What Shines with the Dawn is the first book of The Odysseys of Alaythia series. Book One follows the epic adventure of Virginia Singerman.
After the murder of her parents, Virginia moves to East Tennessee to live under the custody of her distant uncle in his palatial estate.
One day, while exploring her new quarters, she finds a diary in an old room that had been locked off for over 100 years.
Ignoring the warning that came with the book, she flips through its pages, reading about a teenage girl from the 1800’s named Rose Cohen, who lived in the same mansion before her.
Virginia’s attention is gripped as Rose describes of a place nearby called Alaythia, where men can turn into beasts, warriors can sprout wings from their backs and channel fire through their very being, and her story of how she was kidnaped and rescued by these same individuals.
It is not long after that the very things Virginia read about begin to manifest and hunt her down.
Through the brave skills and crafts of Charles, her high school crush and one who knows more about what’s happening than he originally led her to believe, Virginia is protected and taken into another world: a world waiting for her, a world where she learns the truth about herself, a world that tells prophesies of her unlocking an ancient weapon that the dark ones fear, that is, if she she can be safeguarded long enough for it to come to pass.
All the chapters/episodes of Book I are available on all major podcasting platforms. To remain updated with the progress and released of Book II subscribed wherever you listen to your podcasts and follow The Odysseys of Alaythia on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and X to never miss an update.
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