Dave and Justin discuss My Little Pony: The New Generation, the #1 show on Netflix this week. Here’s the official synopsis: Equestria's divided. But a bright-eyed hero believes Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns should be pals — and, hoof to heart, she’s determined to prove it. Dave and Justin are amazed that a magical horsey cartoon took such a hard stance against neo-fascism and the military-industrial complex. Ashley comes to grips with her horse-riding past. Sophie wonders why all children’s movies now have to have an “influencer” character. Also, one of the ponies turns into Muammar Gaddafi for some reason.
Sophie’s Synopsis: In this family friendly neoliberal allegory of racial segregation, Earth pony Sunny Starscout, an SJW with a savior complex, teams up with a bubbly unicorn, and a queer coded Pegasus princess and some other friends to defeat the fear-mongering corporation and clueless police force in order to solve racism and restore friendship and magic in equastria.
Justin’ Synopsis: You know that something has gone terribly wrong with the world when an animated children’s movie about magical ponies decides focus on fascism as its main theme. There is literally a pony that turns into Muammar f*cking Gaddafi in the third act. Everyone needs to watch this movie so that we, as a society, can acknowledge and begin to combat the existential threat of the military-industrial complex and the sustained campaigns of disinformation that have permeated our socio-political institutions at the highest level! Friendship is magic and fuck the patriarchy!
Ashley’s Synopsis: My Little Pony teaches children how not to be a Karen.
Dave’s Synopsis: Do you think that classism, racism, and xenophobia are distinctly human qualities? Do you wish you could see a horse fling slime at other horses while roller blading and singing a jaunty show tune? Welcome to the redundantly named Maritime Bay where friendship, Love, rainbows, and kindness can co-exit with propaganda, fear-mongering, and hat mobs. Join Sunny Starscout as she fights fascism and a military industrial complex based largely on hitting people with slime, and succeeds s in teaching her community that love and friendship will help some horses regain magical powers while others, seemingly deserving horses are left powerless.
Listen to Sophie’s song Lisbon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPvlgCK4PY0
Check out Marigold Studios, Sophie’s amazing design studio: www.marigoldstudio.ca