Top Science Podcasts


A vos soins

Les grandes découvertes de la recherche médicale côtoient les petites maladies.
Les grandes découvertes de la recherche médicale côtoient les petites maladie Read More

Hay Festival lectures

The Hay Festival brings together writers from around the world to debate and share stories in the staggering beauty of the Welsh Borders. A host of Cambridge academics and alumni will speak about subjects ranging from obesity and smart drugs to US politics and domestic service at this year’s Hay Festival. 2013 is the fifth year that the University has run it Cambridge Series at the Hay Festival, one of the most prestigious literary events in the world. This year for the first time speakers include alumni such as Chris Blackhurst, editor of The Independent who will speak with Professor Simon Blackburn on the current crisis of trust in major institutions including the press, the police and parliament following a series of scandals. Read More
The Hay Festival brings together writers from around the world to debate and sha Read More

DeepMind: The Podcast

Get the inside story of how AI is being created and uncover the extraordinary ways artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our world. In the highly-praised, award-nominated "DeepMind: The Podcast", mathematician and broadcaster Hannah Fry goes behind the scenes of world-leading research lab DeepMind to find out how AI can benefit our lives and the society we live in. The first season explores the link between neuroscience and AI, the importance of games, and building safe AI. Now in its second season, Hannah uncovers how AI is accelerating science in critical areas, takes an in-depth look at building artificial general intelligence (AGI), and so much more. Read More
Get the inside story of how AI is being created and uncover the extraordinary wa Read More

Mushroom Revival Podcast

A podcast devoted to the wonderful world of fungi. Our eclectic show covers fungi in health & wellness, technology, science, culture and more. Welcome to the Mushroom Revival. Read More
A podcast devoted to the wonderful world of fungi. Our eclectic show covers fung Read More

Чайник Рассела

"Чайник Рассела" - четвертый подкаст, созданный Обществом скептикв ссылка Выпуски посвящены популяризации науки и критического мышления. Read More
“Чайник Рассела” – четвертый подка Read More

Лаборатория Альтернативной Истории

Добро пожаловать в Лабораторию Альтернативной Истории! Обсудить темы передач вы можете на нашем форуме: Истинная Наука, как орудие познания реальности, неразрывно связана с развитием, ибо само познание невозможно без развития. А любое развитие всегда сопровождается как "правильными" шагами, так и ошибками. И научная картина мироздания - это лишь версия, лишь некоторое приближение к Истине, содержащее и ошибочные представления. И все, что справедливо в целом для Науки, справедливо и в отношении той ее части, которая называется Историей. Read More
Добро пожаовать в Лабораторию Альтернатив Read More

Chimie des matériaux

Concevoir et élaborer des matériaux inorganiques et/ou hybrides originaux permettant de développer des réponses innovantes aux préoccupations sociétales dans les domaines de l'environnement, l'énergie et de la médecine... Read More
Concevoir et élaborer des matériaux inorganiques et/ou hybrides originaux perm Read More

Envejecimiento, ocio y tiempo libre

Debido al envejecimiento gradual de la población, muchos países están propiciando políticas de envejecimiento activo. Se trata de un estilo de vida saludable en el que las personas mayores buscan mejorar su calidad de vida. Un factor importante en el envejecimiento activo es la gestión del ocio mediante actividades placenteras que aumentan la percepción de bienestar personal. En este curso se revisan todos estos conceptos y los programas sociales más actuales de intervención con las personas mayores. Fue celebrado en el Aula de Villablino (León) del 9 al 13 de julio de 2012. El curso fue organizado por el Campus Noroeste de la UNED y se recibió por videoconferencia en el Centro Asociado de Ponferrada, A Coruña y Lugo, así como en las Aulas de Ferrol, Viveiro, Monforte y Foz. Read More
Debido al envejecimiento gradual de la población, muchos países están propici Read More

Los pueblos originarios: historia y actualidad

«El pueblo mexicano» es una serie que Descarga Cultura.UNAM integra a su acervo sonoro, pero que originalmente constituyó una coproducción de TV UNAM y Radio UNAM para radio y televisión. Los contenidos, supervisados y escritos por investigadores universitarios, abarcan temáticas que van del origen de nuestros pueblos al análisis de las imágenes nacionales, así como los principales retos políticos, sociales y económicos que actualmente enfrenta nuestro país. A continuación reproducimos “Los pueblos originarios: historia y actualidad”, dividido en tres cápsulas, las cuales nos hablan sobre la transformación que las etnias indígenas han experimentado desde su condición de pueblos originarios hasta la época actual, pasando por el complejo periodo de la Colonia, en que fueron sometidas al arbitrio de la corona española. Producción Descarga Cultura.UNAM / Coordinación de Difusión Cultural / UNAM D.R. © UNAM. Read More
«El pueblo mexicano» es una serie que Descarga Cultura.UNAM integra a su acerv Read More


