Greetings Battletech! This is our 50th Episode (insert roaring applause) We made a special extra long jam packed episode for all of those making the trek to Gen Con this year. And who better to help than the boys over at Catalyst Game Labs! Randall Bills, Brent Evans, Ray Arrastia, and Aaron Cahall.
We talk about everything from the past to the future of Battletech!
Cast Members
Host: Matthew "Bloodbath" Behrens
Co Host: Andrew "Minnow" Krull
Co Host: Charles "Loremaster" Gideon
Co Host: Aaron "Coach" Krull
Co Host: Thomas "Silent C Raven" Kruger
Special Guests:
Randall Bills: Knower of Things and Keeper of Secrets
Brent Evans: Some random guy from CGL
Ray Arrastia: Juggling walrus with English as a second language
Aaron Cahall: That one guy that actually does all the work ;)
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Alpha Strike 350 Rules and Tools can be found at
This Episode is proudly sponsored by Aries Games and Miniatures. You can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction at