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Top Social Sciences Podcasts

Social Sciences

The Brave OT Podcast

The Brave OT Podcast with Carlyn Neek is all about empowering occupational therapists to step-up, level-up, blaze some trails, and maybe engage in a little conscious rebellion in service of the profession, our clients, our work, our businesses, and living our mission wholeheartedly. We are all about keeping it real, doing hard things, unhuslting, being curious, trying new things, growing through our challenges, and finding joy and fulfillment along the way. Really, we are OTing ourselves and each other. All of the intro and outro music was graciously provided by Hal Curties, a local Calgary musician and someone who has contributed to my personal and professional growth in so many ways. Read More
The Brave OT Podcast with Carlyn Neek is all about empowering occupational thera Read More
Social Sciences

Liberalismo Para Principiantes

En este podcast serás testigo del alcance y atención que se merece una de las doctrinas económicas, sociales y políticas más exitosas de todo los tiempos: El Liberalismo. Aprenderás sobre historia, política, economía, actualidad y también las evidencias de porqué este sistema merece ser implantado en el planeta actualmente. Desde reducir el Estado al mínimo hasta pagar impuestos tan solo por lo que compras, que esto te sirva de advertencia de las creencias que vas a cuestionar... Read More
En este podcast sers testigo del alcance y atención que se merece una de las Read More
Social Sciences

Honestly Unorthodox. with Kayla Perry

The show discusses the age of self-censorship and how it affects our careers as clinicians, specifically clinicians that work with vulnerable populations. It will tie in free speech, current controversies and ‘touchy subjects’ within the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis, and the pursuit of truth as an outspoken practitioner. Read More
The show discusses the age of self-censorship and how it affects our careers as Read More
Social Sciences

Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity

The Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity connects you to cutting edge economic policy research and the renowned economists who create it. On each episode, the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity editors introduce new BPEA research and present a conversation between the author and a Brookings scholar to bridge the divide between economic theory and practical policy solutions. Read More
The Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity connects you to cutting edge economic Read More
Social Sciences

Technology and the Mind

Technology and the Mind is a podcast dedicated to exploring contemporary psychoanalytic ideas applied to consumer technology use cases. Each month we interview a seasoned practicing psychoanalyst about how they understand the impact of technology on our minds, our relationships and on society and how they predict we might impact the future of technology - all from the perspective of contemporary psychoanalysis. Read More
Technology and the Mind is a podcast dedicated to exploring contemporary psychoa Read More
Social Sciences

Hear This Idea

Hear This Idea is a podcast showcasing new thinking in philosophy, the social sciences, and effective altruism. Each episode has an accompanying write-up at www.hearthisidea.com/episodes. Read More
Hear This Idea is a podcast showcasing new thinking in philosophy, the social sc Read More
Social Sciences

People Nerds by Dscout

The People Nerds blog you know and love, now in your headphones! 

The People Nerds blog you know and love, now in your headphones!  Read More
Social Sciences

Flip Your Lid with Kim Honeycutt

Flip Your Lid is a deep dive into the complexity of psychology, neuroscience, and Christianity as it applies to the development of our internal and external systems. We will discuss all the things - racism, addiction, Polyvagal theory, toxic relationships/systems, implicit bias, attachment styles, and how to bring our unconscious beliefs into conscious connection. The right internal reset can have a life-changing impact on our heart, mind, and body. Join us as we examine what caused our lids to flip and how we can use neuroscience to reconnect and resurrect who He says we are. Read More
Flip Your Lid is a deep dive into the complexity of psychology, neuroscience, an Read More
Social Sciences

الفكر القانوني المعاصر

يسلط الضوء على أهم الابحاث المنشورة في مجلة الحقوق التابعة لمجلس النشر العلمي- جامعة الكويت- ويتناول المواضيع القانونية المعاصرة و أهم التطورات في الفكر القانوني المعاصر. Read More
يسلط الضوء على أهم الابحاث المنشورة في مجلة Read More
Social Sciences

سهند ایرانمهر

به دنیای کشف و لذت در سپهر اندیشه، با موضوعات ادبی، اجتماعی، تارخی و فلسفی خوش آمدید!

در پادکست سهند ایرانمهر، من به موضوعاتی می‌پردازم که در عمق زندگی و ساحت‌های اجتماعی، فلسفی، ادبی و تاریخی جریان دارند. تلاش من بر این است که با تکیه بر منابع معتبر و رویکردی علمی و مستند، افق‌های جدیدی از موضوعات قابل‌تامل و ناشناخته را با شما به تماشا بنشینم.