"Поехали" — подкаст группы переводчиков Alpha Centauri о новостях науки, техники и космоса. Мы не можем приблизить звезды к вам. Но мы можем сделать вас ближе к звездам. Read More
“Поехал” — подкаст группы переводчи Read More

Planeta vivo

Los pequeños gestos son importantes para conservar nuestro planeta. Estos consejos van dirigidos a proteger el medio ambiente y a concienciarnos de que entre todo podemos conseguir un mundo mejor. Read More
Los pequeños gestos son importantes para conservar nuestro planeta. Estos conse Read More

Miltenyi TV

Miltenyi Biotec is one of the largest and most successful biotechnology companies in Germany, with more than 1,200 employees worldwide who develop, produce and sell products and services for biomedical research and clinical applications. The Miltenyi Biotec Videocast provides up-to-date information on special topics of the integrated product portfolio for cell research. Read More
Miltenyi Biotec is one of the largest and most successful biotechnology companie Read More

Risk – Darwin College Lecture Series 2010

In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organised a series of eight public lectures. Each series has been built around a single theme, approached in a multi-disciplinary way, and with each lecture prepared for a general audience by a leading authority on his or her subject. The theme of the 2010 Series is "Risk" Read More
In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organise Read More

The ed·DIE Horror & Paranormal Podcast

The ed·DIE Horror & Paranormal Podcast. We discuss Horror & Paranormal Books, Movies, Hauntings & more. We dive into the stories that scare you, be it true cases or pure fiction. Join us for personal paranormal accounts, legends & more. Tell us Your own stories too. Read More
The ed·DIE Horror & Paranormal Podcast. We discuss Horror & Paranormal Read More

Entre probetas

'Entre probetas' nació para informar y entretener; entretener divulgando ciencia.
‘Entre probetas’ nació para informar y entretener; entretener divul Read More

Développement de l’enfant – Vidéos

Ensemble de séquences vidéo illustrant le développement cognitif, moteur et social de l'enfant de 0 à 12 ans. Voir le site Web à l'adresse suivante : Read More
Ensemble de séquences vidéo illustrant le développement cognitif, moteur et s Read More

Darwin – Darwin College Lecture Series 2009

In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organised a series of eight public lectures. Each series has been built around a single theme, approached in a multi-disciplinary way, and with each lecture prepared for a general audience by a leading authority on his or her subject. Read More
In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organise Read More

Psychology – Plymouth University

The Research Centre in Brain, Cognition and Behaviour encompasses excellence in Thinking & Reasoning, Memory, Vision, Behavioural Neuroscience, Language Development, Social Psychology, Health & Wellbeing and Human Factors. Read More
The Research Centre in Brain, Cognition and Behaviour encompasses excellence in Read More

Sommerfeld Lecture Series (ASC)

Every semester the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics invites a distinguished theoretical physicist in order to present a short series of lectures with increasing level of specialization. Usually it includes a public talk for a general audience, a theory colloquium and a specialized seminar. Read More
Every semester the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics invites a di Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights: Have Ten Years of Voluntarism Worked? – Audio

Whilst international corporations are taken to court for complicity in human rights abuses and the trade in child labour and sweatshops is still a scourge throughout the world, this event asks whether the international approach to corporate social responsibility of the last ten years has worked. The approach of the last decade has focused primarily on voluntary measures taken by companies and enterprises, and finds expression in codes of conduct and non-binding agreements like the UN Global Compact. The CSR movement originally proposed some measures which should be legally binding on corporations, together with voluntary measures, but this was rejected for a voluntarist approach. Ten years on we can ask: has this worked? Read More
Whilst international corporations are taken to court for complicity in human rig Read More

Centre for Global Research – RMIT University

In order to disseminate research and engage in public discussion on contemporary issues related to globalisation and social change, the Centre for Global Research initiates and supports a wide range of public forums, conferences, seminars and festivals. Our aim is to provide an intellectually challenging but accessible and collegial environment for discussion and debate. The CGR records many of the these events and presents them here on iTunes U. Read More
In order to disseminate research and engage in public discussion on contemporary Read More

Desarrollo territorial y empresarial

El Primer Congreso Territorial del Noroeste organizó una serie de conferencias en las que diferentes expertos debatieron en torno al desarrollo económico desde una perspectiva regional, y en las circunstancias de una crisis estructural del sistema, con el objetivo de exponer alternativas al modelo y soluciones aplicables globalmente. Poniendo siempre el acento en las personas y sus problemas Read More
El Primer Congreso Territorial del Noroeste organizó una serie de conferencias Read More

Lisez La Science

LisezLaScience est un podcast dédié aux livres de science. L’idée de ce podcast est de faire des revues de livres scientifiques ou traitant de sujets scientifiques. L’objectif est d’en donner un aperçu qui vise à donner envie de pousser la découverte et de les lire ! Read More
LisezLaScience est un podcast dédié aux livres de science. L’idée de ce pod Read More