In our fast-paced culture it's so easy to forget we are not what we do or what we own. Our lives can feel stressful, anxious, and exhausting like we cannot keep up or get enough done. We must pause. Must must allow ourselves to rest, renew and create spaces to be open again to just being to remember on the deepest level we are human beings, not human doings. We will all feel our healthiest, most alive, joyful and whole when we actively cultivate practices of pausing from our doing and earning and allow ourselves to just be. May we all through pausing, allow our hearts, minds, and spirits remember we are enough, we can let go of our needs to achieve our worth and remember we already have it. May we all enjoy life to the fullest this week and every week.
Thank you so much listening! Your doing so matters. The more you practice, the more you grow, the more you allow yourself to live from your center and that in turn helps others live from their's.
Grace, Peace & Namaste,
Recommended Reading: Brene Brown's Gifts of Imperfection research and teaching proves what I share from her findings here - cultivating play and rest, and letting go of productivity as self-worth are essential to fully wholehearted and fully alive with joy!
If this work helps you find the rest you need, recenter, find a grounding in your being, or a little more lightness to your heavy spaces, please rate, review and donate to keep the work going and impact more lives around us all. Thanks so much for listening, for doing this for your Spirit and those you will impact from being a little more grounded and loved yourself. You matter. Your practice matters. Grace is here.