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How Millennial Consumption Habits Are Impacting Podcasting & Radio

A study last summer by Music Business Association concluded, not surprisingly, that Millennials listen to less radio than the generations that came before them. This is hardly news to most of us that understand consumption habits of millennials or have been swimming in a digital pool for the last 5 years.

More recently, a snap analysis of the 2017 Infinite Dial Report shows that 87% of those aged 12-24 are listening online now. That’s 87% my friends. If this number doesn’t tell you something about where we are headed, I don’t know what will.

While statistics are no doubt purveyors of what the future holds, the Music Business Association study last summer also said:

In lieu of radio, younger millennials have turned their ears and their attention to streaming, with many of those polled opting for on-demand options. This shows that not only is streaming in general more favorable, but the idea of radio simply isn’t as appealing to younger music lovers as it used to be for their older siblings, parents, and grandparents.

How Does This Correlate To Podcasts?

It’s all about smartphones and connected devices. It’s now confirmed (Edison Research) that 81% of all Americans use smartphones. When you look at millennials, that number explodes:

  • Ages 12-24: 95% smartphone ownership
  • Ages 25-54: 89% smartphone ownership

Why this matters? 

Accessibility and discovery of podcasts has correlated to the smartphone explosion. On-demand audio is simply a ‘point-and-click’ away.  In addition, while Millennials are listening to less traditional radio, they are listening online via streaming services, specifically Pandora, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Apple Music.

In a similar study conducted by comScore, millennials are 44 percent more likely to listen to podcasts once a week on their smartphone than the average smartphone-owning adult. And the popularity does not stop with this demographic — 18-34 year olds are going to be more likely to be podcast listeners than the general population, while 12-17 year olds are almost twice as likely to listen to podcasts.

What kind of programming are they listening to? 

A fascinating aspect of Millennial podcast listeners is diving into what type of podcasts they are listening to. Interestingly enough, they are primarily listening to spoken-word programming…the same type of programming that is broadcasted on stations regulated to the AM dial. This data should hearten some radio execs as they literally have this content at their fingertips.  But it comes down to their distribution strategy, and allowing the content to be packaged in a way that aligns to changing consumption habits.

Why are podcasts so attractive to the younger generations?

It could simply be that the younger generations are that much more attached to their devices. And if the content is worthy enough to be ‘discovered’ on their device, it must be worthy of their attention. It could also be the increased importance surrounding on-demand content. Younger generations want to listen on their own terms…when they want it…and where they want it. Bottom line, it takes a strategy to make sure this content is available & packaged to millenials. Radio execs mustn’t underestimate a clear, cohesive strategy in packaging curated content via an on-demand platform. Bottom line, the podcast medium is a vehicle of choice for powerful distribution.

Sharing is caring – enter the Social Media factor

One of the most overlooked aspects, when it comes to on-demand discovery & consumption, is being able to share content…a fact that can’t be overlooked when it comes to analyzing a younger demographic. Millennials love to share, but they also like to like what others are sharing too. This is one of the reasons our Podfluencers will drive awareness of what is relevant in the industry, encouraging others to listen to new suggested podcasts.

Podcasts allow millenials to listen and share content with their friends. The social media impact is a key driver to podcast consumption, aligning seamlessly with millenials.

You can’t just share any old content and expect to be successful. In order to appeal to the younger demographic, you have to offer appealing content in a format that this age group prefers to consume. While broadcast radio assumes that Millennials want to hear the latest hits, they often overlook that they also want to hear original non-fiction programming.

While broadcast radio assumes that Millennials want to hear the latest hits, they often overlook that they also want to hear original non-fiction programming.

The podcast publishers that are experiencing the most success are the ones that have embraced this fact and are finding ways to tap into the power of the millennial masses.

Radio Can’t Rely on False Assumptions

While broadcast radio assumes that Millennials want to hear the latest hits, they overlook that they also want to hear original non-fiction programming. Old-school radio execs, in the past, have underestimated the power of the millennial and changing consumption habits.

