Text Sue what you think!
“I want their learning to be INSPIRING to them!”
“I seem to fall back on the way I learned in school.”
“What am I supposed to DO?”
Parents come to me all the time WANTING the educational experience with their kids to be creative and full of excitement. But even when they start out that way, the familiar school approach pops up and they begin to question it all. Worries about “staying caught up” or if they’re learning “enough,” come flooding in and crowd out all those fragile little thoughts of creativity and discovery.
It’s ok. You’re learning something new.
All of your life, up to this point, you’ve been conditioned to keep conforming and believing in the fallacy that there’s only one right way to learn. But that’s what we’re here to help you offset, right?
So let’s jump into the ideas that trip up a lot of people.
You don’t need to teach.
You don’t need to plan.
You don’t even need to have “excellent follow-through.”
I know, shocking, right? You’ve probably been beating yourself up over that one for quite a while!
Unschooling embraces spontaneity. So if you’re an in-the-moment kind of person, that’s exactly what your kids are going to need from you! Even if you're not a particularly spontaneous person, the kids need you to meet them where they are each day… wherever that may be. This enables you to see what their interest is and what the next step should be - without being distracted by expectations of completing assignments or following through.
Instead of thinking in terms of school academics - that’s so limiting! - what do they ENJOY?
What do they want to DO? How would they like THEIR days to go?
The learning will happen AS they are doing these things. It’s unavoidable! When we want to get better at something, we discover we may need more skills or competence. And then that directs our next moves. Humans enjoy challenging themselves. It’s just that we can’t always see what’s going on in someone else’s brain and we don’t really know what part of a particular activity is more challenging than another - or maybe which they simply have to tolerate to get to the outcome they’re looking for.
Learning is an inevitable byproduct of living immersed in your daily activities!
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