In-depth strategies, guides, and interviews to make you better at PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). Hosts: @mtbtrigger and @the1heart_
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In-depth strategies, guides, and interviews to make you better at PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). Hosts: @mtbtrigger and @the1heart_
Part of the XP Media Network –
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Winner Winner is a PUBG Podcast (A Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds Podcast)
After a lot of speculation on very little information regarding the new maps, we dive into everything PUBG PC Patch 12.1 has to offer. Miramar is the biggest focus of the discussion here, with updates to terrain, buildings and lighting being the biggest changes. Miramar also gets some exclusive new toys in terms of a new ATV, new motorcycle and an all new crate weapon - the .50 caliber Lynx Anti-Material Rifle that can blast through BRDM glass, destroy all vehicles and decimate the competition.
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
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Winner Winner is a PUBG Podcast (A Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds Podcast)
There’s been so much to talk about in PUBG lately, that our most recent recording had to be chopped up into a few parts. Part one released last week and offers an overview of everything coming and a deep dive on the new 8x8 map Tiger and thoughts on an incoming respawn mechanic. Definitely don’t miss that if you haven’t listened yet?
Part two is much shorter, and Mike and Kev talk about the other new 8x8 map, Kiki. The only image we’ve seen looks super futuristic, but we’ve also been told that there will be multiple biomes. In addition, the devs tell us this will be the most exploration-focused map to date.
We also cover the emergency pick-up changes that are coming to help ease the number of planes we were hearing and the frequency. This led us to chatting about the Erangel bridge changes and how interesting fights can be when not traveling by boat, glider or zipline.
That’s all for this part, friends! See you later this week with part three, where we will talk about all things new to Miramar and our initial impressions!
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6687
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Winner Winner, out.
Winner Winner is a PUBG Podcast (A Playerunknown's Battleground Podcast)
The PUBG Developers gave us so much to talk about, that the boys went long and had to chop it up into a few parts. The year of the big maps has only just begun!
In part one, Mike and Kev give an overview of what is to come in PUBG PC Patch 12.1, as well as the huge announcement within the PUBG Dev Plan for 2021, which includes news of two upcoming 8x8 km maps - codenamed Tiger and Kiki!
After teasing all the content there is to talk about, your hosts jump straight into talks about Tiger. A wise man once said a picture is worth a thousand words, to which Mike beat his chest and said you gotta pump those numbers up. Seriously, if anyone wants to word count how far they get based on an artist’s rendering, Kev and Mike’s first thoughts on Tiger really do go the distance. They discuss where they think Tiger is located, how the map might play, and anything else they could glean from A SINGLE PICTURE.
Also, no big deal, but respawns are officially coming to the game. Tiger will be where we all test PUBG’s respawn mechanic out, on live servers. In fact, Tiger will be PUBG’s most experimental map for new features going forward. Listener reactions from Twitter and Discord were shared to kick the respawn discussion off. Oh and even though the last Winner Winner episode was heavily focused on the idea of respawns, Mike and Kev forgot everything they said that episode and did it all again.
That’s about where things leave off for part one of this three part series. Tune in within the next week or so as two and three get released. The guys talk Kiki and everything Miramar in the following two shows!
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6687
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Winner Winner, out.
Winner Winner is a PUBG Podcast (A Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds Podcast)
PUBG turns 4 years old on March 23, 2021. As we get closer to that insane milestone for this genre-defining battle royale, Mike and Kev discuss what is the core that defines PUBG and use some recent talking points from other community members as a soundboard for the discussion. Notably, and perhaps the driving factor for us thinking about this topic, are a Twitlonger post from chocoTaco on twitter, and a very recent clip from PlayerIGN. In short, choco’s post was about core gameplay, specifically what other games do with core gameplay. He referenced rocket league, counterstrike, and others that are so focused on their core gameplay that they don’t change it - these games only change the things outside the core. He also went into detail on what PUBG could change TODAY that would help alleviate some of the issues he sees as most prevalent. PlayerIGN’s post discussed the knock system and how other BRs have taken PUBG’s innovation and moved it into a full revive system and done other things to evolve and innovate battle royales past PUBG.
With those broad topics, your hosts defined what they see as core PUBG gameplay, what takes away from that and what can be added or changed that could reinforce core gameplay while helping PUBG keep up with the ever-evolving perceived standards of what a battle royale game should have. Should PUBG have visible pings and respawns? We think some of these changes could help new and returning players while reinvigorating the game for longtime players. Some of these ideas we feel are no brainers and long overdue, but some may be controversial. We want to hear from you! In order to do that, reach out to us here:
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
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Winner Winner is a PUBG Podcast (A Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds Podcast)
PUBG Patch 10.1 brings us PUBG’s smallest map ever with Haven, set on a small industrial island somewhere in North America. This 1x1 km map features 32 players and is only available in duos mode, with the option to queue as a solo. There are guards and a commander (Stronger AI bots) guarding loot at the pillar buildings if you want to rush them for tier 3 loot, but beware, as there is only one way in or out. There's also a roaming chopper that shines a spotlight on players lingering outside, as well as a roving armored truck that will shoot any player within line of sight with devastating accuracy and damage. Set at night, with plenty of high rises and areas of cover, Haven is one of PUBG’s most unique maps to date. And, if you find yourself stuck on a high rise with zone pushing in or a team pushing up, you can now pick up an emergency parachute to safely jump off a high spot and chute down.
Trigger and 1Heart had a lot to say in what was supposed to be a short episode. This was recorded just before the holidays after the boys got time to play a good number of games, but with family and new year hustle and bustle this episode got a little delayed. Sorry! Still, we hope you enjoy the conversations and ideas that were put forth, and we hope you’ve all been enjoying the new map and PUBG as a whole! Talk to you all again soon with another episode!
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
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PUBG’s Creative Director, Dave Curd, along with other PUBG developers hopped on a call with a number of PUBG partners to talk about the new map Haven and allow both partners and developers to ask and answer questions. MTBtrigger took some time to summarize the 3 hour call in a little over 20 minutes.
Dave Curd talks about how a big focus with Haven was to lure players into buildings for top tier loot with the Pillar guards and commander while making the spotlight from the helicopter also push people into building to building combat. This is a shift from crate drops that force players out into the open to secure the best loot.
Partners asked for player count to be increased on the new map. Another ask was for better loot on Haven. Past talks about Haven, players and developers discussed map weighting in certain regions, which led to the discussion around something called Region-Agnostic Match Settings. This would mean that each region could have settings that suit them back. For example, NA may get a mega and mini royale choice to allow players to stay on big or small maps as they wish.
Another topic was about whether respawns could ever be implemented into PUBG, with opinions all over the spectrum. Ranked was also talked about, along with having so many queues and so many different playstyles out there within our favorite battle royale. Players also asked if we would ever see Arena mode or Fantasy BR come back at some point, but there was nothing new to share on those modes.
There much more we can’t fit into the show notes, so give trigger a listen here. See you all soon with a new episode from the guys reacting to the new map and features. They’ve both been having a blast so far!
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
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Winner Winner is a PUBG Podcast (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds).
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A deadlier Mad Max era is born in PUBG Patch 9.2 with the introduction of Dirt Bikes, shooting from the driver’s seat, vehicle shooting stabilization and massive sidearm buffs. You're going to want to look both ways before crossing the road now. Along with these updates comes a much needed assault rifle rebalancing and changes to Vikendi that should increase competitive viability.
Hosts MTBtrigger and the1Heart (aka Mike and Kev) talk about their recent experiences with patch 9.2. Kicking off this episode is another pre-recording duo win on Miramar. This might be the most exciting game the two hosts played in recent history so they break down the crazy final circles that led to the victory, which led to some welcome strategy discussions.
This patch brought the Dirt Bike - a brand new single passenger vehicle - and the ability for the driver, of any vehicle, to pull out their sidearm and shoot! This may not seem like a massive change, but the side arm buffs combined with the aim stabilization this patch brought has really changed the entire vehicle scene, at least in the short term. All pistols received a large overhaul, so Mike and Kev decided it would be best for everyone to check out friend and creator C_Dome’s detailed breakdown of all the pistol changes, rather than listen to them list off a ton of numbers about shot damage and deviation.
Check out C_Dome’s pistol deep dive here:
Listener Questions:
Do you think Vikendi will make its way into the pro-scene with these changes?
What about the updates to side arms and vehicle stabilization - Do you think this will have a large impact in the long term?
Console players - Has the vehicle stabilization opened up a new drive-by meta?
