Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Mat Festa for a Wandering the Road episode. Topics include personal vs public paranormal events, Jacques Vallee’s idea of a control system, ascended masters, spiritual pushes for progress, the Hudson Valley UFO event, Mothman, Adam Sayne and Serfiel Stevenson, Dr. Wham, paranormal events as filtered through cultural lenses, the discounting of the personal aspect of the paranormal, Joseph Smith and the origins of the Mormon religion, the media’s tendency to treat the paranormal exclusively as horror material, fear and the shamanic experience and personal growth, kundalini experiences, Seriah’s TV experience, the question of whether the personal growth aspect of a paranormal experience requires an actual anomaly, the ancient Greek mystery schools, the tic-tac video, the Pheonix lights, Marian apparitions, the Fatima events, paranormal activities as social control devices, the Seth material, NDEs and being outside of time, Chris’s strange dream of the future, the disappearing drone flap, Seriah’s black dog experience and related synchronicities, Gary Luckman’s book “The Lost Knowledge of the Imagination” , life destiny patterns, the so-called hitchhiker effect, one-off monsters, lizardman, Bigfoot in places he couldn’t physically be real and undetected, witness accuracy in runaway Google blimp, Paratopia, Emma Woods being hypnotized David Jacobs, scandals at MUFON, J.Z. Knight, Robert Bigelow, Vallee’s “Messengers of Deception” and “Dimensions” and “Forbidden Science” journals, Vallee’s invention of word search engines, celebrities as normal people, the podcast and book and TV show “The Edge of Sleep”, Driftless Times substack “The Color of Belief” by Walker Jaroch, generational differences in perspectives, the advantages and disadvantages of the internet, serious and spurious trigger warnings, Seriah’s ongoing autobiography, the lost practice of physical letter writing, a bizarre wish granted experience chain, Seriah’s violent vampire dream, fiction writing as therapeutic, late night artistic inspiration, things appearing online that deny randomness, and much more! This a fascinating, eclectic conversation!
UFO History with Mike and Aaron - Feb 1, 2025
Feb 17, 2025
Seriah is joined by Aaron Gulyas and Mike Clelland for the much anticipated year-in-UFO-history episode. Topics include drone viral panic, Luis Elizondo’s new book “Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs”, changes in policy on top-secret personnel testifying before Congress, audiobooks, long-term government observation of the UFO phenomenon, Project Blue Book, Hal Puthoff, Roswell, Collins Elite, Nick Redfern, the book “Final Events”, the UFO “truth” vs personal safety and making money, lack of disclosure martyrs, an in-event-of-my-untimely-death video, the 90’s book “The Day After Roswell”, Chris Mellon, Lou’s involvement with torture at Guantanamo Bay. Abu Ghraib, the ineffectiveness of torture, the TV show “24”, Dick Cheney, further UAP whistleblowers, the “egg video”, Trump’s very limited statements on UAPs, Bob Lazar, Stephen Bassett and “buy a bigger TV” for disclosure, Ufology vs pro wrestling, “The Manhattan Alien Abduction” documentary on Netflix, Budd Hopkins, Carol Rainey, real estate deals, Linda Cortile, George Hansen, the 1996 Budd Hopkins book “Witnessed; The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions” , the apparent incessant liar “Yancy”, apparent MIB or other fake agents impersonating NYPD cops, Cardinal O’Connor based in NYC, A.P. Strange, Debbie Cobble and Budd Hopkins interpreting her dream as a real event, John Keel and reluctance to edit, the book “The Exiles” contactee memoir, U.S. government agents obsessively “in love” with UFO abductees, unreported kidnappings involving UFOs, the podcast “Bunker Eight”, the drone hysteria, the previous drone activity centered in Colorado, a federal statement in reference to drones over New Jersey, the difficulties of smartphones vs pro-level cameras, photo/film fakery, Seriah’s dashcam experiences, Mark Wyatt and owls, Mike’s new book on owls, the scientific method vs legal evidence, Dean Radin, psi evidence and it’s dismissal by academia, “The Psychic Tapes” podcast, Steven Greer and “Alien Invasion Day”, the “Cosmosis” documentary starring Kelly Chase and Jay King, Daniel Elizondo [no relation], the James Webb telescope and an alien ship, the “the Gobbly Gooker” in the 90’s WWF, Blue Avians, and much more! This is every bit as excellent as one would expect!
The Vertical Plane / 12th Anniversary Show - Jan 25, 2025
Feb 11, 2025
Seriah is joined by Matt Festa and Chris Ernst to celebrate the 12th anniversary of Where Did The Road Go and, to take a deep dive into the book “The Vertical Plane” by Ken Webster. Topics include keeping the podcast fresh, Gef the Mongoose, messages on a basic home computer in Wales UK in the 1980’s from unknown entities, poltergeist activity of various types, bizarre time-traveling dreams, six-toed footprints walking diagonally up a wall, British humor, home renovation as liminal situation and instigator of poltergeist activity, multiple bizarre entities apparently from different time periods, word documents in Medieval English, time travel and time lines, canned goods stacked into a pyramid, people getting hurt by the South Shields Poltergeist in the UK in 2006, an entity’s own explanation of poltergeist activity, a weird poem, apparent communications from a man with a voice-activated computer in the 1500’s, the Society for Psychical Research, a British Broadcasting Company documentary on the case, poor conduct by investigators, apports and heat/burning, footsteps on the roof, time line discrepancies, similarities between the poltergeist witnesses and UFO contactees, psi activity and fakery, Billy Myers, Uri Geller on Johnny Carson, Trickster activity, the Fox sisters, the difficulties of communicating with the entities in Wales, some people who have a dampening effect on psi and other activities, a complex chalk drawing spontaneously appearing, a witch burning, a medieval sheriff speaking to the people in the 1980’s through a spectral computer, the weird significance of the physical location of the 1980’s computer, the contradictions of hoaxing, “The White Vault” Lovecraftian horror podcast, furniture being moved, flying pieces of metal, a bizarre dream where a women from the 1980’s spends a day in the 1520’s and sees a weird book with a caduceus symbol on it, an apparent time travel contradiction emergency, the “2109” vague beings as spirits, tachyons, time travel through astral means, ludicrous explanations by SPR that allege a literally impossible level of cheating, Ufologist Gary Rowe and the entities having his phone number, Gary Rowe’s investigation and his own encounters directly with the beings, the abrupt end to the experiences, a mysterious never-found book, convectional magnetism as explained nearly incomprehensibly by 2109 to connect all forms of the paranormal and time slips, and much more! This is a fascinating discussion with a topic worthy of the WDTRG 12th anniversary!
Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher and Greg Bishop to take a deep dive on the documentary podcast “The Telepathy Tapes” that involves severely disabled autistic youth who appear to communicate psychically and have other paranormal experiences. Topics include autism, neurodivergence, fetishization, super powers, Dean Radin, the social work community, the Americans with Disabilities Act, public school policies, ipad spelling for the non-verbal, learning for people on the autistic/neurodivergent spectrum, educational support, resistance to the reality of psychic activity, the novel “Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls” by Jane Lindskold, the 1980’s de-institutionalization government policy, criticism of the show, numerous scientific studies showing evidence for psychic phenomena from the late 1800’s to the present, James “the Amazing” Randi and his antics, Rupert Sheldrake, Carl Sagen, materialist-reductionist ideology, uninformed opinions, the value of anecdotal evidence, the gradual acceptance of a broader mindset in academia, Robert Schoch and the link between measurable psi phenomena and solar activity, Joseph McMoneagle and remote viewing and astronomical positions, possible scientific explanation for astrology, Clever Hans the counting horse, subtle even unconscious cues, newborn learning process, Barbara’s child’s experience overcoming developmental delays, severely autistic children and physical limitations, Robert Anton Wilson, fundamentalist skepticism as a belief system, Greg Bishop’s magazine “The Excluded Middle”, an analogy between psi and medical efficacy, the picking and choosing evidence game, evolution and psi, animals and earthquakes, non-human psychic ability, the power of belief, why the paranormal is not a threat to materialistic science and technological advances, Seriah’s psychically linked friend, Barbara’s psychic link with her mother, Seriah’s experiences mentally contacting a different friend, personal experiences of precognition and telepathy, Greg’s remote viewing experiences, emotions and psychic testing, voluntary sensory deprivation and psi, Ky Dickens, “going to the hill”, the dystopian sci-fi TV series “Silo”, the hill as a sort of psychic zoom call, ancient peoples using psi instead of technology, shamans as neurodivergent, the hill as a sacred space, the Seth material, the limitations of spoken language, spirituality, God as an anti-entropic/procreative force, communication with the dead, Joshua Cutchin, Edgar Cayce, concurrent lives, collective co-creation, the Akashic record, pre-birth memories, spiritual families that spend multiple incarnations together, John Thomas, commercialization, NPR, Michael Masters and future telepathy, the Greek and Hindu beliefs in a cycle of ages, Sirius as a binary star to our Sun, Walter Cruttenden, the observer effect, the Electric Universe theory, the book “Information and the Nature of Reality”, and much more! This is a dream team for discussing what seems like a ground-breaking podcast!
Owls, Hatman, and Hauntings - Jan 11, 2025
Jan 28, 2025
Seriah is joined by Mark Wyatt and Janice. Topics include the mind/body/spirit scene in the UK, meditation, fake gurus, manifestation, an encounter with a huge owl at a crossroads, building a stone circle, King Arthur, the goddess Hecate, inspiration to write, Aleister Crowley, “Wyatt’s Weird World” book, Jim Harold’s “The Camp Fire” podcast, a story triggering a buried memory, repetitive bizarre dreams, astral travel, Adam Sayne’s “Strange Realities” podcast, Neal Ward English paranormal investigator, the gun powder ghost, meeting in a dream before meeting in real life, traveling to America, an experience with a strange light, a disturbing Hat Man encounter, clairaudience phenomena, strange American disembodied voices, moving residences, ghost encounters, unexplainable radio activation, feelings of being watched, taunting a poltergeist leads to injury, apparitions in a haunted house, moving a jacket leads to strange activity, weird encounters in a cemetery, skipping a cleansing ritual leads to being followed home and having disturbing experiences, anomalous doorbell ringing, unexplainable waves of fear, the fictional podcast “Shelterwood”, certain people attracting the paranormal, real estate and a psychic prediction, the ghost of a previous resident, a haunted hotel where a mad doctor had done experiments, ghost hunting tours, Wyatt getting possessed by an angry spirit, voices and noises that they could hear but nobody else could, tommy knockers and Cornish miners in Britain and America, a photo of a ghost, ghosts that look like grey pencil drawings, a bizarre encounter with a strange entity in the trees while hiking, Bigfoot outside of the wilderness, and much more! This is fascinating conversation!
Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher, Saxon, and Chris Ernst for a Wondering The Road episode. Topics include Barbara’s recent tour with Seriah an odd local cemetery, “The Curse of Oak Island”, reality TV, anomalous historical/archeological finds, internet/social media rumors, the J.D. Vance couch false story, the ongoing drone phenomena and mistaken perceptions, the bokeh effect in photography, a U.S. senator misidentifies a Star Wars movie vehicle as a drone, a TV reporter misidentifies regular airplanes near an airport as drones, identifying required FAA aircraft lights, drone hysteria in the public and politics, lost radioactive material, experimental classified aircraft, the Cash/Landrum incident, large commercial-use drones, the 2019 drone flap in Colorado, Robert Guffey’s “Chameleo”, anomalous phenomena mimicking mundane phenomena, orbs, drones vs UFOs, misleading videos on the internet, Red Pill Junkie on disclosure, misplaced trust in government, political distraction, the Palestine Ohio train derailment and chemical pollution, John Keel and anomalous airplanes, Barbara and Chris’s previous careers, Barbara’s experience with bizarre lights and actual airplanes, Seriah’s encounter with a morphing airplane/UFO, taking photographs that don’t reflect what witness saw, Seriah’s experience with “laser scarecrows”, Barbara’s husband’s org incident, the TV series “The Rig”, the drone issue and a muddying of the waters as far as things in the sky, drone and dogman activity in the UK and Canada, the possible future of flying cars, the difficulties of properly understanding a higher level of technology, the “Telepathy Tapes” podcast, psychic abilities in autistic children, Chris’s knowledge of intense psychic abilities among the severely disabled in India, Dean Radin, the stranglehold of Atheist/Materialist/Reductionist ideology over science, the Hindu and Greek concepts of epochal ages, incredible ages of ancient peoples, the possibly real Indigo Children, climate change, using the mind to control the body, Jetson Arrow personal drone vehicle, and much more! This is one of a kind fascinating discussion!
These are the only 2 shows I did with the late Chris O'Brien. Really enjoyed talking with him, but for some reason, never had him back on. I cleaned these up, we're talking about his book, Stalking the Herd, which is the definitive book on Cattle Mutilations.
There is also an intro I did with Greg Bishop, who was good friends with Chris.
Seriah is joined by Ryan Grulich and Joshua Cutchin to discuss the true-crime/paranormal documentary film “The Lady Of The Lake: A Story Of Murder And Everything After”. Topics include a woman’s hand found in a lake in 1940, ghost hunting, the Pacific Northwest, Amanda D. Paulson/pretty fn spooky, a condition where a human body turns into soap, Florida graveyards above ground, David Paulides and lack of public records, the Olympic National Forest, bottomless lakes, Lake Crescent, lake monsters, editing and directing the movie, ghost hunting and true-crime genre productions, the “rabbit hole” experience, UFO research as an initiatory process, John Keel and Bigfoot sightings, serial killer Israel Keys, the podcast “ True Crime BS”, the effect of true-crime media on actual killers, the National Park Service, lack of records, a huge number of bodies in a cold water lake, the archetype of the Lady in the Lake, Susan Demeter, “dead people theory”, Ufology vs Parapsychology in terms of dogmatism, the BBC’s “Ghost Story for Christmas” series, a murder on the Winter Solstice, Disney’s “Snow White” and synchronicity, Halloween vs Christmas, archetypes and the holidays, ghost stories and personal development, a window area with numerous tragedies, ghost hunters and physical theories of haunting, FBI Agent Ted Gunderson and Geraldo Rivera, the Satanic Panic, rumors of a mass grave, geography and the liminal, marginalized people and the paranormal, solar activity and psi activity, Greg Little, Jack Hunter, mediums and ectoplasm and flashbulbs, cosmic rays and evolution, John Tenny and an amusing scenario, a retired detective and body positioning, the memory of the victim, “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote, the nature of True Crime art, influences on the film, telling stories to heal from trauma, the fetishization of serial killers, Jimmy Church, the 2024 movie “The Order”, a disturbing lecture on a murder to school children, Harlan McNutt, identification by dental records, an Estes method session, meditation and mystical practices, ghost box experiences, non-linear communication with a non-human intelligence, Joshua Cutchin’s upcoming projects, and much more! This a really compelling discussion!
Abby's Strange World: Part 2 - Dec 21, 2024
Jan 06, 2025
This is a three part conversation with Abby about the very strange events that have happened in her life, weird lights, bigfoot, Fae, UFO's, and who knows what else. The first two parts will be released publicly, the last will just be for Patreons. Patreons have all three parts now. Become a Patreon at
Outro Music is Worm Quartet with A Worm Quartet Christmas
Abby's Strange World: Part 1 - Dec 7, 2024
Dec 26, 2024
This is a three part conversation with Abby about the very strange events that have happened in her life, weird lights, bigfoot, Fae, UFO's, and who knows what else. The first two parts will be released publicly, the last will just be for Patreons. Patreons have all three parts now. Become a Patreon at
* Outro Music is Meka Nism with Dance at the End of the World
AMA Show - UFO's, Fear, and Lost Civilizations - Nov 30, 2024
Dec 20, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon/Super_Inframan to respond to questions submitted by patrons. Topics include early WDTRG guests, the new availability of early shows, ancient mysteries, lost civilizations, climate change reveals prehistoric relics and structures, Graham Hancock, false accusations of racism, footprints in the white sands desert, Seriah’s autobiography, UFOs coming from the oceans, Thor Heyerdahl, Majorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, hidden underwater bases, outer space vs deep water craft, James Cameron’s “The Abyss”, Mac Toney, “Invisible Residents” by Ivan T. Sanderson, different physics in different parts of the universe, the ETF and its problems, fringe Hindu understandings of the universe and intelligent life, life thriving in difficult circumstances, animals with sentience, life in the human gut system, the Seth material, alien contact through psychic means, other intelligent beings and emotions, underwater civilizations, transhumanism and uploading souls, brain vs soul, Tony Stark vs Dr. Doom, “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot, “The Everlasting Stories” podcast, “Titan Station” episodes, reincarnation and it’s mechanics, technical difficulties and their implications, 36 Dingo origin story, time travel ideas, Seriah and fear, physical UFO attacks with actual effects, the podcast “Spines”, Jenny Randles and her experiences, religion and spirituality, Chris’s experiences with various religious traditions, Aleister Crowley’s “God as a mountain” analogy, Saxon’s mothers’s NDE, Aldous Huxley’s “The Perennial Philosophy”, the late, great Christopher O'Brien and much more! This is a fantastic discussion, touching so many bases!
Drones, Drones Everywhere! - Dec 14, 2024
Dec 16, 2024
Seriah is joined by Saxon/SuperinfraMan and Red Pill Junkie for a topical discussion on the recent drone sightings. Topics include the Phenomena vs conventional aircraft, fakery and optical illusion, the 2019-20 drone outbreak in Colorado and Nebraska, falconry as a drone defense, military drone swarm strategy, drones emerging/entering the sea, Mexican drug cartel drone use, FBI and FAA investigations and their ineffectiveness, the possibility of domestic war games, Senator Kirstin Gillibrand and the UAP hearings, the late 1800’s airship flap, the difference in societal perceptions between UFOs and drones, Seriah’s photograph of an airplane that could have been mistaken for something anomalous, John Keel and mysterious aircraft, RPG and Greg Taylors’ interview with Jacques Vallee on “The Daily Grail”, the Belgian triangles, experiments by private corporations and individuals, the Cash/Landrum incident and radiation, Richard Doty’s lies and half-truths, UFOs drawing water from ponds, experimental lighter-than-air tech, Nick Redfern, Rendlesham UK incident, many small lights creating the impression of a vastly larger object, misperceptions in air traffic control, technology vs government power, “The Far Meridian” podcast, AI and misinformation, AI-controlled “aircraft-carrier” drone, extremely small UFOs and humanoids in Malaysia and Japan, raised expectations for AI, artists and copyright theft, the dragonfly drone hoax, Diana Pasulka and Silicone Valley transhumanists, Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni and a strange light, an apparent Marian apparition in Egypt, Greg Little and earthquakes and plasma, tectonic plates and earth lights, an upcoming role-playing game with RPJ and Michael Hughes, assassination drones in speculative fiction, and much more! This is some riveting conversation!
Campfire Stories with Jim Harold - Nov 23, 2024
Dec 11, 2024
Seriah is joined by author and podcaster Jim Harold. Topics include high strangeness, weird experiences, the “Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories” book series, the credibility of witnesses, the “Jim Harold’s Campfire” podcast, Chinese bone divination, a bizarre Ouija board experience, Jeremy Vaeni’s teenage Ouija encounter, a weird car radio incident, an experience involving 8-track tapes and cassettes, a terrifying encounter with a “crawling man” in a recycling center, the mysterious Mrs. Raspberry, time slips and disappearing houses, a very strange day at school, a bizarre incident with a psychotic-acting naked man and real cops vs apparent fake cops and paramedics, a very weird trip to nowhere, alternative universes, so-called glitches in the matrix, a hiker and mysterious old man, the TV series “From”, a ghostly encounter with a faceless woman in black, a multi-generational series of apparent flannel man experiences, repeated incidents of a female entity appearing in and coming out of the bedroom closet with multiple witnesses, the haunting of a young mother and her children, and much! These are some fascinating stories, whether the listener is interested in the general topic of ghosts or not. There’s a ton of high strangeness and unexplainable experiences!
Seriah is joined by Brennan Storr and Saxon in a deep dive into David Paulides’ “Missing 411” material. Topics include omitted information, the case of Aaron Hedges who went missing while bow hunting and may have a much more mundane explanation, drama between Paulides and paranormal author and researcher Steph Young, wrongful accusations of plagiarism, a researcher run off of Reddit, Facebook chaos, intellectual property and monetization, the Smiley Face killers, fanatical Paulides followers and internet harassment, a massive search and rescue operation and evidence found by a complete civilian, fallacies about missing persons cases, common-place reasons for search and rescue failures, S.A.R .Woods and creepypastas about stairways in the forest, the “Ghost Story Guys” podcast, a fascinating story from Serbia, strange weather phenomena and missing people vs normal meteorological events, missing time/memories and multiple explanations, Saxon’s encounter with a missing time survivor, Brennan’s experience with a blue-tinted reality slip in a hospital elevator, Seriah’s bizarre fire alarm and orb flock encounter, a analogy for the paranormal based on cancer, a horrific but mundane story that could have been a Missing 411 case if it hasn’t been solved, missing children saved by “bears”, a missing woman (Amanda Eller) lost in a Hawaiian jungle for seventeen days despite a massive active search and being only about four miles from the parking lot, Saxon’s trip to Iceland and bizarre tragic deaths there due to drastic weather changes, Chris McCandless who died preventably in Alaska as described in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer, a deployment of U.S. Army Special Forces troops to assist in a search and rescue attempt, Brennan’s book “Strange Little Place”, a misperception of a UFO sighting and military cover-up, the fictional series “Impulse”, questions challenging Paulides’ objectivity on fairly easily explainable cases, incidents of wild hogs attacking/eating humans, a strange 1937 child disappearance with unanswered questions, and much more! This is a riveting discussion!
Trauma, Cults, and the Paranormal - Nov 9, 2024
Nov 26, 2024
Seriah is joined by experiencer and cult survivor Kerri Cabe. Topics include strange entities in childhood, poltergeist activity as a pre-teen, a missing time episode witnessed by others, teenage shenanigans, Ouija board experiences, sleep paralysis and extreme nightmares, schizophrenia vs spiritual attack, late musician Randy Rhodes, religious conversion due to paranormal experiences, heavy metal music, land spirits, spirituality and natural beauty, sexism in Christianity and the “Full Quiver” movement, home-schooling, Reformed Calvinism, defining “cult”, 1847 Oregon “Whitman Massacre”, Cayuses Native American nation, missionaries vs Indigenous beliefs, the spread of disease, smallpox, settler retaliation, a ghost cat, tiny shadow entities, sleep disruptions, sparkly men, strange sounds at a stadium, courtship culture, Moscow ID, a Flannel Man encounter, actual people vs scary entities, religious abuse, Kerri’s art. economic crisis, gay youth and “conversion therapy”, Christian Nationalism, a lengthy divorce process, Masons, family problems, Nordic Paganism, spiritual entities, the Goddess Hecate, the Goddess Frija, mental voices, a fictional podcast “Station 151”, different alien groups, the Seth material, bodied vs non-bodied beings, Pagon gods, intuitive painting, sleep paralysis, precognition vs predictions that didn’t come true, Bigfoot hustery , channeling artwork, Witches vs New Agers, Isrealite, corporal punishment, critical thinking, multi-level marketing, spiritual overcoming, Seriah’s experiences, personal encounters, and much more! This was an fasciately episode, with super great content! This is wonderful discussion!
Your feed was likely bombed with all the shows from Where Did the Road Go? from 2013. I am making them available, and in doing so, they will likely show as new shows even though the published date is 2013. I had previously uploaded the first 3, I think there are 53 in total.
I will be doing the same with every year until I catch up and they are all available to podcatchers!
Seriah is joined by Adam Sayne of the Conspiranormal podcast and the Strange Realities Conference and a fringy character named Vincent Treewell, who apparently hosts The Weird Part podcast in his spare time. Topics include Vincent’s health experience, the history and pitfalls of podcasting, the emergence of the WDTRG-verse, the movie “Something in the Dirt”, directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, “Nevaeh’s Nightmare” podcast/youtube channel, the Cottingley Fairies hoax, the Theosophical Society and its influence, the 1911 book “The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries” by Walter Evans-Wentz, the book “The Secret Teaching of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall, Arthur Conan Doyle, Spiritualism, 19th and early 20th century photography, Harry Houdini, the ongoing saga of the cousins Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths who created the Cottingley Fairies, fraud and sincerity in the Spiritualist movement, the Reverend Stacy Schulman and the National Spiritualist Association of Churches USA, the burned-over district in upstate New York, Steven Snider/Recluse and a hidden history of crime and vice among turn-of-the-century Spiritualist mediums, the Fox sisters, hoaxing and its relationship to legitimate paranormal activity, the Enfield poltergeist case, Stan Romanek, Allen Greenfield, Jim Mosley and Gray Barker, Whitley Strieber, Jeff Ritzmann, manipulation of the human mind, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, the glimmer man, cultural imagery and paranormal phenomenon, Vincent’s cryptid sighting, the Google blimp incident and human perception, the anthology podcast “Undertow”, the Highgate vampire, “World of the Unexplained” podcast, Bishop Sean Manchester, David Farrant, Vincent’s interview with the late blogger EsoterX, Adam’s interviews with Dr. Future and Walter Bosley, Sondra London, the book “Good Little Soldiers”, Gary Revel and the MLK assassination, deceased guests, virtual friendships, Adam’s visit to Seriah, and much more! This discussion was a joy to participate in and fascinating to listen to!
Wandering the High Strangeness Road... - Oct 26, 2024
Nov 10, 2024
Seriah is joined by Steve Berg and Natalie. Topics include strange events in Rome GA in the early 1980’s and a hard-to-find book about them, Jungian concepts and a listener’s ideas of paranormal entities not having personalities or identities, Natalie’s dream experiences, hypnosis and channeling and divination, Ouija board encounters, sleep paralysis, dissociative identities/multiple personalities, the effects of trauma, different theories of ghosts, Spiritualism, psychiatric experiences vs paranormal experiences, sleep paralysis, OBEs while asleep, dream journaling, work dreams, an IT hack, floating and flying in dreams, the stone tape theory, ghost dinosaurs, Ivan T. Sanderson, a notorious photo of an 18th century dinosaur, the changing paleontological consensus on the nature of dinosaurs, Out of Place Animals, Alien Black Cats, kangaroos in the Midwest, anomalous airplanes, Seriah’s encounter with a “matrix monkey”, Wren Collier’s incident with a “digital tiger”, Natalie’s youthful contact with entities testing her, Seriah’s dream interrogations, Natalie’s friends being questioned by entities in dreams, Jeremy Vaeni’s abduction and Ouija board experiences, Natalie’s bizarre Ouija board encounters, Aleister Crowley, drugs and ritual magick, psychedelics, opioids and addiction, Adam Gorightly and a shared UFO experience while tripping, the series “Hysteria!”, strange phone calls and phenomena when Seriah is away from home, strange footsteps, a weird incident with a candle, pets perceiving strange phenomena, a bizarre incident with a photo of weeds on a fence spelling out a word, Jeff Ritzmann’s experiences, hallway paranormal incidents, Seriah’s doppelganger experiences, Natalie’s doppelganger experience and apparent incidents of invisibility, timeslips and disappearances, autism and ADHD and neurodivergence, and much more! This is an absolutely fascinating conversation!
