As Queen Elizabeth II would say, "I've had a Septem Horribilis". AKA, A bad week. Remember when the Queen of England made the pronouncement that she'd had an "Annus Horribilis" after her Windsor castle burned and her son and his wife, Diana, were duking it out in the tabloid press? Well, this week, I had a bad week and decided it might sound a bit better in Latin, and you know what? It does. Septem Horribilis simply sounds a bit classier than a regular bad week. But, this was a regular bad week, to be sure. No castles burning, but discipline? Well, now, that was MIA. I can plan on this week being a horrible one just about every year at this time. But, this week I got a double whammy, but what I do during this horribilis is very ordinary and predictable. The Triscuits are gone. So, this week, let's talk what we do when we have our regular, predictable Septem Horribilis.