You probably think you've heard about every fringe cult there is, but you'd be wrong. This week, Amy and Chris discuss four unsettling and underreported cults, starting with the Alachua County cult in Florida, House of Prayer. Anna Young was the merciless leader of the group, worshipped by the other members. But Anna, known as "Mother Anna" was ultimately ousted by her own daughter, Joy Fluker, for her horrendous abuse of minors, which culminated in the death of two toddlers.In the second story, Chris recounts the case of Lawrence "Larry" Ray. Larry moved into his daughter's dorm at Sarah Lawrence College. He began grooming and manipulating his daughter's roommates, which he used to extort them and create a bizarre sex cult, forcing the students to sleep with each other while he watched. Despite other parents reporting him, the college stated that there was nothing they could do. Lawrence kept his ruse up for over 10 years before we he was arrested, but he still seems to have a hold over some of his "group members."Next, Amy discusses the voodoo cult leader Mark Steven Foster. Mark was found dead on the side of a road with a strange and cryptic note in his shoe. Investigators had no idea this would start the pulling of the thread of Mark's unusual life, and his unusual death. When Mark's home was searched, police discovered pornography and other disturbing items, linking him to a bizarre cult. But it gets stranger. Investigators found out that Mark had convinced his friends to murder him for insurance money, but the note they found in Mark's shoe was Mark's attempt to pin the crime on his co-conspirators to ensure they wouldn't get away with it.Finally, Chris brings you the story of the Love Has Won group. Amy Carlson led the cult and was thought to be the reincarnation of several famous figures, from Jesus Christ to Marilyn Monroe, and more. Amy claimed to be in close connection with angels and ghosts, including dead celebrities. So if Amy was so beloved, why was she discovered as a mummified corpse in a small mountain town?When you’re ready to undo some damage, hit the reset button with the OUAI Detox Shampoo. Go to and use code TCR to get 15% off your entire purchase!Go to and use code tcr12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping!Send your true crime suggestions to hello@truecrimerecaps!Support the show AND listen ad-free here!: TCR on YouTube here!Follow TCR on Instagram here!Follow TCR on Facebook here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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