Albatwitch Day Special - Oct 19, 2024
Nov 04, 2024
This show is different. Seriah records a bit on the way to Albatwitch Day, then talks to various people AT Albatwitch Day, including Stan Gordon, Timothy Renner, Tyler, and more. Afterwards, Tim, Chris Ernst, Alison and Seriah do a wandering the road show at Tim's house, and then finally, Seriah records some bits on the ride back home...
Outro Music is Stone Breath with Apples for the Albatwitch
Seriah is joined by author and researcher Charles Lear and the one and only Red Pill Junkie to discuss the ongoing “Disclosure” movement in Ufology. Topics include Luis Elizondo, his book “Immanent”, Joe Rogan, To The Stars Academy, the Legacy Group, MJ-12, an alleged implant, a strange meta-material, Art Bell, Linda Moulton Howe, Paul Bennewitz, Richard Doty, Adam Gorightly’s book “Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks”, Tom DeLonge, Hal Puthoff, Donald Keyhoe, NICAP, James Likowski, AATIP, green orbs, remote viewing, 1st Earth Battalion, Guantanamo Bay detention base, Roswell, Chris Mellon, an alleged international warrant for torture, a 1952 Air Force press conference, Bob Lazar, Robert Bigelow, the disclosure political agenda, Project Stargate, Joe Firmage, the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, “The Daily Show”, the book “Skinwalkers at the Pentagon”, Tanner F. Boyle, the substack “Getting Spooked”, Chris Bledsoe, Stan Friedman, “Tyler” from the book “American Cosmic” by Diana Walsh Pasulka, the band “Hitchhiker”, the possibilities of a new UFO religion, the Trickster element, Chinese spy balloons, the Nordic and Grey types of alien tropes, element 115, Douglas Dean Johnson, Bob Lazar’s strange connections to a biker gang murder, an alleged Russian UFO crash, Area 51 and distraction, George Knapp in Russia, Jack Brewer author of “The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community”, use of allegedly top-secret alien information as a test of trustworthiness, Albatwitch Day content, the podcast “Ley Lines”, Jay Stratton and UAP investigation, the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP) vs The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the National UFO Research Center, David Marler, Mark O’Connell author of “The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs”, the 1967 Malmstrom nuclear weapons UFO incident, the spiritual angle on UFO research, Charles McNeal and Anjali and other alleged whistleblowers on a coming alien attack, Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean, Colonel Philip J. Corso, the questionable value of credentials, Tim Binnall’s iconic position on alien cover-ups, and much more! This is a fascinating conversation with two excellent guests!
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst to interview Robert Guffey about the works and influences of comic book/graphic novel artist Jack Kirby. Topics include Saxon/Super_Inframan and a psychedelic encounter with Jack Kirby, Robert’s intense dream experience with JK, articles Robert has written on JK, Steve Ditko, Stan Lee, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America, JK’s WWII service under General Patton, post-war career with DC Comics, the recurring crises in the comics industry, juvenile delinquency and horror comics, moral panics past and present, the Fantastic Four, Marvel vs DC, Neal Adams, Grant Morrison, Hermetic and Cabbalistic symbolism in JK’s work, Ken Thomas and Steam Shovel Press, the “Hour 25” science fiction radio show, Mike Hodel, JK’s experimental artistic techniques, Captain Victory, new business models for comic artists, the emergence of comic movies, visionaries in comic art, Masonic imagery, the collective unconscious, H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, Jungian archetypes, a childhood JK experience involving an Orthodox Jewish exorcism/healing, 20th century pulp fiction, “New Gods” vs “Star Wars”, George Lucas, the influence of comics on mainstream live-action films, prescient/prophetic story lines in JK’s work, OMAC the comic character, the face on Mars, “Mission to Mars” film, Easter Island, Thor Heyerdahl, the combining of extremely different ideas and images, “Tiki Style” by Sven Kirsten, Richard Shaver, “The Eternals” film, Ray Bradbury and possible adaptations of his novels, the film “The Mothman Prophecies” vs expectations based on the book, the differences between movies and books as art forms, the difficulties of adaptations and expectations, a possible sabotage of JK’s career in the 1970’s, “Kamandi” DC comic, “The Demon”, “Swamp Thing”, the alchemical quest of Dr. Banner, cold war politics in “The Incredible Hulk”, the “Dream Sequence” fiction podcast, JK’s work habits and techniques, automatic writing, “Strange World of Your Dreams” JK’s 1950’s horror comic, Albert Pike and the metaphysical meaning of the letter “G”, Stan Lee and the legend of the Golem, JK’s interactions with fans, “Monsters” novel by Barry Windsor-Smith, and much, much more! Robert Guffey, as always, is a firehose of information and connections!
Seriah is joined by Saxon, Chris Ernst, and author and podcaster Brennan Storr for a wandering the road episode. Topics include Brennan’s new projects, the difficulties of scheduling and time management, Seriah’s experiences with a strange green light beam, surveillance and detection equipment, a huge owl encounter, Brennan’s teenage UFO experience, a life-saving premonition, a strange loud sound in the night, the dangers of laser pointers, bird scaring technology, weird sudden silences, odd light-shining experiences at night, Brennan’s haunted apartment complex, Saxon’s lack of experiences in a supposedly haunted house, a bizarre phone and police scanner experience, a weird incident involving phantom footsteps and closing doors, mysterious car sounds, Seriah’s strange near-simultaneous encounters with screech owls in two different states, the “robot circles” incident, a report of a disembodied voice and candles and counter-magic, efforts to re-create something like a woolly mammoth, solar flares, the solar system’s journey through the cosmos, the photon belt theory, Paul Otto Hess, cosmic radiation and human health, the 1859 Carrington Effect, further solar flare mayhem, a possible prosaic explanation for the green light, the “Small Town Horror” fiction podcast, technology being confused for paranormal phenomena, heart attacks spiking during solar flares, a study suggesting people somehow grow into their name, Ray Palmer and self-healing, hypnotic healing and the placebo effect, the social significance of names, Martin Williams, Stan Gooch and “Creatures from Inner Space”, a possible explanation for the Oz Effect, the brains filtering of perception, fungi using electrical pulses as a language, “Star Trek”, “The Last of Us”, “Cop Rock”, musical numbers in TV, plasma bubbles detected over the Pyramids of Egypt, unknown unknowns, previous dangers we were unaware of, microplastics, the problems of authority, scientists vs elected politicians, the difficulties of monetization in society, the importance of scrutiny in evaluating information, media representations of world events, and much more! This is a rollicking, fascinating discussion!
Seriah is joined by writer, podcaster, and experiencer Jeremy Vaeni. Topics include Jeff Ritzmann, Lisa Ritzmann, the “Paratopia” and “Paranormal Waypoint” podcasts, David Biedny, Paul Kimball, hypnotic regression and its problems, David Jacobs, Project Core, Jeremy’s personal experiences, George Hansen’s trickster theory, qualities that make an experiencer, self-empowerment vs death of self, oneness vs identity, the search for meaning, Philip Imbrogno, personalities in ufology and paranormal studies who exaggerate their military and/or academic background, Steven Greer, fiction promoted as fact, Luis Elizondo, Whitley Strieber, Jacques Vallee, Paula Harris, meta-metals, Jeremy’s youthful bizarre Ouija board experiences, the film “The Attic Expeditions”, Jeremy’s abduction experience, the frequency of experiencers having encounters with multiple phenomena, Terence McKenna’s experience with an Adamski-style UFO, Walter Bosley and NIMSA, the Fae, how human’s thinking has changed over history, absurdity in high strangeness, Seriah’s UFO over the lake experience, Jeremy’s teenage UFO experiences, the paranormal driving people mad, the motives for fakery, the Philip experiment, Skin Walker Ranch, 9/11 footage confiscated and never released, and much more! This is a fascinating discussion with one of WDTRG’s most unique and entertaining guests!
Mike Clelland and Suzanne Chancellor talk High Strangeness... - Sept 14, 2024
Oct 01, 2024
Seriah is joined by Mike Clelland and Suzanne Chancelor. Topics include Suzanne’s (and Mike's, and Seriah's) personal experiences, the phenomenon of one significant encounter opening the experiencer’s perception to things that have been ongoing, personal experiences from Marty Garza, Suzanne as a child being tucked in by small visitors, “The Alien Abduction Survival Guide: How to Cope with Your ET Experience” book by Michelle LaVigne-Wedel, kundalini awakening and hallucinations, a Rakei practitioner and owls, synchronicities and the people they are connected to, an experience at the Seth house, Seriah’s health issues, strange electrical effects, creepy disembodied voices, “Earth: A Love Story” by Robin Lassiter, one-off encounters, small shadow animals, an appearance by a sparkling entity, a mysterious black mass around a negative energy person, the Static Man character on “Archive 81”, precognitive dreams, the value of keeping a diary/journal, a teenage synchronicity, a series of weirdly connected relationships, retrocausality and premonitions, synchronicities and relationships, fate and predestination, the movie “Sound of My Voice”, an experience with moved coins, a disappearing/reappearing grave marker, a UFO encounter while dog walking, the book “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom, a bizarre dream/real life experience, a crop circle conference in England and an owl experience connected thereto, a strange conversation about UFOs and a lake erupting out of nowhere, “The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast” with Jo Hickey-Hall, Amanda Radcliffe and a shining lady encounter, “UFO of God” by Christopher Bledsoe, the Egyptian goddess Hathor, Diana Pasulka, a synchronistic encounter with a woman in a fairy costume, Lea Clivette, a lady in white encounter suggesting humankind in restricted to Earth, artist Doug Auld, and much more! This is a fascinating, wide-ranging conversation!
Life Updates from Seriah - Sept 26, 2024
Sep 26, 2024
Here is what has been happening with me in life, radio shows, and everything. Plus some upcoming things that you can be a part of! And it was my birthday.
Seriah is joined by UFO researcher and frequent Brothers of the Serpent guest presenter Marty Garza. Topics include Kenneth Ring, UFOs and NDEs, J. Allen Hynek, high strangeness filtering, Navy officer Kevin Day, hitchhiker effect, historical perspectives on UFOs, the Nazi bell project, Garry Nolan, trauma and its effects, “The Invisible Gorilla” book, Rey Hernandez and his experiences, brain filtering, drone technology, AI, rare phenomena vs paranormal/supernatural, Jeff Kripal, internal vs external influences, Jacques Vallee’s hilltop chart, Fazio and Geronimo Cardono’s experiences, absurdity in paranormal encounters, the development of uncertainty post-encounter, Robert Burton’s 1621 “The Anatomy of Melancholy”, ariel spirits/devils and their ability to appear as they wish, crop circles, definitions of alien, time travelers from the future, remote viewers throughout history, astral travel, remote viewer Joe McMoneagle, the engineering process, Nikola Tesla, mathematics and received knowledge, retro-causality, John Anthony West and one free miracle, free will and its limitations, time as a river, will vs fate, an ant farm analogy, “Transformation” by Whitley Streiber and ritual magick, the importance of intention, “Lighthouse” podcast, the exaggeration of the “War of the Worlds” Orson Wells broadcast, Jeff Ritzmann, shrouded entities throughout history, contactees and their changing messages, a fractal rabbit hole, the feeding of technology from outside entities to humanity, Jack Parsons and rocketry, the difficulties of space travel, the unpredictability of technological progress, the Schwinger effect, and much more! Marty covers seemingly countless fascinating topics!
Weird Time with Tillie Treadwell - Aug 31, 2024
Sep 17, 2024
Seriah is joined by Tillie Treadwell. Topics include Tillie’s contributions to a new anthology “Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Space and Time”, a personal set of experiences with disappearing/reappearing objects, a cat emerging from pavement, alternate timelines, the Mandella Effect, Jane Roberts’s Seth material, dual (different) memories, “The Invisible Gorilla” book, a study revealing inaccurate memories of 9/11, the dangers of tribalism, non-human people, objectivity vs bias, conflict generated for profit, life on Earth as a learning experience, Nikola Tesla and his ideas, Scott Westerfeld and his “Uglies” book series, planned obsolescence, the power of wealth, the story of a virtuous restaurant owner, “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert Heinlein and a portion explaining human nature, the TV series “Counterpart”, “The Pretzel Logic of Time” by Tillie, the Men in Black movie franchise, the ”Andromeda” TV series, probabilities and alternate timelines, the questions of free will, various concepts of time, the relativity of the perception of time, a youthful senior citizen, attitude and aging, the “suspiciousobservers” youtube channel, the butterfly effect, the importance of minor events, quantum entanglement, a video game analogy for reincarnations, the danger of viewing people as NPCs, “The Weird Walk Home” youtube videos by Tillie, sentience of animals (including bees and fish), plant consciousness, Reddit, a vision of a car crash that prevented it from happening, Seriah’s changes in driving and a seemingly fateful incident, the process of moving between possible realities, “maqic”, and much more! Tillie is a rapid-fire, fascinating guest!
Talking Novels with Joshua, Mike, and RPJ - Aug 24, 2024
Sep 08, 2024
Seriah is joined by Mike Clelland, Joshua Cutchin, and Red Pill Junkie. Topics include scheduling difficulties, Mike and Josh’s new fiction books, RPJ’s cover artwork, Mike’s page lay-out art directing, Joshua’s proof-reading, Mike’s “The Unseen”, words Mike avoided, Christopher Knowles and “The Secret Sun” podcast, comic books/graphic novels, owls. The color blue, Carl Jung, “The Red Book”, Carlos Castaneda, psychedelics, Josh’s “Them Old Ways Never Died”, symbolism, the phenomenon of characters seeming to have personalities of their own, alcoholism and other addictions, the two books shared universe, the impact of the pandemic on live musicians, the film “Unwanted”, difficulties in portraying the Fae in fiction, “King of Morning, Queen of Day” novel by Ian McDonald, Josh’s “The Brimstone Deceit”, Morgan Daimler, Graham Hancock’s fiction, the oil painting process, artist Billy Shank, Mike’s memoir “Hidden Experience”, Mike’s time wearing the Kool Aid man costume, the changes in the ease of taking pictures and filming over the decades, RPJ’s methods of cover art, Mike’s three non-fiction books on UFOs and owls, creative people and the paranormal, nuts and bolts ufology, trauma and the Phenomenon, dissociation and the paranormal, Kenneth Ring and the experience-prone personality, Jeff Ritzmann, unrecognized and unremembered trauma, depression, the movie “They Live”, childhood experiences, Seriah’s teenage traumas, similarities between alien encounters and NDEs, Dr. Michael Newton, “Life Between Lives” book, audiobooks and their production, Micah Hanks, “Limelight” BBC podcast, Jake “the Snake” Roberts, the differences between writing fiction and nonfiction, planners vs pantsers, Jim Marrs and “The Sisterhood of the Rose”, the difficulties of portraying villains, the movie “Watchers”, the video games “Control”, “Alan Wake”, and esoteric things contained in them, Remedy Studios, Eric Wargo’s book “Time Loops”, “Oxenfree” video game, possible sequels to Mike and Josh’s fiction, other projects in the works, Barbara Fisher, and much more! This a riveting conversation featuring three all-time favorite guests!
High Strangeness in New Zealand! - August 17, 2024
Aug 28, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris G from New Zealand. Topics include differences between New Zealand and Australia, personal experiences, interactions with celebrities, the fluidity of time, free will, an incident involving a terminally ill relative and apparent precognition, Alex Whitcombe, time slips, Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”, AI and sentience, plants and fungi communication and intelligence, life in other parts of the solar system, intelligent plasma, David Mitchell and necrophilia, sports and small talk, David Paulides and “Missing 411”, a missing person case local to Chris, Michael Marshall Smith’s book “The Servants”, Australian quarantine stations, a youthful encounter with a strange entity, ghost tours, an actual strange experience while on a tour, an Indigenous legend of a spirit that feasts on human fear, and much more! This is a fast-paced, fascinating conversation!
Wandering the Road: Synchronicity and more... August 10, 2024
Aug 23, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon/Super_Inframan. Topics include strange videos Seriah has posted, Saxon’s advice on identifying airplanes, an odd gesture by a weird stranger on the street, reconnecting/relocating people Serian used to correspond with by mail, Seriah’s ongoing autobiography, a high school essay by Chris on Aleister Crowley, being a nerd in the 21st Century vs the 1980’s, an incident of instant wish fulfilment/precognition by Seriah in high school, synchronicity, the nature of reality, coincidence vs precognition, Seriah and a wish for money with consequences, an experience between Chris and a tree frog, environmental responses to questions, “Authors of the Impossible” by Jeffrey Kripal, “Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind by Dr. Kirby Surprise, Carl Jung’s universal unconscious, a building destroyed in bizarre synchronistic incident, Chris’s precognition of a childhood accident in a treehouse, a weird experience with a car radio, Stan Gooch, a possible explanation for the Oz effect, a “plaid man” encounter, psychic/dream encounters with plants, Tim Renner and Flannel Man, the Woodsmen of “Twin Peaks”, “Unsolved Mysteries” stories of plaid-wearing entities visiting the terminally ill, the Wildman archetype, plant communication and consciousness, Ayahuasca, a scientific study suggesting much broader sentience in the animal world, bees playing a ball game for fun, Rene Descartes, experiments on fish, colonialism/racism and materialism, how extraterrestrials might view humans, “The Evil Within” video game, binaural beats, hemi-synch tones and meditation, Saxon’s ketamine experiences, songs that induce a mind state, Tibetan singing bowls, lost sound technology at ancient sites, how buildings change as decay takes place over time, sound and ritual and spirituality, the difficulties with total silence, Hindu teaching of universal vibration, Vedic theology and quantum physics, an incident in Colorado with an apparently conscious UFO, high-tech military black projects, the CrowdStrike failure and the recovery from it, Ed Zitron and the rot economy, the Wall Street Journal and AI, solar flares, and much more! This is fascinating conversation that covers a lot of ground!
Bigfoot and High Strangeness - Aug 3, 2024
Aug 14, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Timothy Renner to catch up on a number of things since Tim’s last appearance. Topics include controversy in the Bigfoot community over Tim’s previously more “flesh and blood” views, Drake vs Kendrick Lamar style feuds, Josh Cutchin, the possibilities of physical undiscovered primates, “woo” unexplainable Bigfoot incidents, “weird washing”, the wilderness poltergeist concept, Red Pill, Loren Coleman, Seriah’s bad experience with Ozempic and pneumonia, Martin Popoff synchronicities, strange night sounds, a possible UFO caught on dashcam, bizarre electronic sounds including the ones Tim recorded years ago, Octavian and a series of very weird events with Tim and Ian in Fishing Creek, an incident with Tim and John and Tyler Strand in Indiana involving a massive fireball and beams of light, the practice of making tea from wild plants, Bigfoot researcher Rick Fischer, Episode #459 of Strange Familiars, “The Watcher”, Seriah’s encounter with a possible monkey in a cornfield, Seriah’s previous UFO experience, Tim’s experiences with John and Tim’s listener Lucinda at Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota and numerous Bigfoot stories, non-profit organization, a mysterious bizarre hiker, a strange trip through the night, Chris’s analysis through Lakota lore, Tim’s strange dream, a fascinating message about Bigfoot, the streaming TV series “Counterpart”, an unusual encounter with three owls, different perceptions of the same person/entity, Native understandings of Bigfoot vs Western understandings, the U.S. government and honoring Tribal treaties, the rule of three, Tim’s spiritual journey, Tim’s upcoming book on hermits, and much more! This is a riveting episode, packed with information and mystery!
Recap by Vincent Treewell
Outro Music is Stone Breath with Leaves About Our Feet, We Reached for the Moon
Seriah is joined by Wren Collier and Octavian to discuss a recent scientific article reporting on a study by researchers giving psychic tests to magickal practitioners, its results, and their possible meaning. Topics include a psychic testing phone app, Gordon White and Rune Soup, natural psychic abilities vs magickal practice, Wren’s psychic research, Dean Radin, the change in magick between the 1800’s and early 1900’s, new age vs magick, Octavian’s experiences in Fishing Creek with Ian and Timothy Renner, transliminality, transliminal dis-ease, problems of doubt, co-creation, preparation practices in ritual magick, altered psychological states, B.J. Swain, Olympic [Greco-Roman] spirits, Elysian mysteries, a bizarre experience in a veteran’s cemetery, Steve Skinner, scent and spirits, unclean spirits, magickal practice and the paranormal, the three books of magick by Agrippa vs grimoires, chaos magick, the importance of astrology, Seriah’s experience with magick and an unexpected result, Octavian’s grandmother Julia Lupton and her astrological works, sublunar spirits, lunar mansions, Wren’s talismans, Arabic astrology, astrological charting, traditional astrology vs scientific materialist psychological astrology, Chris Warnock, “Station to Station” podcast, Octavian’s “Strange Dominions” podcast, Fae and nature spirits, a theory of Saturn and Bigfoot, a Biblical reference to hairy hominids, solar activity and psi, Robert Shock, the keys of Solomon and the moon, “Beyond Telepathy” by Andrija Pruharich, thunderstorms and magickal workings, electrical universe theory, black holes at the center of the Milky Way, Walt Thornhill, Immanuel Velikovsky, metaphor vs reality in astrology, the book “Gateways Through Light and Shadow”, neo-Platonism, drawing spirits into crystals, the “Seven Spheres” system of magick, physical manifestations vs the minds eye, analytical overlay, remote viewing, some of Octavian’s personal experiences, and much, much more! This is a unique deep dive into SO much!
Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher and Amber, the Witch of Noccalula, to discuss the Satanic Panic in American history, pop culture, and current events. Topics include Dungeons and Dragons, a personal experience with censorship of a D&D afterschool club, the 2022 documentary “Satanic Panic”, the 1982 movie “Mazes and Monsters” starring Tom Hanks, the blaming of metal bands for youth suicide, the gross misinterpretation of Ozzie Osbourne’s song “Suicide Solution”, the book “Michelle Remembers” by Lawrence Pazder and Michelle Smith, hypnotic regression and false memories, generational attitudes, the Moral Majority, Anita Bryant, the Mormon involvement in the Satanic Panic, reality TV ghost hunting shows and demonology, Beatrice Sparks, “Go Ask Alice”, “Jay’s Journal”, Rick Emerson “Unmask Alice: LSD, Satanic Panic, and the Imposter Behind the World's Most Notorious Diaries”, Runyon v. McCrary 1976 Supreme Court case desegregating private schools, the rise of Catholic/Protestant allied political conservatism, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, philosophy vs biblical interpretations of the beginning of human life, the rise of the religious right, disguised racism, Q-Anon, the Confederate flag, the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capital, West Virginia vs the Confederacy, John Brown, Appalachian Scotch/Irish anti-slavery attitudes, ahistorical views of Satan, the Silent Generation, anti-Polish prejudice, Seriah’s personal experience in an interracial relationship, homophobia in 20th century America, Amber’s personal experience with a mixed race family, the time Seriah went to church, C.S. Lewis, Satan as a psychological trigger, Seriah’s alleged Satanic cult member pen pal, Barbara’s experiences running a metaphysical book store and engaging in interfaith dialogue meetings, Amber’s emotional abuse as a Catholic child, Barbara’s youthful experiences in different Christian denominations, the novel “The Chronoliths” by Robert Charles Wilson, the case of the “West Memphis Three”, the “Paradise Lost” documentary series, demonic possession vs mental illness, the existence of Satan, Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan, exorcism and its contradictions, “The Exorcist” movie, the Warrens and “The Conjuring” movies, demonic possession in ghost hunting reality TV, critical thinking and education, Seriah and younger people without basic life skills, Seriah and a heavy metal zine banned from a public school computer lab, scape-goating after Columbine, the Roman Emperor Constantine and making of the Roman Catholic Church as a state religion, the burning of the Library of Alexandria and the murder of Hypatia, origins of anti-Semitism, and much more! This is an intense but highly valuable discussion!
Perfect Waters with Martin Popoff - July 13, 2024
Jul 25, 2024
Seriah is joined by author and illustrator Martin Popoff. Topics include Martin’s book “Flaming Telepaths”, the band Blue Oyster Cult, Sandy Pearlman, the album “Imaginos”, the occult origins of World War I, H.P. Lovecraft, Martin’s latest book “Perfect Water: The Rebel Imaginos”, magick, WWII, Operation Paperclip, the cold war, the Roswell incident, the Vietnam War, Soviet science and mysticism, conspiracy theory, Martin’s books on various rock bands, alchemy, John Dee, Edgar Cayce, Walter Bosley and airship mysteries, esoteric and occult history, the Led Zepplin “object”, covert hypnosis, scrying, the books “Alice in Wonderland” and “The Wizard of Oz”, Lovecraft’s “Old Ones” and vast tunnels and underwater structures, Atlantis, Aleister Crowley, perpetual energy devices, Egypt, the Yucatan, World’s Fairs, steampunk, “1886-1910, the golden age of the subconscious”, Harry Houdini, Kenneth Grant, egregores, Carl Jung, “Paul Blart Mall Cop”, music lining up with films, future misinterpretations of literature, the post- “Wizard of Oz” work of L. Frank Baum, Theosophy, Edison vs Tesla/ DC vs AC, Austin Osman Spare, Blavatsky vs Spiritualism, Russian Cosmism, aet as a creative force, mystic origins for the Soviet rocket program, a Jehovah’s Witness leader predicts something the coincides with the birth of Jack Parsons, Jewish mysticism and folklore, use of AI for fiction writing, the “Loab” character in AI, the movie “Chemical Wedding” produced by Bruce Dickinson of the band Iron Maiden about Aleister Crowley, Tartarianism, nuclear bomb testing and the Babylon Working ritual, solar cycles and historical events, the biosphere and geosphere and noosphere, synchronicities and inventions, interesting factoids, the Nazi bell alleged technology, Jacques Custeau, Lovecraft and strange dream experiments, dreams and music, and much more! Martin is a fast-paced, high-octane guest, and this is a unique, fascinating conversation!