Previously relying too heavily on an ‘in-the-now’ strategy that focused more company resources on PPM, (Portable People Meters), song survey analyses, format changes, radio transmission fees, and program directors that lacked flexibility, it’s time to jump on a new vision that aligns with millennials…or trust me, history will repeat itself…and you’ll go the way of MySpace, Friendster, and your Blackberry.

To steal a line from an old ‘Friend’ in the radio biz…

“It’s a great day to be in radio”…that is, if you accept and invest in the future of on-demand audio, aggressively monetizing your streaming platform, and align with the consumption habits of the future (they live on mobile). PS – the future is here.


Editorial Note: Stats in this article came from Forbes as well as the 2017 Infinite Dial Report, as noted above.



A Fabulous Week of Press & The Scoop That Wasn’t

What a week it was! The launch of TopPodcast.com was an overwhelming success…especially with the feedback from industry insiders & podcasters alike. 

As the marketing communications & media arm of TopPodcast.com, I wanted to introduce myself by highlighting a few pieces of the positive press we received and a few other interesting tidbits that occurred during our inaugural week. From our press release being picked up across the country, to monetization inquiries, to crickets…have a look at the inaugural week that was! #Success

First, a few selections from the amazing press & features we continue to receive…(here a few samples) 


Click to read the entire article


podtopod (we’re excited to be on their show this week too)

podtopod runs with the presser! Thank you…Read it Here


Yahoo Finance Picked Up The Presser!

All Access

All Access Welcomes Us To the World!


In a nutshell, one email summed up the dozens and dozens of responses and inquiries from industry content creators, independents and show producers. Chris Hill, from The Motley Fool family of Podcasts, sent a note, and here’s part of it:

Love the site and it’s great to see all five of The Motley Fool’s
podcasts on there. I’m writing for two reasons:

1. We’re about to launch a 6th podcast and I’d like to make sure you
get that information as well.


Please get back to me when you have a moment.

Many thanks,
Chris Hill
Host, Motley Fool Money & MarketFoolery

The overwhelming response from professionals like Chris Hill was on par with what we had hoped! We are industry advocates, pushing out discovery that will drive first-time listeners to discover then subscribe to content creators feeds. Just as important, we have some exciting announcements on the horizon, for the independents and ‘start-up’ podcasters….so stay tuned…it will transform the industry for newcomers.

As we update our 90 for 90, you’ll see shows like the ones below being featured for discovery.

In the meantime, we encourate you to explore the Motley Fool family of podcasts:

Visit Motley Fool Podcasts Now by Clicking Banner

Why not take one of his shows for a test drive (Click banner below or search in our search bar any one of the above shows)

Test Drive & Listen Now – Click Banner


Ad Agencies Had Lots of Questions About Monetization Rather Than Discovery

Interestingly enough, a handful of ad agencies inquired about our business model (this surprised us). They really weren’t that interested in our innovative premise of driving awareness and discovery but more curiously focused on how we are going to monetize the site. Many were a little aggressive in their inquisitiveness, assuming we were actually going to divulge proprietary insight on existing & future revenue streams.

We gave them a few nuggets to digest on about our Podcast Business Center…but this site was developed for the industry, especially content creators, as a place for new listeners to test drive and discover their shows! There’s so much more on the horizon than anyone realizes…Stay Tuned…the team at TopPodcast.com is just getting started!


Ironically enough, the night before the launch, I wanted to provide an industry insider ‘the scoop’ on our launch. So, after much consideration, I decided to throw it at Nick Quah, at HotPodNews.

Here’s what I did:

  • I sent the press release to the two email addresses we had on file
  • I direct tweeted him too
  • and we got crickets.

Despite my brilliant idea to ‘try’ and give someone the scoop 12 hours before it hit the wire, we received the kind of overwhelming press I can only hope for on behalf of my clients. Maybe it’s best he didn’t decide to run with it. And maybe he never will. Nonetheless, we were rather surprised (and curious) that an industry insider didn’t take the scoop, especially with all the granular podcast news Nick pushes out weekly. It’s certainly curious.

