Known around the world as "The Incredible Hulk," Lou Ferrigno played the real life super hero. The former Mr. Universe became known from his appearance in the cutting edge documentary by George Butler, Pumping Iron, where he played opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lou went on to play lead rolls in over 20 films and TV shows including Hercules, Sinbad and the King of Queens. But, Lou will always be known best for his roll as the Incredible Hulk.
Recording this episode was a bit of a challenge. If you notice less than stellar audio, there's a reason: Lou is deaf. He uses a combination of lip reading and hearing aids to be able to communicate. He can use a telephone because his hearing aids have a Blue Tooth connection to his cell phone, which enables him to hear his cell phone through his hearing aids. So, we had to rely on the old telephone to conduct this remote interview.
While the audio is a little less than par, the interview itself more than makes up for it. We know you'll enjoy it!