The musical “The Addams Family” is based on the familiar presents a new story with familiar characters dating back to the 1920s. Stan Strickler reviews a production now on stage at Peoria Players Theatre, for Peoria Public Radio and the Live Theatre League of Peoria. Opinions expressed are those of the reviewer, not those of Peoria Public Radio or the Live Theatre League. Charles Addams was a master of macabre, dark humor. His work has been translated into a television show, a couple of movies, and now a musical. The show, in a regional premiere at Peoria Players, is funny, visually stunning, and a delightful evening of theater. Although the play is a little dark, it is punctuated with cornball humor, and references to current events that make the traditional story a delight. The story revolves around the Addams family familiar to most audience members, but it has been updated. Wednesday, their oldest child, is now contemplating marriage to a conventional young man. Wednesday has