While I’m sure he receives dozens of weekly ‘reach-outs’ from people like me, everyone else and their mother wanted to know what we were doing…so much for the scoop…

Makes ya go hmmmmm…

Thanks to all of the press that continue to inquire about interviews & comment. This week, we’ve set up interviews with Mathew Passey of podtopodBrad Segall of KYW NewsRadio (thanks to both of them), and many more are on the docket.

I’ll be here if there’s anything you need on the communications side of the table!  I couldn’t be happier to partner with such a revolutionary company. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me!  And look for my contributing articles, coming monthly! #TopPodcast

TopPodcast.com to be the First Online Epicenter for the Industry, Driving Discovery & Ad Revenues to $1 Billion

TopPodcast.com organizes the fragmented world of on-demand listening by
driving discovery and listenership with just one click

PHILADELPHIA, PA –(Marketwired – March 28, 2017) – A former Director of Digital for CBS
New York is uniting a fragmented podcasting industry by aggregating the top podcasts, top
publishers and top audio apps onto one website for effortless discovery. Utilizing data from
publicly ranked podcasts, TopPodcast.com will make the platform more discoverable and
accessible for those who have yet to experience the medium. The site will also liberate first time
users from having to rely on iTunes or multiple apps for listening.

Kurt Laufer, the founder of #TopPodcast Digital Enterprises, left a senior digital management
position after five years at CBS New York, to embark on a one-year journey in creating
TopPodcast.com. Laufer’s vision is not just to drive discovery for those that have never
listened to a podcast, but he also wants to make it simple for a business to place a
podcasting ad buy across multiple networks. He seeks to drive the industry to $1 billion in
annual ad revenues by 2021, double current projections.

Interest in podcasts has exploded since the hit podcast series Serial dropped on the scene
in late 2014. Despite the medium’s upward trajectory, 40% of Americans are still unfamiliar
with the term podcasting (2017 Infinite Dial Report). Laufer wants to increase familiarity by
providing a single-source online destination where the audience can discover and listen to a
podcast with one click.

He stated, “The industry is fragmented with so many paralyzing choices. People don’t want
to spend time trying to figure it out by downloading apps or searching on various networks.
TopPodcast.com was designed to provide clarity and simplicity to the
industry…No iTunes? No app? No problem. I made it effortless for the first time
listener to ‘test drive’ a podcast,” added the executive.

Laufer believes the industry is long overdue for a single-source destination for open
discovery. He also made it clear he is not targeting industry insiders or competing with other
podcast networks. He added, “I will be the industry’s biggest advocate. After a new visitor
discovers a show on our site, they can fly away and listen on any podcast network or audio
app for the long-term. But TopPodcast.com will be their first stop as they nurture a love for
on-demand listening.”

Additional amenities within the website include:

* The 90 for 90 #TopPodcast Picks, curating ten shows from nine categories for enhanced
discovery beyond the iTunes Top 200 ranking
* A weekly ‘Podfluencer Report’, highlighting relevant podcasters, uncovering their
favorite episodes and learning what they are listening to
* For the business community, a Podcast Business Center, where they can place turnkey
podcast advertising solutions across multiple publishers
* For the Independent Podcaster, a platform to amplify and promote their ‘niche’
podcasts, ranging from aviation and travel and tourism to business, to sports, to politics,
* Industry News & Trends and Research, primarily from a digital marketer’s point of view

Laufer also stressed the importance of integrating podcast campaigns into a digital
marketer’s mindset, “The podcast industry can’t be a one-trick pony anymore. A ‘live-read’
endorsement by a show’s host is one of the purest, most powerful forms of native
advertising, which direct response advertisers are thriving from. We must do a better job of
conveying this narrative within the digital buying community in order to compete in a
complex digital landscape.”

About #TopPodcast Digital Enterprises

#TopPodcast Digital Enterprises is the premier source for podcast discovery, trends and
advertising. The company’s mission is to propel a new audience of first-time listeners and
businesses to discover a love for on-demand listening. Organizing the industry through
advocacy, education and unparalleled social strategies, TopPodcast.com will help drive the
industry to $1 billion in ad revenue by 2021.

