In 2020 we released 37 new and original episodes on the podcast. Thank you so much for listening!
Sharing the podcast with others and leaving a rating or review, following us on social media - these all mean so much to me and is the fuel I use to keep creating and producing the show. I absolutely love any and all feedback so don’t hesitate to DM me or email me with any thoughts, likes, dislikes or ideas on topics you’d like to hear.
I want to ask - If you have a personal experience you would be willing to share, I would LOVE to hear from you! My goal for future episodes is to focus on more stories from parents that are relatable, educational and help us all feel a little less alone in the magnitude of raising children.
Now lets chat for a minute about the crazy year that we just said goodbye to. We can all agree that 2020 was nutty! To live through the current pandemic has been challenging and flat out exhausting. I want to first acknowledge you, Mama for making it to welcoming 2021 and no matter how messy it was at time, you are still and are always a good Mom.
I want to point out to every Mom listening is you have undoubtedly become a stronger Mom, a different Mom. Greeting 2021, you have the resilience and the now knowledge of how to keep powering on. Sure, some days are really rough. But there are also tons of moments and days sprinkled in where relationships are nurtured and you get a few more squeezes from your little one, a few more peeks at how your kids interact as siblings, maybe the pressure to be out and about and that you have to be doing it all when you're recovering postpartum has been relieved in a good way. Maybe you aren’t spending hours upon hours carpooling to activities. Maybe you get to spend some extra time with your kids as you find yourself needing to work from home - and everyone is home. I believe there are golden moments that can be found that have been created out of a tough year.
In my humble opinion, these are the lessons and reminders I want to carry forward to 2021. For any Mama that needs to hear this - Remind yourself as we march into the new year that you got this! Especially on the extra tough days that seem like a never-ending uphill climb. You are strong, you are the absolute best mama to your kiddos. Give yourself all the grace in that these times are different, they are unique and unique to different families navigating the changed world around us.
I am so appreciative for all who have joined me along the way with this podcast - it truly is my passion project and my hope is that it will help, inspire, motivate, encourage and send love to Moms out there. I feel it, friends, 2021 is going to be a good year.