Trap Street and Strange Air - July 6, 2024
Jul 17, 2024
Seriah is joined by Mike and Tony from the “Strange Air” and “Trap Street” podcasts. Topics include the nature of “real”, binge listening, the “Game of Thrones” TV series, “The Black Tapes” and “Tanis” podcast dramas, “Coast to Coast AM” in the Art Bell era, dealing empathetically with experiencers, the “X-Files” TV show, the evolution of ideas, Seriah’s films, the definition of a “trap street” and copyright fraud, Netflix and cancelation, origins of WDTRG, Walter Crittenden, “figureoutability”, zine culture in the 90’s, formal education vs DIY experience, the mechanics of doing podcast dramatic shows, the Fable & Folly podcast network, “Archive 81” podcast and Netflix series, transitioning from radio to podcasting, difficulties of reading and concentration after long Covid, feedback from fans, four types of music, “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes, personal experiences and their interpretation, Bigfoot and poltergeist activity, Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner, the difficulties of flesh and blood Sasquatch vs weird phenomena, psychic effects and solar activity, the multiple natures of UFO encounters, a strange UFO experience on a lake in Ithica NY, “Dark Matter” an AppleTV series, the SciFi Channel TV series also named “Dark Matter”, the disconnect between authors who address paranormal topics and their own personal beliefs, counter-intuitive scientific facts, cycles where the paranormal is more and less perceptible, UFO communities on twitter/X and reddit, drones and satellites mistaken for UFOs, AI and photographic fakery, the future technology and art, misperceptions of AI and misunderstandings of its capabilities, the movie “Late Night with the Devil”, positive potential of AI, a story of a person reincarnating into a machine, fictional treatments of uploading consciousness digitally, a powerful scene in “West World”, the Replika AI friend company, the possible illusions of free will and choice-making, Jeff Ritzmann, technology encountering paranormal entities, children’s memories of past lives, the frailties of human memory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, memory experiments and their unexpected results, flaws in human perception, a Ouija board experience, cross-cultural experiences of paranormal phenomenon going back millennia, an intense incident with a departed pet, unanswered questions on the nature of time, NDEs, déjà vu, Loyd Auerbach and a strange encounter between a child and a ghost, the Bermuda Triangle and its disappearance from pop culture, Erich Von Daniken and “Ancient Aliens”, pareidolia, attempted choose-your-own-adventure podcasts, the book “Daimonic Reality” by Patrick Harpur, the podcast “Rabbits”, Terry Miles, the “Welcome to Night Vale” podcast, author Michael Marshall Smith/Michael Rutger, a mysterious set of ancient walls that actually exist, the books “The Straw Men” and “Bad Things”, Star Trek “Discovery” and the concept of truly alien communication, the movie “Arrival”, the NASA Voyager probe, the possibilities of intelligent life within our solar system that may be too different to be perceived by humans, and much more! This is an absolutely fascinating conversation, truly packed with information!
UFO's and Poltergeists with Eric Ouellet - July 11, 2024
Jul 15, 2024
Originally aired on April 2, 2016
Since I reference this book a lot, I felt it was time to remaster and re-upload this show, with it's short Patreon segment as well.
Eric Ouellet joins me for a fascinating discussion of his new book, Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event. He proposes that we should examine the UFO Phenomenon as we would a poltergeist case. It's a novel way of looking at it, and may ultimately play a part in solving this enigma.
ERIC OUELLET is professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, and at the Canadian Forces College (Canada's Joint Staff and War College). He has a Ph.D. in sociology from York University (Toronto, Canada), and he is the liaison officer for Canada with the Parapsychological Association. He has published parapsychological work in the Australian Journal of Psychology, EdgeScience, and the Bulletin Métapsychique. His other research works focus on military sociology and war studies.
Sorcerers of Stone with Camille Sauvé - June 29, 2024
Jul 10, 2024
Seriah is joined by author and researcher Camille Sauve. Topics include her recent book “Sorcerers of Stone: Architects of the Three Ages”, history and prehistory of Peru, huacas/wakas sacred sites, things built by the Inca people and things they didn’t build, higher megalithic technology predating lower craftsman technology, an incident with a massive stone crushing people, the ancient god Viracocha, Rudolph Steiner and Madam Blavatsky on ancient construction, Lemuria and Mu, Easter Island, lost continents, intuition and speculation, tourism vs archeology and history, academic theory vs Indigenous lore, huge sediment deposits at high altitudes, the strange location of the city of Cusco, the site Saqsaywaman, the vast cavern system throughout Peru, underground cities in Turkey, cave/tunnel systems around the world and their possible uses and origins, the Hopi stories of global catastrophe and the Ant People, the seven sages from Egypt/Mesopotamia, recurring legends from around the world, the Flood and Gilgamesh, unexplained (conventionally) connections between distant cultures, the cosmogony of the three worlds, ideas of Alfredo Gamarra, a vastly different ancient earth, Akashic records, psychic investigations, the Theosophical concept of a race of giants, a massive stone staircase, a monument with human-size and giant thrones, three distinct eras of architecture attributed (rightly or wrongly) to the Incas, legends of giants across the Americas, Brothers of the Serpent, the Smithsonian Institute and giant bones, expanding earth theory, changes in gravity and orbit, Alfredo Gamarra’s son Jesus, the apparent spreading of the continents, tectonic plate theory’s early rejection by the science of its time, revision in science caused by new data, the outdated Clovis theory of the settlement of the Americas, Grahm Hancock, the TV show “Life After People”, the cosmic cycles of destruction, possible ancient geopolymers, a Russian study of Peruvian stone, Egyptian casing stones as geopolymer, Joseph Davidovits, ancient vs modern structures resilience to earthquakes, “The Feed” TV series on Amazon, colonial Spanish reaction to the structures in the Americas, vitrification of stone, Jan Peter de Jong, electric conductivity in Peruvian caves, earthquake fracture zones and electromagnetic energy, Inca ley lines, Paul Devereux, Greg Little, UFOs and earthquake fault lines, Marian apparitions connection with earthquakes, Incan priests and oracles on fault lines, Peruvian shamans, zig-zag walls in Egypt and Peru, possible pre-colonial electric power generation, running water through limestone and its effects, a study of earth energy and ionization, dating of ancient monuments, bio geometry, Dr. Ibrahim Karim, and much more! This is a fascinating discussion, loaded with information!
Steve Mera on Hauntings and the Paranormal - June 22, 2024
Jul 03, 2024
Seriah is joined by author and researcher Steve Mera. Topics include strange EVPs, Instrumental Trans Communication, entities reacting to electronic equipment, Steve’s absolutely bizarre personal experiences, disinformation and fakery, evaluating paranormal evidence, some of Seriah’s personal experiences, Project Doorway, the time of 3:00 AM, one-off monsters and perception, a banshee encounter, cognitive limitation, Timothy Renner and a bridge experience, a weird incident while investigating, anomalous manipulation of recording devices, humans as conduits, entities and deception, mediumship and its difficulties, scientific investigation vs proving a belief, paranormal mechanics, apports, parasitic poltergeist activity, atomic microscopy, plant biological traumatology test on the site of an apparent UFO landing, “Behind the Bastards” podcast, the book “Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event” by Eric Ouellet, Dogman and a multi-witness encounter therewith, difficulties with Bigfoot as a physical animal, compartmentalization in paranormal research, multiple explanations/types of poltergeists, UFOs as non-physical objects, a bizarre physical experiment, differences in human perception, theatre mental state, technologies approaching paranormal phenomena effects, gravity and magnetism affecting light, unknown physics, “Phenomena” Magazine, and much more! This a riveting discussion with a ton of information!
Seriah is joined by author and researcher Peter Robbins. Topics include an upcoming film, the “post-ridicule” era in ufology, photographs by NASA and the JPL, pareidolia, apparent ruins on the Moon and Mars, the bizarre lack of an origin explanation for the Moon, Richard Hoagland, Cydonia and the alleged face on Mars and NASA’s withholding of original photos, a weird replication of a section of England, an obelisk on the Martian moon Phobos, prominent U.N. officials interested in UFOs, documents between the FBI and the U.S. Army concerning “crashed discs”, the pluses and flaws of reality TV, political division and disorder in the approaching election, media efforts to create chaos for profit, Luis Elizondo and other disclosure “whistle-blowers”, the purported makers of crop circles, government manipulation of information, the reality of actual conspiracies, bogus conspiracy theories intended to be debunked, the MJ-12 documents, William L. Moore, Richard Nixon’s campaign’s use of symbols, bipartisan deception and UFO secrecy, former president Jimmy Carter, ridicule and funding, the meaning of “research”, anomalous UFO metals, Nick Redfern, Imperial Japanese Unit 731, alternate explanations for the Roswell incident, direct witnesses of that incident, an anecdote of a regretful MIB, the book “The Children of Roswell: A Seven-Decade Legacy of Fear, Intimidation, and Cover-Ups” by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, the Rendlesham incident, a deceptive fraudulent witness (Larry Warren), an unfortunately-timed personal UFO experience, ignored warning signs of a con-game, allegations of a cloud buster and an intense storm, Wilhelm Reich, the role of Larry’s roommate, Bud Hopkins, a comical incident during a hypnotic regression, a bizarre experience of Seriah, the podcast “Slumberland”, Peter’s new DVD “The Extraordinary Life and Strange Death of James Forrestal”, bizarre details of Forrestal’s death, and Jennifer Stein, and much more! This is a truly fascinating discussion, not to be missed!
Primer 2: UFO's, Magick, and The Electric Universe - June 8, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
In part 2 of the Primer episode, Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst to answer frequently asked questions about the show, its guests, and his life. Topics include WDTRG’s positions on the paranormal, artificial separations between strange phenomena, Aldus Huxley, universal truths, William James, experiences across cultures and over time, Seriah’s experience with AI predicting his career, government disclosure, disenchantment vs re-enchantment, reasonable skepticism, John Mack, Bud Hopkins, Mark Jacobs, Emma Woods, Jeff Ritzman and Jeremy Vaeni, Peter Robbins, Rendlesham Forest incident, Larry Warren, the problems with hypnotic regression, Paul Kimball, Red Pill Junkie, Mike Clelland, Jenny Randles, hypnosis and memory recovery, a video game analogy, past lives in Atlantis, Richard Doty and the gullibility of current “disclosure”, Paratopia podcast, the 2013 film “Mirage Men”, the book “Project Beta” by Greg Bishop, “Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks” by Adam Gorightly, Steve Berg, “Messengers of Deception” by Jacques Vallee, politics and its avoidance on WDTRG, free speech, Timothy Renner, Amber, religious perspectives, an analogy by Aleister Crowley, reality TV and demons, daemons vs demons, European cat murder, esoteric Nazism, better questions in the paranormal, the difficulty of establishing facts, evidence vs proof, data vs interpretation, studying the phenomena through art vs science, Steve Jobs, the “Behind the Bastards” podcast, the Seth material, the occult and magical practice, Seriah’s entry into magick, Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley, the esoteric and the UFO phenomenon, memories and false memories, the film “Witness to Another World”, shamanic journeys, The Electric Universe, Terrence Howard’s embrace of alternative science and attempt to start a new form of math, Joe Rogan, Walt Thornhill, the book “The God Star”, the idea of Bigfoot and the wilderness poltergeist, Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner, “Strange Familiars” podcast, Micha Hanks and Paul Kimball, Chris’s documentary on WDTRG “Magicians Long to See”, previous frequent guests Taylor And Wren, paranormal experiences and the need (or lack of need for) validation, Natalie Grewe WDTRG sometime audio editor, the animated series “Scavengers Reign”, Seriah’s autobiography, early and more recent roundtable guests, Barbara Fisher, Mike Festa, Adam Sayne and Serfiel Stevenson, Marty Garza, Katie of the Night, Octavian and the “Strange Dominions” podcast, Vincent Treewell and “The Weird Part” podcast, Cherylee Black, Aaron Gulyas and “The Saucer Life” podcast, UFO history episodes, artists involved in the intro and outro music, Jeff Ritzmann, people who have contributed to the show, difficulties of scheduling, extensive book recommendations, and much, much more! This episode is a priceless resource for things to look into!
Primer 1: High Strangeness, Kundalini, and Show History - June 1, 2024
Jun 12, 2024
In a unique episode, Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst to answer frequently asked questions about the show, its guests, and his life. Topics include “The Last Exit for the Lost” music radio show, zines, Coast-to-Coast AM, Jesse Ventura, WVBR from Ithica New York, Walter Cruttenden and “Lost Star of Myth and Time”, kundalini energy and its effects, Jim Elvidge and “The Universe- Solved”, chakras, Vedic and Sufi beliefs, Wilhelm Reich and orgone energy, chi energy, fringe science, Peter Robbins, Seriah’s kundalini experiences, Fate Magazine, John White’s “Kundalini and Enlightenment”, Phil Hine British magickal practitioner, acupuncture, reiki, the origin of the name “Seriah Azkath”, Mike Clelland, one-off experiences, a bizarre sound in the night and weird lights, a strange experience in a potter’s field for a closed psychiatric facility, invisible Bigfoot, simulation theory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, human perception, paranormal vs rare experiences, the constellation of subjects discussed on WDTRG, Charles Fort and “damned” topics, Jack Hunter, UFO sightings, a very difficult kundalini experience at a liminal time, the origin of the title “Where Did The Road Go?”, other “Seriahs”, Wren Collier, astrology, the importance of recording events, trauma and the paranormal, Dr. Kenneth Ring and “The Omega Project”, UFO and NDE experiences, Cherylee Black, professional wrestling, ECW, the “Derelict” and “Fathom” podcast, the universality of “paranormal” experience, the Sphinx and its origins, an encounter where a family experiences both a UFO and a dead loved one, Whitley and Ann Strieber, John Keel, “The Eighth Tower” and “The Mothman Prophecies”, the light spectrum, Jacques Vallee, Fairies and UFOs, Diana Pasulka and “American Cosmic”, Patrick Harper and “Daimonic Reality”, George P. Hansen and “The Trickster and the Paranormal”, the Enfield poltergeist phenomenon, the Warrens, Jeff Ritzman, the self-negating nature of the paranormal, John Anthony West, Laird Scranton, Robert Schoch and much more! This is a fascinating, unique episode!
Crashed Saucers and Malevolent Aliens with Charles Lear - May 18, 2024
May 30, 2024
Seriah is joined by the fascinating carpenter/welder, Shakespearian actor, and Fortean author and researcher Charles Lear. Topics include Charles’ new book “Crashed Saucers and Malevolent Aliens: The Emergence of the Popular Modern UFO Mythos in the Late 20th Century “, a documentary on the band Killing Joke “The Death and Resurrection Show”, classic bad movies, 1980’s Ufology, “UFO Cover-up? Live!” TV show, alleged government insiders, 80’s disclosure, Richard Doty, Paul Bennewitz, Bill Moore, MJ-12 documents, the Aviary, Antonio Vilas-Boas, Betty and Barney Hill, Zeta-Reticuli, a star map, Marjorie Fish, hypnotic regression, NICAP, Bud Hopkins, Betty Andreasson, the evolution of the grey alien archetype, Whitley Strieber and “Communion”, the alien autopsy video, Bill Cooper, professional wrestling, special effects, Jim Mosley and a witness to a recovered alien craft, the power of public speaking, academic credentials, the Aztec crash hoax, the evolution from flying saucer investigation to UFO investigation, Leonard Stringfield, unnamed sources, Roswell, Jesse Marcel, Charles Berlitz, the Bermuda Triangle, the Philadelphia experiment, Carlos Allende/Carl Allen, William L. Moore, Stanton Friedman, John Keel exposes the falsehoods in the Philadelphia experiment stories, the problems with hypnosis and false memories, remote viewing, National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), Robert Bigelow, “The Outer Range” TV series, Bon Lazar, Philip Klass, Richard Doty’s subsequent military and police careers, the disclosure and disinformation feedback loop, Red Pill Junkie’s artwork, Nick Redfern, the creation of the alien autopsy video, three women in a car dragged by a craft and left with missing time and strange burns, MUFON vs APRO, the para-net bulletin board, and much more! This is a cavalcade of information with a truly knowledgeable historian of ufology!
Seriah is joined by the duo of engineer Jim Elvidge (author of “The Universe- Solved” and “Digital Consciousness”) and physicist Brian Geislinger (author of numerous academic papers and physics professor at Gasden State Community College) to take a deep dive on simulation theory. Topics include Nick Bostrom, Tom Campbell, Brian Whitworth, quantum mechanics, Eastern philosophy, a future advanced AI, Melvin Vopson, a connection between simulation theory and Covid-19, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, entropy, information and matter, informational entropy, life as denying physical laws, an analogy involving a cup of coffee, compressing data, the observer effect, the differences between physics at the classical scale and at the subatomic scale, quantum tunneling, quantum entanglement, patterns in nature, Albert Einstein and Relativity, Dean Radin and psi research, a video game analogy, holographic theory, cellular automaton theory, Plato’s cave, Déjà vu, string theory, James Gates, quadratic equations, mathematical reality vs physical reality, time as a physical dimension, Cartesian coordinates, imaginary numbers, information theory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, the human memory, modeling biological behavior, optical illusions, slime mold learning, a disturbing experiment on rats, lobotomies and other extreme brain surgery, severe epilepsy, “Beacon 23” TV series, anomalous brain formation, brain damage without disability, a fascinating academic psi study, questions about free will and MRIs, explanations for precognition, a complicated prophetic dream, experiences with precognitive dreams, dream time, information sent back in time, poltergeist activity, “Mandela” effects, the nature of time, the Buddhist concept of “Maya”, possible non-existence of time/a static universe, perception and reality, the “Matrix” films, and much more! This is a fascinating discussion of simulation theory with people who can intelligently discuss it, making complex concepts understandable without ever condescending to the listeners! This is a truly exceptional episode!
A Strange Little Place Part 2 - May 11, 2024
May 23, 2024
Seriah is re-joined by Brennan Storr, researcher, podcaster, and author of “A Strange Little Place: The Hauntings & Unexplained Events of One Small Town”, a collection of very weird stories involving Revelstoke Canada. Topics include an encounter in a haunted house, Seriah’s fortunate experience with a cliff in the dark, Brennan’s experience near the Best Friends’ Animal Shelter by the Grand Canyon, skinwalker sightings and a bizarrely malfunctioning vehicle, ghostly pets, the Revelstoke graveyard and homes next door, an encounter in Waikiki Hawaii at night, the instinct to leave a location suddenly, a strange encounter alone in a house, an interaction with an unknown force, shadow people, individuals influenced emotionally by unknown entities, weird experiences with green lights, an x-ray technician and a light and a mysterious woman, a bizarrely self-starting record player, Harry Potter fiction, a weird collective dream, Mafia-related murder, the Hell’s Angels MC, a youthful police experience, underground streams, running water and the paranormal, anomalous audio while podcasting late at night, misunderstood EVPs, the film “Under the Silver Lake”, life changes after getting a book published, timing of paranormal phenomena, an encounter with a belligerent gas station patron, Mike Festa’s experience wearing a cape in public, incidents of dealing with enraged strangers, a misadventure in business investment, shadow people, gremlins, small darting shadow beings, the Uzbekian cultural concept of the Divine Dark, dark vs evil, introspection, and much more! This is a truly enjoyable, wide-ranging conversation!
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon/Super_Inframan to discuss questions sent in by patreons. Topics include the role of geographical place in paranormal phenomena, a subtle/energetic world as a counterpoint to the physical world, the Myrtle Plantation and Chloe- a ghost of a non-existent person, ley lines and hot spots, ritual as an activator of the paranormal, the Islamic hajj to the Kaaba in Mecca, portals, Seriah’s and a listener’s experiences with deceased loved ones, existence after death, dream encounters, a video game analogy, reincarnation, Meher Baba, Filis Fredrick, immediate experiences after death, the bardo in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Seth material, blue light experiences, the Yogic blue pearl, chakras and kundalini, modern-day new age scammers, Chris’s crystal healing experiences, Jeff Ritzmann’s crystal experiences, the ancient origins of Shamanism, full Indian Yoga tradition vs Americanized commercial yoga, all-time best episodes, Patrick Harper, Jeff Ritzmann, Brothers of the Serpent, Aaron Gulyas, Mike Clelland, Timothy Renner, Josh Cutchin, James Elvidge, “The Universe Solved”, Robert Shoch, Steve Mera, Steph Young, the difficulties of travel, world-wide fascinating sites, the Ellora Caves, the alleged Bosnian pyramid, the “Trap Street” podcast, cave paintings in France, the “dragon man” skull found in China, Andrew Collins, Denisovans and autism, ancient types of humans and interbreeding, Gunung Padang, the band “Fields of the Nephilim”, Jeremy Vaeni, a weird perception of light in a dark room, future experiences, Seriah’s UFO encounters, difficulties of recording the paranormal, purposes of mystical experiences, thirty years of “Last Exit for the Lost”, forgotten life experiences, Seriah’s autobiography, and much more! This is a truly enjoyable wide-ranging conversation!
A Strange Little Place: Part 1 - April 27, 2024
May 10, 2024
Seriah is joined by author, researcher, and podcaster Brennan Storr to discuss the weird events in his hometown in Canada. Topics include continuing stigma around witnessing the paranormal, a strange fireball, geographical hot spots, the human need for narrative, Brennan’s podcasts, film and society, solar activity and psychic phenomena, scientific skepticism vs materialist debunking, the cross-cultural and historical endurance of the paranormal, different types of NDEs, the subtle world, the Kevin Bacon film “Stir of Echoes”, an overnight stay in the Lizzie Bordan house, graveyard issues, the TV show “The Good Place” and a real afterlife, an encounter with an apparition, a haunted courthouse, a strange dream that seemed like time travel, Fae legend, a possible trip to the land of the dead, shared dream geography, the varied nature of dreams, a bizarre dream involving aliens in disguise, encounters with mysterious workers who have no discernible project, a Russian urban legend of a missing passenger train, a Spanish family’s encounter with very strange people, Ouija boards in the Lizzie Bordan house, John Keel and mysterious camera flashes, both Seriah’s and Brennan’s weird light flash experiences, liminality and the paranormal, Brennan’s bizarre youthful experience in a hospital, the strange nature and history of the color blue, a group of sailors and a mysterious shadow, military experiments with hypnotic healing, “Among the Stars and Bones” podcast, the placebo effect, hypnotic regression, a trance experience with the higher self, missing persons, a strange connection with Pennsylvania and an old school house, a dream and the song “Solsbury Hill”, haunted Route 100, the Revolutionary War battle of Brandywine, past life memories/déjà vu, “Sobering Coincidence” book by David Paulides, the smiley face killers, retired NYPD detectives Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte, a flash-frozen victim, a fascinating encounter with a remote viewer and the circumstances of an unsolved murder, and much more! This is a riveting conversation on numerous very interesting topics!
Seriah is joined by Mat Festa and Roejen in a deep dive into the bizarre events surrounding Gef, a self-described talking mongoose in an isolated region of the UK in the 1930’s. Topics include the “Project Archivist” podcast, “Paratopia” with Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni, the book “Gef! The Strange Tale of an Extra-Special Talking Mongoose”. by Christopher Josiffe, the Isle of Man, poltergeist activity, trickster behavior, “woo” Bigfoot encounters, family stresses and paranormal phenomena, investigators and their interactions with the family, outside witnesses of a mysterious small animal, rock throwing, urination by Gef, tulpas/thought forms, Gef’s various explanations for his identity, hoax allegations, Fae activity, the Malk- a Faerie cat, Roejen’s childhood experiences with a bizarre black dog, the movie “Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose” and its serious flaws, the difficulties with photographic proof of the paranormal, self-negating evidence, investigators Harry Price, Hereward Carrington, and Nandor Fodor, the personal nature of paranormal experiences, “The Dreams in the Witch House” short story by H.P. Lovecraft, Gef’s apparent psychic abilities, attempts to make plaster casts of his footprints, the film “Late Night with the Devil”, Gef as a cryptid, Joshua Cutchins, Fae as an explanatory concept, similarities with Mothman, forensic testing in that era, alleged photographs of Gef, present day fakery on video, “The Excluded Middle”, and much more! This is riveting conversation on a fascinating series of incidents!
Listener Stories: Bigfoot, Lights, Dreams, and more - April 13, 2024
Apr 25, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Saxon/Super_Inframan, and author, visual artist, editor, podcaster, magical practitioner, and experiencer Barbara Fisher for a roundtable focusing on listener stories and vintage news reports. Topics include anomalous lights, the energetic body, Wilhelm Reich, Peter Robbins, Rendlesham, a deer hunter’s encounter with Bigfoot in upstate New York, the practical difficulties of Sasquatch as a purely natural animal, an experience with Big Foot in Ohio and making a report to the BFRO, an encounter with sounds in a cemetery, the difficulties of recording the paranormal, a listener story of unexplained intense light in the bedroom, Seriah and Jeremy Vaeni’s experiences with weird nighttime lights, the falling back to sleep phenomena, John Keel being mistaken for the Devil in rural West Virginia, sleep paralysis, Seriah’s instant sleep paralysis experiences, the “Gateway Tapes”, a CIA report on using weaponized astral travel, recurring locations in dreams, a bizarre dream experience involving Saxon and Barbara, Saxon’s dream meetings with his late father, reincarnation/multi-incarnation, Saxon’s experience with the spirit of an ex-girlfriend’s father, Jeff Ritzmann and his family, an act of kindness by Jeremy Vaeni, a pre-mortem dream encounter with an elderly relative, a veteran’s unknowing conversation with a deceased neighbor, categories of dreams and sleep phenomena, a bizarre attack by birds as an omen, “The Bright Sessions” podcast, a weird violent dream set in a real-life location that leads to emotional progress, dream egos and DMT entities, right vs left brain experiences with the paranormal, a 1906 observation of a winged flying woman, an old newspaper report of fireballs during a storm, a vintage Australian report of “shadowy light”, a huge fireball witnessed by many for an extended period of time (and its ludicrous debunking explanation), thousands of buzzsaw-like spinning wheels of fire in the sky, and much more! This is some fascinating, free-flowing conversation!
