Gil Reyes spent 17 years as Andre Agassi's strength and conditioning coach. He still operates his gym out of Las Vegas and trains athletes from all sports. His responses to mental toughness and mental health were iconic and worthy of your ears and tears...
5:29 “Can you teach discipline if you don’t have it? Can you teach patience if you don’t have it?”
5:38 Gil describes what his athletes have taught him.
7:33 How the “it factor” displays itself in athletes.
8:36 “When I pray, I don’t pray to be fearless, I pray to be brave.”
9:51 “Fear is somewhere in there with love as far as one of our deepest, innate emotions.”
10:02 Gil gives examples of what he talks about with his athletes while working with them.
10:20 “Make sure your backbone is as strong as your wishbone.”
10:40 “Some battles aren’t worth fighting even if you win, some battles are worth fighting even if you lose.”
10:57 Gil’s perspective on battles in life.
11:31 “Others get to describe you, but only you get to define you.”
12:16 “Confrontation can often reveal itself as education in disguise”.
13:28 Growth can come from winning or losing.
13:44 Gil’s favorite word: glorious.
14:21 Being unprepared is in your control.
15:00 “Are we worthy of those tears?” Gil describes the time when Andre Agassi lost his first 3 major finals.
16:20 Gil begins discussing the journey of Agassi winning the French Open.
18:38 Gil talks about the non-verbal ways he showed his support while Agassi competed.
19:09 One of the best pieces of wisdom he received while training Agassi.
21:10 Gil talks how Agassi was able to come back and “rededicate” himself to the game.
25:07 Gil recalls Agassi’s mental toughness while playing in uncontrollable environments.
26:52 “Weak legs command, strong legs obey.”
27:36 “Is this a winnable war?” Figuring out the process required to reach your goal.
28:01 “Being realistic is the most commonly traveled path to mediocrity.”
28:53 The first step to identifying Agassi’s goal process.
29:13 How do you respond to a loss?
30:58 Gil describes Agassi’s process of remaining top 10 in the world for sixteen years.
32:33 “Truth is such a beautiful concept within yourself that is no longer a concept, it becomes a foundation on which you stand and you grow.”
33:10 Gil shares what he believes is the most important mental skill.
34:26 How his lack of confidence affected his social interactions.
35:55 Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, & Mike Tyson.
37:21 Preparation and confidence when being tested.
39:56 Gil begins to illustrate the feeling a champion has post-victory.
43:10 Gil notes Mike Tyson’s discipline in training.
44:49 Gil describes his hinge moment.
50:58 In order to truly help others, Gil learned he must not limit himself.
51:50 The difference between being successful and being significant.
56:06 “They come in here with buckets full of dreams and they leave here with buckets full of sweat.”
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Dr. Rob Bell