In this episode of the When We Walk Podcast, Pastors Micah and Shireen go live to answer your REAL questions in REAL TIME.
Here’s what you asked:
If you weren’t pastors, what do you think you would be doing for a living?
It seems like you both have very different personalities. How are you most alike and most different? And how do you settle those personality differences that end in an argument?
It seems that everywhere we look there is division in our society. Jesus commands us to prioritize unity. How do you propose we do that as a church, through an election season, and when our values are divisive in our culture?
How does God speak to you, and how do you know He is speaking to you?
As Christians, how do you feel about cremation?
If there was one thing you could communicate to the younger (gen z) generation, what would it be?
How do you know if the person you’re dating is the person God has for you?
What, in this season of life, is the attribute of Jesus that you’re most drawn to?
As I am learning more about Biblical context and more accurately interpreting passages of the Bible, how do I reconcile my new understanding with what I was taught as a child in Sunday School or youth group?
How can I make peace with feeling let down by people who preached sermons which led me to inaccurately understand aspects of my faith?
What are some ways to help/support someone whose marriage is struggling?
My husband has stopped believing in God because of things that happened to me. He does believe in a higher power. I want a God centered marriage. How do I help him back to being a believer?
What book (outside of the Bible) most impacted your life?
If you could meet anyone in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why?
What do you think Jesus’ favorite sneaker would be?