Wandering the Road with Saxon - April 6, 2024
Apr 20, 2024
In a rather unique episode, Seriah records live the conversations he has with Saxon AKA Super_Inframan as they travel to and from the house where Jane Roberts channeled the Seth material, and on to the Connecticut Hill cemetery. Topics include a friend of Saxon’s experiences with Indigenous/First Nations ceremonies, entheogenic plants, the Seth house, Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, the Fox sisters, Spiritualism, the paranormal and the pressure to perform, Uri Geller, Ingo Swann, the Trickster element and fakery, channeling and the filtering process, Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni on “Paratopia”, the lack of deception in the Seth material, “Our Undoing Radio” podcast, monetary cost and valuation by the public, “Behind the Bastards” podcast, the Project For the New American Century and a statement foreshadowing 9/11, conspiracy and disinformation, apparent quiet censorship, “Wind of Change” by the Scorpions, Nina Simone and the CIA, government agencies influencing and manipulation, aviation journalist Alex Hollings, advanced military projects, the Tic-Tac “Go Fast” video, government disclosure and its dilemmas, hacker Gary McKinnon and classified material from NASA, Walter Bosley, the world of intelligence officers and operatives, Richard Doty, Paul Bennewitz, the difficulty of discerning informational value, internet medical searches, Seriah’s experiences with diabetes and eye doctors, kundalini energy and its effects, a New Year’s Eve kundalini encounter, Chris Ernst’s documentary on WDTRG “Magicians Long to See”, the Apple TV series “Constellation”, the tour of the Seth house and noticeable perceptions of energies, the project to restore the house as a historical place, Carlos Castaneda, Jane Roberts’ motives and interactions with Seth, the process of questioning one’s own experiences, a personal encounter from Seriah, divination and repeating questions, the human instinct toward pattern recognition, testimony vs proof, the lack of scientific rigor in paranormal investigation, Jeff Kripal’s analogy of the paranormal and a book, re-enchanting the world, dogmatism attracting the Trickster, free will and multiple dimensions, the vastness of the universe, alternative lifetimes under different circumstances, the Connecticut Hill Cemetery, head injury and concussion stories, and much more! This a series of fascinating, free-flowing discussions!
Robert Guffey Part 2 - March 30, 2024
Apr 14, 2024
Seriah continues with Robert. Topics include programs to find/develop psychic youth, Whitley Strieber’s book “The Secret School”, “The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex” by W. Adam Mandelbaum and “The Men Who Stare at Goats” by Jon Ronson, a bizarre psychic encounter with a high-clearance military officer, the militarization of psychic phenomenon, an individual without foresight, social effects of isolation on young adults, speculation on military supplements, the experiences of “Damien” of “Chameleo”, homelessness vs targeting, Seriah’s encounter with an electronic cuckoo sound and a visual distortion bubble, the so-called Mandela Effect and its counterpart, strange memories of drones, the films “They Live” and “Earth vs the Flying Saucers”, a strange experience with a tree being shaken by an invisible entity, differences in eye-witness perception of paranormal experiences, Barry Taff, a physical attack during a séance and its perceptions, Terence McKenna’s book “True Hallucinations”, paranormal phenomenon being imitated by high technology, the shadow biosphere, intelligent life in forms very different from human, the book “Solaris” by Stanislaw Lem, alien-like beings in surrealist art, Aleister Crowley and John Dee and an alien-like entity, John Keel and the New Journalism movement, Keel’s “The Eighth Tower”, and Keel’s personal papers, “The Coming Global Superstorm” book by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, Wilhelm Reich, Trevor James Constable, cloud buster machines and UFOs, Ken Thomas and Steamshovel Press, orgone energy, comic artist Jack Kirby, William S. Burrough’s grave, an incident with an object pursuing a police helicopter, David Letterman’s interview of John Keel, “Strange Magazine”, Mark Chorvinsky, a Keel article in an academic journal, various “Devil’s Footprints” incidents around the world, Charles Fort, Cormac McCarthy and “Blood Meridian”, Fortean influences on mainstream culture and art, copyright issues and the paranormal, David Paulides and a strangely-developed photograph, J. Allen Hynek’s son Joel and Hollywood, infrared light and cameras, advanced electronic military camouflage in Ukraine and Israel, high-tech camo and the Geneva Convention, Richard Schowengerdt’s recognition by the U.S. Navy, VICE News hesitancy to cover “Chameleo”, the public resume of the NCIS agent involved with the stolen night vision goggles, Robert’s other works of fact and fiction, and much more! This is some fascinating conversation with one of the top WDTRG guests of all time!
Robert Guffey Part 1 - March 23, 2024
Apr 06, 2024
Seriah is joined by prolific fiction and nonfiction author, researcher, and esoteric initiate Robert Guffey. Topics include Robert’s writing, dream experiences, Masonic initiation, the book “Chameleo: A Strange but True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security”, cyberpunk author Rudy Rucker, Carlos Castaneda, William S. Burroughs, an entire story that emerged as a dream, dream journaling, experiences in publishing, a bizarre experience with Robert’s wife and a precognitive dream, John Keel’s book “Strange Creatures from Space and Time”, Flannel Man, Timothy Renner and the ”Strange Familiars” podcast, a weird lucid dream involving a shark, programming oneself to lucid dream, a disturbing shared erotic dream, Rick Strassman’s DMT research, the book “The Spirit Molecule”, Australian Aboriginal beliefs, authors Dennis Etchison and George Clayton Johnson, a meeting between Whitley Streiber and Terence McKenna, Gnostic Bishop Stephen Hoeller, ritual magic and UFO experience, Manly P. Hall, Israel Regardie, psychedelics and psychological stability, the dangers of falling down the rabbit hole, conspiracy theories, moon-landing denialism, flat earth theory, Ufology as religion, the problems of literalism and metaphor in religion, Linda Moulton Howe, UFO contactee literature, Carl Jung, Orfeo Angelucci, “The Secret of the Saucers” book, Alan Moore, magick as a branch of art, Paul Kimball, UFO phenomena as an art project, Freemasonry in Shakespeare, a strange dream involving Masonry and aliens and owls, surrealist art, Antonio Vilas-Boas, abduction as esoteric initiation, Timothy Leary, psychedelics and set and setting, Whitley Streiber and Catholicsm, the article “Invisible Predators”, modern cloaking technology, Richard Schowengerdt and electro-optical camouflage, invisibility and Rosicrucianism, invisible aliens, the Philip K. Dick novel “V.A.L.I.S.”, King James and demonology and the Lesser Key of Solomon, Kenneth Arnold’s visits from invisible beings, John Keel’s “Operation Trojan Horse”, Albert K. Bender’s encounter with a bizarre entity, the book “UFO Warning” by John Stuart, Doreen Wilkinson, sexual assault by invisible beings, the 1970’s “Entity” case, bizarre later information about John Stuart, the Netflix series “3 Body Problem” , the novella “The Open Doors” by Whitley Streiber, Trevor James Constable, rods, spontaneous human invisibility, Donna Good Higbee, Christopher Bledsoe, an attack in the woods by invisible entities, possible various natures of invisibility, a witness encounter with invisible creatures that use language, the Glimmer Man phenomena, a family’s strange encounter with what appears to be high-tech optical camouflage, a radio host who took legal action against a corporation that was experimenting on him with cloaking and hologram technology, adaptive camouflage, surveillance of civilians, Josephine Grace- targeted artist and journalist, inothernewsradio podcast, cybertronic technology, misuse of gifted programs to seek out psychic individuals, Tessa Dick (Philip’s widow), “A Scanner Darkly” novel, Robert’s latest novel “Dead Monkey Rum”, the Rondo awards, and much more! This is a classic discussion, jam-packed with information!
Nymza with Walter Bosley - March 16, 2024
Mar 29, 2024
Seriah is joined by Walter Bosley to discuss his latest book “NYMZA: How America Sold Its Soul”. Topics include Charles Dellschau, the Sonora Areo Club legend, a German-heritage breakaway civilization, Peter Navarro, pre-Wright brothers flying machines, allegations of pre-U.S. Civil War flight experimentation, outsider art, the Nazi Bell stories, WWII technological experiments, counter-gravity, Igor Witkowski, a mercury-based motor idea, Nazi wonder-weapon fictional stories and frauds, Ernst Zundel, “Lightning” by Dean Koontz, a Polish intelligence officer’s story, Kecksburg crashed UFO/space craft, ancient Vedic scriptures, “The Thousand Year Conspiracy” by Paul Winkler, Teutonic knights, Junker-class Prussians, Joseph Farrell, Operation Paperclip, post-WWII military-industrial complex, medieval origins of Prussia and a unified Germany, David Icke and the Society of Lizards, influence espionage, modern-day lobbying, Otto von Bismarck, “Web of Debt” by Ellen Hodgson Brown, causes of the U.S. Civil War, the assassination of Lincoln, greenback dollars, the Federal Reserve, the JFK assassination and silver certificates, the Anunnaki, the Chaldeans, Zachariah Sitchin, lost advanced civilizations, reptilian beings, the late 1800’s airship mystery, a possible Civil War-era secret military project, Solomon Andrews, Colonel Samuel Tillman, UFO phenomena, a hidden civilization, humans from other planets, pre-Apollo voyages to the moon and Mars, Nikola Telsa, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Oliver Heaviside and gravito-electro-magnetics (GEM), “Celeritas” podcast, the absence of airships in WWI, a theory on Roswell, Air Force history, the Mercury Program, UAP disclosure movement, Tartarian historical denialism, moon program secrecy and disinformation, Apollo astronauts’ strange behavior, U.S. moon-landing dry runs, the Cydonia region of Mars, continuing NASA secrecy, MK Ultra, a trojan horse invasion of the U.S., the Golden Bull of Rimini (a decree issued by Emperor Frederick II), and much more! This is some fascinating conversation!
This is the tour and interview at The Seth House in Elmira. I also included an audio version of the interview. We will be doing more with them. This is where Jane Roberts channeled most of the Seth material.
They are a non-profit and restoring the house and making it a museum of sorts. You can find out more at
Discordianism and Church of the Subgenius - March 2, 2024
Mar 12, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and author and researcher Adam Gorightly to discuss Discordionism, its origins, and its influences on society. Topics include the Illuminati, Kerry Thornley, Greg Hill, Lee Harvey Oswald, D.A. Jim Garrison, the goddess Discordia, order and chaos, Principia Discordia, public-domain publishing, Jonathan Vankin, U.S. Marine Corps, socialism, communism, the book “The Idle Warriors”, the Warren Commission, Wittier CA, New Orleans LA, Grace Zabriskie, Gary Kirstein, Slim Brooks, 1950’s/early 60’s Beatnik milieu, JFK assassination, counter-culture, groovy packs, Robert Anton Wilson, Playboy magazine, anarchism, “jakes”, the book “Oswald”, Operation Mindfuck, John Birch Society, Alan Chapman, Clay Shaw, anti-LGBTQ conspiracy witch hunt, the three tramps in Dallas, E. Howard Hunt, paranoid schizophrenia, the Inside Edition TV interview, Barbara Reid, Thornley/Oswald cloning theory, the books “The Illuminatus! Trilogy”, Loompanics publishing, esoteric Nazism, the Necronomicon, Ann Marjory Camron, the book “Wormwood Star the Magickal Life of Marjorie Cameron”, Greg Hill and computer programming, Bank of America, hacking and Easter eggs, Bavarian Illuminati, Nesta Webster, John Robison, anti-communism, anti-Semitism, theories that the CIA introduced LSD to the counter-culture, Atsugi U.S. Navy base, “Behind the Bastards” podcast, “Who Killed JFK?” podcast, U-2 pilot Gary Powers, Oswald as intelligence agent, two-Oswald theories, the book “Harvey and Lee” by John Armstrong, Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien, the book “Family of Secrets” by Russ Baker, George H.W. Bush and the JFK assassination, “The Devil’s Hour” TV series, Church of the Subgenius, Adam’s book “The Prankster and the Conspiracy”, Ivan Stang’s book “High Weirdness By Mail”, slack, the J.R. “Bob” Dobbs avatar, the alternative music group Negativland, audio sampling, the Burning Man festival, Roland Barthes’ theory of semiotics, the commodification of Che Guevara’s image, Sondra London, culture jamming, AI and future chaos, Adam’s books, and much more! This is an absolutely fascinating discussion that goes all sorts of places!
The Cave of Bones with Bernie Taylor - Feb 24, 2024
Mar 08, 2024
Seriah is joined by naturalist, author and archeoastronomer Bernie Taylor to discuss prehistoric hominids, ancient cave art, and misinterpretation. Topics include “Homo Naledi”, the Rising Star cave system in South Africa, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger, Netflix series “Cave of Bones”, Gorham’s cave system in Gibraltar, cave art, peer review in academia, the stoned ape theory, Neanderthals, UNESCO, hashtag markings, misinterpretation of cave art, George Schaller, Masai giraffes, the journeys of ancient nomadic peoples, Ffyona Campbell, the ancient zodiac, Plato, Atlantis, prehistoric trade routes, Jebel Musa image of Moses, the strait of Gibraltar, Jebel Irhoud Morocco remains, evolution, taking ancient artifacts into space, the role of profit and ego in archeology and other sciences, National Geographic, lost ancient societies, Gobekli Tepe, cultural interactions between the “old” and “new” worlds, Netflix series “Bodies”, earlier and earlier dates in paleontology and archeology, purposes of cave art, David Lewis-Williams, shamanic ritual in caves, light deprivation, Gram Hancock, downsides of psychedelics, Animism, pareidolia, dogma in science and pop culture, Altamira cave system in Spain, Pablo Picasso, Francisco Franco, Spanish Civil War, fundamentalist Catholicism, the ancient Iberian peninsula, flaws of Egyptology, and much more! This is a fast-paced, information-packed conversation!
Was Saturn Our Sun? - God Star Part 1 - Feb 17, 2024
Feb 29, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super Inframan AKA Saxon to discuss the book "God Star" by the late Dwardu Cardona and related complimentary and contradictory theories. Topics involve the hypothesis that Saturn was once more like a sun and Earth orbited it before being dragged into its current solar system, the accuracy of ancient astronomy, comparative mythology between Egyptian and Greek deities, Osirus vs Dionysus, classical-era comparative mythology, ancient Greek historians Herodotus and Plutarch, colonialism and racism, a universal collective of unconscious knowledge, ideas and inventions emerging from different sources, cross-cultural folklore, the precision of oral tradition, the procession of the zodiac, memory vs writing, the use of memory palaces, referencing vs understanding, emojis, context and idiom in language, mathematics as a language, "Lost Knowledge of the Imagination" by Gary Lachman, the god Ra, possible ancient appearance of the sun as green, Scott Creighton, the great pyramid, Saturnian cults, world-wide catastrophe, Robert Schoch, ancient plasma formations, solar outbursts, different appearances of the sky, recorded history of unusual astronomical events, David Levinson, different values and definitions of evidence in different fields of science, ancient Babylonian descriptions of Saturn as the Sun, Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius, Immanuel Velikovsky, Helio vs Sol, ancient Roman cult of Sol Invictus, Roger Wescott, forming rates of gas giant planets, comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994, Dogan and other African traditional beliefs, "Electric Universe" by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill, the myths of an ”immovable sun”, the phase-locked orbit of the Moon around Earth, Saturn as a fixed sun in various cultures, gods and planets, a possible polar alignment with Saturn, the 2007 film "The King of California" starring Evan Rachel Wood and Michael Douglas, a global bulge at the north pole, mytho-historical and mytho-religious records, mistranslations, tidal forces, Earth’s crust and a gravitational pull from Saturn, satellite geographical evidence, the actual shape of the Earth, C. Leroy Ellenberger, huge amounts of silty “muck” in the arctic, the ubiquity of darkness and massive water in creation stories, “purple dawn”, Neanderthals as apex predators of humans, and much more! This is wide-ranging, fascinating discussion!
- Recap by Vincent Treewell
Outro Music is Dave Peckett with Run Away (A version of the song can be found on Spotify under Diablo Sickhoose)
Charlie's Ghostly Encounters - Feb 10, 2024
Feb 23, 2024
Seriah is joined by experiencer C.L. Steip. Topics include the Georgian Bay area of Ontario Canada, Lake Heron, a bizarre childhood nighttime visitor, a childhood encounter with an apparent Black-Eyed Kid, early adulthood haunting experiences, paranormal encounters vs IRL human dangers, a possible Wendigo incident in the Algonquin national park, the Oz effect, Seriah’s unpleasant hike in a marsh, paranormal investigations and vivid nightmares, a poke while sleeping, UFO sightings, shadow people and terrifying dreams and night terrors in a specific house, a strange experience involving the family cat, an entity in the bed, an apartment no one can seem to stay in long-term, the question of whether negative energy is created or drawn to certain locations, a disturbing experience while hiking with a child and a green “monster”, recurring nightmares of being possessed, a heavily-industrialized city, whistling phenomenon, geographic areas that seem to send out negative psychic “vibes”, smiley face drawings and time dilation while on a trail, experiences while meditating, kundalini energy, OBEs, the 2012 film “Safety Not Guaranteed”, a triangular UFO craft coming out of the water of Georgian Bay in Lake Heron, advanced military projects, Serah’s youthful experience with military exercises, a story of a shape-shifting UFO, a CE-5 meditation encounter, the complexities of the Phenomena, the “Hellier” series, co-creation, ghost hunting TV, EVPs and their causes, spirit boxes, the Estes method, visualization as a non-universal ability, lucid dreaming, false awakening from dreams, gender identity and liminality, and much more! This is fascinating first-hand witness reporting and discussion!
UFO History 2023 with Mike Clelland and Aaron Gulyas - Feb 3, 2024
Feb 14, 2024
For this now-traditional (and beloved) annual UFO history episode, Seriah is joined by Mike Clelland and Aaron Gulyas. Topics include Joshua Cutchin’s new novel, Mike’s new novel, H.P. Lovecraft, strange owl experiences, ten-foot-tall “shadow aliens” invasion of a Miami mall, Christopher Bledsoe Sr.’s book “The UFO of God”, strange encounters with Bledsoe, three-letter federal agencies, Jim Semivan, To The Stars Academy, foreknowledge of “disclosure”, recurring UFO/UAP experts, David Grusch, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, Sean Kirkpatrick, problems with evidence, hysteria and obsession in the disclosure movement, the “Who Killed JFK?” podcast with Soledad O’Brien and Rob Reiner, government secrecy and presidential inaction, Stanton Friedman, Rick Hilberg, limitations of learning about UFOs on the internet, Richard Doty, disclosure and enchantment, society’s changing attitude toward UFO phenomena, Jason Colavito, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, James Dean, Rob Halford, George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, Jacques Vallee, the book “Trinity”, Robbie Graham, the books “Silver Screen Saucers” and “UFOs: Reframing the Debate”, Steven Spielberg and Ronald Reagan, Mystery Science 3000, Kenn Thomas and Steamshovel Press, the books “Maury Island UFO” and “JFK & UFO”, Fred Chrisman, the “Janus Descending” podcast, superficial content in current ufology, an ex-CIA agent and an encounter with a giant owl, George Noory, Robin Lassiter and her book “earth: a love story”, Suzanne Chancellor, first time guests from the previous, Mike’s book “The Unseen”, a bizarre foreshadowing of a romantic relationship, the NASA UAP report, Richard Hoagland, the Brookings Report, the Old Navy retail conspiracy and hyper-dimensional physics, NASA esotericism and secrecy, the face on Mars, Ian Punnett, UFO Tarot Deck, Red Pill Junkie, Susan Demeter, true goals of government disclosure activities, and much more! This is an absolutely fascinating discussion by some true experts in the field!
11th Anniversary with Josh Cutchin and Tim Renner - Jan 27, 2024
Feb 08, 2024
For this very special 11th anniversary episode, Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner. They focus on answering questions submitted by patreons. Topics include early history of WDTRG, paranormal origin stories, Coast to Coast AM, Kenneth Ring, UFOs and NDEs, Charles Fort and the process of time, the underground music scene, progress in understanding of the phenomenon, the status of repeat experiencers, the cross-over between Bigfoot/UFO/poltergeist/etc. experiences, Paul Kimbal, high strangeness, dream logic, a bizarre “alien” encounter from Peru in the 1950’s, predictions for the future of Fortean research, “Where the Footprints End”, weird experiences surrounding Bigfoot sightings, Stan Gordon, Loren Coleman, Cryptomundo, wilderness poltergeist phenomenon, W.T. Watson, Gettysburg battlefield, places that seem to attract violence and tragedy, Devil’s Den, self-generation in paranormal phenomena, the Other’s resistance to rules and being pinned down, psycho-kinetic energy, Louis Proud, spontaneous human combustion, expectations and experiences, geography and energy, Paul Devereux, a personal experience for Josh, Site 7, anomalous rock throwing, vocalizations and responses to requests, Minerva Monster, Enfield poltergeist, “Alice Isn’t Dead” podcast, encounters in Delaware, Fae disclosure, possibilities of UFO disclosure, government psyops and cover-ups, the ontology of the UFO, an undiscovered bear in India, Robert A. Heinlein’s concept of “grokking” , spiritual psychosis, avoiding obsessions, synchronicities, moderation in paranormal research, Jeff Ritzmann, Terence McKenna, Guillermo del Toro, Jeremy Vaeni, the paranormal as a shamanic path, the limits of language, the book “Stranger in a Strange Land”, future projects going into the new year, and much more! This conversation is every bit as fascinating as anyone would expect!
UFO's, Ghosts, and High Strangeness - Jan 20, 2024
Feb 01, 2024
Seriah is joined by Sacha Christie and Colin Kerris, two experiencers from the UK with some fascinating recollections. Topics include an encounter with dancing ghosts, retro-causality, an optical illusion, an attempted crime, a childhood memory of an acorn-shaped UFO, abductee video diaries, Sacha’s “Paranormal Instigator” YouTube channel, odd UFO encounters and the difficulties of video, paranormal encounters and their personal meaning, space brothers beliefs, “alien abduction” experiences, reptilians, a bizarre encounter with an entity and a fellow abductee, a weird incident during a meditation exercise, a haunted bedroom and an invisible attacker leading into a reptilian abduction experience, an odd incident with a seagull, another person’s dream simultaneous with an abduction experience, an encounter shining a flashlight into the sky and being answered by an orb, poltergeist activity, the importance of challenging whether paranormal experiences have mundane explanations, Malcolm Robinson’s book “The Sauchie Poltergeist”, an abduction experience involving humans, a shamanic interpretation of abductions, trauma from paranormal encounters, problems in the UFO community, indigenous cultures and processing the unexplained, a childhood NDE, multiple types of non-human intelligent beings, a bizarre incident with a green laser, light therapy, the “Magmell” fiction podcast, encounters with the apparitions of deceased relatives, a disturbing apparition at a Scottish castle, neurodivergence and DMT, an psychedelic-like encounter with strange entities while suffering food poisoning, a psychic download, Seriah’s experience spontaneously receiving information that prevented a car accident, a youthful incident with a bizarre voice on a blank cassette tape, strange entities appearing during sleep paralysis, EVPs and various explanations, an intense experience while ghost hunting, commonalities in paranormal phenomena, psy research, a bizarre experience with a clown, unconscious pk energy, Sacha escaping a haunted house with her kids in the middle of the night, and much more! These are some very interesting people with fascinating stories to tell!
The Paranormal Year in Review 2023 - Jan 13, 2024
Jan 26, 2024
Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junky, Saxon, and Chris Ernst to discuss the paranormal highlights of 2023. Topics include the Chinese balloon incident, UAP disclosure, David Grusch, hoaxed alien bodies presented to the Mexican congress, alleged aliens at a Miami mall, a meteor and alleged aliens in Las Vegas, stories of strange entities invading a Peruvian village, jet packs, secret government technology, conspiracy theories, Havana Syndrome, corporate legacy programs, non-human biologics, Catherine Austin Fitts, government waste, drones, multiple motives for cover-ups, the Osprey military aircraft, the Iraqi sky jellyfish video, Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, Jason Colavito, Avi Loeb, strange metal balls in Papua New Guinea, a theory of extraterrestrial probes, Corey Goode and an alleged secret space program, “The Secret of Oak Island” TV show, the Knights Templar, unknown history, a lost city in Ecuador, recently re-discovered ancient civilizations in the Amazon, ancient super-soil, a confusing AI-written paper, AI manipulation of photographs, the difficulties of correctly interpreting history and artifacts, unexplained ancient metal objects, Robert Temple, sophisticated fire-starting lenses in ancient times, the Antikythera mechanism, an AI-assisted battery invention, “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” movie, positive and negative uses of AI, Sam Altman and OpenAI, inventor Dean Kamen and the Segway, illusions about AI sentience, the Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien podcast “Who Killed JFK?”, “The Creator” film, David Grusch, Tom DeLonge, the Sol Foundation, factions in government and media, the UFO narrative/agenda, Lockheed-Matin, Marty Garza, fusion technology, Leslie Kean, Ralph Blumenthal, Ross Coulthart, NewsNation, Red Pill’s theory on the timing of certain news stories, and much more! This is a fascinating, wide-ranging discussion!
Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 2 of 2 - Jan 6, 2024
Jan 18, 2024
Part II. Seriah is once again joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a continuing super deep dive into the Seth material. While this is a further focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include an academic paper “Problems of Seth’s Origins”, Jane Roberts’ three non-Seth books on psychical interpretations of three famous painters, past-life regression and historical figures, cryptomnesia, coordination points, portals, fixed events in history, the return of Christ, a video game analogy, the Oversoul, alternate selves, the film “Everywhere All at Once”, the concept of the multi-verse, the TV show “Lost”, the film “No One Will Save You”, Jane Roberts’ personal experience while channeling Seth, the soul-structure of Seth/Jane/Robert, transparency, Robert Shock, Edgar Cayce, the “Seth II” entity, non-linear time, Jane’s previous incarnation as “Rupert”, Carl Jung, Jane Roberts’ educational level, an incident involving Jane Roberts predicting the future pre-Seth, varying quality of channeled material, trans-personal psychologist Arthur Hastings, Norman Friedman, an Islamophobic comment by Jane Roberts, genius and muses, telepathy, psychic testing, possible debunking explanations and their flaws, the Dead Sea Scrolls and symbols, creation and art, practical health advice from Seth and Feng-Shui, the upstate New York “Burned-Over District”, Lord Byron, Carlos Castenada, opinions of the validity of the Seth material, and much more! Despite being a specific show, this a widely varied conversation, full of fascinating discussion!
Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 1 of 2 - Dec 30, 2023
Jan 11, 2024
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a super deep dive into the Seth material, a large collection of channeled communications from a discarnate entity named Seth to a woman named Jane Roberts and transcribed by her husband Robert Butts between 1963-1984. While this is a focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include Ouija board experiences, attempts at debunking, the material ringing true and being very different from most channeled content, a psychiatrist involved with MK Ultra investigating the Seth phenomena, the mechanics of Near Death Experiences, a ground-breaking study of NDEs by a skeptical surgeon, a scholarly paper offering multiple explanations for the material, differences between Buddhist and Vedantic understandings of reincarnation, multiple lives as an actor playing different roles, time as a necessary illusion, multiple realities, co-creation, the differences between personalities and higher selves and “the entity”, spirit creating matter, non-physical evolution, theosophy, the mechanics of reincarnation, a soul choosing to sub-divide and reincarnate as a dog, the nature of “God”, the possible explanations of the Seth material including Jane’s subconscious, testable predictions by Seth, ancient lost civilizations, lost continents, the discovery of ancient texts in caves, portal areas, The Last Exit for the Lost music show, “A Murder at the End of the World” TV series, coordination points, the consciousness-first model of reality, UFOs and the subconscious, J.Z. Knight and Ramtha, false apocalypse predictions, Depok Chopra, Marianne Williamson, “The Secret” belief system, New Thought, the concept of the multiverse, Carl Jung, shadow work, retro-causality, the “Mandela Effect”, a future understanding of religion and spirituality, an alternate concept of Jesus Christ, predictions of psychic contact with alien life, Christ Consciousness, the effects on people of learning of previous incarnations, the film “Powder”, lost history and esoteric Christianity, ancient oral traditions world-wide, and much more! While a targeted episode, this conversation is riveting and wide-ranging!
Shadow People, Poltergeists, and an Owl - December 23, 2023
Jan 05, 2024
Seriah is joined by Brittany and Jonathan, hosts of the podcast “Strange Stories with the Seeker and the Skeptic”. Topics include different approaches to understanding the paranormal, youthful experiences with bizarre voices and phone calls, a haunted house experienced by other people, youthful encounters with poltergeist-type activity, small shadow animals, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, a years-long series of related dreams, mindfulness, reading in dreams, a visitation from a departed relative, Reiki practice and experiences, activity happening or not happening depending on who is present, an intense shadow person encounter, the Dark Man in ritual magick, synchronicities and paranormal research, a shadow hand experience, a strange encounter with shadows at a friend’s home, liquid darkness, theories of time and other universes, emotional energy, Daryl Bem psy researcher at Cornel University, Jeffrey Kripal, an experience with poltergeist activity and emotional intensity and a disco ball, the Akashic Records, channeling, spiritual energetic healing, angels, archetypes and Pagan gods/goddesses, spirit guides, predestination vs free will, changing timelines, an analogy involving a 3-D object in a 2-D universe, an incident of automatic writing and an accurate prediction, a mystifying pre-cognition, “Twin Peaks”, “Hellier”, Allan Greenfield and the ”The Secret Cypher of the Ufonauts” book, the “Penny Royal” podcast, a download of inspiration, ferreting out fake stories, the scientific establishment and meteors, ancient knowledge of the atom, “The Last Exit for the Lost” music show, the film “Dream Scenario” with Nick Cage, actual skepticism vs debunking, isolation vs a holistic approach to the paranormal, an encounter with a strange entity repeatedly by the side of the road, a childhood encounter with a small entity, human souls sold for ten dollars each and correlating life circumstances, Diamond Dallas Page a former pro wrestler who teaches yoga, Jake “The Snake” Roberts and a t-shirt, changing religions as a child, the “Rock Talk” radio show with Allan Handelman, Coast to Coast AM, self-reflection and questioning of beliefs, manifestation, a “Twin Peaks” Tarot deck, the Chris Ernst documentary “Magicians Long to See”, intense Tarot experiences, and much more! This is some fascinating conversation!
The Forest Poltergeist with Travis Watson: Part 2 - Dec 16, 2023
Dec 28, 2023
Seriah is joined by Travis Watson for a continuation discussion of his latest book “The Forest Poltergeist” and numerous related subjects. Topics include struggling with brevity and detail as a writer, the Olive Hill incident, Class B encounters as defined by the Big Foot Research Organization (BFRO). Colin Wilson, William G. Roll, repeated spontaneous psychokinesis, tree structures, poltergeists rearranging the furniture, a common pattern in the intensity of poltergeist activity, hoaxing, flaps in various paranormal phenomena, the siloing of the paranormal investigation community, misinterpretation of activity, a knocked over picture of Jesus Christ, the Black Monk case, phenomena responding to expectations and being intentionally provocative, unexplained indoor pools of water, dancing furniture, disappearing eggs from a refrigerator, bizarre smells, a poltergeist leaving tracks, an encounter with an apparent dead person leaving footprints, Sasquatch activity vs poltergeist activity, stone throwing, the Enfield case, Guy Lyon Playfair, “This House Is Haunted” book, an incident involving Spiritists and a poltergeist in Brazil, Allan Kardec, an incident of a bizarrely moving stone, apports, disappearing and re-appearing onjects, Seriah’s experience with a weirdly behaving stereo system, woven nests attributed to Sasquatch, a young girl covered in heavy furniture, a theory of paranormal entities being energy anomalies, three-toed tracks, Lyle Blackburn, “LIZARD MAN: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster” book, looking for footprints as a vintage ghost hunting technique, the Devil’s Footprints incident in the UK, the Devil’s Horse’s Hoofprints phenomenon in North Carolina, the Bell Witch, the film “Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose”, Geoff the Mongoose, mundane vs high strangeness Sasquatch encounters, BFRO database, the practical limitations of a flash and blood Big Foot, Hawaiian hairy primates, vocalization and mimicry, Catherine Crowe, “The Night Side of Nature” book, an unseen talking entity in the 1600’s, the Sierra Sounds, a Canadian soldier encountering what sounds like foreign speech, “Apparitions” book by G.N.M. Tyrrell, a Victorian landlord’s encounter with a bizarre sound and a deceased tenant, Steve Savedow and a Goetic magickal summoning gone wrong, the Oz Effect, Jenny Randles, missing time/time distortion with Sasquatch, and much more! Travis brings a ton of facts and examples supporting the thesis of his book, in a fascinating discussion!
The Forest Poltergeist with Travis Watson: Part 1 - Dec 9, 2023
Dec 23, 2023
Seriah is joined by Travis Watson to discuss his latest book “The Forest Poltergeist” and numerous related subjects. Topics include research rabbit holes, psychic research, Animism, the concept of the wilderness poltergeist, class B Sasquatch encounters, Big Foot Research Organization (BFRO), the paradoxes of flesh and blood Sasquatch, Eric Ouellet’s book “Illuminations: the UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event”, apports, the Enfield poltergeist case, the Black Monk haunting, loud sounds some people hear and others do not, a mysterious set of tracks in the snow in the UK, unexplainable pools of water, Sasquatch footprint casts, tree structures, Timothy Renner, an incident involving Bigfoot and a ghost, the “silo” effect in paranormal research, stone throwing, “Monster Quest” TV show, Guy Lyon Playfair, Spiritism, a poltergeist case in Brazil, Dogman, Linda Godfrey, the Black Stone Gap case in Canada, Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinetic Activity (RSPA), apparitions, wandering bits of consciousness, expectation and perception, one-off monster sightings, an encounter with a humanoid aquatic creature in Canada, the Loveland Frogman, the ubiquity of poltergeist activity in paranormal experiences, PK energy and mass sightings, energy lines connecting sacred sites, foxfire and will-o-wisps, earth energy, Mike Clelland and shamanic initiation, spirit animals, familiars, alcohol and its lack of hallucinogenic properties, Jeff Meldrum, Sasquatch track casts, most common experiences in a Class B encounter, wood knocking, tree shaking, strange smells, poltergeist activity compare/contrast with Sasquatch activity, bias in anthropology, the art of tracking, Colin Wilson, sulfur/brimstone, Loren Coleman, lake monsters, “Old Gods of Appalachia” podcast, Oz Effect silence, Jenny Randles, apex predators, a UK UFO experience involving strange silence, Carlos Castenada, magickal practice, consciousness and brain-wave states, Watson’s personal experiences in the Superstition Mountains, zones of fear, poltergeist sounds vs animal sounds, tree structures, poltergeist moving objects around and altering their environment, Olive Hill poltergeist case, William G. Roll, Lloyd Auerbach, furniture structures, fear and perception, a bizarre experience with eggs in the refrigerator, poltergeist disappearing/reappearing objects, a reporter hit with a lego, a 1980’s UK poltergeist encounter with multiple repeated witnesses, and much more! This is focused but riveting conversation!
Mandela Effect, Tulpa's, and Kundalini - Dec 2, 2023
Dec 13, 2023
Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Tillie Treadwell. Topics include roman numerals, Mandela Effect/Retconning, Star Wars, quantum science, retro-causality, a vanishing scar, paranormal counseling, kundalini energy, feats of recovery by Indian yogis, strange bruising/absence of bruising, Seriah’s bizarre out of body experience, the origin of the name “Seriah”, the film “Gateways to Magonia”, orders vs requests, workplace cultures, human nature vs transcendence, consciousness and multiverse timelines, Seth materials, scrying, the Kozyrev mirror, Wren Collier, psychic devices, Seriah’s strange barn experiences, black mirrors, abandoned buildings, “Backrooms” online, the unique experiences of being awake in the middle of the night, the film “Miracle Mile“, the enjoyable vibe of not being connected, the book “God Star”, Saturn as first Sun theory, story-telling vs written cultures, Wal Thornhill, internet culture vs gatekeeping, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, human memory and its flaws, the TV show “Dark Matter”, dealing with trauma, Lifewave therapy patches, Saxon and electro-magnetic healing, use and misuse of the term “quantum”, the podcast “Small Town Horror”, the radio show “Last Exit For The Lost”, Wilhelm Reich and Orgone energy, Peter Robbins and a Reichian cloud buster at Rendlesham, consensus reality and NPCs, alternate explanations for haunted houses, energetic empathy and visits from beings, contagious paranormal experiences, the paranormal as created by the subconscious mind, thought forms/tulpas, multiple explanations for ghosts, enchanted Christmas trees, evergreen lore, language and its limitations, and much more! This is a fascinating, unique discussion!
Wandering with SuperInfraSaxonMan - Nov 25, 2023
Dec 08, 2023
Seriah is joined by Saxon for a wide-ranging discussion. Topics include a study on false memories, the human mind’s tendency to complete narratives, high strangeness, a weird encounter of Seriah’s, John Keel, Woodrow Derenberger, an early experiment on the flaws of memory, Frederic Bartlett, “War of the Ghosts”, Marte Otten, short-term memory experiments, memory illusions, the brain as filter, deer vs human eyesight, African cattle farmers with thirty shades of the color brown, color-blindness and extra color vision, Chinese Whispers, a study involving communication between Autistic and non-Autistic people, an evolutionary biological explanation for Autism, trauma and perception, the brain fog of long covid, Jason Pargin, trauma as the Devil, life experiences and emotional distress, a listener story about encountering a bizarre object, Saxon’s youthful experience with a fireball, various forms of hairy man phenomenon, a theory about consciousness and perception, David Weatherly, a plantation ghost of a person who never existed, Keith Linder, the Seattle Demon House, an apported Bible, author Michael Marshall Smith, Seriah’s experience with Tim Renner in Gettysburg, differences between experiences and recordings of those experiences, memory and perception, record-keeping and recollection, creativity and the collective unconsciousness, Jason Pargin AKA David Wong’s dismissal of the paranormal, hallucination vs experience, shadow people, Seriah’s encounter with the Evil Corn Monkey, the movie “The Creator”, Patrick Harper and the imaginal realm, experience vs interpretation, sleep paralysis, Louis Proud, Saxon’s experiences with shadow people, the future of video recording, perception vs reality, the disappearance of privacy, Pargin’s views on religion and philosophy, fear of the paranormal, discomfort with uncertainty, apocalyptic predictions, Heaven’s Gate cult suicide, government disclosure, technology for the ultra-rich, and much more! This is some fascinating conversation!
UFO's and the Paranormal with Marty Garza - Nov 18, 2023
Dec 02, 2023
Seriah is joined by Marty Garza, a former World Champion and Hall of Fame Monster Truck driver and engineer, with decades of experience as a paranormal researcher. Topics include The Snake Brothers, Whitley Strieber, the evolution away from nuts-and-bolts Ufology to a more holistic view of the phenomena, multiple interpretations of similar experiences, government disinformation since the 1940’s, cross-overs between different phenomena, false binary choices in paranormal belief, poltergeist activity, Luis Elizondo, UAPs, the paradox of ex-government personnel revealing top secret information without consequences, the U-2 flights in the 1950’s, an analogy between human interaction with dolphins and the abduction phenomenon, one-off monsters, “Survivorman” Les Stroud’s paranormal encounters, Timothy Renner, combined paranormal experiences, Jacques Vallee, reporting biases, the “hilltop graph”, one-time vs repeat experiencers, unexplained voices, personal encounters with the unknown, a youthful experience of Marty’s, a Whitley Strieber anecdote involving a fireball and a visit from a dead loved one, the film “Witness to Another World”, the Gulf Breeze 7 incident, contactees and false prophecies, Dorothy Martin, the group she led into expecting a mass alien landing, John Keel, misleading predictions, Gray Barker, MIB, Bernhard Schwartz, cattle mutilations, Black Eyed Kids, shadow people, Hatman, Black Cloud phenomenon, Djinn, paranormal sensitivity, Gary Nolan, the difficulties of inter-species communication, light phenomenon and poltergeist activity, the difficulties of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, Steven Greer, Fae Folk, the Last Exit For The Lost radio show, Mike Clelland’s first novel, Joshua Cutchin, psyops, an analogy involving the Great Wall of China, J. Alan Hynek, Graham Hancock, Ancient Aliens, shamanic experiences, religious origins, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, mushrooms, ayahuasca, the Book of Enoch, plasma intelligence, orbs, alleged ball lightning, Aleister Crowley and ball lightning, Ray Hernandez, an episode of “Ghost Hunters”, a personal experience of Seriah, a paranormal content provider on social media, “The Conjuring”, Skinwalker Ranch, Timothy Good’s book “Alien Liaisons”, bizarre encounters at a western ranch, Jeff Ritzmann, Blind Frog Ranch, strange black boxes in a place in Colorado, green fireball sightings in the 1950’s, boron-fueled aircraft, Lockheed-Martin and nuclear fusion, the Space Defense Initiative of the 1980’s, and much more! This is some absolutely fascinating material!
UFO's and the Paranormal with Seriah and Marty on Brothers of the Serpent
Nov 28, 2023
From the Snakes Description; "We are joined on this episode by Marty Garza, guest and researcher from the UFO series, and Seriah Azkath, host of the excellent podcast Where Did the Road Go, for a full length roundtable discussion on the topic of UFOs. We start with the current state of things in the UFO/UAP subject, then the conversation morphs into a much more broad discussion on the nature of the phenomena itself."
The Unbinding and No One Will Save You - Nov 11, 2023
Nov 26, 2023
Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie to discuss, primarily, the films “The Unbinding” and “No One Will Save You”. Topics include Greg and Dana Newkirk, the “Hellier” series, Tyler Strand, a cursed object, social media and instant communication, director Karl Pfeiffer, Slavic neo-Paganism, the difficulties of recording paranormal activity, a broken Crucifix, demons vs Pagan entities, Santeria, a Ukrainian-American community in upstate New York, the band Zeal & Ardor, racist/fascist infiltration of the paranormal community, the Estes Method, 3-D scanning, Jeff Ritzmann, a strange incident in Gettysburg PA, interactions with goddesses, the graphic novel “The Invisibles”, John Lennon, the Church of Maradona, weird experiences of Latin American archeologists, magick and ritual, Reddit, crop circles and the strange experiences of artists who make them, the nature of hoaxes, Australian saucer nests, aliens vs demons, the films “Independence Day” and “District Nine”, Area 51, Bob Lazar, the various species of reported aliens, the Hopkinsville goblins, mantids, altered states of consciousness, Josh Cutchin, Whitley Strieber, Bud Hopkins, poltergeist activity, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, 1970’s era films, Michael Marshall’s novel “Bad Things”religious themes in “No One Will Save You”, a significant Renaissance painting, angels vs demons, the uncontrollability of UFOs, UAPs and cancer, morality between species, humans vs insects, Seriah’s encounter with a hornet, M. Night Shyamalan,, the film “Signs”, faith, different interpretations of events, the series ”Invasion”, the 1980’s TV series “V”, lack of motive for extraterrestrial invasions, Zachariah Sitchin, visitors’ quest for novel experiences, fiction and experimental thought, Joshua Cutchin’s novel “Them Old Ways Never Died”, and much more! This is a fascinating conversation with an all-time favorite guest, not to be missed!
Wandering Turkey with The Snake Brothers - Nov 4, 2023
Nov 22, 2023
Seriah is joined by the Snake Brothers to discuss, among other things, their recent investigations in Turkey. Topics include heavy metal music and its psychological effects, Gobekli Tepe, Graham Hancock, tourism, an interactive experience for visitors, early archeology vs current archaeology, the disastrous earthquake and flood in Turkey, Turkish museums, Karahan Tepe, a massive pile of modern-style gravel with things hidden in it, the Giza pyramids, unexplained ancient construction, Uncharted X, preservation of ancient important artifacts, purposes for hiding ancient secrets, the “Derelict” and “Fathom” fictional podcasts, “The Dresden Files” podcast and TV series, the Biblical Nimrod vs bad king Nimrut Dagi, assumption of tombs vs evidence of hidden chambers, the “Stone Hills” and buried sites, megalithic stone circles, midden mounds, T pillars, fertile soil atop barren mountains, occupation layers, archaeologist Jens Notroff, the difficulties of dating ancient structures and materials, ancient iconoclastic actions, evidence of ancient sophisticated construction including advanced mathematics and blueprint scaling, pillars that resemble giant mushrooms, archeologist Martin Sweatman and the zodiac, generational knowledge and lost civilizations, the books “Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits” and “Zoey Punches the Future in the Dick” by Jason Pargin AKA David Wong, local Turkish farmers vs ancient megalithic structures, Egyptology, Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) artifacts, misinterpretation of pillars, archeologist Klaus Schmidt, the story of a farmer who found an ancient artifact, a site older than Gobekli Tepe, a site of mass production of food in pre-historic times, ancient water management, Andrew Collins, astroarchaeology, and much more! This is a riveting deep dive into some fascinating material!
Seriah is joined by Saxon and Vincent Treewell. Topics include Seriah’s strange experience with everything having a blue tint, the concept of resonance in magick and psy practice, Sara Lee Black, an experience with color resonance, an experience with a flash of light and a dog, John Edmunds who claimed to have killed alien greys with a sword, the Star Dust Ranch and a real estate ad for it, the books “The Wisdom of Wyrd” and “The Real Middle Earth” by Brian Bates, Irving Kirsch’s method of hypnotic priming, inducing a trance state, Allen Greenfield, a team of scammers repeatedly trying to hoax alien bodies in Latin America, Nazca mummies, John Greenewald, Jaime Maussan, the monetization of hoaxing, content vs background noise, clickbait, streaming media, AI generated video content, deepfake technology and its consequences, the Quiet Internet theory, reddit and bots, a bizarre encounter of police officers and firefighters interacting with a disembodied female voice coming from a sewer, Dr. Robert Sapolsky, materialist predestination vs free will, quantum entanglement and faster-than light-communication, the Mandela Effect, time travel and its effects, Michael Cremo and “Forbidden Archeology”, space-time, the observer effect, the Sinbad “Shazam” movie, ret-cons in film, the “Last Exit for the Lost” music show, “The Lovecraft Investigations” podcast, Mandela Effect vs misremembering, the bizarre phenomenon of the spelling of the word “dilemma”, the “Moonraker” scene between Jaws and the girl with/without braces, a changed Bible verse, popular misconceptions, Star Wars movie quotes and possible explanations, a misremembered quote by Bill O’Reily, a discovery of pre-Homo-Sapiens doing woodworking and creating buildings, standard archeology vs the scientific method, lost civilizations, the myth of constant progress, Darwin and imperial racism, Atlantis mysteries vs fantasies, the “Life After People” TV show, the fragility of modern information preservation, the “What’s Up with Mars” Instagram account, and much more! This was a really enjoyable, wide-ranging conversation!
Wandering After Albatwitch - Oct 21, 2023
Nov 07, 2023
After attending Alabatwitch Day, Seriah is joined by Timothy and Allison Renner, Chris Ernst, and Tyler Strand. Topics include alchemical teachings, the global phenomenon of non-human entities imparting knowledge, UFOs and spiritual initiations, a youthful encounter with a UFO, curiosity and the paranormal, “The Philosophers Stone” by Peter Marshall, a bizarre experience over the phone earlier that day, the green-skinned children of Woolpit, St. Martin’s Land, strange phone experiences, subtle transmissions, communication by non-physical beings, a video game analogy and the limits of reality, yogis and hidden laws of nature, supernatural vs rare phenomena, the nature of experiencers, the “Hellier” series and magical initiation, fate and free will, Tim Renner’s book “Beyond the Seventh Gate”, Chris Ernst’s film “Corpse”, ebbs and flows in the creative process, Jeff Ritzmann, the need to avoid total immersion in the paranormal, Jeremy Vaeni, “Paratopia” podcast, cross-phenomenon high strangeness, the importance of connecting with nature, going into the wilderness in multiple spiritual traditions, a suspected Bigfoot hoax, the difference between audio and video recordings of paranormal phenomena, analog vs digital recording, the Patterson-Gimlin film, Tobe Johnson, the Siera Sounds, mysterious lights as a universal experience, the observation effect, co-creation, human fascination with fire, spelunking, mining towns in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Tyler’s experience working as a cavern guide, little-known facts about caves, the underworld in world folklore, the Ant People, a bizarre experience of a co-worker in a cavern, kobolds, Fae activity and time dilation, the “Hellier” goblin and its inspiration, the Hopkinsville KY goblins, and much more! This is a fascinating, spontaneous roundtable discussion!
Seriah is joined by SuperSaxonMan, Matt Festa, and Katie of the Night to ask questions. Topics include paranormal experiences and pro wrestlers, Chris Jericho, a paranormal show “Chamber of Horrors” by three female WWE wrestlers, Chris Stratlander, Andre the Giant’s appearance as Bigfoot in the TV show “The Six Million Dollar Man”, a huge pair of pants, a telepathic message from a Sasquatch, the “Survivor Man” episode where the host encountered Bigfoot, UFO contactees, Elijah Burke, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, liminality, the Seth material, Jane Roberts, past lives, the second coming of Jesus Christ, Patrick Harper’s “Daemonic Reality”, the possibility of a multiverse, “Forbidden Archelogy” by Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, mathematics and biology, Jeffrey Kripal, George Hansen, Kenneth Ring, “The Omega Project”, Jenny Randles, “Mind Monsters”, the OZ factor, co-creating haunted locations, David Weatherly and a plantation entity that existed but was fictional, colleges and ghosts and urban legends, egregores, Ouija boards, whispers in one’s ear, scientific study of the paranormal, Sarah Lee Black, high strangeness, pk/psi laboratory experiments, Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Grant, Bruce Dickinson’s(of Iron Maiden) “Crowley” movie, a strange experience with a Lyft driver, horror movies and things “coming out of the TV”, fear and poltergeist activity, a childhood experience with a scary movie, “The Ring” film, Cipher from “The Matrix” film, childhood memories of toys moving around, presumptions of evil in the paranormal, H.P. Lovecraft, belief vs fear of the unknown, “The Magnus Archives” horror fiction podcast, Strange Realities conference, Seriah’s autobiography and its cover, objective vs subjective experiences with the paranormal, metal bands as an analogy for understanding vs perception, the Mothman phenomena, Skinwalker Ranch, John Keel’s “The Mothman Prophecies”, Indrid Cold, Woodrow Durenberger, Indiana Jones/Kolchack the Night Stalker, Whitley Strieber, graveyard experiences, sacred spots, Cornell University, Ithica NY, cemeteries as safe spaces, Robert Johnson, the Alpine Portal, and much more! This is some absolutely fascinating discussion!
Mandela Effect, Time Slips, High Strangeness with Tillie Treadwell - Oct 7, 2023
Oct 20, 2023
Seriah is joined by experiencer, spiritual practitioner, and author Tillie Treadwell. Topics include early childhood paranormal memories, neurodivergence and perception, Gulf Breeze FL, time slips and anomalies, society’s growing acceptance of paranormal phenomena, the “Mandela Effect”/retconning, a strange experience with an old-fashioned clock, a bizarre incident with a traffic light, extremely early memories, discussions of the “Mandela Effect”/retconning on, problems of spam on social media, celebrity deaths that seem to repeat, Fairy experiences, Fae music, strange lights, tiny animals in formal dress, the constant presence of lights in different kinds of phenomena, non-human people, Djinn, co-creation, Jeffrey Kripal, different perceptions of reality, objective vs subjective experiences, the mindset of atheism, fundamentalist religion, Seriah’s bizarre dream encounter with an entity, Tillie’s similar deep dream, a recent incredibly intense NDE, Egyptian gods, Aleister Crowley’s analogy of the Mountain, trans-cultural phenomena, an encounter with Crowleyan entity Lam, a bizarre experience smoking hookah favored tobacco, ayahuasca, an attempted “invasion” by bizarre entities, paranormal experiences becoming contagious, kundalini energy, the q-code podcast “Ad Lucem”, Strange Realities conference, time slips, cat experiences, a bizarre encounter featuring a time slip and an onion allergy and a cat, missing time experiences, apports and other appearing objects, electronic/electrical experiences, a bizarre encounter with an electric stove, buzzing phenomenon, “Holy Laughing” in Pentecostal churches, sleep paralysis, the importance of nutrition and adequate sleep in response to negative experiences, and much more! This is a unique, fascinating conversation!
