Believe it or not, many of us are living as orphans. Not in the literal sense but a spiritual one.
The Father wants to speak to us about certain mindsets and habits that keep us trapped and the offender could be an orphan spirit, not a lack of willpower. Even for those of us who love God, follow him and are used by him.
Has an orphan spirit revealed itself in your marriage in manipulation, getting easily frustrated or constant missed expectations?
Has an orphan spirit showed up in your parenting? Parenting children based on immediate comfort and preference rather than for their good? Quick to get frustrated by our children's mistakes, more concerned with their conformity to our ideas rather than cultivating an environment where they can fail forward, explore, and create without fear?
Has an orphan spirit showed up in how you related to God? Are you carrying shame that is creating distance in your relationship with God?
Has an orphan spirit showed up how you treated yourself? Are you overly concerned with your appearance to others because the risk of rejection?
In this episode I share a very personal encounter I had with the Father where He helped me identify the reality that I was a high-functioning orphan. How to identify an orphan spirit in operation in your life and most important of all, how to get rid of an orphan spirit, embrace identity and step into a renewed sense of confidence and vision.
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