Building from a more empty canvas, its a different dragon to fight -
You cant keep trying to lose the last couple kgs or get to the lean without going through the other phases
The end physique needs to be built
If this is you, my biggest tips to help this period:
1- Focus on performance metrics
2- Accept bodyfat is part of the process
3- Understand scale weight is only data and not reflective of you are a person
4- Constantly check in with yourself, remember you’re more than the scale or photo
5- To build a dream physique, accept being uncomfortable
6- Journal your thoughts to prevent negative self-talk and challenge irrational thoughts of self.
Doing hard things…”balance cant coexist when trying to change who you are”
Everything is phasic
Balance does NOT co exist with fatloss
With extreme goals
But its also not forever
Playing too comfortable can hold you back… we went from one bro extreme of hard core bodybuilding bro shit;... to now resisting the work - resisting things of like having
Sometimes its not in pushing harder but in taking an alternative approach
Sometimes you need to do unsustainable things to get to a place where you can find a new level of normal
But this is where social media lets you down
they always preach leaning down weight loss ove rand over
They each you ohw to lose weight and speak of that but hardly anything else
The 12 week transformations
Noone has patience for anything else
People hire coaches or do things only to lose weight
They wont subscribe or anything else
Trying to build muscle but be as lean as you can
Wanting to build muscle but refusing to eat enough because you are scared of the scale or gaining more weight
Your pants feeling tight when you say you want more defined legs which demands building muscle
People are mentality resistant to dieting
Unable to give a fatloss phase what it takes
Because despite not physically seeing results - theyre living in a limbo because they attach themselves so much to this lean
Waiting for the next fat loss phase
Wanting to cut calories
Scared to eat more
Scared to allow themselves more flexibility or to focus on a new direction
The why and the how. The answers arent always known at first
You need to have a flexible identity a flexible mindset that you allow to adapt, to pivot to evolve
As you go along it
Your balance and success criteria can evolve and change as you do and thats ok
Sometimes we don't slow down enough to realise our initial goals arent the now
We need to let go of obsessing over losing weight and what a scale says or these quantitative checkins
To allow us to understand HOW we geel, WHAT we need to focus on
How we can build a lifestyle we truly love
A live we can sustain any results we get
But also keep achieving more
Like it might be more obsessive to start with
I take that back
You may need to obsess more over prepping, planning, dealing with the discomfort of maybe eating the same thing every day and dealing with some reheated food
But it gets easier
Most of those people didnt start that way with being so flexible either
Saying no to things means your saying yes to less desirable things you don't want
Isnt better if you choose your fuck yesses
the process so so important
You need to nail the basics and build the bricks
Going from really overweight to “lean” if you do it right in the sense that you are doing some form of resistance training
You will appear as though you lost fat and built muscle
Yeah you probs built some… but most was what that heavy body was already carrying around under it - if you really took it home with a coach, yes you will reveal a better physique but that works til it doesnt.
Instant gratification Why you will never get your goal in 12 week challenges; how a 12 or 16 week minimum is really only starting ground because of the complecxities of being human, behaviour and beliefs
---The identity of a dieter