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The Wayward Pilot Podcast

A discussion about all things aviation with certificated flight instructor and general aviation pilot, Jonathan Groner.

Cockpits & Cocktails

A lively podcast about aviation, air travel, the aeronautics industry, and more!

COBA CanardCast

COBA is the official organization for Canard enthusiasts. Combining the Central States Association (CSA) newsletter with the EZ.org community, the Canard Owners and Builders Association (COBA) is represented by it’s membership base, website, this Podcast, Newsletters and canard gatherings and events. We are run and managed by a team of canard builders and owners who want to strengthen the Rutan-inspired aircraft community.

Membership is $42 per year, and includes the quarterly CSA newsletter mailed to your address as well as full access to the resources of CanardOwners.com.


Litocast, uma nova forma de comunicação para você perder o seu medo de voar e ainda descobrir diversas curiosidades sobre aviação, de maneira divertida. Os episódios quase sempre contarão com ouvintes convidados. Venha se apaixonar pela aviação.

SHOW CENTER The Airshow Podcast

Airshow announcers Ric Peterson, Rob Reider and Matt Jolley talk about airshows and the people that make them happen.

RC Heli Nation V 2.0

A Podcast For RC Heli Enthusiasts By RC Heli Enthusiasts



The Student Pilot Cast (mp3)

Learning to fly…in front of the world. A Podcast about flight training. Follow Bill as he progresses through his flight training. This is the audio only feed. The audio podcasts are NOT the same content as the video podcasts, so if you want all the content, please subscribe to both. The audio feed is more tied to the student experience, in cockpit training, with a few features and special events. The video feed includes in-cockpit video sometimes, but is more feature oriented and does not typically coincide as closely with the training.

The Next Trip – An Aviation and Travel Podcast

The Next Trip is a weekly, internationally acclaimed podcast with aviation insiders Doug and Drew, who together bring more than 40 years of industry experience as a professional pilot and a hub operations manager at a major airline. Join them, and their frequent guests, as they create a network for other AvGeeks and travel enthusiasts to obsess about all things aviation. Doug and Drew discuss today’s aviation news, share personal operational stories, regale listeners with trip reviews, and engage in friendly AvGeek banter. All thoughts and opinions are their own. Visit us at www.nexttripnetwork.com

Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast

Free flight podcast hosted by Gavin McClurg