UFO Disclosure Overview - Sept 30, 2023
Oct 14, 2023
Seriah is joined by Greg Bishop, Joshua Cutchin, and Roejen to discuss the recent (and past) UFO disclosure movement(s). Topics include the Alien Mummy hoax in Mexico, Jaime Maussan, Ryan Graves, institutional knowledge in ufology, repeated and recycled fakery, the Roswell Slides hoax, possible agendas behind disclosure events, Congressional hearings, Richard Doty, difficulties with alleged “whistle-blowers, black budgets and miscalculations in the U.S. military budgets, the tic-tac videos, Walter Bosley, David Grush, Red Pill Junkie and AI, exopolitics vs geopolitics, binary thinking, Robert Bigelow and Senator Harry Reid, the lessening of ridicule of UFO phenomenon in academia and science, laser weapons and plasma, project Blur Beam, U.S. Navy patents on advanced weaponry, the technology of projecting images into the sky, Philip J. Corso, private corporations possessing secret info and immunity from FOI requests, Congresswoman AOC, “Red Cell” activities in the 1980’s-90’s, Dragoncon, new openness by UFO witnesses, UFO flaps in times of social crisis, metaphysical implications of disclosure, Richard Dolan, JFK assassination documents release, the change from the ETH to “interdimensional”, the multiverse idea, string theory, quantum physics, the flow of time and retro causality, the idea of an informational universe, Greg Bishop’s “Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth”, Bill Moore, Uri Geller, pre-recording at concerts, pro wrestling, “The Trickster and the Paranormal” by George P. Hansen, The Entity Letters: A Sociologist on the Trail of a Supernatural Mystery Book by James McClenon, the collapse of trust in institutions, apathy among the public toward UFO disclosure, foreign social media operations, Greg Bishop’s experience in the 1990’s as the target of a disinformation agent, Bob Lazar, SERPO, the use of punctuation and spelling for clandestine communications, Elon Musk, leak detection by corporations and agencies, the role of personal ego in disinformation operations, Greg’s experience being under surveillance and harassed, the phenomenon of pacing, Jeff Ritzmann, paranoia and poltergeist activity, Albatwitch Day, Strange Realities Conference, “Time Bombs” podcast, “Wolf 359” podcast, To The Stars Academy, Tom Delonge, Travis Walton, recycling of thoroughly exposed fake material, Joe Rogan, willful ignorance and UFOs as entertainment, social leveling by the Phenomenon, Whitley Stieber, art and the paranormal, ufology as chaos magic, Greg’s opportunity to and choice not to engage with non-human intelligences, the Phenomenon and life disruption, Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni’s experiences at a cabin in Gettysburg, the TNT area in Point Pleasant, the dangers of taking rocks from sacred/paranormal sites, the “Suicide Forest” in Japan, volcanic rocks from Hawaii, goblin rocks from Hopkinsville Ohio, non-human biologics, an experience with a heavy stone and spiders in a cemetery, the multiple possible explanations of “Aliens”, the lack of an actual official disclosure statement, Jeremy Corbell, reincarnation and government authority, the Apple TV series “Invasion”, UFO events as distraction and deception, the film “No One Will Save You”, and much more! This is about as high-powered a roundtable as possible, loaded with fascinating material!
Symbols, Dreams, and Retrocausality - Sept 23, 2023
Oct 10, 2023
Seriah is joined by three previous fascinating guests: James Salsido, Leo Watson, and Suzanne Chancellor for a round table discussion. Topics include James’ bizarre UFO encounter while legally blind, adaptive technology, Seriah’s weird experience with everything turning blue, Jeff Ritzman, blue light in Sci-Fi films, a ghost cat, retrocausality, Suzanne’s highly strange encounter with a huge lava-filled orb and its aftermath, trauma and information moving back in time, Dr. Daryl Bem and Cornell University’s psy research experiments, the power of visceral images and experiences, precognitions, Eric Wargo’s time loop theory, reverse causality, synchronicities and precognition, unconscious psy abilities, weird dream experiences preceding actual events, the series “Hellier” and an experience of precognition/retrocausality, free will vs a deterministic block universe, the limits of human decision making, a video game analogy, the flow of time, the movies “Interstellor” and “Arrival”, a possible abduction experience that preceded changes in James’ vision, Leo’s intense abduction dream encounter, liminality and the paranormal, “big” dreams and symbols, Timothy Renner, dreams of glyphs and letters, EVP and ITC, alchemical symbols, internet telepathy, Suzanne leaving and re-entering intense dreams of hieroglyphics, Albatwich Day, Strange Realities Conference, Barbara Fisher’s “6 Degrees of John Keel” podcast, the ability to read words in dreams, Seriah’s experience receiving a written warning in a dream, James’ OBE/dream/visitation of deceased loved ones, eating chocolate before bed, Leo’s practical warning in a dream, the goddess Hecate, 4-dimensional keys, things perceived in dreams that can’t be described in waking life, the concept of a “key” in cryptography, Suzanne’s childhood abduction dream experience with a multi-dimensional algebraic equation, James’ experiences with an alternate reality and an entity he could see clearly, perception vs reality in the paranormal, a quote from H.P. Lovecraft, and much more! This foursome of experiencers provide a fascinating discussion!
Seriah's first two interviews with Robert Schoch, remastered. The first show is from February 3, 2013, and the second from June 1, 2013. They discuss Robert's work and his book "Forgotten Civilization".
They discuss, among other things... How Robert got involved in this field. His response to the antagonism shown him after his research on the age of the sphinx was released. Gobekli Tepe, and how that ancient site opens up our pre-history. The Easter Island RongoRongo Script. The possible role of the sun in ending the last ice age. Underground cities, legends, and radioactive ruins. The importance of research in this field. Vitrified forts. The role of politics in mainstream science. The subtlety of psychic research Easter Island and it's many mysteries Do all statues on Easter Island have bodies? Mu and Lemuria Gobekli Tepe and other sites in Turkey Celestial Alignments Underground Cities How old could Gobekli Tepe be? New discoveries on the site. Cycles of Time. Cutting Edge Science Quantum Entangled Diamonds Water and what it can do. ELF Waves Acoustic Properties Egypt and how old the Pyramids may be. The Yonaguni Monument Giants The Bosnian Pyramid
Wandering the Road with Wren and Barbara - Sept 16, 2023
Sep 28, 2023
Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher and Wren Collier for some fascinating discussion. Topics include liminality, empty shopping malls, the UAP disclosure movement, the Grusch hearings, Peter Levenda, the “Aviary”, the Collins Elite, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis vs aliens as spirits, fundamentalist Christian eschatology, Dominionism, the danger of future religious persecution, the book “Final Events” by Nick Redfern, Reverend Ray Boeche, USAF Captain Robert Collins, Dan T. Smith AKA “Chicken Little”, Los Alamos, U.S. government remote viewing programs, indoctrination of the military, Christian nationalism, Robert Manners, Project Blue Beam, mass deception, end-time prophecies and the return of Christ, Whitley Strieber and the Djinn, John Keel as demonologist, personal experiences with the occult, the Michael Douglas film “Falling Down”, psy research and weather, Michael “Doc Future” Bennett, ritual magic experiments by the CIA, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Kenneth Grant, the Trinity atomic bomb test, James Merrill’s “The Changing Light at Sandover” book, William H. Burroughs, the spiritual dangers of nuclear weapons and energy, nuclear war on ancient Mars, Jacques Vallee’s “Passport to Magonia”, ether ships, outer space as the land of the dead, nuclear testing, cattle mutilations, a wave of killing of pets, the David McGowan book “Programmed to Kill”, a kernel of truth to the Satanic panic, hypnotic regression and false memories, Henry Lee Lucas and the Hand of Death cult, Wayne Williams and the Atlanta child murders and a CIA-related training facility, serial killers and self-deception, the West Memphis Three, the psychological benefits of harsh music, the Columbine mass shooting and unanswered questions, the Oklahoma City bombing and “John Doe #2” and other mysteries, Ozzy Osbourne’s “Suicide Solution” and it’s mis-interpretation, films that could not be made today, the Julie Saunder’s podcast “Believer”, Jaime Maussan’s repeated fake aliens in Mexico, pro wrestling, the 1990’s alien autopsy video, Roswell as experiments on disabled children, Stephen Chow’s “Forbidden City Cop” movie, crypto currency, the screaming alien hoax, Joseph Matheny and John Titor, ARGs, the Djinn and smokeless fire, Islamic lore, Airial spirits, Hal Puthoff, a bizarre Djinn/MIB experience in 1970’s Iran, and much more! This is riveting material!
Kundalini and High Strangeness - Sept 21, 2023
Sep 22, 2023
This is a repost of the first show I did on Kundalini and some of my strange experiences. Here is the original entry for it...
This was a hard show for me to do. Luke, my co-host, was a great help in this, and I discuss some very personal material here that I feel is important for some. I know growing up, it would have been a life saver if I had heard a show like this, so I hope my opening up about all this will help someone else. Opening up like this is not an easy thing for me to do, I am often silent about most of my life, relating a story here and there as applicable. If you have any experiences you wish to talk about or have questions, contact me.
- Seriah
This was a unique show for Where Did the Road Go? There was no guest, just your main host Seriah, and his co-host Luke St. Clair. They discuss Seriah's experiences with spontaneous Kundalini awakening as well as electrical effects he suffered for many years afterwards. Kundalini, known more for it's style of Yoga is a powerful force. When awakened spontaneously, there is no control, and one may literally lose their mind. After searching for a guest to discuss these experiences with, Seriah, with the help of Luke, decided to do this himself. Seriah did talk about this with Micah Hanks back at the end of 2013 on The Gralien Report, but this goes more in depth. Beyond that, the conversation goes into some related experiences.
Seriah is joined by Jeremy Vaeni and Christopher Ernst to discuss the Paratopia podcast with the late Jeff Ritzmann. Topics include the disaster in Hawaii, Joshua Cutchin, Timothy Renner, a broader view of the paranormal, Tim Binnall, Ufology and official disclosure, trying to step away from studying the phenomenon, a couple of experiences in the woods, people who have strange experiences vs those who do not, Carl Jung, the depths vs the shallows, Gray Barker, John Keel, the book “They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers”, Bud Hopkins, the Brooklyn Bridge abduction, Linda Cortile, David Grusch, Carol Rainey, Emma Woods, hypnosis, “Elizabeth”, David Jacobs, alien hybrids, false memories, alien contact through text messages, Carol Crawford, Angel cards, Bashar, Mark Nesbitt and ghost hunting, kundalini and the sound of bells, the subtle and astral bodies, chakras, egoic death, Vedic belief systems, yogis, a variety of spiritual experiences, personal evolution, Hinduism and Sufiism, the Kali Yuga cycle, nirvana, the intellect and the self, reincarnation, personal transformation, the brain and consciousness, planes of existence, the nature of truth, the nature of time, knowledge vs direct experience, Adivedanta, evolution vs enlightenment, Jiddu Krishnamurti, a strange electronic event, the “Last Exit For The Lost” radio show, the game “Conarium”, the Strange Realities Conference, alien implants, iron collecting in the human body, Whitley Strieber, elf shooting, scoop marks, experiencers, Michael Sala, a ludicrous alleged alien, swimming with dolphins, solar activity and psychic research, the consciousness of stars, solar flares, an incident involving a UFO sighting and a simultaneous visit from a dead person, abduction experiences, the ”ecosystem” of the paranormal, varieties of high strangeness, “Illuminations: The UFO Phenomenon as a Parapsychological Event” by Eric Ouellet, Kenneth Ring’s book “The Omega Project”, and much more! There is some fantastic conversation going on here!
Seriah is joined by Christopher Ernst and Saxon/Super Inframan for some fascinating discussion. Topics include an elaboration on a Scottish ghost sighting described directly by the witness, a humorous suggestion for a drinking game, Chris and other WDTRG guests experiences working at MTV, late talk show host Morton Downey Jr. and his UFO encounter including missing time, an alleged hypnotic regression, psychology, skeptics/debunkers, different perceptions of the abduction experience, Travis Watson and paranormal fog, abduction as a non-physical experience, Jenny Randles and her book “Time Storms”, Raymond Fowler, Betty Andreasson, the perils of hypnotic regression, Downey’s hate crime hoax, polygraphs, the dangers of cigarette smoking, personality and show business, reality TV, John E.L. Tenney, screen memories, Sigmund Freud, Mike Clelland, David M. Jacobs, Mothman, the Owlman of Kent (UK), Tony "Doc" Shiels, ghost hunting and necromancy, Spiritualism, Western culture’s failure to deal with the reality of death, the Apple series “Invasion”, the 2023 Strange Realities Conference, Tom Gunning and Jainie Geiser, peer-reviewed psy research ay Cornell University, Spiritualism and early cinema, CIA investigation into psychic practices, “Stalking the Wild Pendulum” book by Itzhak Bentov, Psychic ability and the martial arts, mudras and sigils, government disclosure and its misinterpretation, Grusch the alleged whistleblower, Wernher von Braun, cell phone dead zones in strange areas, Bigfoot in Michigan, John Keel and fear fields, an “Alpine Portal” in upstate New York involving Sasquatch and many other paranormal activity, “Connecticut Hill” area, the Oz effect, and much more! Through a very fortunately saved VHS tape, Downey (who died in 2001) tells the story in his own words. This is a unique and fascinating episode, not to be missed!
Wandering the Road with Josh, Chris, Saxon, and Michael - Aug 26, 2023
Sep 06, 2023
Seriah is joined by Michael Angelo, Chris Ernst, Joshua Cutchin, and Saxon/Super Inframan for a fascinating roundtable. Topics include human memory, past lives, ayahuasca, Indigenous Australians and dreams, a Malaysian tribe and dream experiences, art and the unconscious, places experienced only in dreams, a memorable experience in New Zealand, Eric Wargo, major and minor dreams, feedback loops, increasing speeds of communication, Terence McKenna, time wave zero, novelty and information, dueling Terence McKenna impersonations (no, really), city vs. country environments, West Virginia cryptids, Appalachian high strangeness, entanglement with media and mass information, a survey of plants and animals in Japan, long-time traditions, Djinn vs. electronics, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Ernesto de Martino, magic and magic-accepting cultures, Rupert Sheldrake, experiences in the Mexican jungle, naming creatures, modern medicine and its outliers, language and its purposes, different languages and personalities, Adriano Celentano, “Prisencolinensinainciusol” an Italian hit song in pseudo-English, the film “Skewrl”, the film “Titus”, subtitles, translation and its complications, an episode of the TV series “News Radio”, Joe Rogan and Tony Danza, the film “Genghis Blues”, Mongolian throat singing, Paul Pena, “Jet Airliner” by the Steve Miller Band, Biblical translations, apocryphal texts, an incident from “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, Julian Jaynes, the bicameral mind, the Great Year and the Yuga cycle and its interpretations, Daniel O. McClellan, the Iliad, Grahm Hancock, cycles within cycles, “Finnegans Wake” by James Joyce, Walter Cruttenden, Procession of the Equinox, ages and consciousness, a binary star cycle with Sirius, Robert Shock, psychics and solar activity, Laird Scranton, the Dogan people, Fish-headed entities, two universes, Wim Wender’s film “Wings of Desire”, the Nick Cage re-make “City of Angels”, Kevin Randle’s book “The October Scenario”, Anthony Peake, Joshua Cutchin’s “Ecology of Souls”, incarnations and the higher self, simulation theory, Vedanta cosmology/theology, the TV series “Invasion”, Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon archeological site, Rendlesham Forest, an ancient ship, “The Dig” Netflix series, folklore, trolls in Norway, the Spirit of the Land, Mexican Fae folk, pareidolia and its possible meanings, Don Quixote, Dziga Vertov and the kino eye, the breakdown of consensus reality, co-creation, the replicability crisis in science, Robert Temple, necromancy, and much more! This is absolutely riveting conversation!
John Ward on The Exodus Reality and much more... December 28, 2013
Dec 29, 2013
John Ward joins us to tell us his theory on the Exodus as put forth in The Exodus Reality. The book is co-authored by Scotty Roberts, and we had him on the show on November 30th. Both authors have compelling versions of what might have happen, and do agree on some points.
We also spend time talking about the state of Egypt at the current moment, as well as how academia deals with new discoveries.
Dr. John Ward is an archaeologist and anthropologist residing in Luxor, Egypt. Over the years, Dr. Ward has conducted numerous investigations of ancient Egyptian architecture and symbolism, while also carrying out research into the many mysteries surrounding medieval Templarism. In 2006, Ward was recruited by the Knights Templar of Britannia, which is a modern Templar order affiliated with and has been acknowledged by the Vatican. With the help of his partner, Dr. Maria Nilsson, John has managed to track the use of particular symbols through the various dynasties and the geography of ancient Egypt leading all the way into the present, with similar threads even extending into parts of Western Europe. The symbols that John and Maria have come to recognize play a very important and integral role, based from their studies, regarding ancient Egyptian life. It is through these symbols that they are driven with the passion to continue their work, which has enabled them not only to develop a greater understanding of the various cultures they study, but also to utilize and acknowledge the importance and sanctity of the symbols. These are aspects which, John argues, still remain largely unknown to mainstream academia.
Mike Clelland - Owls and the UFO Phenomenon - December 21, 2013
Dec 22, 2013
We speak with Mike Clelland about his research on strange owl encounters and the UFO phenomenon. He has been collecting stories and doing research on the strange connections in preparation for an upcoming book. We also speak to him a bit about his own personal experiences, which are fascinating.
You can find some of what we will be talking about on his blog; You can also read the long form essay he has on the owl phenomenon here.
Mike, in his own words... "I was born in 1962 in the suburbs of Detroit. Even during my pre-kindergarten years I was a skilled illustrator, and most of what I would draw was goofy and cartoony. Curiously, the stuff I would draw in elementary school looks a lot like my drawing style now.
I was deeply influenced by MAD magazine, and that is still evident in my work today. I need to thank Mort Drucker, Sergio Aregones and Jack Davis for shaping my style. I also need to thank R. Crumb, who I discovered a little bit later in life.
In 1981 I moved to New York City, where I went to NYU Film School for one year. I was all too aware that I was a lousy student, and I dropped out and began working as a free-lance illustrator and art director for advertising agencies.
In the winter of 1986/87 I spent the season as a ski bum in Jackson Hole Wyoming. This experience would make it very difficult to fully embrace my urban career when I returned to New York. I eventually moved out west permanently in 1991, and this move paralleled the advent of the fax machine and Federal Express. These revolutionary tools allowed me to do illustration work anywhere I wanted, and I was still dealing with clients back in The City. All of this became much easier with the internet.
Once out west I began doing book illustrations and teaching for an outdoor school.
It was around 2005 or so when I felt a sort of oppressive need to look into some odd life events, stories and memories that I had denied had any importance. Little by little I realized that I simply could no longer ignore those memories and their implications.
The catalyzing event was a profoundly strange synchronicity involving a bottle of sunblock. From that point on, it felt like the floodgates were opened up.
Let me also add that the initial years of my self exploration have not been easy. The act of trying to peer into my own unknown life events has been enormously challenging. I became a shaky recluse, locked in a spiraling tape loop of insecurity and self-doubt. Presently, things have been a little less difficult, but it's by no means easy. The act of digging like this is no simple undertaking, it’s been hard work. The truth for me is that I simply have to go down this road, no matter what the consequences. It seems I am being pulled ever forward by some unknown force. This might be my own higher self, or it might be something interacting with me from outside my being, I truly don’t know. What I do know is that this new chapter of my life has been profoundly interesting."
Gregory Sams - Sun of gOd and The State is out of Date - December 14, 2013
Dec 15, 2013
We speak this night with Gregory Sams. Gregory's book is entitled Sun of gOd, and we discuss the idea of consciousness and what it really means. Does it really make sense that our 13.7 billion year-old universe waited 13.698 billion years before anything in it developed what we call ‘consciousness’? And that the experience was restricted to humans?
Sun of gOd is a radical re-think of our Sun, our universe and what it means to be alive. Using scientific ideas and bringing them to their logical philosophical conclusions, Gregory Sams proposes that our Sun itself is conscious, living and fully aware of its place in the universe. Furthermore, our Sun communicates with other stars, and with us, in ways which mirror our own communities and even the way in which our own brains function.
According to Gregory Sams, ‘Creative intelligence is a ‘bottom-up’ system in which everything, from molecules of water, to neurons in our brain to the Sun itself is working together to gently steer and organize our universe. For humans, the Sun is the center of our lives, a fact that the ancient Sumerians, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Inca, Aztec, Celts and Native Americans all realized, but we do not understand today. For all intents and purposes, the Sun is our God.’
Gregory Sams has been bringing novel concepts to the culture since the age of 19, when, in 1967, he and brother Craig introduced organic and natural foods to the UK marketplace. After 15 years of catering, Seed magazine, Ceres Grain Store & Bakery, Harmony & Whole Earth Foods, in 1982 Gregory conceived and christened the original VegeBurger, creating a marketplace for vegetarian food. Leaving food for fractals in 1990, he opened Strange Attractions, the world's only shop dedicated to chaos theory. This new science underpinned his first book, Uncommon Sense, the State is Out of Date, which is not about politics, but about not politics. His book, Sun of gOd, Discover the Self-Organizing Principle that Underlies Everything, re-introduces us to our local star, the most revered deity in history.
Aaron J Gulyas - The Chaos Conundrum - December 7, 2013
Dec 08, 2013
Aaron J Gulyas discusses his latest book, The Chaos Conundrum. In "The Chaos Conundrum," historian Aaron John Gulyas examines how the paranormal has intersected and influenced our culture in myriad ways, from the conspiracy beliefs of William Cooper and Exopolitics to the challenge that the stories of Gray Barker presented to our concept of self and time. He looks at the maelstrom of personalities, agendas, impressions, data, confusion, and contradictions that can be found in the world of the weird, and demonstrates how they have become an integral part of our lives, whether in the form of flying saucers, hauntings, religious revelations, psychic abilities, or dozens of other guises. Gulyas delves into the stories of the people who have attempted to create order out of the chaos. Along the way he recounts his own journey from enthusiastic believer in the "shadow government" and their underground bases to jaded academic skeptic, and then finally to someone who thinks there might just be something to the paranormal after all... but not what we have been led to expect or believe!
A teacher, historian, and writer (generally in that order), Gulyas received his BA in History from Hanover College in 1998 and promptly went to work for the state of Indiana assessing disability insurance claims. Wearing out his welcome in the civil service within a year or so, he shifted to the thrilling world of proofreading. Realizing he was only really good at history, he returned to school and was awarded an MA in United States History from Indiana University-Indianapolis in 2003. He then moved into teaching, eventually landing at Mott Community College, where he has taught since 2006.
Gulyas's first book, Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist: Contact Tales since the 1950s was published in May 2013 by McFarland Books. His newest book is The Chaos Conundrum, a collection of essays on the paranormal, religion, spirituality, an the atemporal, published by Redstar Books. In Fandom's Shadow, a 50th anniversary retrospective of Doctor Who, Fandom, and its relationship to geography and time, was published in September, 2013 by Deserted Moon Press.
He contributed the introduction to Posthuman Blues: Dispatches From a World on the Cusp of Terminal Dissolution, a collection of writings by the late Mac Tonnies edited by Paul Kimball.
Scotty Roberts on The Exodus Reality - November 30, 2013
Dec 01, 2013
This night we will be talking to Scotty Roberts about his new book, co-authored with John Ward, The Exodus Reality. In this groundbreaking work, the authors reexamine humanity’s most enduring account of bondage, emancipation, and freedom. The Great Exodus is the story of how one man, empowered by divine epiphany, brought the mighty ancient kingdom of Egypt to its knees. The authors present two opposing, yet strangely interlaced historical accounts for the Exodus, naming the historical pharaohs and surprising candidates for the historical Moses. We discuss Scotty's theory, and we will have John on at the end of December to discuss his view. Visit Scotty's website at
SCOTT ALAN ROBERTS is a man of diverse interests and a fairly eclectic background. He is Founder and Publisher of INTREPID Magazine, a monthly journal focusing on Politics, Science, Culture, Conspiracy Theories and Unexplained Phenomena. He is the Founder of the Paradigm Symposium. He is an accomplished writer, public speaker, illustrator, historian, designer, theologian and stand up philosopher. Of Scot/Welsh descent, he was raised in an agnostic Christian home, with a communistic Jewish grandfather and a Ukrainian Orthodox stepfather and was mentored by an old stonemason throughout his early teen years. He attended Bible College and entered his Masters of Divinity program in theological seminary in a very conservative, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian academic setting. He joined the United States Marine Corp and eventually entered the ministry as a youth pastor. All of this was to prep him for the next thirty years, which he spent in advertising and publishing. Scotty’s first pieces of published artwork appeared on a plethora of dust jacket and cover designs for a small, Minneapolis‐based theological book publisher in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
In and throughout his career, he has been involved in theatre and stage drama, and did a stint as a royal character at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, which lasted over fifteen years. Scotty attributes much of his stage presence and public speaking abilities to his years of interactive street theatre at the festival.
During a subsequent period of working in various ad agencies throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Scotty authored and illustrated a series of graphic novels, The Bloodlore Chronicles.
During the 1990s, Scotty owned The Uptown Marketing Group, a small advertising and marketing studio in the Minneapolis area. During this time he authored a number of newsletters and advertising campaigns, as well as servicing a list of illustration and design clientele.
Scotty is the author and illustrator of The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O’Hare (2007), an illustrated novel originally intended for 8‐14‐year‐old readers, but which found its greater readership with the college‐aged audience and older. He has also authored for New Page Books, The Rise and Fall of the Nephilm (2012) and The Secret History of the Reptilians (2013).
Scotty has written articles for TAPS ParaMagazine (the official publication of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters) and went on to become their Editor‐In‐Chief during 2009 and 2010.
He is a talented public speaker, and has been a featured lecturer with TAPS and Beyond Reality Events, as well as various other paranormal events between 2007 and 2012.
He is father to five children, and lives with his wife and family in rural Wisconsin. Being a native Minnesotan, Scotty considers himself a ‘stranger in a strange land’ filled with Green Bay Packers fans.
Russ Baker on the JFK Assassination and the Role of Alternative News Media - November 23, 2013
Nov 24, 2013
Just beyond the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK,Russ Baker discusses the likelihood of a lone gunman and what the evidence suggests. We also talk about the Boston Bombing, Michael Hastings, and the role of Alternative Media in our world. His Alternative News Site, is an excellent example of excellence in news reporting.
Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter with a track record for making sense of complex and little understood matters-and explaining it to elites and ordinary people alike, using entertaining, accessible writing to inform and involve.
