EMS 12-Lead Podcast – Episode 11 – Are We Harming Patients With Oxygen?
In this episode of the EMS 12-Lead podcast we’re joined by Kelly Arashin, ACNP, CCNS and Mike McEvoy, PhD, RN, CCRN, REMT-P at EMS Today 2013 in Washington D.C. We discuss the benefits and dangers of oxygen administration.
Kelly is a dual boarded advanced practice nurse and Chair of the Hypothermia Steering Committee at Hilton Head Hospital in Hilton Head Island, SC.
Mike describes himself as a nurse, paramedic, firefighter, and medical college professor. He is also Chair of the Resuscitation Committee for University Teaching Hospital in Albany, NY.
Mike is the author of the article Can Oxygen Hurt? and taught an education session at Physio-Control University entitled To Give Oxygen or Not: That Is the Question.
*** Update ***
Thanks to Brooks Walsh, M.D. for bringing this article to our attention:
Association between arterial hyperoxia following resuscitation from cardiac arrest and in-hospital mortality
Tom Bouthillet, Kelly Arashin, Mike McEvoy at EMS Today 2013
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Follow Mike McEvoy on Twitter at @McEvoyMike
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