Happy (almost) Father's Day to all you dads out there; we love and appreciate each and every one of you. No matter your relationship with your kids or your dad, remember we have a Heavenly Father that loves us more than you could ever imagine. THAT'S what we push into today, what we're really honing in on in this extended episode, what a father's love looks like in all of its forms.
You're going to hear our hosts (Colin, Danny, and Justin) talking about their experiences, followed but both Colin and Danny doing quick-hitting and fun interviews with their respective dads. Stick around for some fun stories from our staff about their experience as dads or with their dads and we cap off this Father's Day extravaganza with a Parent-Child Movie Draft, one for the ages.
Uncharted: Channel Credits
🎙️ HOST:: Justin Adams, Colin McFarland, Danny Oertli
🎉 SPECIAL GUEST:: Zac Anderson, Stacy Ludwig, Steve McFarland, Erin Marken, Cap Oertli, Tyler Wells, Mission Hills Staff: Men
🎛️ PRODUCTION + MIXING:: Lepard Productions
A Product of Lepard Productions + The Mission Hills Podcast Network in Littleton, CO.
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