Welcome to season 3 of Unruly Figures! We have a couple of exciting changes to the show:
- New backing music! Huge thanks to Danny Wolf of Wolf and Love for creating this!
- The Unruly Figures shop is now open! All merch is 15% off until September 10 2023 to celebrate--use code LAUNCH15
This week, historian and host Valorie Clark is covering the incredible--and artistic--life of Blanche Ames Ames, an artist, inventor, and women's rights activist in the 19th and 20th centuries.
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As always, you can get ad-free versions of the episode, and much much more on the Unruly Figures Substack: http://unrulyfigures.substack.com There, you can find transcripts of each episode, photos of each episode's subject, and behind-the-scenes goodies. So come join us!
Photo of Blanche courtesy of BCN Productions.