As always, let us know on twitter or discord!
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Twitter - @The1Heart_
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Mike and Kev got together to talk about all the new things that came to PUBG in Season 9.
With Season 9 comes a new, dynamic 3x3 kilometer map named Paramo that changes every time you drop in to battle. It’s landscape is charred by an active volcano, and crossing lava is much more dangerous than crossing a river. The guys give their honest early impressions of the map and how it compares to other other maps in terms of playable terrain, pacing and overall design decisions.
But that’s not all that comes with season 9 - We also get ranked solos, ranked ruleset adjustments and rank point resets. We also get some very slight nerfs to the beryl and SLR, G-coin as a form of prepaid currency to PC (which is something that has been on console for a long time at this point), and a new, shorter season pass structure with earnable G-Coin allowing pass grinders to pay for future passes without having to spend money again.
Aside from talking about the new content, Kev and Mike discuss, at length, the inevitable culling of the queues, which has already claimed TPP duos and nearly caused Paramo to be TPP squads only before community backlash got us an FPP squads mode as well. These massive and long overdue changes to regional matchmaking should help with the health of queues but not without some growing pains for the community.
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Twitter - @The1Heart_
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Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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On this episode, Mike and Kev talk about the all new Arena Mode in PUBG.
What is it?
Arena is a round based game mode that pitches squads against 1-2 other squads, with each squad able to lose 3 rounds before being eliminated. Winning rounds and getting kills earns extra currency, which allows you to buy better weapons, fresh armor, healing items and throwables. Think auto-battler meets PUBG final circle meets CSGO/Valorant economy! It’s a blast, and the guys talk about all the plusses and the very few things that they’d like to see tweaked!
Arena Mode is in testing until October 8th on PC and console, so be sure to check it out!
Additionally, Mike and Kev start off talking about what has become a pre-recording tradition - getting a duo chicken dinner! They talked about a particular kill that kept them alive, which was a jump shotgun kill. They weren’t recording, but we got a view from replays to share: Kev's Jump Shotty POV | Jump Shotty Fixed POV
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
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Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Audio Version: Search ‘Winner Winner’ on any podcast app! (Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, Google, etc.)
This week MTBtrigger sits down with Hawkinz, one of the Community Managers for PUBG.
Hawkinz has been around the game, in some form, since pre-alpha. They explore where the game started and how it has changed over time. Are there features Hawkinz thinks should be removed from the game?
Nothing is off the table: How does a PUBG team member view cheaters? Does cheating benefit PUBG somehow? How does a gamer, who had never worked for a video game company, get involved and ultimately employed by the company who makes the game they love? Should a new ranked mode be added?
We hear about the challenges behind these topics/scenarios as well as Hawkinz’ personal opinion on how these should be tackled.
These topics and more inside the episode!
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
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Mike and Kev start the episode catching up with how PUBG has been treating them, individually, and then they theory craft a new report function that would allow you to compliment the player who just bested you. Wouldn’t that be nice?
The crew then gets into all the new changes that came to Sanhok in the rework. They talk about the specific locations that have seen changes and reminisce about those that are gone. The pair talk about the changes they love and one’s they will need to get used to over time.
Sanhok’s contentious past with professional players is talked about, especially with the old cliffs. This discussion brought up this unforgettable play by TaylorJay when Sanhok was first forced into competition. The devs seem to have made a lot of intentional changes to offer more playable terrain and ways to close the gap between positions of power and a lack thereof.
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
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Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Winner Winner a PUBG podcast featuring guests Brian Corrigan(@svperfecta) and Maynard (u/pubg_silver_saint) with host MTBtrigger (@mtbtrigger)
On this episode we welcome back Corrigan, who is now the head of PUBG in North America, for the third time as well Maynard, a game designer who designed ranked mode and many of the other systems we see in the game today.
There were two main topics discussed - ranked mode and bots. There was also a bonus conversation about the cheating problem that most FPS games are facing right now.
Ranked was up first and the guests discussed the ranked algorithm, how ranked mode will evolve in the future, and what changes are already being worked on for a near-future implementation. This part of the conversation is roughly an hour so there are many tangents and small topics inside the episode as well.
After discussing ranked the discussion moved to bots - why now? Will they evolve? What problems are they actively solving and what problems are they helping in an indirect way.
Perhaps some of the most interesting bot related conversation was how the bots could help with testing new modes without sacrificing the ability to queue for the currently offered modes.
This is definitely meant to be a part of the conversation for ranked, bots, and cheating so if something stood out to you please let us know and please don’t hesitate to reach out to the folks at PUBG
Catch up with Corrigan on Twitter @svperfecta and Maynard on reddit at u/pubg_silver_saint
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
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Winner Winner Season 3 begins at the end of May!
While this is just an announcement, the hosts do chat about what has been going on and why we took a little vacation.
We’ve been diving back into PUBG and having a blast, so it's time to turn the mics back on and get after it.
Ultimately it boiled down to some production issues which is what the team worked to solve over the last few months. Moving forward Winner Winner will be part of the XP Media network which doesn’t change anything from the listener perspective, but will add a viewer perspective.
Coming soon will be a complete YouTube overhaul and a talk show component for regular episodes!
We’re looking forward to Season 3… now get out there and get some chicken!
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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The whole crew returns for the first episode of 2020 and it is a MONSTER - perhaps a sea monster?
The new year kicks off with the brand new 2x2 map - Karakin!
Listen as Heath gets attacked by what sound like carnivorous animals with wings. We also had a few hours to check it out on the test realm before recording so you are getting our raw opinions on the black zone, sticky bombs, lack of grenades, the Karakin loot meta, and how we think the gameplay will evolve on the smallest map PUBG has ever released.
There is a ton to discover on this map including breachable buildings, vast tunnel systems, and thin walls that players can now shoot through - we discuss it all!
If you’re struggling with close quarters combat or simply want to refine your skills, we talk about our favorite tips and, perhaps more importantly, the mindset you need to have when things get up close and personal.
Let us know if you try any of the strategies, or if you have a favorite that we didn’t mention.
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
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Brian Corrigan aka svperfecta is back!
MTBtrigger sits down with Corrigan (PUBG Studio Director) to discuss Stat Based Matchmaking and Ranked mode.
First Interview with Corrigan -
They talk about how Labs are being ‘measured’, what the devs are looking for from the Labs modes going forward, the challenges behind creating a skill based system (what should be a factor), and much more in the episode. Without wanting to spoil too much, we suggest you just get in there!
Where to find Brian Corrigan? Twitter is your best bet @svperfecta -
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On this episode, MTBtrigger and The1Heart sit down with UZI89 previously known as Uziprincess89.
UZI is a twitch, discord, and PUBG partner who is also a veteran of the United States Air Force.
They talk about how to get better at communicating in PUBG, Charity Streams, Kiwi (a dog not the fruit), and how twitch/PUBG helped UZI get through one of the hardest years of her life.
Lots more in the episode!
Check out UZI:
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The Charity UZI talks about on the show -
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Twitter - @The1Heart_
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On this episode, we talk about PGC - the PUBG Global Championship - where players from all around the globe have competed in their respective regions through 3 phases just to make it to this final stage to prove they are the best in the world. At the time of recording, one of three weekends was already over, and now we are about to head into our 3rd and final weekend of play. That means half the teams have already been sent packing. Hear what happened in the first weekend and why you should absolutely watch the rest.
We also got into how to make your viewing experience better and more informative, what to look for, which teams to watch and more. If you haven’t watched at all, be sure to at least check the VODs to watch Game 6 on the Sunday of each week, as well as the Game 3 from weekend 1 that the1Heart mentions in episode.
Here are timestamped links to the match on Youtube for:
To watch the Grand Finals Live, catch it all live on Twitch, here:
To end, we talked about a new feature that was announced on the day of recording that has just made it to live servers this week. PUBG Labs is the name of the new feature we chat about, and PUBG Patch 5.2 is a fun one and we will get into that in full in a later episode, once we’ve had time to mess with it all. (The patch notes were actually released just hours after recording.)
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
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On this episode, HeathyKeithy leads the episode and the crew talks about the patch that hit live servers on October 22nd, 2019. This patch brings us Season 5, Badlands and is packed with all sorts of exciting new updates - a Miramar refresh (not remaster) with an all new death race (A La Muerte Vamos), throwable melees, vending machines, scoped winchesters, and so much more! Most importantly, Miramar gets a much needed loot buff. All of this, inside the episode.
Get your cowboy gear on, and get back to miramar.