Over the course of more than two decades in journalism, Baker has broken scores of major stories. Topics included: early reporting on inaccuracies in the articles of The New York Times’s Judith Miller that built support for the invasion of Iraq; the media campaign to destroy UN chief Kofi Annan and undermine confidence in multilateral solutions; revelations by George Bush’s biographer that as far back as 1999 then-presidential candidate Bush already spoke of wanting to invade Iraq; the real reason Bush was grounded during his National Guard days – as recounted by the widow of the pilot who replaced him; an article published throughout the world that highlighted the West’s lack of resolve to seriously pursue the genocidal fugitive Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, responsible for the largest number of European civilian deaths since World War II; several investigations of allegations by former members concerning the practices of Scientology; corruption in the leadership of the nation’s largest police union; a well-connected humanitarian relief organization operating as a cover for unauthorized US covert intervention abroad; detailed evidence that a powerful congressional critic of Bill Clinton and Al Gore for financial irregularities and personal improprieties had his own track record of far more serious transgressions; a look at the practices and values of top Democratic operative and the clients they represent when out of power in Washington; the murky international interests that fueled both George W. Bush’s and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns; the efficacy of various proposed solutions to the failed war on drugs; the poor-quality televised news program for teens (with lots of advertising) that has quietly seeped into many of America’s public schools; an early exploration of deceptive practices by the credit card industry; a study of ecosystem destruction in Irian Jaya, one of the world’s last substantial rain forests.
Baker has written for The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Village Voice and Esquire and dozens of other major domestic and foreign publications. He has also served as a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. Baker received a 2005 Deadline Club award for his exclusive reporting on George W. Bush’s military record. He is the author of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America (Bloomsbury Press, 2009); it was released in paperback as Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Secret History of the Last Fifty Years. For more information on Russ’s work, see his sites, and
Micah Hanks on UFO's, Perception, and JFK - Mid Week Podcast - November 22, 2013
Nov 23, 2013
On this edition of the Mid-Week Podcast, we talk UFO's, we explore the depths of the phenomenon, how it is treated by mainstream science and why, skepticism and debunking, the views of researchers like John Keel, Carl Jung, and Jacques Vallee, and the role of perception and communication.
We then take a turn and talk about the assassination of JFK, and what Micah finds the most interesting about it.
Peter Robbins and Ryan Sprague on the UFO Phenomenon and Rendlesham - Nov 16, 2013
Nov 17, 2013
Peter Robbins Returns to the show to talk more about the UFO Phenomenon. We discuss the role of hypnosis in the UFO Phenomenon, Peter's connection to Whitley Strieber, and much more.
Peter Robbins is an investigative writer, author and lecturer best known for his UFO related papers, columns, articles, editorials, commentaries, lectures and media appearances. He is a regular fixture on radio and has appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous television shows and documentaries.
Robbins’ background is fairly nonstandard for his chosen field. He was born in New York City and studied art, design and theater at University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, receiving his BFA (painting, film history) from New York City’s School of Visual Arts (SVA) where he taught painting for more than a dozen years. He was a member of the art faculties of St. Anns School in Brooklyn Heights and the Oklahoma Council on the Arts ‘Arts Encounters’ program. Following graduation from art school he was studio assistant to the abstract expressionist painter Adolph Gotlieb and to the American primitive painter William Cply. He worked in Off Broadway theater for years, primarily as house manager for New York City’s distinguished Mirror Repertory Company. Peter has traveled in approximately thirty countries, is an experienced New York City tour guide and an accomplished photographer. He is also co-author, along with Larry Warren, of the highly acclaimed British best-seller, Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation.
Halfway through we will be joined by Ryan Sprague, who is also an UFOlogist, who has written a play about the Rendlesham Incident, called Rendlesham, The Play. Originally from Syracuse, NY, Ryan graduated from Oswego State University with a degree in Theatre and Playwriting in 2006. After countless readings, workshops, commissions, and productions, Ryan went on to become artistic director for Loaf Theatre Company. He also served as Literary Manager for The Secret Theatre in Queens, NY.
Jim Harold's True Ghost Stories - Nov 9, 2013
Nov 10, 2013
Jim Harold is our guest, and he tells us some of his favorite ghost stories from his latest book. We also discuss theories of the paranormal, and much more...
This latest release is currently (as of October 2013), the #1 Supernatural Best Seller on Kindle.
In 2005, Jim created The Paranormal Podcast. After over a decade of working on the business side of media, Jim decided it was time to dust off his broadcast training and step back behind the mic. A life long interest in the paranormal, combined with his love of broadcasting and technology, resulted in some the most successful podcasts of their type to date. Jim has worked in radio, business to business media and has written, hosted and produced award winning video programming over the course of his career.
He holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Theory and Methodology and is accredited as a Certified Digital Media Consultant by the Radio Advertising Bureau. Jim has also had the opportunity to teach at the university level.
Jim’s free podcasts are regularly among the top Podcasts on iTunes in their respective categories competing with mainstream media publishers such as NPR and many others. Jim lives in Ohio with his wife and (two) daughters. He is incredibly thankful for them and his loyal audience.
Jim won’t dress up in alien costumes and doesn’t plan on buying that $19.99 Super Official Ghost Detector off of late night TV but believes there is more to life than what meets the eye.
Andrew Collins on Gobekli Tepe and the Annunaki - November 2, 2013
Nov 03, 2013
Andrew Collins returns to the show to talk more in depth about Göbekli Tepe; who may have built it, why, what it aligns to, what happened to the builders, and what some of the symbolism means. We talk of it's connections to other ancient sites, and how it brings into question the dating of many of them. We discuss the Annunaki, the watchers, who they really may have been. Discover the connections to Cygnus, Easter Island, and much, much more.
Andrew is a prolific author, who has been writing about the world surrounding Gobekli Tepe since the mid-90's. His books, From the Ashes of Angels, Gods of Eden, and The Cygnus Mystery all lead up to his latest work, which will be out early next year and is entitled; Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods: The Temple of the Watchers and the Discovery of Eden .
Paul Kimball: Hypnosis and Alien Abduction - October 31, 2013
Nov 01, 2013
In this edition of the mid-week podcast we again talk with Paul Kimball. This time we address the use of hypnosis in recalling alien abduction memories. Sparked from the case of Emma Woods hypnosis sessions with Dr. David Jacobs, we discuss the use of hypnosis, its reliability, and what it means to the UFO Phenomenon as a whole. We also discuss the reliability of memory and recall in general.
Emma Woods website, with her evidence against David Jacobs is located at
The music at the end of the show is from Danger Dean.
Karyn Crisis on Channeling, Mediumship, Spirit Communication, and more... October 26, 2013
Oct 27, 2013
Karyn Crisis is the former vocalist to a Metal band called Crisis. She is currently singing for a Black Metal band called Ephel Duath. She also has her own band called Karyn Crisis' Gospel of the Witches.
In contrast to that, she is also a spiritualist and artist. We discuss her work and lectures that she has been doing the last few years. We will talk about the history of Spiritualism, energy, channeling, healing, Reiki work, and Shamanistic ideas. We hear a bit about her past and what led her down this path, and also how it has influenced her music. She also answers some listeners questions near the end.
You can check out her work at Her artwork is rather dark and we discuss some of her art inspirations as well. She is a talented and unique artist in many respects.
Maria Wheatley on Stonehenge, Avebury, Earth Energies, and much more... October 19, 2013
Oct 20, 2013
This show we are joined by Maria Wheatley. We talk about ancient stone circles, Stonehenge gamma radiation at sites, earth energy, dowsing, ley lines, ying and yang water, consciousness alterations, and much more...
Maria is a second-generation dowser who is a leading authority on the geodetic system of earth energies. She was taught how to decode and divine the land by her late father, Dennis Wheatley, who was considered to be one of the UK's top Master Dowsers.
Maria is an accomplished author of books on sacred sites and dowsing. She has researched the esoteric design canons of prehistoric sites, Druidic ceremonial enclosures and the Knights Templar for many years. Maria has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory with the University of Bath and alongside other professionals, Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state of the art equipment to locate and detect the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits. Believing in the Earth Force or dowsing is simply not enough for Maria, she wants to show the world that the prehistoric designers of ancient sites could locate and harness earth energy. Her findings challenge our understanding of sacred sites.
Maria has lectured and given workshops in America and Europe and has also appeared on the History Channel - she managed to get several of the participants who had never before held a dowsing rod - to successfully detect ley lines at Stonehenge,
In the late 1980s, Maria studied astrology and tarot and during the 1990s turned her attention to hypnotherapy, past life regression and reflexology. She has taught complimentary medicine for Swindon College for over 15 years. She has also written holistic diploma courses for private colleges such as the British School of Yoga (BSY Group). She recently founded the Avebury School of Esoteric Studies which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, astrology and dowsing and which is affiliated with the Association of British Correspondence Colleges.
Cosmologist, healer and author of HOPE Dr Jude Currivan endorsed The Avebury School of Esoteric Studies and has this to say:
In the mid 1990s, I was very fortunate to be introduced to and guided in the art of dowsing by the great master dowser Dennis Wheatley. Dennis's enormous knowledge, straight-forward approach, easy companionship and willingness to answer all my questions(!) made him the perfect teacher. I'm delighted that his daughter Maria now continues the family tradition of sharing this wonderfully valuable art and science with the world.
Maria's vision is to apply ancient wisdom to a modern generation. Imagine for one moment if we could integrate the Earth's healing and harmonic energies into hospitals, care homes, and schools. Another example, one global grid system is said to enhance our powers of communication and so Medieval Masons placed the pulpits of old churches on this grid line. If we could incorporate this energy into the classrooms of dyslexic and autistic children or those suffering with speech problems I am sure we would see a vast improvement. Living in harmony with the Earth's subtle frequencies is beneficial for all.
Frater Enatheleme on Aleister Crowley - October 12, 2013
Oct 13, 2013
Frater Enatheleme returns on Aleister Crowley's birthday to continue our discussion about the man know as The Beast... We discuss...
Crowley's Mountain Climbing
His view of Women
Enochian Magick
The Goat Incident
Sex Magick
The Thoth Tarot Deck
Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, and Scientology
The Golden Dawn, OTO, and Thelema
His time as a Spy
Crowley in Pop Culture
Do as Thou Wilt...
Love Under Will...
Frater Enatheleme has been an autodidact for most of his adulthood. He is now a student of biomedical physics at Portland Community College and Portland State University, a NASA National Community College Aerospace Scholar, and a member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society.
Frater Enatheleme has participated in hundreds of public dramatic rituals in the last two decades, in every aspect of such productions. This has included performance in solo ritual, performance in Eucharistic ceremony and initiatory rites, direction and production of invocative performances with full lighting & live music, and promotion and support of dramatic ritual groups in other cities.
Micah Hanks - Strange Atmospheric Noises, UFO's and the JFK Assassination - October 9, 2013
Oct 10, 2013
This is our second mid-week podcast, and the first with our regular guest Micah Hanks.
In this episode we talk about the mysterious noises people have been hearing around the world, from mechanical siren like noises to weird booms. We talk of weird hums, EMF sensitivity, MK Ultra, and Conspiracy Theory.
We discuss UFO's and some deeper patterns to the phenomenon.
We also get into the JFK Assassination and various theories that surround it. We discuss the gold standard and the Fed, and what may have really gotten JFK killed.
Micah has a host of books out, and hosts two of his own radio shows every week in The Micah Hanks Show and the Gralien Report. You can find out more about Micah at
David Weatherly on Strange Intruders and Black Eyed Children - October 5. 2012
Oct 06, 2013
We welcome back David Weatherly to talk about his latest book, Strange Intruders. We will be talking about more Black Eyed Children, as well as other Black Eyed Beings, The Grinning Man, The Slender Man, Shadow People, Djinn, Puckwudgies, and much more...
David was the second guest ever on this show, and having him back was just as good, if not better.
Randall Carlson is Back! - September 28, 2013
Sep 29, 2013
Randall Carlson Returns to talk about Sacred Geometry, Cycles of Cataclysm, Atlantis, Lost Civilizations, and much, much more... We talk about the recently found pyramid in the Azores, and whether it may be part of Atlantis, what ended the last Ice Age, Pole Shifts, evidence of cataclysm, his online classes on Sacred Geometry, and his part in Graham Hancock's new book!
Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges in Georgia. He has been recognized by The National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to Science education for young people.
The acclaimed 1997 TBS/CNN documentary “Fire from the Sky” was based upon his research into Earth change and catastrophic events. He has organized several dozen field expeditions documenting evidence for catastrophic earth change. He has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His work incorporates Ancient Mythology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Paleontology, Symbolism, Sacred Geometry and Architecture, Geomancy, and other arcane and scientific traditions. For over 25 years he has presented classes, lectures, and multimedia programs synthesizing this information for students of the Mysteries.
Randall is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture, as well as esoteric and occult ritual and symbolism. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.
David Paulides author of Missing 411 - September 21, 2013
Sep 22, 2013
In a special 2 hour interview, we talk with David Paulides about his Missing 411 work. David has released three Missing 411 volumes dealing with mysterious disappearances in National Parks. On first glance, people missing in National Parks may not seem strange, after all, people get lost, animals attack, etc, but these disappearances defy explanation David has discovered something real and disturbing. We discuss the patterns and individual cases to illustrate just how strange these disappearances are. We will talk about what may be happening and what the park service is doing, or not doing, about it. This work is important. Very important. People, often small children are disappearing into thin air, sometimes never to be found again, sometimes found dead, and occasionally found alive. We hear about all of these. The circumstances are bizarre, as are the patterns. Something is going on, and this is a subject that people need to know more about.
911 and Conspiracy Theories with Paul Kimball - September 18, 2013
Sep 18, 2013
This is the first of our mid-week podcasts. These are, first, in response to the numerous requests that we do more than one show a week, and second, these will have a more open format for conversation. Some may be short, some long. I will have some people on regularly, as is the case with tonight's guest, Paul Kimball. We also have planned regular conversations with Micah Hanks of The Gralien Report. We will also have the occasional update from authors and researchers that have been on the show. We may not do one of these every week, and there may be weeks where there are more than one. They are not on a schedule. I hope you enjoy them.
On this show, Paul and I discuss 911 and conspiracy theories in general. It is a very diverse conversation of a complicated topic. We talk not only of the events of 911, but of what followed in it's wake and why, and how it really affects what is happening now. We also briefly touch upon the JFK assassination. Paul holds the view that 911 was more or less what the 'Official' story says it was, and I throw to him what bothers me about the 'Official' story. Is in an in depth exchange of perspectives.
Peter Robbins about Left at East Gate / Rendlesham Forest UFO's - September 14, 2013
Sep 15, 2013
For the first time, we have a live in studio guest in Peter Robbins. Peter and I discussed different theories on UFO's, and thoroughly delved into The Rendlesham Forest incident.
Peter Robbins is an investigative writer, author and lecturer best known for his UFO related papers, columns, articles, editorials, commentaries, lectures and media appearances. He is a regular fixture on radio and has appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous television shows and documentaries.
Robbins’ background is fairly nonstandard for his chosen field. He was born in New York City and studied art, design and theater at University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, receiving his BFA (painting, film history) from New York City’s School of Visual Arts (SVA) where he taught painting for more than a dozen years. He was a member of the art faculties of St. Anns School in Brooklyn Heights and the Oklahoma Council on the Arts ‘Arts Encounters’ program. Following graduation from art school he was studio assistant to the abstract expressionist painter Adolph Gotlieb and to the American primitive painter William Cply. He worked in Off Broadway theater for years, primarily as house manager for New York City’s distinguished Mirror Repertory Company. Peter has traveled in approximately thirty countries, is an experienced New York City tour guide and an accomplished photographer. He is also co-author, along with Larry Warren, of the highly acclaimed British best-seller, Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation.
Television appearances include “The Early Show,” CBS; The History Channel’s “Britain’s Roswell;” "Unsolved Mysteries;" "Good Day New York;" “The O’Reilly Factor;” “The Real Roswell,” National Geographic Channel; The SCI FI Channel documentary “UFO Invasion At Rendlesham;” “Cultural Odyssey,” Voice of America TV (Chinese Branch); “The Geraldo Show,” NYC; "L'Odyssee De L'Etrange" (France); “The Nina Hagen Show” (Germany); "Network First: UFO" (UK); Lifetime Network and “Conspiracy”(Film One Production) Canada; "EXOCILIZATIONS," La Locale Television, Paris; as well as numerous BBC TV affiliates around the United Kingdom.
Radio interviews and commentary include “Coast 2 Coast” with hosts George Noory and George Knapp; "The Art Bell Show;” “Hieronimus & Company” (Baltimore); “The Paracast;” “Wake Up U.S.A.” and “UFO Undercover” (New Orleans); "Sightings On the Radio with Jeff Rense” (LA); “The James Whale Show” (London); “The Alan Colmes Show” (NYC); “The Paracast;” “Through the Keyhole” (Rochester, NY); WBAI-NY's "UFO Desk;"”The Kate Valentine UFO Show,” NYC; “The Jerry Pippin Show;” BBC World Service "UFO's - Fact, Fiction or Fantasy?" and numerous BBC Radio affiliates, among other programming.
Nick Redfern about Monster Files, Chupacabra, and Men in Black - September 7, 2013
Sep 08, 2013
On this night we were joined by one of the most prolific writers on the paranormal. Nick Redfern. We discussed his most recent book, Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals. This book opens long-hidden portals into the mysteries, conspiracies and cover-ups behind secret files in the Pentagon, the Kremlin, the British military and other government entities.
We spoke of the supernatural aspects of Bigfoot, vampires, government experiments, Roswell, UFO's, Men in Black, Black Eyed Children, El Chupacabra, and much, much more...
Redfern is one the world’s most sought-after speakers and media spokespersons on the science of animals whose existence has not been proven (until now) and the existence of animals considered to be extinct. He has appeared on more than 100 radio and TV programs, from the BBC to Fox News, MSNBC and National Geographic.
Monster Files lays out the persistent rumors, tales, and legends that government agencies around the world have secretly collected, and the book reveals a wide variety of hair-raising data on bizarre beasts, amazing animals, and strange creatures. No longer the subject of just folk tales and bedtime stories, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, sea serpents, psychic pets, the chupacabras, and abominable snowmen have all been sighted, documented and hidden from the public. In his inimitable, entertaining style, Redfern ferrets out this official, ultra-classified information.
Monsters, creepy creatures, and terrifying beasts really do exist––our governments know all about them––Monster Files exposes them. A regular contributor to UFO Magazine, Fate, Mysterious Universe, Nick Redfern is the author of:
* The Pyramids and the Pentagon
* Keep Out! Top Secret Places Governments Don’t Want You to Know About
* The Real Men in Black
* The NASA Conspiracies
* Contactees: A History of Alien-human Interaction
* Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: A Five-Year Journey in Search of the Unknown
* Science Fiction Secrets: from Government Files and the Paranormal
* Celebrity Secrets: Official Government Files on the Rich and Famous
* There’s Something in the Woods
A researcher, consultant and spokesperson on TV, Redfern has appeared on:
Conspiracies and the Paranormal - August 31, 2013
Sep 01, 2013
We welcome back Micah Hanks, author of The UFO Singularity, Reynolds Mansion: An Invitation to the Past, and Magic, Mysticism & the Molecule: The Search for Sentient Intelligence from Other Worlds. Micah is also the host of The Gralien Report as well as The Micah Hanks Program. Known as The Mouth of the South, he is rarely at a loss for words or information. We talk about Syria, and the media, we talk about conspiracies and connections vs assumptions, we talk about what may be at the heart of the paranormal, the singularity, and much, much more.
David Metcalfe on the Paranormal, Consciousness, and Reality - August 24, 2013
Aug 25, 2013
David and I talk about a lot in this interview. We talk about music and its effects on the brain. We talk about perceptions, media, preferences, bi-aural compositions, and more. Then we get into the paranormal, and discuss ghosts, UFO's, consciousness, reality, and liminality. This goes all over the place, gets pretty deep and subtle at times, and makes some strange connections.
David Metcalfe is an independent researcher, writer and multimedia artist focusing on the interstices of art, culture, and consciousness. He is a contributing editor for Reality Sandwich, The Revealer, the online journal of NYU’s Center for Religion and Media, and The Daily Grail. He writes regularly for Evolutionary Landscapes, Alarm Magazine, Modern Mythology,, The Teeming Brain and his own blog The Eyeless Owl. His writing has been featured in The Immanence of Myth (Weaponized 2011), Chromatic: The Crossroads of Color & Music (Alarm Press, 2011) and Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness (North Atlantic/Evolver Editions 2012). Metcalfe is an Associate with Phoenix Rising Digital Academy, and is currently co-hosting The Art of Transformations study group with support from the International Alchemy Guild.
Metcalfe's most recent project is a collaboration with Dr. R. Andrew Chesnut, Chair of Catholic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, exploring the sanctification of death in the popular faith traditions of the Americas.
Jerry Wills of Xpeditions.TV - August 17, 2013
Aug 18, 2013
Jerry and Kathy Wills have explored some dangerous regions of South America, particularly in the Andes. They have discovered lost cities, been perused by death squads, and much more. On this night I spoke with Jerry about some of these discoveries and mysteries. We talk about the age of various sites, who the people may have really been, and where they may have come from. We discuss the absurd dismissals of conventional science and archaeology, and the proof that a high technology must have been used to construct some of these sites... A technology that is beyond what we can do today. It's a fascinating adventure, and you can watch the videos of some of their work at their website: Xpeditions.TV.
Josh Reeves on Rockwall, Giants, and Archaeological Coverups - August 10, 2013
Aug 11, 2013
We talk to Josh Reeves about the mysterious structures under Rockwall, Texas, as well as Giants in America, and much more.
Josh Reeves is a Dallas, Texas-based researcher, filmmaker, musician, and radio talk show host.
Josh essentially began his research career in his third-grade year looking into mysteries such as UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle. This journey continued into his teenage years in the 1990′s with the JFK Assassination and learning of government crimes from reading “Crossfire,” by Jim Marrs, which led him to start investigating black operations and secret societies.
Josh gives his commentary and original point of view on news and currents events as well as information about Chemtrails, Secret/Ancient Societies, Bloodlines, Hidden Technology, Freemasons, and the overall plan of “The Global Elite.”
Josh has interviewed people such as Peter Dale Scott, David Icke, Eustace Mullins, Michael Tsarion, Chris Everard, and Jim Marrs.
Josh has made several documentaries and mini-docs, from his first film, “9-11 New World Rising,” released in 2007, to his latest film, “The Lost Secrets of Ancient America, Volume 1.”
Through radio, videos, films, and even music, Josh Reeves presents his restless effort of research into matters concerning government/corporate corruptions, occult/esoteric philosophies, mass media propaganda (even via alternative media), social engineering, hidden technologies, ancient mysteries, religious/spiritual manipulations, and more.
Jeremy Lynes on Inter-dimensional Sasquatch and other Strange Tales - August 3, 2013
Aug 04, 2013
On this show I speak with Jeremy Lynes about a variety of subjects. Sasquatch and Bigfoot sightings, strange tales, inter-dimensional theories, strange disappearances, mathematics and the brain, portals, vibrations, earth energy, and much, much more. Approach this one with an open mind, it gets deep in parts, and we speculate about some very strange things...
Lloyd Pye about the Starchild Skull - July 27, 2013
Jul 28, 2013
Lloyd Pye is a researcher and author known for his work with the Starchild Skull and Intervention Theory. Lloyd began writing in 1975, then became a screenwriter in Hollywood in the 1980s. In 1995, he found his passion writing nonfiction in Alternative Knowledge.
Lloyd's fields of expertise include Intervention Theory, the origins of life, of human life, of alien reality, of hominoid (bigfoot, yeti, etc.) reality. We talk about...
The origins of the Starchild Skull
The differences between it and a normal human skull.
Patrick Harpur, author of Daimonic Reality - July 20, 2013
Jul 21, 2013
Patrick Harpur is an accomplished writer, whose topics deal with forteana and folklore, Daimonic Reality, Alchemy, the Paranormal, and much more.
In his book, Daimonic Reality, Harpur argues that the human psyche extends beyond the confines of the physical human body, and that it may in fact be a part of our reality. He also notes that during most of human history, civilization have had another, "shadow reality" of folklore, except the current society which is strongly attached to the material.
His latest work is entitled, The Secret Tradition of the Soul. It deals with concepts of the soul and it's conflict with Spirit. It talks of ancient traditions, and what is missing from our world. It talks of the Soul of the World, and what happens afterwards. And so do we, in this interview.
We also talk about the Paranormal, and a new, or maybe more accurately, old way of viewing reality that is very different than our current material, reductionist view. This is a deep interview, and it runs a bit long, close to 80 minutes. This interview was pre-recorded June 26, 2013.
Scotty Roberts, author of The Secret History of the Reptilians - July 13, 2013
Jul 14, 2013
In this interview we talk with Scott Alan Roberts about his latest work, The Secret History of the Reptilians, which traces the role of the serpent in our history and the different ways that cultures have viewed reptiles. We will discuss the current Reptilian ET beliefs, and get his thoughts on David Icke. We also discuss his previous work, The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim, and his new upcoming book on the Exodus.
Scott is the founder and publisher of Intrepid Magazine (, a journal dedicated to politics, science, UFOs, unexplained phenomena and alternative fringe theories. He is an accomplished illustrator and writer of fiction and non-fiction occupationally hovering in the advertising ghettos of Minneapolis & Saint Paul, Minnesota. He has been interviewed on scores of radio shows, is a former political talk radio show host and was editor-in-chief of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters official publication, TAPS ParaMagazine.
Scott attended bible college and theological seminary, pursuing his Masters in Divinity (Mdiv) while working as a youth director. During his time in academia, he focused on his personal passions for history, theater and art. His religious studies were an obvious springboard for his continuing interest in spirituality, and his research of paranormal phenomena expanded throughout the subsequent years.
After his ministerial education, Scott’s career took a sharp left turn, and he went on to spend the next two-and-a-half decades as a creative ad man. He launched a small comic book publishing effort, Bent Nail Comix, writing and illustrating stories, some of which were eventually pitched for animated television. He co-created the highly successfulAncient Heroes trading card series, and began development on a line of young readers books. He authored and illustrated his first historical novel, The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O'Hare (, an anthropomorphized historical novel set in Tudor England, Ireland, and Scotland, which garnered broad attention with teen and college readers.
