Charles Swindoll…Intimacy with The Almighty
I’m finally learning that His Sovereign plan is the best plan. That whatever I entrust to Him, He can take care of better than I. That nothing under His control can ever be out of control. That everything I need, He knows about in every detail. That he is able to supply, to guide, to start, to stop, to sustain, to change and correct in His time for His purposes. When I keep my hands out of things, His will is accomplished, His Name is exalted, and His glory is magnified.
In this episode I’ll share some very personal struggles I’m in the middle of that I think some of you may be able to relate to. Maybe not the exact circumstances, but probably somewhat the same ideas. And we’ll talk about the differences around giving something up and giving it over.
We’ll talk about how when we'll drag our weary lives to the throne of grace, God will increase our power and ability to navigate all the disappointing places, even if they still feel terrible----giving us the strength to not only hang on, as we ride the wave of disappointment, but also the strength to hand it over to the only One who can do anything about it.