PUBG Patch 5.1 - Badlands Season 5
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
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For PUBG Episode 72, we chat with The Hollywood Duo, aka C_Dome and MikeStan, about getting their starts on Xbox, building communities on Twitch, and how they both managed to switch from console to PC with a mainly console audience. Was the switch well received? How well did their skills transfer over?
We also reminisce about the early days on Xbox PUBG, discuss the new crossplay between Xbox and PS4, and then talk about how far console PUBG has come and where we see it going with the next gen. We finished up by chatting about what makes PUBG so unique, what their wish list items are and then hit em’ with the good ol’ rapid fire questions.
Immediately after recording, Trigger and Heart got in a squad game with the Hollywood Duo and won a game in the Georgopol crates. The next night we got 4 dinners as a squad. These boys have great comms and know how to work the map. Check em out:
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The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
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Winner Winner Spooky Dinner
A Halloween Duos Tournament
Friday, October 25th
4 Games w/ over $1,000 in Cash Prizes
Costume Contests for Players and Viewers
Winnerviews Between Games
Giveaways after the tournament
Presented by:
The Winner Winner Podcast, FPS Addicts and JMac
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FPS Addicts:
To Register:
Head to
Have both players register with the website
Have the team captain register for the tournament on the tournament tab and enter your:
Team Name
Team Tags (4 Character Max)
Team Logo
Team Captain's email
Both players Stream and Twitter info (optional)
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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If you like PUBG and The Lumineers this is not an episode you want to miss. Frankly, we think you’ll enjoy it if you like either one, but for fans of both its a big one!
Jeremiah sits down with MTBtrigger and discusses how he got into PUBG, what it's like being a gamer who tours for years at a time, and why he only plays this game. (You’ll learn about what games he used to play, but he is a PUBG only player now.)
Pay close attention to how Jeremiah defines PUBG as a game and you’ll see why the phrase ‘the novelty’ is resonating with the winner winner crew.
Connect with Jermiah Fraites and the Lumineers!
The Lumineers:
Support us on Patreon!
Every dollar helps us. Some extra support can make this show better and more frequent, but a large majority of the money we raise is put back into the community for events and future tournaments. Keep your eyes peeled for a Winner Winner Tournament in the near future.
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Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Since the start, the new guard of Heathy, Griff, Heart and Trigger always wanted to chat with the people we watch the most - Swagger, Hambinooo, etc. We’ve been fortunate enough to get these fantastic players and streamers to chat.
This episode is another one we can’t believe - we got the pleasure to sit down with wtfmoses - player - caster - community voice. We knew Moses had a lot to say, and we really wanted to pick his brain.
In this episode, we cover:
His one ask? Give the NPL a shot, watch it on twitch over the next 2 months on Saturday and Sunday
wtfmoses socials:
Automatic Fire Question: Who is your PUBG unsung hero of the streaming community?
wtfmoses’ answer: Croopadoop twitch - Seriously, he slays. Check him out.
Host’s Social:
the1Heart @The1HeartLive
MTBtrigger @mtbtrigger / twitch
Grifflicious @Grifflicious / twitch / YouTube
HeathyKeithy @heathralla / YouTube
The three best ways to support the show:
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Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Another episode with the boys - HeathyKeithy, Grifflicious, MTBtrigger, and the1Heart. We dive into Patch 4.2, which brings us:
We also talk about the upcoming sound changes, which we will get into more as they release more on their 2019 roadmap. We also touch on the recent controversial news in esports - ie. adding Sanhok to the competitive map pool. Finally, we finish by debating your “favorite” budget DMRs - the M16 and Mutant.
PUBG Links:
If you want to support the podcast - even $1.00 per month is amazing - we do have a Patreon for donations. Special thank you to our new patrons: DDarksage, Jebron LamesLive, Turn1racing, and MikeStan!
Host Social:
1Heart @the1heartlive | twitch
MTBtrigger @mtbtrigger | twitch
HeathyKeithy @heathralla | twitch | YouTube
Grifflicious @Grifflicious / twitch / YouTube
The three best ways to support the show:
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Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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MTBtrigger sits down with the legend himself - Swagger.
There is no stone left unturned in this interview. They talk about everything from fears to incredible moments, weight loss and healthy living to Five Guy’s fries, the early days of OleManSwagTV to the re-branded Swagger and what he wants to do in the future.
Bridge camps.
For new and aspiring streamers, Swagger drops some great tips on growing your channel and what he thinks are the most important areas to focus on.
Did we say Bridge camps?
Fears about his content, tips for new/aspiring streamers, his favorite moments on twitch, and the list goes on - this is not one you want to miss!
Swagger Social:
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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On this episode, we dive into the latest patch (4.1) and one of the most requested topics we hear about; the competitive scene. Bye Bye Miss Erangel Pie.
The first half of the episode we unpack everything 4.1. From our initial gut reactions to the patch, to weapon balance changes, to what we think will happen in the future. Rarely do we go line by line, but we covered almost the entire patch note document because there is a tremendous amount of change that will affect every game.
Following that, we are joined by the IGL (In Game Leader) for Low Key Esports - Packs. We learn about his TWO year journey from loving the game to being on one of the newest additions to the North American PUBG pro scene. Have you ever been interested in how the pros become pros? Do YOU want to become a pro? It’s not a clear path, so Packs breaks it down. Be sure to check the video below where he goes into even greater detail.
Plausible PUBG Discord - A place to rank up and start grinding competitive
How to find/contact Packs:
@packs_pubg / Discord - Packs#2401 / twitch
Packs Youtube Video on How to get into PUBG competitive
Wacky Jacky 4.1 Overview Video
Host’s Social:
the1Heart @The1HeartLive | twitch
MTBtrigger @mtbtrigger / twitch
Grifflicious @Grifflicious / twitch / YouTube
HeathyKeithy @heathralla / YouTube
The three best ways to support the show:
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Friends, we have a banger for you…
We sit down for almost two hours with Brian Corrigan, aka genexp (*October 2020 update - Corrigan now goes by svperfecta), who is the Studio Director for the PUBG office in New York! This episode has exciting announcements, an interview with a PUBG developer, and a few things you’ve never heard about PUBG before.
He has been leaving his mark in the gaming world since the mid 2000s, working to make some of the biggest games of our lives playable with friends. We learn about him and go on a few deep dives into some of the topics that have been hot on the PUBG community’s list for a LONG time.
A few of the topics discussed include competitive ranked possibilities, match making, hidden [redacted], expanding the PUBG universe, and so much more you’re going to just have to dive in to hear!
Brian Corrigan (genexp) Studio Director, PUBG Corp:
Twitter - @svperfecta
The three best ways to support the show:
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Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Hey you! We’re glad you’re here!
This episode, Alexx_OP joins us for an awesome interview and then hangs out to talk about PUBG Patch 30 with tons of new content! We can now grab ledges, make gas cans 'splode, shoot a hand cannon, and take a tank-of-an-airdrop-vehicle into battle.
We also get into a Patreon question from Zoltan_1872 on how to review matches and specific things we look for while reviewing. After hearing Alexx_OP’s amazing journey and his approach to streaming and community engagement, we dive head on into the patch, which houses the BRDM-2 amphibious vehicle you can call in with a flare gun, the deagle, exploding gas cans, and the new mantle mechanic that opens up the map and movement in all new ways. We also have all new Radio Messages to make random squads a bit more manageable, weapon mastery updates, a BP system that actually does something, and some welcome performance improvements. Learn more about that giant patch here: PUBG Patch 30
Keep up with Alexx_OP on his socials:
Twitch -
Twitter -
Youtube -
Find your hosts:
the1Heart @the1heartlive | twitch
MTBtrigger @mtbtrigger | twitch
HeathyKeithy @heathralla | twitch | YouTube
The three best ways to support the show:
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
The time has come -- Listening Glass has launched! Please, please, please join the original hosts of Winner Winner, Robin and Arjuna, on our new adventure through the multiverse.
Here are ALL the ways you can reach us:
CLICK HERE to find us on most platforms >>
Our RSS Feed:
And if you want to jump right in, join our discord here!
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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This week, the full cast talks about the new Dev Letter: PUBG Development Update & Erangel Visual Update! But first, we answer a great question from one of our new Patrons about ammo counts, which leads into our tactical discussion surrounding inventory management as a whole.
Then we tackle one of the hardest questions surrounding PUBG, and the BR genre as a whole… How do you know if you’re good at PUBG? To do this, we dive into common FPS genre acronyms and whether or not these metrics factor directly into being ‘good’ at PUBG. What does it all mean in a game this deep? ADR (average damage per round) is probably the most commonly used in today’s shooter culture, so we take a look at that and some other interesting stats you should be looking at as you try to improve.
