Top History Podcasts


Creation Talk Podcast

Is the Bible’s history true? Do we have evidence that supports the book of Genesis? What about evolution? Join our informal discussions and get answers to these questions. It will prepare you to think through science topics from a biblical perspective, and in the process you’ll get to know the team at a little better! Read More
Is the Bible’s history true? Do we have evidence that supports the book of Gen Read More

Marx Madness

Audiobooks with commentary and analysis to help make Leftist theory more accessible.
Audiobooks with commentary and analysis to help make Leftist theory more accessi Read More

Dark La Crosse Stories

The stories, which are all at least 50 years old, cover everything from the city’s red-light district and counterfeiters, to a double homicide and suicide, and murder over a pearl when La Crosse had an established pearl industry. Read More
The stories, which are all at least 50 years old, cover everything from the city Read More

Decision Points

Decision Points is a Washington Institute podcast on key moments in Israel's history and present. The first season focused on the history of U.S. Israel relations, the second season examined key Israeli and Arab leaders, and the third season shifted the focus to Israel's toughest contemporary policy dilemmas.

Season 4 of the podcast highlights a set of books which are essential to understanding the U.S.-Israel relationship and the history of Zionism and Israel. In each episode, authors will unpack their books and engage in striking and insightful conversations.


The host, David Makovsky, is the Ziegler Distinguished Fellow in The Washington Institute's Irwin Levy Family Program on the U.S.-Israel Strategic Relationship and director of the Koret Project on Arab-Israel Relations. He is a former senior advisor to the U.S. Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations, as well as a sought-after expert in U.S.-Israel diplomatic relations and territorial solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Guests include Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S.; Natan Sharansky, a human rights activist and former Israeli government minister; David Petraeus, former CIA Director; and Tzipi Livni, former Israeli Foreign Minister.


The podcast is both a history lesson and an exploration of contemporary policy decisions impacting Israel, the United States, and the Middle East at large.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Decision Points is a Washington Institute podcast on key moments in Israel’ Read More

Military History Podcast

Bringing you the strangest anecdotes, innovative technology, and most significant events in Military History.
Bringing you the strangest anecdotes, innovative technology, and most significan Read More

Nostalgia Trap

Conversations about history, politics, and pop culture.
Conversations about history, politics, and pop culture. Read More


A paranormal podcast that debates ghost stories and you decide if they are real.
A paranormal podcast that debates ghost stories and you decide if they are real. Read More

The Partial Historians

An ancient Roman History podcast hosted by smart ladies!
An ancient Roman History podcast hosted by smart ladies! Read More

Au Cœur de l’Histoire – Des récits pour découvrir et apprendre l’Histoire

Découvrez l’Histoire de France et du monde avec l’historienne Virginie Girod dans cette nouvelle saison du podcast "Au cœur de l’Histoire" ! Embarquez pour un voyage dans le temps inédit sur fond de musiques originales, pour une immersion totale à la manière de la fiction audio. Virginie Girod met en lumière des personnages historiques inspirants, et des personnalités moins connues mais tout aussi influentes, qu’ils soient artistes, scientifiques ou politiques.  

Lundi et mardi, retrouvez un récit en deux parties sur une grande figure historique. Chaque mercredi, Virginie Girod vous fait découvrir la vie d’un personnage moins célèbre. L’épisode du jeudi fait la lumière sur une affaire historique : complot, crime, procès… Plongez au cœur des mystères de l’Histoire !  

Et pour aller plus loin, Virginie Girod reçoit chaque vendredi pour une interview un invité historien, chercheur, journaliste ou encore archéologue. L’invité vient apporter son éclairage historique sur une question d’actualité ou sur l’un des sujets de la semaine. 

"Au cœur de l'Histoire" s'adresse aux passionnés d'histoire aussi bien qu’à ceux qui cherchent à apprendre l'Histoire facilement. Que vous souhaitiez renforcer votre culture générale, ou réviser une leçon d'histoire vue en cours sans passer par les manuels scolaires, ce podcast est fait pour vous. "Au Cœur de l’Histoire" est une production Europe 1 Studio. 

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Découvrez l’Histoire de France et du monde avec l’historienne Virginie Giro Read More

Hvað er málið?

Dularfull, spennandi og áhugaverð mál verða tekin fyrir í þessum þætti. Hvort sem það eru staðir, atburðir, fólk eða eitthvað annað. Read More
Dularfull, spennandi og áhugaverð mál verða tekin fyrir í þessum þætti. Read More

A Brief History of Mathematics

Professor of Mathematics Marcus du Sautoy reveals the personalities behind the calculations and argues that mathematics is the driving force behind modern science.