این پادکست برای کسانی است که به دنبال کشف حقیقت، تعمق در مفاهیم عمیق و یادگیری و کشف هستند و هر قسمت فرصتی است برای نگاهی نو، تاملی تازه و سفری به دنیای دانش و آگاهی.

با من همراه شوید و از این دریچه تازه، دنیای پیرامون خود را دوباره ببینید.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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به دنیای کشف و لذت در سپهر اندیشه، با موضوعا Read More
Social Sciences

In Solidarity: Connecting Power, Place and Health

In a complex, modern society, we’re deeply connected in ways that often go unnoticed. On In Solidarity: Connecting Power, Place and Health, hosts Ericka Burroughs-Girardi and Beth Silver explore these connections through conversations with some of the brightest minds and biggest thinkers in public health. Burroughs-Girardi and Silver talk with authors, activists and scientists to investigate historical context, implications for health, and evidence-based solutions. Join the conversation on In Solidarity today. Brought to you by County Health Rankings & Roadmaps at the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Read More
In a complex, modern society, we’re deeply connected in ways that often go unn Read More
Social Sciences

Mysterious Universe Season 27 HQ

Blog and Podcast specializing in offbeat news h
Blog and Podcast specializing in offbeat news h Read More
Social Sciences


What is the most unequal region of the world? How deep does gender discrimination run in our societies? What happens to poor households during a housing boom? How is land distributed today? How can minimum wage reduce racial inequality? Can we really expect politicians to fix inequality? InequaliTalks presents accessible research done by young economists on one of the most pressing issues in the public conversation: inequality. InequaliTalks is supported by School of Cities at the University of Toronto. Read More
What is the most unequal region of the world? How deep does gender discriminatio Read More
Social Sciences

Taboo Science

Taboo Science is a podcast that answers the questions you're not allowed to ask. It's hosted by Ashley Hamer, a science writer and podcaster. Every episode dives into a different societal taboo to understand the science that makes it tick, the reasons we don't talk about it, and the impact that has on society at large. Why don't we eat people? Why are my swear words different than my parents'? And what makes porn, porn? It's science class if science class had one of those anonymous question boxes. It's Taboo Science. Read More
Taboo Science is a podcast that answers the questions you’re not allowed t Read More
Social Sciences

QOVES Deep Dive | A Scientific Look At Your Looks

Have you ever noticed that attractive people are treated better by others? Maybe it's in the grocery store where they get to cut in line unsolicited, or at the work where two seemingly matched coworkers get passed up for a promotion for the newer, more attractive one. Physical appearances play a huge, pervasive role in your life, whether we care to admit it or not and in this show, we comb through the psychological and evolutionary scientific literature to give you answers on exactly how and why we are this way. If you're new to the world of facial aesthetics, visit the QOVES youtube channel for a more digestable introduction into beauty culture and anthropometric science! Exclusive & Latest episodes: https://www.patreon.com/qovesstudio https://www.youtube.com/c/QOVESStudio https://www.qoves.com/ https://www.tiktok.com/@qovesstudio Read More
Have you ever noticed that attractive people are treated better by others? Maybe Read More
Social Sciences

Mondays with Milly

Mondays with Milly is a podcast about the past as told by someone who was there. Through a series of interviews, "Milly" - AKA Doreen from Manchester - talks about her life from the Great Depression era and World War 2 to the present day. Now in her nineties, Milly is a natural story-teller with a razor-sharp memory. Her recount of a life spanning some of history's defining moments provides a unique insight into how people lived, coped, survived and endured times of great adversity. Recorded during the Covid19 era, these online interviews have relevance during uncertain times. Read More
Mondays with Milly is a podcast about the past as told by someone who was there. Read More
Social Sciences

Cosmosis [Formerly The UFO Rabbit Hole] – Kelly Chase

Reality isn’t what you’ve been told. Cosmosis is your portal to the mysteries of UFOs, consciousness, non-human intelligence, and the unknown. Hosted by Kelly Chase and Jay Christopher King, this channel is your gateway to conversations at the bleeding edge of human discovery and the hidden forces shaping our world. We bring you in-depth interviews with the most compelling voices in the field—researchers, experiencers, scientists, and visionaries—who challenge mainstream narratives and push the limits of what we think we know. If you're ready to question everything and embrace the mystery, you're in the right place. Subscribe now and join us on the journey. Learn more at Cosmosis.Media Read More
Reality isn’t what you’ve been told. Cosmosis is your portal to the mysterie Read More
Social Sciences

