Trina Leckie | breakup BOOST – #TopPodcast Podfluencer of the Week: v. 22
Kurt Laufer
26 Nov 2017
Who Is Trina Leckie?
The reason I wanted to start the breakup BOOST podcast and breakup coaching business is because I found myself constantly encountering people who were either struggling with a relationship, going through a breakup, sitting on the fence about whether they should breakup, or getting back into the dating scene and having a tough time with it.
I also found myself constantly offering advice and coaching friends through their heartbreak and dating episodes (and being good at it). That’s when I decided to kick it up a notch and extend my reach to be able to help so many other people who need support and strength during such a difficult time.
Times are changing…and relationships seem to be getting more challenging to build and maintain. I know what it’s like to go through heartbreak – but I also know that you can always get through it and be better off because of it.
Her mission is to help people heal their hearts and get back in the dating saddle and we are excited to feature her as a #TopPodcast Podfluencer – and after reading this, make sure you subscribe to her podcast in iTunes (but you can listen to her show first below, with one simple click).
The Breakup BOOST Podcast (Listen Here)
Her Favorite Episodes (Click to Listen)
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The Interview
Who has had the biggest influence on your podcasting career and why?
I know this may be an odd answer, but I would have to say myself. I have had the biggest influence on myself because everything I talk about is from my life experience. This is how I am able to relate to people and put myself in their shoes to know how they are feeling. To be successful in podcasting, you have to tear down the walls and be authentic. Influencing yourself to be yourself and not worry about what anyone thinks of you is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
If there’s someone, past or present, that you’d love to have an opportunity to go to dinner with, who would that be and why?
God. To ask him all of the questions we don’t know the answers to and to thank him for always having my back.
What is it, about your audience, that continues to surprise you?
When listeners email me to tell me how much I have impacted their life, it blows me away and touches my heart on so many levels. It’s literally the best feeling ever. Side note: I think many people may be surprised to know that almost half of my listeners are male. Men don’t sit around talking about breakups and relationship problems for hours like women do…they too need someone to lean on for support, so I am glad I am able to be there for them.
In one word, how would your best friends describe you? Why do you think that is?
Just one word? Gosh, that’s a tricky one…but if I had to narrow it down, I would say optimistic. Whenever someone gets on the “Negative Nancy” train, I quickly interject with a positive perspective. I don’t get on the train with them. There is always a silver lining and being a positive person just makes life better and more enjoyable in every way! Being negative doesn’t solve anything, so why even go there?!
If you had one day, completely free, away from work, no watch on, and could do whatever the hell you wanted, what would it be and why?
Fly off somewhere I have never been before (close enough that I wouldn’t use up the whole day on the plane). Rent a hotel room that has super comfy beds with fluffy white comforters. Have a quick nap (although I would probably be too excited to sleep). Then I would go off exploring the city, eat LOTS of good food unique to the area (not counting calories), and just see where the night takes me. I love randomness and the unexpected. I think those elements create the best moments and memories.
Anyone you’d like to thank? Friends, Family, Mentors, Advertisers or Sponsors?
I would like to thank my Mom who has been my biggest supporter and is always quick to remind me when that I need to put out a new episode because my listeners are probably waiting for one. And of course, I would like to thank and send positive vibes to all of my listeners, anyone who has taken the time to leave me a positive review, and to anyone who has taken the time to email me to share their story. ]
Kurt has been embedded in the digital marketing world for over 15 years. After overseeing Digital Sales for CBS New York for 5 years, he left in 2016 to launch alongside his botique marketing agency (Ace Attribution Group). Retained by AmeriGas, he is their National Media Buyer for TV, Radio, and Digital marketing services for their new grill tank home delivery service Cynch. Kurt also manages social media and editorial content for BJB Worldwide & Albero, Kupferman & Associates.