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Professor of Mathematics Marcus du Sautoy reveals the personalities behind the c Read More

15 Minute History – The University of Texas at Austin

15 Minute History is a history podcast designed for historians, enthusiasts, and newbies alike. This is a joint project of Hemispheres, the international outreach consortium at the University of Texas at Austin, and Not Even Past, a website with articles on a wide variety of historical issues, produced by the History Department at the University of Texas at Austin. This podcast series is devoted to short, accessible discussions of important topics in world history, United States history, and Texas history with the award winning faculty and graduate students at the University of Texas at Austin, and distinguished visitors to our campus. They are meant to be a resource for both teachers and students, and can be enjoyed by anyone with an interest in history. For more information, visit our website! Read More
15 Minute History is a history podcast designed for historians, enthusiasts, and Read More

GRABS Podcast

GRABS Podcast: Grant Schwalbe and Justin McWilliams bringing you the stories of the victim rescues being made all over the country. Read More
GRABS Podcast: Grant Schwalbe and Justin McWilliams bringing you the stories of Read More

History of Southeast Asia

A history of the lands between India, China and Australia.
A history of the lands between India, China and Australia. Read More

Ancient Greek History – Video – Donald Kagan

(CLCV 205) This is an introductory course in Greek history tracing the development of Greek civilization as manifested in political, intellectual, and creative achievements from the Bronze Age to the end of the classical period. Students read original sources in translation as well as the works of modern scholars. This course was recorded in Fall 2007. Read More
(CLCV 205) This is an introductory course in Greek history tracing the developme Read More


“The past is filled with incredible mysteries; the clues to solving them all around; hidden in plain sight. But these stories begin with some of the most famous vanishings in history." Join attorney Jennifer Taylor and investigator Chris Williamson as they re-open some of the biggest disappearance cases in all of history. Chasing clues, witnesses and new information Jennifer and Chris will take you on the ride of a lifetime and uncover new evidence in some of the biggest historical cold cases ever; some of which the world won't be ready to believe. "Vanished" is a ChrisEvan Films production, and part of the Straight Up Strange podcast network. Read More
“The past is filled with incredible mysteries; the clues to solving them all a Read More

How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from Chinese of the book How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World, by the editorial team of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Read More
The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from Chinese of the book How the S Read More


Omitted is a weekly history podcast, exploring the lost stories behind history's biggest events. These are the stories that have been omitted from the narrative. These are the tales that could soon be forgotten. For that reason, they must be told. Read More
Omitted is a weekly history podcast, exploring the lost stories behind history&# Read More

Down & Away

Cold Case Homicide Studies
Cold Case Homicide Studies Read More

تاریکخانه تاریخ

«تاریک‌خانۀ تاریخ» به رویدادهای مهم و شخصیت‌های تأثیرگذارِ عهدِ ناصری تا پایانِ سلطنتِ قاجار می‌پردازد و ناگفته‌ها و ناشنیده‌ها را مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهد. در تاریک‌خانه زوایایی از تاریخ، که هرچند دارای اهمیتی بسیارند اما تابه‌حال کم‌تر از آن‌ها گفته شده‌است، را از پستو‌ها بیرون آورده و زیرِ ذرّه‌بین مطالعه قرار می‌دهیم. Read More
«تاریک‌خاۀ تاریخ» به رویدادهای مهم و شخصی Read More

The History of Yugoslavia

A fortnightly podcast chronicling the amazing story of the now ex-country of Yugoslavia -its formation, heights, and collapse. Read More
A fortnightly podcast chronicling the amazing story of the now ex-country of Yug Read More

Historia de España para selectividad

Historia de España explicada a estudiantes que están preparando selectividad. Con Juan Jesús Pleguezuelos
Historia de España explicada a estudiantes que están preparando selectividad. Read More


Odyssey: The Podcast is a serialized telling in contemporary language, of Homer’s Odyssey. Over twenty-three hours, master storyteller Jeff Wright delivers a fast-paced, literate, and addictive performance. Each episode features a continuation of the story arc, followed by engaging commentary on the social, cultural and political contexts helpful to maximizing your fun with Homer’s story. Odyssey: The Podcast works brilliantly as a free-standing story, or as a sequel to Trojan War: The Podcast. Read More
Odyssey: The Podcast is a serialized telling in contemporary language, of Homer Read More


podcast logo Nerds on Film and Nerds on History have each had their last word. And yet like the legendary Phoenix (the bird, not Jean Grey), a new podcast rises from their ashes. Are we still covering Film? Yes. Are we bringing back History episodes? Absolutely. What about those long talked-about Nerds on Words and Nerds on Books episodes, or even Nerds on Science? We’ll definitely cover those too. We are now, simply, Nerdonomy.  Our rebranded podcast uses the season format, and episodes will release weekly when each season premieres. Listen as our rotating table of familiar hosts and guests will tackle all of the above, and far more, on Nerdonomy.   Read More
Nerds on Film and Nerds on History have each had their last word. And yet like t Read More

Historic Voices: Global History and Culture

Historic Voices Podcast brings voices from the past that make history come alive through their personal accounts and public speeches. Some episodes bring the voices of political and military leaders, common citizens who lived during extraordinary times, and entertainers who helped Americans live through difficult events. The podcast host provides a short introduction and afterward shares historical context. This podcast is part of the LifePodcast Network composed of other family-friendly podcasts that bring a positive message of hope and inspiration. Check out the LifePodcast Network, Read More
Historic Voices Podcast brings voices from the past that make history come alive Read More