listen in to see why it’s important to understand them and how it could even lead to Early Retirement! Tax advantages can amplify your returns and [...]
2FD 006: Health Insurance Options
Dec 21, 2016
Health Insurance can be confusing… Understanding your options is very important for your finances. Not having the right coverage you need can be a burden on your bank account and set back your goals. Take some time to understand the needs for your lifestyle and set yourself up for a [...]
2FD 005: Thinking Before You Buy
Dec 21, 2016
Are you an impulse buyer? It’s always best to think about a purchase before making it. You may think of a cheaper way to obtain the product or find a better solution to the problem. Deals are great but so is knowing you made the best purchase you could have [...]
2FD 004: Cut Back on Your Transportation Costs
Dec 14, 2016
On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’ll be talking about reducing transportation costs. Your transportation costs are too high and it’s time to reflect on what you really need! Do you have more car then you need? Can you change your work hours? Do you know how to ride [...]
2FD 003: Owning vs. Renting
Nov 30, 2016
On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re talking about the pros and cons of owning vs. renting. Benefits of Homeownership Owning a home can be a gratifying feeling. However, it doesn’t work for everyone, including Sean. Sean enjoyed owning but made the choice to switch to renting for the first [...]
2FD 002: Budget, Budget, Budget!
Nov 30, 2016
On this episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, were covering the bases of how you can start a budget! Why You Need to Start a Budget Starting a budget is the key to being successful and reaching your financial goals and other long-term goals. You need to know where your income [...]
2FD 001: Let’s Start Saving Some Money
Nov 30, 2016
On today’s episode of 2 Frugal Dudes, we’re celebrating the big 100 by giving away $100! Visit us at to sign up for the Frugal Cashmates Community. Sign up and tune in two weeks (November 7th, 2018) to see who wins! Two Years of Frugal Living: A Recap Once [...]