Elementary schoolchildren carry trauma and life experiences with them that immensely impact their school and home situations, and without access to mental health resources, these issues can spiral into full-blown crises.
In Delaware, one school counselor may be responsible for 500 children, stretching their time incredibly thin and almost guaranteeing some children fall through the cracks.
Lawmakers and advocates are fighting to ensure students in elementary schools have access to the resources they need with House Bill 100, which provides sustained funding for school-based mental health professionals such as School Counselors, School Psychologists and School Social Workers.
In this episode, we talked with the sponsors of this bill, Rep. Valerie Longhurst and Sen. Marie Pinkney. We also heard from school-based mental health professionals Emily Klein, Brandon Townsend, and Dawn Hall, and a parent, Chris Locke, who discussed the very real need for increased mental health funding in our schools.