Rethink & Return Podcast brings thought leadership and teaching to pastors, church leaders and the greater Church by rethinking the modern church and returning to the ways of the New Testament church we see in Scripture.
With undeniable relevance today, this podcast covers topics like House Church, the stewardship of church space, culture, leadership, and more – as well as supplemental resources and in-depth exposition of Church Project’s weekly sermons.
This podcast’s weekly content is created and shared by Jason Shepperd, Founder and Lead Pastor of Church Project and Church Project Network. With decades of experience in planting and leading churches, Jason has started and scaled a movement of thousands of people, gathered in many House Churches locally, and also in different cities, states, and countries defined by a common eDNA (Ecclesiological DNA): decentralized from primary place and priest, that distributes pastoral leadership to empowered lay pastors, who fully pastor diverse, discipleship geographically-based House Church communities which carry out all of the functions of the church. Church Project has focused over $16.5 million in their first 15 years toward gospel-centered ministries and church planting. Jason also leads Church Project Network, a collective of churches aligned around a commitment to be a “Church of House Churches,” and Good City, a city centrality for local ministry collaboration and support.
Website: jasonshepperd.com
Audio Devotionals: startwith7.com
Have Conversations Toward Salvation: goodgodgospel.com
Church Project Network: churchprojectnetwork.com
Good City: goodcity.org
“A Church of House Churches: An Articulated and Applied Ecclesiology”: https://a.co/d/0vgpSjV