Welcome back to the show! In this episode, Steve discusses the concept that tricks and traps thousands of Americans daily, the "get rich quick" scheme. You or someone you know may have fallen for one of these schemes in the past, and it is always tragic when, despite effort, plans, and hope, these schemes lead to a break-even situation or even a situation where money is lost. Steve has seen most, if not all, of these programs and promises in his time teaching people how to become financially independent and wants nothing more than to take the rose-colored glasses away from those looking for a way out. So tune in now and take a journey with Steve to not only dispel the notions that have been given to you but also provide a true map to the place you are trying to get to.e
Please remember that Steve is always available to have a one-on-one conversation with you, his listeners. Just send your questions, comments, and concerns over to AskSteve@TotalWealthAcademy.com today!