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Top Medicine Podcasts


W21C Patient Safety Podcast – W21C Podcast Team

W21C Patient Safety Podcast
W21C Patient Safety Podcast Read More

New Approaches to Maternal Mortality In Africa

Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG5) aims to improve maternal health. Unlike other MDGs, few countries are on track to achieve even the first goal of MDG 5, namely, to reduce maternal mortality by 75%. Sub-Saharan Africa suffers from the highest regional maternal mortality rate (MMR) at 640 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births and the annual decline has only been 0.1%. In stark contrast, average MMR in developed countries is 14. The focus for discussion and action to reduce maternal mortality rates is of necessity largely restricted to the fields of medicine and public health. At the same time, however, there is a spectrum of challenging biological, social and cultural issues that constitute the context within which maternal mortality occurs. In our workshop we plan to break new ground by bringing together those with expertise in current initiatives to reduce MMR with leading researchers in genetics, immunology, obstetric epidemiology, and social and biological anthropology. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum within which people with very different expertise and experience can explore the latest research findings and see how these could influence understanding and ideas for action to reduce maternal mortality in Africa. The following two areas, taken together, will form the focus of the conference: Biological mechanisms determining birth outcomes The social and historical context for maternal mortality in Africa We see this as a unique opportunity to bring together those with experience of implementing initiatives aimed at reducing MMR with researchers from different but highly relevant academic disciplines. Our focus on this important issue will enable us to bring together the latest research in fields that all too often do not ‘talk’ to each other. An additional question to be posed in the course of this conversation concerns the very nature of interdisciplinary enquiry. Do we have a language with which to talk meaningfully of the interactions between biology and history? To what extent can basic scientific research inform policy-making? Read More
Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG5) aims to improve maternal health. Unlike oth Read More

UPMC Culture scientifique

Conférences organisées à l'université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public.
Conférences organisées à l’université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public. Read More

UPMC Recherche

Conférences organisées à l'université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public.
Conférences organisées à l’université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public. Read More

Mental Health – Plymouth University

Areas working in the subject of Mental Health at the University of Plymouth include Social Work, Psychology, Healthy and Social Care Studies, Mental Health, Paramedicine and Nursing. Foundation opportunities including Counselling and Working with Older Persons are available at our Partner Colleges. Read More
Areas working in the subject of Mental Health at the University of Plymouth incl Read More

Médecine expérimentale

La chaire de Médecine Expérimentale et le laboratoire Inserm qui lui est associé (Inserm U833, Angiogenèse embryonnaire et pathologique) travaillent sur l'angiogenèse, la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux à partir de vaisseaux préexistants. Les principaux thèmes de recherche et d'enseignement sont : 1/ les facteurs responsables de la croissance et de la différenciation des artères, des veines et des lymphatiques ; 2/ les molécules impliquées dans le guidage des vaisseaux et des nerfs ; 3/ L'induction de protéines de la matrice extra-cellulaire par l'hypoxie ; 4/ les maladies liées à une angiogenèse anormale, telle la télangectiasie hémorragique héréditaire ; 5/ les nouveaux produits anti-angiogéniques dans le cancer. Le rôle du système rénine angiotensine au cours du développement embryonnaire est un autre axe de recherche et d'enseignement. The chair of Experimental Medicine and its affiliated Inserm laboratory (Inserm U833, Embryonic and pathologic angiogenesis) work on angiogenesis, the growth of new vessels from preexisting ones. The main themes of research and teaching are : 1/ factors responsible for the differentiation of arteries, veins and lymphatics ; 2/ molecules involved in vessel and neurone guidance ; 3/ induction by hypoxia of extra-cellular matrix proteins ; 4/ diseases related to abnormal angiogenesis such as hereditary hemorragic telangectasia ; 5/ new anti-angiogenic agents in cancer. The role of the renin angiotensin system during embryonic development is another area of research and teaching. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller Read More
La chaire de Médecine Expérimentale et le laboratoire Inserm qui lui est assoc Read More

Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire

Née le 5 mars 1965 à Londres (Angleterre). Edith Heard est généticienne de formation. Elle a suivi des études en sciences naturelles à l'Université de Cambridge au Royaume-Uni et a préparé son doctorat au « Imperial Cancer Research Fund » à Londres. Edith Heard est arrivée en France, à l'Institut Pasteur en 1990. Elle dirige aujourd'hui à l'Institut Curie, l'Unité de Génétique et biologie du développement et l'équipe « Épigenèse et développement des mammifères ». Elle a reçu de nombreuses distinctions pour ses travaux de recherche, comme la Médaille d'argent du CNRS, en 2008, le prix Jean Hamburger de la ville de Paris, en 2009, l'ERC Advanced Investigator Award du Conseil européen de la recherche en 2010 et le Grand Prix de la FRM en 2011. Elle est en outre membre élu de la prestigieuse Organisation européenne de biologie moléculaire (EMBO) depuis 2005. En 2012, elle a été nommée Professeure au Collège de France. Edith Heard se consacre depuis plusieurs années à l'étude des processus épigénétiques, tel que l'inactivation du chromosome X chez les mammifères, un modèle classique dans ce domaine. Ses travaux ont contribué à la compréhension des premiers événements qui accompagnent l'inactivation du chromosome X au cours de l'embryogenèse. Son équipe a mis en évidence une dynamique remarquable des changements épigénétiques au cours du développement précoce et a élucidé une partie des mécanismes responsables du processus d'inactivation du X. Elle a aussi démontré la diversité de stratégies mises en œuvre dans ce processus entre des mammifères mêmes très proches au cours de l'évolution. L'ensemble de ces travaux sont largement reconnus dans le domaine, car des mécanismes similaires semblent être impliqués dans d'autres processus épigénétiques. Read More
Née le 5 mars 1965 à Londres (Angleterre). Edith Heard est généticienne de f Read More

Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics – Plymouth University

Applied biosciences (Food and Nutrition), Dietetics and Exercise, Nutrition and Health are all delivered at the University of Plymouth. Plus, our Partner Colleges offer opportunities in Food Technology, Environmental and Public Health and Health and Nutrition Studies. Read More
Applied biosciences (Food and Nutrition), Dietetics and Exercise, Nutrition and Read More

Pharmacist Dialogues – Video

This series of discussions will focus on the role of the pharmacist in direct and indirect patient care. From bench side research of discovering new ways old drugs work to bedside and community practice where pharmacists ensure that the right patient gets the right drug at the right time. The goal of these dialogues is to provide the public with information for safe and effective use of medications and other health care products, encourage communication between patients, pharmacists and other health care providers and to provide a medium for drug information and education. Read More
This series of discussions will focus on the role of the pharmacist in direct an Read More

VJOncology Podcast

The Video Journal of Oncology (VJOncology) podcast covers the latest solid oncology news from international experts, including breast, lung, skin, genitourinary, head and neck, gynecological and more. Made for healthcare professionals and researchers, we are a global, independent, open-access platform. Listen to the latest news, including cutting-edge trial updates, controversies and opinion. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a rating and review! For more news visit www.vjoncology.com Read More
The Video Journal of Oncology (VJOncology) podcast covers the latest solid oncol Read More

Essential Knowledge Updates Podcasts

The Essential Knowledge Update podcasts provide RCGP members and subscribers with the opportunity to get acquainted with the topics of an Update through a different medium. The podcasts discuss the most important educational messages of an update with the respective authors, adding a further dimension to the learning experience. Read More
The Essential Knowledge Update podcasts provide RCGP members and subscribers wit Read More

Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud

Materiales didácticos de profesores y expertos en el campo de la medicina y las ciencias biosanitarias.
Materiales didácticos de profesores y expertos en el campo de la medicina y las Read More

‘Light, Clocks and Sleep’

Light, Clocks and Sleep: The Discovery of a New Photoreceptor within the Eye Until the late 1990’s it seemed inconceivable to most vision biologists that there could be an unrecognised class of light sensor within the eye. After all, the eye was the best understood part of the central nervous system. One hundred and fifty years of research had explained how we see: Light is detected by the rods and cones of the retina and their responses are assembled into an “image” by inner retinal neurones, followed by advanced visual processing in the brain. This representation of the eye left no room for an additional class of ocular photoreceptor. However, work in a variety of animals, including mice and humans, overturned this conventional view of the eye. We now know that the rods and cones are not alone. Image courtesy of: Grégoire Lannoy from Flickr Creative Commons Read More
Light, Clocks and Sleep: The Discovery of a New Photoreceptor within the Eye Unt Read More

Sports Science – Plymouth University

A wealth of opportunities at Plymouth and its Partner Colleges includes Marine Sports, Exercise Science and Fitness, Equine Studies, Sports Therapy, Outdoor Education, Yacht Operations, Tournament Golf and Surf Science and Technology. Read More
A wealth of opportunities at Plymouth and its Partner Colleges includes Marine S Read More

Omaha Science Cafe – Omaha Science Cafe

Science Cafés involve a face-to-face conversation with a scientist about current science topics. They are open to everyone and take place in casual settings like pubs and coffeehouses. A science café's casual meeting place, plain language, and inclusive conversation create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for people with no science background. Each meeting is organized around an interesting topic of conversation. A scientist gives a brief presentation followed by a question and answer period. Read More
Science Cafés involve a face-to-face conversation with a scientist about curren Read More

Neuroscience – Plymouth University

Research expertise at Plymouth includes the Centre for Research in Brain, Cognition & Behaviour, the Centre for Robotics & Neural Systems, Cognition, Developmental Disability Research & Education, Mental Health and Theoretical & Computational Neuroscience. Read More
Research expertise at Plymouth includes the Centre for Research in Brain, Cognit Read More

Heartless – 1:1:1 Media

We want to help people understand medicine. Understand how the human body works, and why modern medicine looks the way it does. We also want to laugh. Laugh about happy and sad things. Laugh about the ridiculousness of our healthcare system. Laugh so we don't go insane. We hope you'll join us to learn and laugh a little about medicine, current events shaping our medical care, and the overarching healthcare system that affects all of our lives more than we know. Read More
We want to help people understand medicine. Understand how the human body works, Read More

Bases anatomiques de la chirurgie plastique

Flux RSS de la Médiathéque de Paris Descartes
Flux RSS de la Médiathéque de Paris Descartes Read More

Operational Health : Conversations about emergency, disaster and routine healthcare management. – Craig from Operationalhealth.com

This fortnightly podcast series discusses topics related to delivering health services in the controlled environment of a hospital through to the uncontrolled pre-hospital (ambulance) emergency and disaster arena. It reviews managerial and operational approaches to the different situations and explores how it integrates into the bigger healthcare community. It is not specifically a medical or clinically focused podcast (although clinical care will be discussed in some episodes of course). Whether you are a health care user, health care provider, policy manager or a volunteer first aider, this podcast is designed to challenge and inform. And will be interesting, entertaining ... and about 20 minutes in length. You can get more information at http://www.operationalhealth.com It is hosted by Craig Hooper, a health and emergency service operations specialist. He has more than 25 years domestic and international experience in operational management, emergency planning, health service delivery and service redevelopment. Read More
This fortnightly podcast series discusses topics related to delivering health se Read More