Thanks to our new Patrons CompoundKiller and Zoltan_1872! We appreciate the support from every one of our Patrons!
PUBG Development Update & Erangel Visual Update Test Server
MTBtrigger gets Jebaited by Hali and Choco
Grifflicious twitch / twitter / Youtube
HeathyKeithy twitch / YouTube ( DIY Giant Mousepad Guide )
The three best ways to support the show:
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Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Hey All MTBtrigger here - Quick announcement for you!
Last night I received the invite, and confirmation, that I will be competing in today’s Twitch Rivals tournament!
I will be playing Duos with Papastanimus!!
Papa - Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!
My friends, I am pumped, excited, ecstatic, and I am honestly struggling for words at my feelings towards competing in this event.
Most importantly, though, I just wanted to invite you to check the event out.
I’ll be streaming it on my channel - and you can also check out the full production at
The event start time is: 2:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Mountain / 4:00 PM Central / 5:00 PM Eastern / 11:00 PM for our friends in the EU, so I hope you can stay up late!
Thank you so much for supporting the show
Thank you so much for supporting me
You all are amazing.
I sincerely appreciate all of your support and look forward to repping the winner winner flag this afternoon.
See you out there!
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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In this episode, Znafer the Shopkeeper talks stream sniping, stream helping, and what it’s been like to trade and do business where the most notorious figures in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds often pay him with a bullet to the head. Learn how he got into this risky business… and if he ever got out. Who is the legend behind the counter?
Find Znafer on social:
Some famous shopkeeper clips:
Return of the Znafer:
The Shopkeeper in action:
Znafer in action on his own stream:
Find tonight’s interviewer - MTBtrigger - here: Twitter / Twitch / Instagram
The three best ways to support the show:
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Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
This week we explore the connection between our minds and our senses by plunging into dark, soundproof containers called sensory deprivation tanks. Can they induce psychedelic experiences or allow you to talk to your dead cat? Can they reduce anxiety and stress? Can they make you go mad? Or are they just a great place to take a well-needed nap? Tune in to find out!
This episode features music from the following artists (in order of appearance):
Mac Woodruff - "Vis Insita"
Find Mac Woodruff's music at Bandcamp and on Soundcloud
Oytserhead - "Oz is Always Floating"
Kneebody - "Dr. Beauchef, Penguin Dentist"
Find Kneebody at and on Spotify
Eero Johannes - "Lipton Service Boy"
Find Eero Johannes's music on Soundcloud and Spotify
Special thanks to Alana Peters, Melissa Hebin, and Ankush Vimawala of Float Om for their contributions to this episode.
Follow us on Twitter to keep updated on our show.
Join the ongoing discussion on Discord.
Email questions and comments to
Until next time...
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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In this episode, the full cast offers up impressions on the new patch to start before we discuss our favorite tips and strategies on how to win more early game engagements - tactics for the early game (tips for solos, duos, and squads). These tips aren’t just for the hot droppers. How should you contest your mid-tier loot spot that another squad or two decided to land on when you were hoping for a more peaceful start? It’s best to be prepared.
Heathy offers up a new squad tactic - Firing Squad - we think you’ll like it! (Send us clips of successfully baiting someone into a firing squad.)
The crew also discusses their initial feelings about Patch 28. They break down everything from the new Weapon Mastery system to the various bug fixes. Biggest Surprise? The team is very split on the addition of smoke timers for spectators.
All of the hosts have very different playstyles and not everyone agrees on strategy and tactics: Join the discussion in our discord - how do you take on early fights?
Grifflicious Twitch / Twitter / Youtube
The three best ways to support the show:
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Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Big (good) news for the Winner Winner podcast!
The official hand off has been made from Arjuna and Robin to The1Heart and MTBtrigger - We discuss some housekeeping items as a result of this announcement, but mostly we wanted to thank everyone for their continued support and give a glimpse into the future.
The podcast is sponsoring a tournament on May 10th run by Alexx_OP and our very own MTB will be casting the event on his twitch channel as well! More details to come as everything gets finalized.
Big news in another dev letter: Weapon mastery is coming to the game - Think Call of Duty like weapon progression with R6 charms. We break down the letter, our hopes for this new system, and how this will effect gameplay. PUBG Weapon Mastery Announcement
Location Highlight: Paradise resort
Sniper changes are coming! You likely only have a few days left to 1-tap people with the AWM to the chest.
AKM vs. Beryl - We try to figure out which one is better for different phases of the game, but ultimately have an excellent discussion about mouse sensitivity and vertical sensitivity multiplier. DPS Comparisons
Paradise Map -
SprEEEzy's Pro Callouts for Buildings on Erangel
The three best ways to support the show:
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Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Robin and Arjuna return to bring you more interesting information and introspection with our episode on Kratom! What is it, where does it come from, and what does it do? Discover all of this (including a segment where we both take it) on the show!
This episode features music from the following artists (in order of appearance):
Mac Woodruff - "Vis Insita"
Find Mac Woodruff's music at Bandcamp and on Soundcloud
Kneebody - "Dr. Beauchef, Penguin Dentist"
Find Kneebody at and on Spotify
Eero Johannes - "Lipton Service Boy"
Find Eero Johannes's music on Soundcloud and Spotify
Special thanks to Kenzi, Casey, Nick, George and Angelina for their contributions to this episode.
Follow us on Twitter to keep updated on our show.
Join the ongoing discussion on Discord.
Email questions and comments to
Until next time...
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Patch 27 is here! Only a week after the Erangel Dev Letter was dropped. We break down the biggest changes with the patch!
Patch 27a also dropped… on April 1st. Pretty funny little joke PUBG put together, but we’re wondering if some of the items are actually laced with truth.
April Fools Day also uncovered some rumors from data mining about some potential new additions coming to the game (one of these was confirmed during the editing of this episode):
The crew discusses toxic gameplay and what should actually be considered ‘toxic’. They also dive deep into Camping. Not with a tent, although some players may enjoy that, we talked about defensive play and when to leverage your position in our tactical talk.
Lastly we had one of our very own, HeathyKeithy, conduct a science experiment and interview with a medical professional and soon to be Cardiologist... Are top 10 situations killing you?!?!
Data Mined Leaks (purely speculative at this point)
HUNG Squad - therottedzombie
Your Hosts for this episode:
MTBtrigger Twitter / Twitch
Grifflicious Twitch / Twitter / Youtube (Check out his latest Youtube Video!)
The three best ways to support the show:
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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BIG news hit this week in the PUBG world - actually a few big pieces of news.
First, we got a new dev letter talking about how the development team is going to tackle updating this map. We talk about the ‘goal’ they outlined and then we look into the few pieces of data they provided via graphs in the letter:
We also learned this week that PLAYERUNKNOWN himself, Brendan Greene, is stepping down from his current role - we talk about what that could mean for the future of PUBG.
Lastly we get into some protips about getting better at being aggressive. We all talk about our favorite scenarios to get aggressive and some recent times it worked (and didn’t work…).
We finished by listing our personal top request for revamping the loot on Erangel.
MTB Crossbow Clip Reference -
Latest Why You Suck at PUBG Episode 10 -
Your Hosts for this episode:
MTBtrigger Twitter / Twitch
Grifflicious Twitch / Twitter / Youtube (Check out his latest Youtube Video!)
The1Heart Twitter / Twitch
HeathyKeithy - He said don’t find him but he is on Twitch and also the Winner Winner Instagram
The three best ways to support the show:
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Email -
Website -
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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Twitch Rivals hosted their most recent PUBG tournament on March 6th, 2019, and Hambinoo won it all!
MTBtrigger was able to catch Hambinooo for an interview following his win at the event!
They talk life, gaming history, PUBG, and streaming.
Hambinooo -
Twitch -
Instagram -
Twitter -
After the interview we give a brief preview of the exciting episodes we will be delivering in the next few weeks - Stay tuned!
The three best ways to support the show:
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Welcome to episode 1 of Listening Glass! Kicking off our pilot episode is just a little something we've been discussing around the office— artificial intelligence! Join Robin and Arjuna for a discussion about the history of AI, and a rumination on humanity's future with our robot overlords.
This episode features music from the following artists:
Mac Woodruff - "Vis Insita"
Find Mac Woodruff's music at Bandcamp and on Soundcloud.
