Brooke Gittings: Actual Innocence, Convicted, Cold Case Files: The Podcast – #TopPodcast Podfluencer of the Week: v. 18
Kurt Laufer
10 Sep 2017
#TopPodcast could not be happier to feature Brooke Gittings, who is making her impact very well ‘heard’ in the podcast world! More than just a Podfluencer, Brooke Gittings is impacted peoples lives. Learn more about our Podfluencer of the Week below!
Who Is Brooke Gittings?
Brooke is a Social Worker who is driven to advocate for people who need help. She is especially moved to help with wrongful conviction victims. She was previously a child therapist and is now a host and producer of this and another podcast.
She created Convicted because the injustice in the story of Richard Nicolas was so compelling she wanted to share it with others who could help advocate on his behalf.
Who has had the biggest influence on your podcasting career and why?
I think Serial had the biggest influence on my love for podcasting, but it was Bob Ruff from “Serial Dynasty” that influenced me to turn my love into a career.
If there’s someone, past or present, that you’d love to have an opportunity to go to dinner with, who would that be and why?
This is not just the fan girl in me, but… Kevin Spacey. I think he is a phenomenal actor who has managed to keep his private life private. He can be the president of the United States or a man on the death penalty for a crime he didn’t commit. It all comes so natural to him… I’d just like to know his story
What is it, about your audience, that continues to surprise you?
The positive support and the way they empowered to help others. I feel, in a way, I don’t just have an audience, I don’t just have listeners – I have advocates. That is amazing and inspiring to me in so many ways.
In one word, how would your best friends describe you? Why do you think that is?
Tired. Podcasts are a lot of work. I think that I would be described as genuine a person who stands up for what I believe is the right thing.
If you had one day, completely free, away from work, no watch on, and could do whatever the hell you wanted, what would it be and why?
I would go to Disney World – I mean preferenentialy with Kevin Spacey, but you know Mickey is a good guy too. Everyone at Disney World is so nice – I like being surrounded by nice supportive people.
Any advertisers you want to give a shout out to? Or anyone you’d like to thank ?
I love all my sponsors, but I want to shout out to Bombas… they not only make great socks, but they help those in need. I use my scale every day – Chatbooks too is an amazing creation!
I want to thank Audioboom, my host, my people, my support for everything they’ve done to make my podcasts succeed.
Kurt has been embedded in the digital marketing world for over 15 years. After overseeing Digital Sales for CBS New York for 5 years, he left in 2016 to launch alongside his botique marketing agency (Ace Attribution Group). Retained by AmeriGas, he is their National Media Buyer for TV, Radio, and Digital marketing services for their new grill tank home delivery service Cynch. Kurt also manages social media and editorial content for BJB Worldwide & Albero, Kupferman & Associates.