Century Lives

It’s a well-known fact that women live longer than men. But less well known is the fact that women live a larger percentage of their lives in poor health than men do. In Century Lives: The 51%, we explore the failures that have contributed to women’s health disadvantage for centuries: shortcomings in healthcare, research, education, policy, and social norms alike. And we tell the stories of the visionary leaders, doctors, and innovators working to level the playing field today. Read More
It’s a well-known fact that women live longer than men. But less well known is Read More
Social Sciences

The Human Behavior Podcast

Do you ever wonder why people act the way that they do? Join human behavior experts Brian Marren and Greg Williams as they discuss all things human behavior related. Their goal is to increase your Advanced Critical Thinking ability through a better understanding of HBPR&A (Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis.) What is HBPR&A? It's a scientific (and fun) way to understand and articulate human behavior cues so that you can predict likely outcomes and it works regardless of your race, religion, political ideology or culture!

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Do you ever wonder why people act the way that they do? Join human behavior expe Read More
Social Sciences

The Secret Life of Death Podcast

The Secret Life of Death is a podcast which explores the stories of ordinary people, starting with their gravestone and placing them into the context of the history of their life and times. The show primarily is based in New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, but it stories reach throughout New England and beyond. Local historian and archaeologist Gail Golec researches, writes, hosts and produces this podcast. Read More
The Secret Life of Death is a podcast which explores the stories of ordinary peo Read More
Social Sciences

Strange and Unexplained

Your source for UFO News, Updates, Case Studies, Interviews, and More.


- UFO Case Studies
- Mysteries with a History
- Strangest News of the Week

Pertaining to one of life's biggest questions, "Are We Alone..?", the UFO / UAP phenomenon teases us with tantalizing glimpses of another reality, one far removed from the mundane world and opens up exciting possibilities that our planet might be being visited by a number of non-human intelligences from beyond our Earth, and maybe even beyond our dimension. The UFO Phenomenon is the Greatest Mystery of our Time.

Get Ad-Free International UFO News Here - UFONews.co

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/strange-and-unexplained--5235662/support.
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Your source for UFO News, Updates, Case Studies, Interviews, and More. 3 WEEKLY Read More
Social Sciences


EPIC 是一个专注于民族志研究的全球社区,「辟客 EPICLE」是 EPIC中国 的志愿者们共同创作的一档中文播客节目。 一位人类学家曾经说过,“人们说什么、做什么、说他们做什么是三件完全不同的事情。” 在世界各地都有在民族志研究的从业者。他们每到一个新的领域,都会为我们开辟一个新的视角,给我们带来人间观察的故事。 这些洞察对我们的生活、产品、企业、社会有什么样的影响呢? 在辟客,希望你能找到线索。 Read More
EPIC 是一个专注于民族志研究的全球社区,「辟客 EPICLE」是 E Read More
Social Sciences

一口經濟學 bitesize economics

甚麼是通貨膨脹? 甚麼是公債殖利率? 甚麼是勞動參與率? 新聞裡面的經濟評論是不是越聽越模糊? 來聽Charles老師把經濟觀念變得小口小口bitesize的經濟小故事、時事分析。好吃又容易消化! ******************************************************************************************************* Charles Liao 流浪美國的經濟學家。因為不聰明所以留學經歷很坎坷,到很老才拿到經濟博士。 現任UC經濟系教書匠,加州州政府經濟學家/研究首席,前加州財政部經濟學家。 研究領域雜七雜八,甚麼都聊:國際金融、國際貿易、公共政策、經濟預測、預算編列、美國與加州社會福利制度研究。 流浪過的學校: UCD || UNC-Chapel Hill || Yale || NTU Read More
甚麼是通貨膨? 甚麼是公債殖利率? 甚麼是勞動參與率? 新 Read More
Social Sciences

Stanford Psychology Podcast – Stanford Psychology

The student-led Stanford Psychology Podcast invites leading psychologists to talk about what’s on their mind lately. Join Eric Neumann, Anjie Cao, Kate Petrova, Bella Fascendini,  Joseph Outa and Julia Rathmann-Bloch as they chat with their guests about their latest exciting work. Every week, an episode will bring you new findings from psychological science and how they can be applied to everyday life. The opinions and views expressed in this podcast represent those of the speaker and not necessarily Stanford's. Subscribe at stanfordpsypod.substack.com. Let us hear your thoughts at stanfordpsychpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter @StanfordPsyPod. Visit our website https://stanfordpsychologypodcast.com. Soundtrack: Corey Zhou (UCSD). Logo: Sarah Wu (Stanford) Read More
The student-led Stanford Psychology Podcast invites leading psychologists to tal Read More