At times I shall post my observations and opinions. They are derived from my own experiences and sometimes, mistakes made and lessons thus uncovered.
I am often asked by not a few whenever we discuss PNG and where it is and why it is not where it should be and so forth..
"What can I do?"
The answer is simple.
Think and the answers will come to you. Many do not use the greatest computer they will ever possess, their mind. They are instead using it for basic activities like playing a candy crush game all day and ignoring the plethora of amazing applications your mind actually does possess. Of all the applications, I find that kindness is the best you can use to make a small difference.
Yes, you can make a positive difference today.
Be kind to others less fortunate.
This simple act is much overlooked by many of us as we all go about being "busy". We are in such a rush to do this and that, go here or there, meet this or that appointment that we often do not see others who need a simple act of kindness or even just a kind word.
This is investing in positive energy and you will reap the returns many fold in some way or another. However this should not be the reason why you are kind. Be kind simply because its the right thing to do.
Try it. Let me know how it goes.