A podcast about Girl With The Dogs, pet grooming stories, heart-warming pet stories, entrepreneurship, and content creation.
Business inquiries: girlwiththedogs@outlook.com
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A podcast about Girl With The Dogs, pet grooming stories, heart-warming pet stories, entrepreneurship, and content creation.
Business inquiries: girlwiththedogs@outlook.com
Copyright: © 2024 Talk Your Tail Off
In this episode, we explore how the highs and lows of life don't have to dictate your future. Mary Reinhart's journey is a testament to resilience; she walked on broken glass to achieve her goals. From navigating young motherhood and divorce, to enduring the heartbreaking loss of her son, she faced numerous challenges. Nevertheless, she persevered and established a highly successful business.
Marys Business & Location of Heal & Shift
NURSE: https://nurseniagara.com
In this episode, we will reveal a variety of thrilling updates happening in both the business and my personal life. Additionally, we will share our reflections on the sad conclusion of Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon.
In this episode, several female entrepreneurs share their experiences of launching a business, persevering through challenges, and navigating the world of e-commerce. We will also explore a natural supplement that may aid your pet in managing pain and anxiety, while offering valuable insights for fellow entrepreneurs facing unusual circumstances.
In today's episode, I will be interviewing my family members: my brother Julian, and my grandparents Nina and Pasquale. They run a successful YouTube channel named “The Spicy Nonna,” and they'll provide us with an exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives.
Today's episode delves into the significance of senior adoption, the happiness senior dogs bring, the potential collaboration between breeders and rescues, and the substantial effort involved in operating a dog rescue.
Today's episode focuses on female entrepreneurship, exploring both the highs and lows and how to navigate through them. Additionally, we delve into content creation and emphasize the significance of maintaining a close bond with your grandparents.
In this episode, we delve into real-life challenges that pets can introduce into our relationships. The ultimate dilemma: do we bid farewell to the human or the dog?
Today's episode features an interview with Joel Beckman, a dog trainer, YouTuber, exotic animal handler, and trainer. Joel offers a distinctive viewpoint on training, drawing from extensive experience with big cats, monkeys, wolves, and even killer whales. Joel's life experiences set him apart, making this interview truly fascinating.
Today's episode delves into the world of dog breeding, exploring its intricacies. Does breeding solely revolve around profit? Does it have a negative impact on animal populations? Learn how to identify warning signs of an irresponsible breeder, and unravel common misconceptions surrounding breeding practices.
Have you ever pondered whether our pets can communicate with us from the afterlife? In this episode, I chat with Lynn Nicholls, a psychic medium, as she delivers messages to individuals who have lost their pets, myself included!
In this episode, listen in as I transform negative comments into engaging content. Join me and my friends as they playfully tease me with critical comments, and watch my unfiltered reaction.
In this episode, we delve into the realm of pet nutrition. Dr. Hillary Wolfe shares valuable insights on topics ranging from kibble to homemade and raw diets. The episode also covers over-vaccination and shines a light on breeds, from the healthiest to the least healthy.
Follow Hillary : @doctorwolfe.dvm
This episode features stories sent in by viewers about their pets and how these animals rescued them.
Interested in having your story shared? Send your story to girlwiththedogs@outlook.com, with the subject line "pet story" for a chance to be featured.
In today's episode, I am joined by my friends Vanessa and Maria. Together, we reminisce about the unforgettable mishaps during our ill-fated trip to rescue stray cats and dogs in Kazakhstan.
Today, we've got the fabulous Sarah in the spotlight - the successful mobile pet groomer. Get ready for an inside scoop on the magic of mobile pet pampering, and some interesting facts that'll leave you with a better understanding of how mobile grooming works. Oh, and let's not forget the juicy tales of some CRAZY clients. This is a dramatic episode you’ll be sure to enjoy.
Welcome back to Talk Your Tail Off. Today, I've interviewed my Grandfather, Pasquale Ramunno. He talks about his life, his struggles, and persevering into success and happiness.
In this episode, we explore my previous job in a grooming salon, and the challenging boss who created lasting negative memories for both me and my close friend Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn, who is employed at a veterinary clinic, reveals insightful details about the pet industry that are often unknown to many.
This episodes guest is my life-long friend Cristina. We will be discussing childhood memories, funny pet stories, and answering my viewers most common question.
1) How did you become a groomer?
2) How did your boss feel about you grooming from home?
3) Why do you bath cats? How did you get into cat grooming?
4) Do you experience carpal tunnel symptoms?
5) Why shouldn't you shave double coated dogs? Why are cats different?
6) Have you ever been bit by a dog?
7) What was your worst grooming injury?
8) Are you a dog person or a cat person?
9) Why aren't you afraid to work with large dogs?