Scott considers himself a contemplative, spiritual man of consideration who sees intelligence, wit, justice and touch as quantifiable necessities. He values a good pipe, a stout pint, and considers himself a purist when it comes to single malt highland Scotch - which he deems not a tool of inebriation, but rather an enlightened repast to be shared with colleagues and like-minded pedagogues of philosophy and hob-knobbing banter. He does not shy away from a good fight – whether academic or existential - and has had a few classical brawls in his day. However, in keeping with what he sees as his paradoxical nature, Scott prefers employing words over weapons, wit above profanity, spirituality above religion, stalwartness above inconstancy. “As I grow older,” Roberts says, “my jaded cynicism is wholly tempered by my desire to not become an ass.” His scholarship is true, his humor is wry, his mind is fertile, and his love is deep.
Scott lives with his wife and children, just across the Minnesota border in rural Wisconsin, where he remains an avid Vikings fan; a stranger in a strange land.
Julia Assante, Author of The Last Frontier - July 6, 2013
Jul 07, 2013
We talk with Julia Assante, Ph.D., author of The Last Frontier. Julia is an established social historian of the ancient Near East (PhD Columbia University). Yet for over three decades she has also been an active professional intuitive. In her book, The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death, she applies the insights and methodologies gained from both fields in order to present a uniquely rigorous investigation of where we go after we die. Quoted from her website(
"The Last Frontier explores all phases of death, dying, the afterlife and how to communicate with those who are living it. Above all it is a critical investigation of what happens when we die. That means it is not based on religious teachings or on spiritual traditions but on research drawn from several sources: from consciousness research, Near Death Experiences and Nearing Death Awareness studies; from physics, quantum biology and parapsychology; from the records of past-life therapists, medical personnel and bereavement counselors, and from the many thousands of published testimonies people have given of their personal communication with the dead. It is also based on my own experience working with the dying and the dead as a professional medium. The social historian side of me examines the various constructions of the afterlife from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia to the present to show that cultures produced different versions of the afterlife to meet specific socio-political agendas. The afterlife religions currently teach are recent inventions in the course of humanity’s long history. So is sin, as we understand it today. In fact, the heaven-and-hell notion of the afterlife developed centuries after the Books of the New Testament were written.
One of its central questions The Last Frontier answers is why we know so shockingly little about what happens after death. Just asking people what they think happens is likely to cause discomfort, if not scorn. Others might say they don’t know and warn you not to think about it. Still others might recite the standard heaven-and-hell version, while the less orthodox will talk about joining deceased family members. Few dare to seriously reflect on life after death. Even fewer listen to what their intuitions tell them. We feel that thinking about death is macabre, unhealthy, somehow anti-life and brings the Grim Reaper one step closer. Most people keep their distance by taking the “I dunno” stance and leave it to science to figure it out.
Given that death is everyone’s final destination—our “last frontier,” you would think scientists would make every effort to discover what happens after we die. Instead, most of them will tell you nothing happens; when your body dies, it’s over. But how do they know? No scientist or skeptic to date has been able to provide a shred of proof that the end of the body spells the end of consciousness too. Even worse, they turn their backs on the enormous amount of evidence that does demonstrate postmortem survival."
Frater Enatheleme on Aleister Crowley - June 29, 2013
Jun 30, 2013
Aleister Crowley is a much maligned figure in our culture. On this show we set as much of the record straight as possible. A brilliant man, far ahead of his time, who has had a profound impact on our modern culture, is often wrongly accused of being a Satanist, a Black Magician, or worse. He had fun with these misconceptions, but the ignorance of who and what Aleister Crowley was, is something we clear up. Crowley was a brilliant man, an record setting mountain climber, a ceremonial Magickian, and someone who deeply explored our various states of consciousness. He practiced Yoga, and revived many old and lost spiritual traditions. He was also openly bi-sexual when it was in no way acceptable. Crowley died on December 1, 1947.
This night we spoke with Frater Enatheleme. Frater Enatheleme has been an autodidact for most of his adulthood. He is now a student of biomedical physics at Portland Community College and Portland State University, a NASA National Community College Aerospace Scholar, and a member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society.
Frater Enatheleme has participated in hundreds of public dramatic rituals in the last two decades, in every aspect of such productions. This has included performance in solo ritual, performance in Eucharistic ceremony and initiatory rites, direction and production of invocative performances with full lighting & live music, and promotion and support of dramatic ritual groups in other cities.
We talked with Frater Enatheleme about Crowley's true history and teachings. His impact on our world and culture, and the common misconceptions about him and his work. And for that matter his connections to Egypt and the Great Pyramid, and the rather profound thing that happened to him one night in the King's Chamber...
Gary Evans - Acoustics of Ancient Sites - June 22, 2013
Jun 23, 2013
Gary Evans has been studying ancient cultures and Earth mysteries for 20 years. From his studies of ancient cultures around the world, Gary has realized how deeply our ancestors appreciated Nature; something many of us have become disconnected from in the modern age. His keen interest in an unfamiliar chapter of pre-history, before Sumeria (3500BCE), has led to the website and various lectures around the UK, US and Egypt. He is a regular contributor to international radio shows.
Gary also helps organize and lead tours to some of the most powerful ancient sites around the world. He has become increasingly interested in sound resonance and its potential to change our state of consciousness; he often leads toning workshops on location. On tours, Gary leads groups with an “experiential approach” in efforts to help guests “tune in” and experience the sites in a far deeper way.
Additionally, Gary actively helps to promote greater awareness of ancient mysteries to the public as the PR agent for a number of best selling alternative authors. Gary's work as agent in the alternative arena has given him the opportunity to speak to authors, radio show hosts, and TV producers around the world. Gary has recently been working with producers for the History Channel, and as a consultant for a large number of magazine editors, TV and radio show hosts. He also uses his PR skills in the promotion of conferences such as CPAK, Awake and Aware in the USA and Megalithomania and, following the end of the Stars and Stones forum, the Eternal Knowledge Festival, in the UK. When not working on conferences he is organizing and running tours to Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, Stonehenge and many other sacred sites.
Paul Davids on The Life After Death Project - June 15, 2013
Jun 16, 2013
The Life After Death Project is a new documentary that was shown on Syfy in May. The just-released Collector's Edition 2-DVD Set includes a sequel film (The Life After Death Project 2 - Personal Encounters). Together, these films, from award-winning filmmaker Paul Davids, explore evidence for life after death and After Death Communication (ADC) from physical evidence, synchronicities, mediums, personal testimonies and Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), which is the use of modern technology to communicate with spirits. In the first film, the focus is on strange, apparently paranormal events that several university scientists conclude may be communication from Forrest J Ackerman, who died December 4, 2008 at age 92. Ackerman was a Los Angeles, California-based magazine editor, science fiction writer and literary agent, a founder of science fiction fandom and possibly the world's most avid collector of genre books and movie memorabilia. He was the editor and principal writer of the American magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland, as well as an actor and producer from the 1950s into the 1980s. He was also an atheist. He did not believe in life after death, but told friends that if he was wrong, he would drop them a line.
I talked with writer, producer, director Paul Davids about these documentaries and what happened to him. Paul is an accomplished author, filmmaker, and artist, who was a close friend of Forry Ackerman and who experienced many unexplained incidents that began around the time of a large tribute in Hollywood for "Forry." He took physical evidence to science departments at three universities for research, and the results were astonishing, leading Professor and author Gary E. Schwartz to conclude this may be the best case of After Death Communication on record. This is a very interesting and original piece of work. You can find more about the documentary at, you can check out Paul's art at, and some more tech inspired work at You can also check out some of his other movies at and
Stephen Mehler on Ancient Egypt - June 8, 2013
Jun 09, 2013
Stephen Mehler is an expert in Khemitology. Khemit is the true ancient name of Egypt. Why Khemitology instead of Egyptology? Because Egyptology doesn't cover everything or offer valid explanations for all that we see and experience at the sites in Egypt, Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Abd’el Hakim Awyan developed the discipline of Khemitology, which offers an alternative, higher dimensional perspective of Egypt’s heritage. Much evidence of glaring anomalies has been discovered throughout Egypt, which warrants our collective continued research of the legacy that a highly advanced civilization left behind more than 10,000 years ago.
This interview was conducted in May of 2013. We discuss a large variety of topics, including...
Crystal Skulls
Modern vs Ancient Skulls
What their purpose may have been.
The oral history of Egypt.
Unknown pyramids related to the Giza Plateau.
How old the Pyramids may really be.
What happened to the casing stones?
The age of the Sphinx.
What the pyramid was for.
Lost civilizations.
What Egypt is like now to visit.
You can find the The Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism at
Robert Schoch, author of Forgotten Civilization - June 1, 2013
Jun 02, 2013
Robert Schoch returns to the show to talk about Easter Island and Alternative Science. Aside from being a Geologist and pursuing alternative archaeology Dr. Schoch has also authored a book on the Paranormal. We will be discussing this, as well as cutting edge findings in science that may take us in a whole new direction in the future.
Robert is the Geologist who re-dated the Sphinx to a much earlier date back in the early 90's, and since then, he has been following that trail along the path of a lost civilization. Schoch is a scientist that is not afraid to follow the evidence where it leads. On this special 2 hour edition of Where Did the Road Go?, we discuss...
Andrew Collins, Author of Lightquest - May 25, 2012
May 26, 2013
Andrew Collins joins us for a fantastic interview dealing with his latest bookLightquest: Your Guide to Seeing and Interacting with UFOs, Mystery Lights and Plasma Intelligences, and we talk a little about his upcoming book on Gobekli Tepe. Andrew is a prolific and very original writer. He has written books on Crop Circles, Atlantis, the Nephilim, Ancient Technology, and much more. He is also responsible for uncovering a massive cave system under the Giza Plateau, which we will also briefly discuss.
Andrew's theories on UFO's are original and refreshing. His theory relates to the UFO Phenomenon more as plasma and not Extra-Terrestrials. It's complex and speculative at points, as is any theory on UFO's, but he manages to develop something that may account for almost all of it's manifestations.
His work on Gobekli Tepe is also phenomenal. He has worked extensively to find the alignments of the monuments, and divine their purpose. Again, his work in this regard is novel and likely very significant. You can find an article he wrote about it on his website here and have a heads up about what we will be discussing.
In this interview, we discuss;
The Cave complex under Giza.
The reality behind Roswell.
The Marfa Lights.
The connection between UFO's and other paranormal manifestations.
The nature of the UFO Phenomenon.
Men in Black.
Who these beings might be.
How do they interact with us.
UFO Hotspots and Patterns.
Bubble Universes.
DMT and Altered States.
What was Gobekli Tepe.
Why was it buried.
What is it aligned to?
Cynus and it's importance.
And much, much more. Andrew's book on Gobekli Tepe is due out around the end of this year, and I highly recommend all his previous work. You can find his website at
James Swagger on Acoustic Technology and Altered States of Consciousness - May 18, 2013
May 19, 2013
Our first return guest on Where Did the Road Go?, we talk with James Swagger. Since we last spoke, he made a trip to Peru, and not only investigated the sites there, but explored more internally with Ayahuasca. We cover quite a lot of ground in this interview, including previewing what will be in his new book, The Newgrange Acoustics Mystery - Linking Passage Grave Acoustics with Dogon Mythology. We discuss...
What acoustic properties various sites around the world have.
What would they be used for.
How are the sites connected?
What type of technology would be required to do this?
The Hyperboreans and whether they were myth or reality.
Structures in Peru.
Altered States of Consciousness.
Cave Art and it's interpretation.
James' exploration of Ayahuasca.
Some of what will be published in his new book and much more...
Rabbi Gershon Winkler on Shamanic Judaism - May 11, 2013
May 12, 2013
This was a very deep interview, where we discuss everything from cycles of ages to existence to gay marriage. Rabbi Gershon Winkler is a wonderful person to talk to, full of positive energy and wisdom, as you will see. Gershon is a widely recognized scholar in the fields of Jewish law, lore, theology, and mysticism. A descendant of a scion of rabbis originating in Judea, Rabbi Winkler has devoted much of the past two decades to writing and teaching about the lesser-promulgated wisdoms of Judaism and to Hebraic scriptural interpretation. He has published fourteen books since 1980, four of which have seen several printings and two of which were banned. His most recent works include: Decalogue: Facts and Fallacies of the Ten Commandments, The Judeo-Christian Fiction, Daily Kabbalah: Wisdom from the Tree of Life, and Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism. Among many things, we discuss...
How he became a Rabbi.
How Orthodox Rabbi's react to his work.
What the Kabbalah really is.
Ancient Wisdom and Mysteries.
The Cycles of Time and worlds.
The Tetragrammaton and it's meaning.
The Nephilim
The Importance of 7.
What the Ancient Teachings really say about God.
What the Bible really says about Homosexuality.
Good and Evil.
Also, throughout the interview we will hear three songs from Rabbi Dr. Miriam Maron. You can find her site, music, and more at You can check out Gershon's material, and much more at
Walter Cruttenden, Author of The Lost Star of Myth and Time - May 4, 2012
May 05, 2013
Walter Cruttenden's book, The Lost Star of Myth and Time is a groundbreaking piece of work dealing with the cycles of time and the possibility that precession is driven by a binary companion of our own sun. Walter is also the founder of the Binary Research Institute, and host of the CPAK conference. He has a documentary out called The Great Year, and even a children's book on this topic called, The Great Year Adventures with Tommy the Time Travelling Turtle. In this interview, we discuss;
Cycles of Time.
The Rise and Fall of Civilizations.
How Ancient Cultures viewed Time.
Precession and it's possible causes.
Binary Star Systems.
Whether or not we could have a binary companion.
The possibility of being connected to Sirius.
The unusual behavior of Sirius.
What the ancients said about Sirius.
Ancient technology.
Golden Ages.
Yuga Cycles.
The Great Year.
Out of place artifacts.
And plenty more. Walter's work is unique in many ways. The book is really a must read, and although we get speculative at times, Walter is very grounded and scientific in his work.
Micah Hanks author of The UFO Singularity - April 27, 2013
Apr 28, 2013
Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, lecturer, and radio personality whose work addresses a variety of scientific concepts and unexplained phenomena. Over the last decade, his research has examined a variety of approaches to studying the unexplained, cultural phenomena, human history, and the prospects of our technological future as a species as influenced by science.
He is author of several books, including Magic, Mysticism and the Molecule,Reynolds Mansion: An Invitation to the Past, and his 2012 New Page Books release, The UFO Singularity. Hanks is an executive editor of Intrepid Magazine, and consulting editor/contributor for FATE Magazine and The Journal of Anomalous Sciences. He also writes for a variety of other publications including UFO Magazine, Mysterious Universe, and New Dawn. Hanks has appeared on numerous TV and radio programs, including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland, National Geographic’s Paranatural, the History Channel’s Guts and Bolts, CNN Radio, The Jeff Rense Program, and many others. A weekly podcast that follows his research is available at his popular Website, Hanks lives in the heart of Appalachia near Asheville, North Carolina.
Paul Kimball, Author of The Other Side of Truth - April 20, 2013
Apr 21, 2013
Paul Kimball is a not only an author, but a TV and Movie producer. Working mostly on documentaries, he founded the Halifax-based production company Redstar Films in 1999. He has since had work commissioned by a wide variety of networks and distributors, including the CBC, Space, TVNZ, Vision TV, Bravo, Content Films, and B7 Media. His films include the documentaries; Stanton T. Friedman Is Real, Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Sightings, Denise Djokic: Seven Days Seven Nights, Synchronicity, and Fields of Fear, the television series The Classical Now and Ghost Cases, and the feature films Eternal Kiss and Damnation. His paranormal-themed blog, The Other Side of Truth, has been read by over 1,000,000 people since its creation in 2005, and he has appeared on myriad radio and television programs over the past decade to discuss his films. This night, we discuss...
His connection to Stanton Friedman
Skeptics vs Debunkers
How to be truly open-minded.
"Ghosts" and what they may really be.
The Trickster and how he views it.
Shadow People.
The UFO Phenomenon.
Time Travel.
The Observer Effect.
Communication and Art.
The Paranormal as Art.
Paul has a rather unique outlook on the paranormal, and life in general. This is a fun discussion and we cover a lot of ground. We also end the show with a song of Paul's from the 90's when he was in a band called Julia's Rain. It's a song called "Louder than Bombs" from their 1996 album, "Wonderful Broken Silence".
Rand Flem-Ath on Atlantis in Antarctica - April 13, 2013
Apr 14, 2013
On this show we talk to Rand Flem-Ath, author of a couple of books on the idea that Atlantis may be under the ice of Antarctica. His first book, When the Sky Fell brought the idea to the public eye, and his follow-up, The Atlantis Blueprint (with Colin Wilson) further elaborates the theory and the legacy they may have left behind. Last year saw a re-release and expansion of When the Sky Fell, entitled Atlantis Beneath the Ice. In this interview we talk about;
How Atlantis could be somewhere so frigid.
Earth Crust Displacement
Competing theories and where they fail.
The areas that agriculture expanded from and how they correlate to a pole shift.
The mechanics of a pole shift and the evidence.
Einstein's support for the theory.
How advanced Atlantis may have been.
What the ice ages really are.
The land loss due to sea level changes.
Legends of the sky falling.
Knowledge that may have been passed down through the ages.
This night we talked to Randall Carlson. As you will notice, this conversation could have gone on all night, very easily. Among other things, we discuss;
How Randall got into this line of research.
What exactly is Sacred Geometry?
How widespread this practice was.
Cycles of Destruction this planet has undergone.
The end of the last ice age and what may have caused.
Some of the puzzles around that event.
Pole Shifts and possible locations of Atlantis.
Evidence of massive flooding across the United States.
Evidence in the Upstate New York region, where the show airs from.
The age of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid.
Randall is, as of 2023, no longer associated with Sacred Geometry International.
Dr. Rita Louise, Author of Man-Made - March 30, 2013
Mar 31, 2013
This night I talked with Dr. Rita Louise, author of Man Made; The Chronicles of our Extraterrestrial Gods. Rita is also a medical intuitive and we talk about that and her other books as well. Among other things, we discuss;
The role of emotions in health.
The mind-body connection.
The myths of ancient cultures and how they connect.
Flood myths and their similarities.
Dating of the flood.
The importance of gold and red ochre in ancient societies.
James Swagger, author of The Newgrange Sirius Mystery - March 23, 2013
Mar 24, 2013
On this show we talk to E.A. James Swagger, author of The Newgrange Sirius Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Cosmology with Dogon Symbology. Among other things, we discuss;
What the passage graves are.
Who may have built them.
Why, and what do they really do?
The advanced knowledge required to build what they did.
The acoustic properties.
The Artwork associated.
Altered States of Consciousness these things may help being about.
Connections to Cygnus, Pleiades, and Sirius, and why they were important.
Other structures around the world that may have also been built by the same culture.
The connections to the Dogon Tribe in Africa and what that may tell us.
George P. Hansen - Author of The Trickster and the Paranormal - March 16, 2013
Mar 17, 2013
George Hansen is the author of an amazing piece of work entitled, The Trickster and the Paranormal. He was professionally employed in parapsychology laboratories for eight years — three at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina, and five at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey. His experiments included remote viewing, card guessing, ganzfeld, electronic random number generators, séance phenomena, and ghosts. He has been active in a number of psychic, UFO, and New Age organizations, and he helped found a skeptics group.
His papers in scientific journals cover mathematical statistics, fraud and deception, the skeptics movement, conjurors in parapsychology, and exposés of hoaxes. He is a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
In this interview we discuss;
The role of deception in the paranormal.
Ghost hunting.
The scientific process as it relates to the paranormal.
The subtlety of the trickster phenomenon.
The effect of consciousness on the paranormal.
Skeptics and Debunkers.
The UFO Phenomenon.
And much more. The subject is so diverse and subtle that we only scratch the surface of the true strangeness of it all. You can find more about George and the book at
Lyle Blackburn on The Beast of Boggy Creek - March 9, 2013
Mar 10, 2013
Our guest this week was Lyle Blackburn, author of The Beast of Boggy Creek, contributor to Rue Morgue Horror Magazine, and musician with the band Ghoultown. We do briefly lose Lyle due to a power outage in his area, but we get him back quickly, meanwhile airing one of his songs. Among other things, we discuss...
The film that started the mainstream interest in this particular cryptid, The Legend of Boggy Creek.
How Lyle got involved in the research.
The area the beast has been sighted in.
How far back the sightings go.
Paranormal aspects of sightings.
Some of the more compelling sightings.
How wide of an area is involved.
The problems with researching such a creature.
Bigfoot research in general.
Lyle's next book and upcoming appearances.
You can find out much more about Lyle and everything he is involved in at his website; More info on the Fouke Monster, aka The Beast of Boggy Creek, can be found at
Laird Scranton, Author of the Velikovsky Heresies - March 2, 2013
Mar 03, 2013
Laird Scranton is the author of a trilogy of books about the Dogon tribe in Africa. Laird showcases their extensive scientific knowledge and goes far to show that their knowledge is ancient by connecting it to Egyptian and other civilizations symbolic structures. He shows complex ties to Egypt, as well as India. We discuss all of this in the first half of the show, including;
Who were the original researchers of the Dogon?
The Dogon Creation Story and it's connections to modern science.
The role of Sirius in their mythology.
The Nummo Fish.
Egyptian connections.
The dual meaning of symbols.
How they retained the purity of their symbolism.
Connections to Quantum, String, and Torsion Theory.
After that, we moved on to Laird's latest book, The Velikovsky Heresies. In this work, Laird compares the theories of Immanual Velikovsky, as presented in Worlds in Collision, published back in 1950 with current science and attempts to find if there is anything we have learned in the last 60 years that definitely proves or disproves Velikovsky's theories. Among other things, we discuss;
Velikovsky's theory.
The scientific world's reaction.
What may have happened to Mars.
The change in the length of the year.
Characteristics of Venus that still resemble that of comets.
Why he was attacked and the lengths his attackers went to.
Robert Schoch, Author of Forgotten Civilization - February 23, 2013
Feb 24, 2013
Forgotten Civilization is the latest work by Robert Schoch, Ph. D. We spend this show, which actually goes foAr almost 90 minutes primarily discussing the themes and ideas present in this impressive new work of his. This conversation could have gone on for much longer, as the wealth of information in this book is just phenomenal. What we do discuss includes;
How Robert got involved in this field.
His response to the antagonism shown him after his research on the age of the sphinx was released.
Gobekli Tepe, and how that ancient site opens up our pre-history.
The Easter Island RongoRongo Script.
The possible role of the sun in ending the last ice age.
Underground cities, legends, and radioactive ruins.
Brien Foerster on Elongated Skull and Ancient Technology - February 16, 2013
Feb 17, 2013
On this show we are talking with Brien Foerster, all the way from Peru. Brien is a bit of a regular on the Ancient Aliens TV show, and has been researching the various early civilizations found in South and Central America. He has also recently released a book that he co-wrote with David Hatcher Children called The Mystery of The Elongated Skulls. Brien has done groundbreaking work down in Peru, and this was a really fascinating conversation.
Among other things, we discuss...
Evidence for high technology in ancient sites.
How old some of this sites may really be and the evidence for it.
How much of our history may be lost and why.
The techniques of construction, and what tools were clearly not used.
Sound technology and levitation.
Ancient Aliens.
Are their natural elongated skulls.
What the DNA says.
The connections between ancient cultures all over the world.
Who the Olmec were.
The mystery of the Nazca lines.
Brien's latest discoveries.
All in all, a very fun interview that covers a lot of ground. Brien also has some tours coming up, and you can find out about all his work and upcoming tours at Hidden Inca Tours.
Interview with Michael Cremo, Author of My Science, My Religion - Feb 9, 2013
Feb 10, 2013
Michael Cremo entered the world of alternative archeology in 1993 with the publication of his groundbreaking book, Forbidden Archeology. Investigating whether or not mainstream archeology is ignoring data that suggests that modern man is millions of years old, he presented roughly 800 pages of compelling and well researched data. From there, Michael has published books that connect his religious beliefs and the data of science. His latest, My Science, My Religion is a collection of papers from 1994-2009 that Michael has presented at various Academic Conferences around the world. In this interview, we talk about;
What got Michael started on this path.
What role consciousness plays in reality.
The initial reactions to Forbidden Archeology.
How old man may really be.
How advanced ancient cultures may have been.
The elements of his new book, My Science, My Religion
Combining science and spirituality.
The evidence for the extreme antiquity of plants.
A spiritual perspective on the current environmental crisis.
And plenty more. You can buy Michael Cremo's new book on Amazon or through his webpage for My Science, My Religion. You can check out his webpage, where you can find info on all his books, upcoming appearances, interviews, and more.
Interview with David Weatherly, author of The Black Eyed Children - Feb 2, 2013
Feb 03, 2013
David Weatherly has been researching the paranormal for over 35 years. A writer for Intrepid Magazine, he studies all areas of the paranormal, from Cryptids to UFO's to the truly Strange, like the subject of his latest book. In this interview we talk mostly about the book, and a bit about how David got involved in this field of study. The Black Eyed Children are a fascinating, if little known, paranormal event. Children with pure black eyes approach an individual, often at their home, at night, and ask to be let in. The beings emanate a sinister aura, and disappear without a trace. We will talk about many aspects of this, including...
How many genuine cases of this are around.
Has Anyone Ever let them In? And what happened?
Video and Photographic evidence.
Their average age and appearance.
Connections between witnesses.
How far these reports go back.
Multiple witness encounters.
Similarities to other aspects of the paranormal
Debunking the Debunkers.
What do they, ultimately, want?
All this in more in this hour long discussion of this bizarre phenomenon. You can find more information on David Weatherly at Two Crows Paranormal, including more Black Eyed Children encounters that have happened since the book was published.
Interview with Jim Elvidge, author of The Universe - Solved! - Jan 26, 2013
Jan 27, 2013
Jim Elvidge has written a fascinating book entitled, The Universe - Solved!. In it, he presents evidence that we may already be living in a virtual reality. In this interview, we talk about the book, as well as other evidence for a simulated reality;
The Universe as Data.
Evidence that consciousness exists outside the body.
Cutting Edge Scientific Discoveries.
The computer power of the brain.
Intuition vs Conscious Thinking
Near Death Experiences
Quantum Mechanics and the Observer Effect
The Role of Brain Trauma in Psychic Abilities
Eidetic Memory and Hypnosis
All this, and more.
Check out Jim's Website, The Universe Solved for more information, exploration, and updates.