TeachThought Podcast Ep. 92: Translating Courses from Face-to-Face to Online
by: TeachThought Staff
For episode 92 of the TeachThought podcast, Dr. Stacy Greathouse and Dr. Sheryl Hathaway explain a six-step process to translate courses from F2F to online formats. Using the example of an introduction activity from a Business Marketing course, the conversation follows translation across delivery modes. They also explain how the activity translated across two different Learning Management Systems.
Stacy is an Instructional Designer and adjunct for Texas Woman’s University and former Instructional Assistant Professor at Illinois State University. Sheryl is the Associate Director for Academic Engagement at the University of California Riverside. Together, they’ve balanced perspectives to deliver workshops nationally, including “High-Impact Introduction Activities.” More information and resources are available on the Open Educational Resources group for High Impact Intros.
Links & Resources For This Episode
Stacy Greathouse LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/drpyrate/
Dr. Pyrate YouTube Channel for instruction and pedagogy:
Sheryl Hathaway LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sherylnarahara