Eero Johannes - "Lipton Service Boy"
Find Eero Johannes's music on Soundcloud and Spotify
Special thanks to Heidi Dixon, "Sin", Melissa, Sage Liskey and Robin Way for their contributions to this episode.
Follow us on Twitter to keep updated on our show.
Join the ongoing discussion on Discord.
Email questions and comments to
Until next time...
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
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On this episode we talk about the game we all know and love - Apex Legends… I mean PUBG.
Jokes aside, It would be silly to ignore the new kid on the block after the splash Apex made. We talked about our initial opinions on Apex and some of the things we like and dislike. The majority of Apex content from the Winner Winner team is going to be on a separate episode, but we had a healthy discussion of the impressive twitch stats Apex has posted in the first two weeks after launch
Wes from WTFast was on the show to talk about their GPN (Gaming Private Network). If you’ve ever thought your ping was too high or had latency issues you need to check this service out. There is even a trial of their service (no credit card required) for you to check out to see if it will work for your area. (Head over to the discord to enter for one of the three giveaways Wes offered the winner winner community)
Back to PUBG… The end of the Vikendi season pass is upon us! We talk about how the Vikendi pass impacted play and our overall feelings as we enter the 9th week of the pass. Definitely interesting to see how our opinions changed since we last discussed the season pass format.
Phase 1 of the NPL (National PUBG League - the NA pro scene basically) will be ending in the beginning of March. We discuss the results of the pre-season as well as our thoughts on improving the viewer experience for future PUBG tournaments.
Make sure to check out the new dedicated esports page for PUBG (all regions easily accessible) -
Lastly we talked about the state of PUBG custom servers and what some community members are doing with them. If you had an experience, like us, that was sub-par in customs (they took too long, unorganized, etc.) there are some people out there that are doing an incredible job. One of those people is a twitch streamer - Papastanimus - HeathyKeithy and MTBtrigger had the opportunity to interview him.
This show still features music from the fantastic Spiffy Man! The track on this episode is “Light Runner.”
Your Hosts for this episode:
MTBtrigger Twitter / Twitch
Grifflicious Twitch / Twitter / Youtube (Check out his latest Youtube Video!)
HeathyKeithy - He said don’t find him but he is on Twitch and also the Winner Winner Instagram
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
It's been centuries... Well, years... Well, AT LEAST a couple months in the making... But here it is: Robin and Arjuna's new podcast announcement! Check out what we've been working on, and find out how you can get in on the ground floor of a new cultural movement. Or at least, our podcast.
This episode features the track 'MasterOM' by Mac Woodruff. Find his work on Bandcamp and Soundcloud.
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
Vikendi is coming to console!! We cover the key features our XBOX and PS4 players will be getting to know over the coming weeks. Most notable, the new parachuting mechanic. We discuss a variation on the Parachuting Strategy in comparison to the commonly used Wacky Jacky strategy (Link).
PC players have now had a few weeks to dig into Vikendi so we launched our focused location highlight series starting with Goroka – Buildings to loot, Early and Mid-Game Strategy, and Unique features you can take advantage of those during combat.
A dev report was released an hour before the recording of this podcast. We discuss the various changes to the ‘SMG Meta’ that the devs have planned for the test server. Tommy Gun Aficionados will be sad.
Some interesting rumors surfaced about a potential change to the Global PUBG Esports scene. What would it be like if the EU and NA pro leagues adopt the rules currently in the Asia League?
Would you enjoy Ring of Elysium? Heathy and 1Heart try to convince Trigger to give it a shot (The conversation resulted in an interesting look at what makes BR games so appealing and what opportunities exist for PUBG development in the future - Volcanic Ash as blue zone anyone?)
MTBtrigger twitter / twitch (Jump Scare - Clip)
Grifflicious twitter / Youtube (Why you suck at pubg v. 3 - Link)
HeathyKeithy twitch
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
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Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
On this episode we dig into all things Vikendi, including our favorite and least favorite drop locations, the new G36C, general match pacing on Vikendi and the all New Vikendi pass that’s been on PC for a few weeks and will be coming soon to Xbox and PS4. We wrap the episode with some discussion of new developments for console and the new content coming to PUBG mobile, including an all-new night mode!
Links to the G36C for anyone who wants to check out the posted stats.
Console Dev Report 1 on View Spectrum, Console Dev Report 2 GPU Time and GPU Instance Culling, and Console Dev Report 3 which gets into LOD, or Level of Detail. These reports help explains certain challenges that the devs face getting a very intensive game to run smoothly on Xbox and Playstation.
This show still features music from the fantastic Spiffy Man! The track used today is “Light Runner.”
Find him on Bandcamp:
And on Spotify:
Thanks to our two new hosts!
Griffilicious twitch twitter YouTube
MTBTrigger twitter / twitch
PUBG takes the game data from PUBG’s open API and turns it into easy to read visuals with more in-depth stats than any other tracker. See your loot path, your kill tree, which guns were used and where you hit your enemies. It’s all free but donations do help keep the site operational. Mr. PUBG LookUp, thanks for being an awesome community member for all of PUBG!
Find links to the site and the owner’s twitter in the show notes, but they are and @PUBGLookUp
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Winner Winner is back in 2019, and PUBG is finally here on PS4! This episode we dive in on the PS4 release, and get into some of the observations we’ve made from playing the game on PlayStation and keeping an eye on the community’s reaction. Our hosts are StopCollaborate and The1Heart, and this episode was recorded on December 18th.
So, what’s different between the two consoles, what’s better on PS4, and what’s missing? Find out here! Over the coming weeks, some Winner Winner Community Members will get together to dive into all things Vikendi, including the controversial pass, as well as some new material and ideas that our community members are cooking up behind the scenes. It’s a new year and a fresh start for the show and community, and we’re glad to have you here!
This show still features music from the fantastic Spiffy Man!
Join the Xbox Club by searching PUBG Winner Winner Podcast through the clubs page.
Also, find the PS4 Community on your PlayStation, and join our PUBG Mobile clan. More details on both can be found on the Discord.
Finally, a huge thank you to Griffilicious, who edited this episode for us!
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This. Is. It. Now. Thanks for joining us for this last "official" episode of the Winner Winner Podcast, hosted by Robin and Arjuna. It's truly been a pleasure creating content for you. In this show, we go over some final takeaways from our time on the cast, answer some questions about what we're most proud of and our best memories of the cast, and then finally read some parting words from our listeners. It's been "a slice," folks! We'd love it if you'd join us on our next podcast venture, launching within the month! Stay subscribed here and stay tuned for more details on that. Also, keep an eye out on this cast for more episodes released by our very own Winner Winner community episodes. This could be the start of something big...
This show features music from:
Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for their music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
Slow Jam Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Episode 52... which means 1 year of Winner Winner! Thanks to y'all for coming with us this far. Relatively short show this week with some patch notes and a big podcast announcement. You guys are the best!
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Featuring Robin's very positive review of Battlefield V so far. Then Arjuna espouses the ins and outs of his time-honed approach to solo play. Also, are they chips, crisps, or fries? Wrestle you confusion no more and find out! Only here at Winner Winner Podcast.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Late but hopefully worth the wait... Robin, Arjuna and guest Heathykeithy show up this week to bring you the nuggets and takeaways from Robin's tactical sessions. We draw upon the sage words of Icemak to help in this task. We also discuss the most powerful AR's (based, of course, off of WackyJacky's excellent testing and analysis) and PUBG's long-awaited snow map!
WJ's deadliest AR video:
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
StopCollaborate, The Basic Bro, Hinesy06 and The1Heart return to bring you Episode 2 of the Xbox Corner! This time around, they'll be diving into a recap of the recent patches, and their implications for the game on xbox. They talk about some quality of life improvements needed to keep PUBG competitive on the console platform. Then, they talk about how Black Ops 4: Blackout Mode has affected the PUBG player base on console, and finally, they round it out with some tips and tricks for getting the most out of the game and the community.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
The main topic for ep 48 is how to get better aim. We've put this off for a bit and while some of our suggestions you will probably expect, some are sure to surprise you! We also field a listener question about how to start a podcast and end up talking at length about how we started and continue to produce this show. Enjoy!
You can find the radiolab episode we mention here.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Arjuna and the partially sick Robin return to discuss PC patch 23, including the new pistol! We also revisit a semi-new weapon to give you our further thoughts on the MK-47 Mutant. Then we go off into discussing WackyJacky's latest video, in which he debunks the theory of PUBG's new ranking system. As if you had any more room for disappointment... Also, we're not talking about Blackout. Nope.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
Additional music provided courtesy of Kevin MacLeon and Incompetech:
Lobby Time Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Apero Hour Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Hear all the things - while not blowing your ears out! In this show we cover various sound subjects such as which movement methods to use at different distances to avoid being heard as well as how to hear you opponents better by leveraging magic called compresssion (sometimes referred to as volume normalization).