Highlights from the RAIN Online Advertising Summit: Talking To Ourselves But Loving What I Hear

Another Conversation With Ourselves

I was happy to attend the RAIN Online Advertising Summit, in New York City, on February 28th. In was a very insightful event The event was relevant, smooth, insightful…and it’s great seeing so many of us with a passion for the industry. But….I couldn’t help but be struck by the fact that most in attendance, as typical for podcasting events,  were professionals already fully embedded in the online audio industry.

What’s my biggest pet-peeve? 

The industry continues to talk to ourselves, sharing success stories amongst industry insiders, those of us that ‘get it’. We need to break out of our own habitat.

The Inadvertent Teasing of TopPodcast.com

While hiding my lanyard inside my jacket, not ready to publicly disclose to the world who or what #TopPodcast Digital Enterprises is, I got a kick when Thomas Mancusi, of AudioBoom, essentially teased to the audience what the industry needed…a unified site for discovery…an online hub to coalesce the medium.

It publicly validated, once again, our project and the benefits we are providing.

My Event Highlight: The Mac Weldon Attribution Discussion

I loved the fascinating panel put together by co-sponsor & the aforementioned audioBoom, and Thomas Mancusi (VP, Sales & Dev). As noted in the event program, the panel showcased ‘a holistic view’ of the unique value of on-demand audio, bringing together program creators and brand advertising agencies in this anecdote-driven panel discussion about marketing opportunities in podcasting.”

Collin Willardson, the Marketing Manager for Mack Weldon, shared this powerful message:

  • Mac Weldon knows who every listener is, what they specifically buy, and what show they are coming from

Why this statement matters? 

Mac Weldon is one of the brands that is constantly recognized as a huge proponent of podcast advertising. But the brilliance behind their advertising success is not necessarily the podcast buy itself (it is a HUGE part, yes, testing to find the right show that delivers activations).

However, through the lens of our digital eyes, it’s the attribution strategy that Mr. Willardson executes on the back-end of every podcast that intrigues us the most. Here’s why:

  • Their success in tracking every product the prospective buyer is clicking on and knowing who they are (capturing the visitor/buyer)
  • Collecting the purchase history & knowing what shows drove what listeners to buy which products
  • Following each visitor, after they hit the web landing page, through a complex digital strategy, that takes podcast advertising to the next level
My Takeaway:
  • While we know Mac Weldon doesn’t want to disclose their trade secrets to such a public audience, they aren’t shy about promoting the success they’ve had with podcasts advertising. And it’s impressive.
  • To penetrate digital market share, podcast advertising should no longer be sold as a ‘stand-alone’ product
  • Publishers are leaving money on the table by not bringing complex integrated marketing strategies in-house, making podcast advertising truly an integrated strategy

It’s a mindset #TopPodcast Digital Enterprises brings to the table…elevating any on-demand buy far beyond the brilliance of a traditional podcast campaign. Please feel free to explore our Podcast Business Center for more information.

Podcast Listeners Feel They Have No Choice But To Support Sponsors

Another impressive highlight was listening to Payne Lindsey, Executive Producer of “Up & Vanished“. It was remarkable, hearing analysis from his insider perspective. He said:

Listeners (of podcasts) have a different respect for podcasters instead of radio hosts. If it weren’t for sponsors, podcasts wouldn’t operate. And many listeners feel if they don’t support the brands, then they feel the podcast may go away.

Why this matters?

It’s compelling insight that we must drive beyond our walls…to brands, to digital buyers, to the agencies that weren’t in attendance…that mantra must be heard!

  • No other medium connects brands to an audience like podcasting
  • The lean-in experience should not be compared apples to apples, to digital analytics or reporting
  • A live-read or endorsed product, in a podcast, is the purest form of native advertising

To be clear, Dennis Robinson articulated a fact that most beyond our industries walls don’t know. What he said matters! I just wish there was a better way to reach those beyond our industry. I’m working on that as we speak.