We talk about various softwares in the show. Here are some links to them:
Another that we sort of mentioned which might be a decent alternative to Sound Lock and the SAR route, would be Razer Synapses Surround Pro software. It's $20, and many online say it's a waste of cash. In Robin's brief testing with the paid version low level ambient noise was a lot more noticeable and the akm sounded the same (didn't blow my ears out any more or less than usual), so he thinks it could be a viable solution.
Robin is running the tactics session on Monday at 7 pm pacific time.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
There's nothing that makes us hard quite like HARDWARE. This week, we go into all the different components that make up a good gaming PC, discuss upgrade options, and give you the goods you need to know to maximize your dollar-per-gaming-goodness. Then, we bring on Socoler and The Basic Bro to discuss hardware considerations for streaming, and TBB tells us about Xbox hardware and gives us some performance comparisons vs. PC hardware. All in all, a classic almost-2-hour-long hootenanny of Winning information... to the surprise of nobody.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
This episode also features the track "Smooth Lovin'" from Kevin MacLeod. Licensing info for that:
"Smooth Lovin" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Xbox Corner returns in its own lengthy episode! Join The Basic Bro, Hinesy, StopCollaborate and The1Heart as they discuss the controller vs. mouse and keyboard meta on xbox, get into Microsoft's recent announcement about mnk support on the xbox, and discuss some of the other ways console players get an edge. There's debate, there's controversy, and this episode is most certainly full of mice and men!
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week we try to learn from one of the best by watching the squirrely juggling act that is Choco Taco. We watch one of his better recent games and gather what insights we can. You can view the game yourself at Beryl/AWM 23-Kill chocoTaco Solo.
Special Games Schedule This Week: Tactical Sessions with Robin on Monday Sept. 24th @ 7pm-ish Pacific Time.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner," "Flashback" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Robin and Arjuna return to discuss a topic hotter than the mall: the use of mouse and keyboard on the xbox platform, and whether it constitutes cheating. After a sizeable furor in our discord over this topic, we've decided to give it the attention it deserves. To help us with this task, we enlist the philosophical musings of Steph, cross-platform gamer extraordinaire. Also in this episode: PC patch 22 and our reflections on the Blackout beta.
Special Games Schedule This Week: Tactical Sessions with Robin on Monday Sept. 24th @ 7pm-ish Pacific Time.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner," "Flashback" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Welcome to the aspiciously numbered episode 42! We chat witht he badass xBox player Hinesy in the xbox corner. We talk at lenght about who the best pubg streamers are, and discuss the new patch notes, though we never do come to an agreement on just how, exactly, the MK74 Mutant is to be used. We finish it up with a very long run down of what we've observed of Black Ops IIII Blackout mode, or at least what we've been able to see of it from peoples xBox streams.
Special Games Schedule This Week: Tactical Sessions with Robin on Monday Spt. 17th @ 7pm Pacific Time.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Today we are minus Robin, but joined by the1Heart and The Basic Bro to celebrate the release of 1.0 on the xbox! We dive into initial impressions of Sanhok, the QBZ and QBU, discuss the postponement of War Mode, and talk about some xbox performance observations. Enjoy this 100% xbox focused episode, as part of our effort to incorporate more of the xbox community into our podcast.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
It's really over the hill and through the woods with this one guys. Join us as we conjecture about the present and future of VR (with wildly different projections from Robin and Arjuna), muse about our tentative future careers in stripping and the boon and Arjuna's chest hair. We spend about 30 mins answerring a patreon supporters questions, and introduce you to some swell chaps, StopCollaborate and The Basic Bro, who will be holding down our show's newest segment, the xBox corner.
Join Socoler's Tournament on Sept 2nd! Find out more in our tournaments room in our discord.
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
So. Much. News! In this week's episode, Robin and Arjuna go over recent announcements, including the xbox 1.0 release, training grounds, PUBG on FaceIt, and a special podcast announcement... Then we jump into Robin's famous "Why did I die?" document and look over the 5 most common responses to see what people blame most for their deaths in this game. It's morbid, but then, so are we :)
Robin's "Why did I die?" survey
To jump straight to the results
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This weeks show is all about our listeners as we field ALL of their questions which span the field from our favorite maps to our favorite shows (or lack thereof). We even open up about our fundamentalist parents. It's our longest show yet, so hopefully you have some lima beans to sort or something ;)
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Guess what guys... they're finally going to fix PUBG!!?! Robin and Arjuna return to discuss the new 'Fix PUBG' initiative, but end up mostly talking about the ethical use of data visualization. Such wow! Very accuracy. This episode is a real bitchfest, so strap yourself in and look forward to some vitriol!
This show still features tracks from the fabulous Spiffy Man. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week we are joined with another very special guest, the gamer and streamer extraordinaire, Socoler. We bring him in to for enlightening chat and insight into the PUBG Global Invitational in Berlin, which just wrapped up. How do the pros play differently than the casuals? That's what we hope to elucidate on this episode.
On this show, we are again privileged to feature music from the fantastic Spiffy Man. Every track on this show is a cut by this hard-hitting house and EDM producer. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner," "Flashback" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Variety is the spice of life, and this episode is no exception. We discuss a range of topics from Teeworlds to Fugglet's face reveal, going deeper with Islands of Nyne, Robin's PC upgrade experience... And of course, we even talk about PUBG! This week we share our thoughts on the QBU after spending more time with it. Paradise Resort is our location highlight this week, and we talk you through getting the most out of this hottest of Sanhok drops. Welcome to Paradise!
Weapon Highlight: QBU
Location Highlight: Paradise Resort
Main Topic: Fugglet's face reveal, Islands of Nyne check-in, Robin's experience upgrading his GPU and monitor
On this show, we are also privileged to feature music from the fantastic Spiffy Man. Every track on this show is a cut by this hard-hitting house and EDM producer. The tracks, in order of appearance, are "Light Runner," "Flashback" and "Be Free."
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
First we tackle a listener question concerning the future of PUBG. Is PUBG dead? Dying? Listen to hear our highly professional and insightful take! Then we talk about what's coming in patch 18, namely the QBU DMR and the vehicle the Rony Pickup.
Our main topic is our take on Sanhok, what we love, what we think could be better, and most important how to play the map.
Our customs schedule for this week: Monday 7/16 and Tuesday, 7/17 at 6pm PST. Other times TBA in our discord.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Robin and Arjuna return to answer the heavy questions, and today we've picked a big one: does PUBG suck??!? We're all going to find out! This one's a white-knuckler, so be sure to stay tuned 'til the end... Other topics covered today are the relative ease (and difficulty) of landing headshots, the massive patch that just hit the Xbox test server, Shroud's 30-day ban from the game, and various silly ideas we have about how this game could be better.
For xbox players wanting to hear our detailed notes on the BIG patch, click here to listen to the episode (or re-load episode 22 in your podcast app).
Our customs schedule for this week: Monday 7/16 and Tuesday, 7/17 at 6pm PST. Other times TBA in our discord.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Arjuna's back! Again! Vertigo got a lucky headshot on him, but he was able to medkit up, rotate and get the full spray for the Chicken Dinner. This week, we talk about weapon pairings, and explore how to compliment your weapon of choice. Some things come down to personal tastes... and some people just don't have taste. Fear not -- this is where we come in. Also, we're stoked for the release of Islands of Nyne! Stay tuned for our thoughts after we get some rounds in with that game.
Our customs schedule this week:
Mon. 7/10: 6pm PST
Tues. 7/11: 6pm PST
Sat. 7/14: afternoon (PST, time TBD)
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
Bonus music credits for this episode:
"Killers" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Benny and Daniel rejoin us as guest host and we rehash the event pass and the QBZ-95. Then we get deep and personal and talk about the interplay between teamwork and mood and morale. Check it out!
Custom schedule this next week will be Tuesday 6pm - 9pm pacific time and I think Socoler and SkillzNthrillz are hosting some session on Friday and Saturday as well. Inquire at the discord for more detail or look in the custom musing chat in the discord and maybe I will have added the schedule there by then.
Thanks for listening!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week we discuss get down into the details of proning and when and, especially, when not to do it. But first we talk about update 15, the new weapon (the QBZ95), and the new event pass and it's surrounding controversy. We hope you enjoy the especially clear audio this week because Robin finally figured out how to properly employ noise reduction!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week two of our discord regulars fill in for Arjuna and the three of us break down our highest hopes and our most wing nutty ideas for how PUBG could be better!
Customs schedule this coming week: 6pm PST Monday, 6/18 and Tuesday, 6/19. Then on Thursday, 6/21 at 5:30 PST. Saturday, 6/23 at Noon PST.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Robin and Arjuna return with another top 10 episode -- this time, it's the top 10 reasons you die in the top 10! We constantly get questions about how to handle to late game better, so we made this list of bullet points as actionable steps to take towards living longer, and hopefully hunting down that wild chicken. We've also got some exciting announcements about our custom games schedule, so listen for that!
Scrub becomes god thanks to shrouds entrepreneurship video:
No weapon or location highlights this week -- keeping it lean & mean.
Customs schedule this coming week: 6pm PST Monday, 6/11 and Tuesday, 6/12. Noon PST Saturday, 6/16, and also on Thursday, 6/14 at a time yet to be determined.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
It. Has. Finally. Come! The long-awaited and highly anticipated Close Quarters Combat episode! Robin and Arjuna get up close and personal with some breathless tips for those intimate takedowns. Gun length is a thing -- who knew? Also discussing PC Patch 14, and comparing the UMP-9 vs. the Vector.
Weapon Highlight: UMP-9 vs. Vector
Main Topic: Close Quarters Combat
Robin's gun tuck video:
Our custom games schedule this week: 6pm Pacific Time on Monday, 6/04 and Tuesday, 6/05 . Join us, bring your friends, and their moms!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
It's time to learn from the best... and that means watching Shroud tear it up! We've gone through and narrated a complete solo game of his to pick apart what makes him so good. Grab a beverage and get ready for the pwnage.
Watch along to Shroud's vid here:
Also, Miramar comes to xbox! Finally! We celebrate by picking out some of the most salient notes from the latest patch. Love Miramar while you can, folks, because if it's anything like the PC release, you're gonna get very tired of it...
Our custom games schedule this week: 6pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, 5/15. Also MAYBE at the same time on Monday, 5/14 if Robin can line it up while traveling. Join us, bring your friends, and their moms!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week we have the very special treat of hosting Mental Fitness coach Fran Ramsden. He coaches a professtional pubg team in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh Knights. He ask him a lot about the pro circut and how we can get better and he gives a lot of really great, no-nonsense advice.
To learn more about or contact Fran Ramsden, check out his website!
In the episode we mention a survey Robin created called a "Why did I die?" so we can start collecting data on why we're not winning every single game :) The survey can be found here:Why did I die
Our custom games schedule this week: 6pm Pacific Time on Monday, 5/14 and Tuesday, 5/15. Join us, bring your friends, and their moms!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Robin and Arjuna return this week to tackle deep existential questions such as, "Why so many new grips?" We discuss the new grips, how they're performing so far, and which you should prefer for full-auto and single-tap. We also get into the new scopes & reticles, the dubiously-named 'duckbill', the weapon rebalance, and generally go deep on the PC's biggest patch since 1.0. We also feature PUBG's latest heavy-hitting DMR, the SLR. Pew ---> pew --->
Main topic: PC Patch 12 and how it's shaking out
Wacky Jacky's youtube channel. This guy keeps us in the game!
Our custom games schedule this week: 6pm Pacific Time on Monday, 5/14 and Tuesday, 5/15. Join us, bring your friends, and their moms!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Finally PUBG's xbox players get to play in Miramar and since we've been dying there for months we thought we share some insights from our experiences there so you guys can, maybe... ummm, not die so much! We cover general tactics (and how they differ from those that are effective in Erangal), our favorite locations (and not so favorite ones), and the three weapons that are specifif to this map.
As always we'd love to play with you on our discord. Join us with the link below, especially if you want to play custom games with us and our friendly allies. Bring your friends. There's people there for every play style! Bring it!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week on Winner Winner Podcast we talk about how our first week of custom servers has....ummmm, served us, which is really well, btw. We love them. Our aim seems to get better by the minute in warmode, so we'll talk about that, and all the other things that are making custom servers fun.
Also, we make repeated request to our fans to join our discord and play some games with us - We'll be launching the custom servers at 6pm pacific time on Tuesday and Wednesday (May 1 and 2) this next week. So join us.
Also, BIGGEST PATCH EVER! We go over the whole thing and analyze all the juicy bits including the SLR, the mirado, and the new weapon balancing.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
We were planning on covering new circle mechanics but those were redacted from the game almost immediately so instead we hash out what we loved about war mode and how it could improve.
We also, gloss over a very important update: Winner Winner Podcast now has Custom Server Access! Join our discord via the link below to play some custom games with us. Invite your rad, respectful, and fun friends!
For our weapon highlight we put the P92 and P1911 head to head.
Also we go over our first impressions of the new areas that have been added to northern Miramar. Tune in and drop out! ...of the plane that is!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Let the specialness begin! This week, we're excited to crosscast with Tim & David from the Drop Zone PUBG podcast! Find out what their top achievements in the game would be, discover which weapon they think is better in our feature "vs" segment, and finally get some of their thoughts on improving Miramar! Be sure to tune in to their upcoming episode in which they feature US on their podcast to talk about what games we've been playing, answer some of their mailbag questions, and in general let it all hang out a bit.
Also in this episode, we discuss xbox patch 12 (and how Miramar release date has been annouced-ish!), pc update 10 (and adjustments to the blue zone!), talk a little about the War even mode, and Robin does a very little math.
Find the Drop Zone cast wherever you download your podcasts, on social media, and also at
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
19 is a prime number... and it's also a prime time to discuss PUBG's new 4x4 map, codename Savage! Robin and Arjuna spent as much time as we could getting fern-deep into this new jungle map, and we're bringing you all of our thoughts. Hot drops, loot tables, strategies, size comparisons... We also discuss how to deal with salty, domineering or downer squad members in our Patreon Queston of the Week segment, and we even give a shoutout to Basic Bro's kid!
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
In a career-redefining return to form, Arjuna and Robin go back to our roots to bring you a show complete with PUBG news, weapon comparisons, location highlights and our now-synonymous-with-success signature segment, our strategic main topic. We'll take a listener question on how to stay in a winning mindset during top 10 situations, compare notes on the AKM and the DP-28 (just how many donkeys can it push?), talk about Erangel's best-kept secret (Kameshki) and finally delve darkly and deeply into winning strategies for playing PUBG duos. If you were worried we were getting soft... This episode will quell your qualms with a faceful of hot lead!
Weapon of the week: DP-28 vs. AKM
Location highlight: Kameshki, Erangel's most-in-need-of-a-diner town
Main topic: How to win duo rounds, from jumping out of the plane to positioning yourself in the top 10
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week Robin and Arjuna cover a "grab-bag" of topics. We introduce our new "patreon question of the week" segment, revisit the 2x scope, discuss some more game updates and patch notes, talk about the new event mode and 8-person squads, share some SUPER in-depth parachuting math from one of our listeners, and talk about PUBG Mobile! All in under an hour, miraculously. We're also trying to reach our goal of gaining custom server access, and we need your help! Please, please, please reach out to your friends who play PUBG and ask them to join our Discord server. This proves to the PUBG devs that we're serious and that we can sustain the player base needed for custom games. You can entice them with having access to custom games, which is pretty hard to come by otherwise. We've got some awesome stuff up our sleeves for custom games, so it would mean a lot to us and to the community if you could help out.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for the intro and outro music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
The adventures of Robin and Arjuna continue as we pore over the recently unveiled Xbox Spring Development Roadmap for 2018! We discuss Bluehole's plans for the xbox platform in the coming months, including the map we've all been waiting for: Miramar! We also discuss the controversial topic of using a mouse and keyboard on the xbox. Then we go shoulder-deep into all of the scopes available in PUBG, and tell you how to rangefind with the 4x and 8x scopes! We also address the age-old topic of red dot vs. holographic sight. There's a lot of info here, folks. Best grab a pen.
Xbox Spring Roadmap 2018
Xbox Patch #10
Xbox PC Patch #7
WackyJacky's 4x 5.56 rangefinding guide
WackyJacky's 4x 7.62 rangefinding guide
WackyJacky's 4x sniper guide
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for all the music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp or at their Facebook page.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
After lots of hype and promises, it's finally here: The PUBG 2018 development Roadmap! We immediately discarded our mediocre notions of what this episode should have been focused on in favor of discussing this goldmine of new information. Unfortunately, the Xbox Roadmap was released after the recording of this episode, so we'll visit that in just as much juicy detail on next week's episode.
Kick back and enjoy Robin and Arjuna's discussion of the facts, the fictions, and other wild speculations.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for all the music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp: or at their Facebook:
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
He's here, he's there, he's everyfreakingwhere... It's Robin, back from Spain (and Catalonia)! We take advantage of his return to discuss the new xbox patch 9, which is a real whopper. Then we dive into the bareknuckle brawl of PUBG's two scopeless smgs, discuss the hot (but not very memorable) San Martin, and finally get into some specifics on how to parachute effectively.
Full patch notes for xbox patch 9 (there are a TON):
Weapon of the week: micro uzi vs tommygun (hint: one's more gangster than the other)
Location highlight: San Martin, AKA Miramar's best-kept secret
Main topic: Parachuting -- how to do it effectively, and Robin's ultra-awesome patented special drop technique, the "squiggle drop".
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for all the music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp: or at their Facebook:
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
In lucky episode number 1 we talk about the lack of xbox updates and give the new snow map a little speculation. Then we dive right into deep discussion about PUBG's two most common shotguns, discuss the moistest city in the game, and share 10 listener-contributed tips and tricks to make you better at your game. Amazon 100 for lyfe.
Weapon of the week: S1897 pump action vs S686 double barrel shotgun. We go deep (and I mean DEEP).
Location highlight: Water Town aka Sunken City aka Venice
Fugglet's water town loot guide:
Main topic: 10 tips and tricks to make you better at the game. We asked and you responded! Find out what's hot on the pulse of Winner Winner's listenership.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for all the music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp: or at their Facebook:
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Robin returns to bring us more fun from Spain! We discuss the biggest, baddest sniper rifle, the second hottest drop on Erangel (with surprise alternate plot for the PUBG movie!), and ways to improve your game that involve making you uncomfortable. Isn't this fun?
Weapon of the week: AWM (Arctic Wastage Machine)
Location highlight: Sosnovka Military Base (Erangel)
Main topic: How to improve your game by dropping hot, running towards fire, limiting your weapon selection, and generally doing things that will get you killed.
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for all the music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp: or at their Facebook:
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week Robin rejoins us from Catalonia (aka not Spain) to bring a broader view of things. We aplogize to our xbox listeners for the lukewarm introduction of the xbox to our show. Then we jump into PUBG's most controversial sniper rifle, Arjuna's second favorite drop on Miramar, and get all nitty-gritty about when to engage in solo and squad play.
Weapon of the week: Kar98K
Location highlight: El Pozo (Miramar)
Main topic: When to engage the enemy (and when to abstain) in solo play and in squads
Many thanks to the amazing gazelle(s) for all the music on this episode. Find them at their Bandcamp: or at their Facebook:
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
To make up for Robin's tragic absence from the podcast, Arjuna and Tim talk about our new xbox, compare notes on the SKS and the Mini 14, talk about which town on Erangel serves the best chicken waffles, and discuss how to alert your teammates to danger.
Weapon highlight: SKS vs Mini 14
Location highlight: Mylta
Main topic: squad callouts, and how to communicate with your team under pressure
gazelle(s) bandcamp:
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week, Robin and Arjuna discuss a popularly requested topic on the podcast: grenades! We go into depth about how and when to use each of PUBG's 4 throwables. We then dive into a discussion about the current state of cheating in PUBG, region locking, Tencent and the urge to dominate via questionable means.
Also, we're getting an xbox! Look out next week for our initial thoughts on the state of the xbox game relative to the fact that we've been playing it on PC for the last 6-8 months.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Robin and Arjuna return to tackle the tough question of whether to choose the SCAR-L or the M416. We discuss recoil patterns, volume, body impact power and more.
Weapon of the week: SCAR-L vs. M416
Location highlight: Hospital (Erangel)
Main topic: When should you be using full auto fire mode, and with which weapons?
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
This week's topics:
Weapon of the week: M249 #wotw-m249
Location of the week: Minas Generales
Main topic: How does your playstyle or your stragegy change when playing solo vs. in squads? Robin and Arjuna discuss drop decisions, how to get looted without losing a teammate, the importance of vehicles, assigning roles in your squads, the freedoms of playing solo, and more!
We so appreciate your continued support of our podcast. Please send any questions, comments and sweet sweet stories to our way!
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Today we're focusing on one big city... With one big episode! Lots of juicy content here for Arjuna and Robin to bite into.
Weapon of the week: We discuss the hard-to-tame AKM #wotw-akm
Location highlight: Los Leones, The City Of Lions, PUBG's largest city yet
Main topic: Leaning, and why you should be doing it
Gunz AKM recoil video:
Liquid Blitz's Ultimate Vehicle Guide:
WackyJacky’s western loot route guide:
Footswitch pedals Arjuna uses for leaning:
One guy on youtube who made his own (Robin's are similar):
Questions? Comments? Don't be shy!
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Hey folks! Alex, Liz, Robin and myself (Arjuna) recorded this episode in chronological order, but didn't end up releasing it because we got interrupted mid-recording. Robin and I went back and finished it up with our main topic, "Landing On Rooves." In this episode, we explore one of Robin's favorite Erangel drops, Mylta Power (aka Robin's Place). We also discuss the VSS and explore why it is one of the most controversial (loved / hated) weapons in the game. Finally, we strive to answer the question of whether it is strategic to land on rooves.
Do you love or hate the VSS? Do you always go roof? Do you have a sweet or sour story of a drop you had at Mylta Power?
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Join Robin and Arjuna for a continuation of our exploration of Miramar! Discover some of the prime locations we've been playing in so far, and why we like them so much. You can also discover which nation is #2 in our most downloaded category... oh, the suspense!
Weapon of the week: Winchester Win94 rifle #wotw-win94
Location of the week (and main topic): Notable locations in Miramar, including Impala, Minas Generales, Graveyard, Hacienda Del Patron, San Martin, Pecado, Prison, Minas Del Sur, Trailer Park, and Ruins.
Is there a location on Miramar you've been enjoying?
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Here to celebrate the holidays, Robin and Arjuna record a special episode dedicated to PUBG's biggest rush, package aka air drop hunting. Listen in to discover all the different ways you can live (and die) on the edge, chasing the very best loot available on Erangel, and now, Miramar.
The PUBG Wiki entry on care packages:
Fugglet's video analyzing the numbers from 100 air drops:
Fugglet is a great resource for getting drops. Watch his youtube channel here:
We love all of your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions you'd like us to address on the podcast, or directions you'd like to see us move in, please send them to us.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
In this episode, we talk about our first impressions of PUBG's new desert map, Miramar. We are beyond excited to be able to roam around in these new environs. Hear our initial thoughts on the new weapons, the tactical implications of the desert setting, the importance of vehicles, and more. Some rubberbanding required...
We love all of your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions you'd like us to address on the podcast, or directions you'd like to see us move in, please send them to us.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on:
*** October 2020 Update***
The Winner Winner podcast is still going strong! There are some new voices on the show, but we are committed to keeping all of the old episodes available.
You can hear the new, and current, voices of Winner Winner starting in Episode 55.
Additionally, we started doing Developer Interviews and Notable content creator interviews starting in Episode 58
Look forward to connecting with you - the current social media and best ways to connect/contact are below.
-MTBtrigger & The1Heart
*** October 2020 Update***
Welcome to the Winner Winner Podcast! In this episode we introduce ourselves, then get right into the nitty gritty of the deep strategy we know you love.
Weapon of the week: Micro Uzi
Location of the week: Yasnaya Compound
Main Topic: Squad Positioning
Do you like to hug the edge of the circle? Do you like to find the best spot in the middle and play king of the hill? In this episode, we discuss how to maximize your chances of ending up in the right place with your squad.
We love all of your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions you'd like us to address on the podcast, or directions you'd like to see us move in, please send them to us.
The three best ways to support the show:
Join the Community - Discord -
Find us on Youtube -
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @Winner_Podcast | @XPMediaNow
Feed -
Email -
Website -
MTBtrigger (Host - Exfil Podcast, Winner Winner Podcast, and XP):
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch -
Discord - mtbtrigger#9839
The1Heart (Host - Winner Winner Podcast):
Twitter - @The1Heart_
Discord - the1heart#6969
Find Spiffy Man’s music on: