In 19th century Scandinavia, faeries are real. The beginning of the industrial revolution means society is encroaching on the wild lands, and the denizens of the deep dark woods are not happy about it. Those with “The Sight” can see faeries and other magical creatures, and they are humanities only hope to stop a bloody backlash.
The Society takes a breather in Castle Gyllenkrutz in the latest episode of The Society. Surely nothing strange will happen when you rest in the castle, right?
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 11
Nov 08, 2021
On the latest episode of The Sight, we unhide what is hidden in Canogg Island and discover the truth to Kevik’s missing children!
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 10
Oct 23, 2021
Things are… heating up… at the church as the Society uncover the secrets buried within the village of Kevik in this newest episode of The Sight.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 9
Oct 08, 2021
What’s that sound far from the sea? It’s a new episode of The Sight! Come and see, as The Society face further challenges intertwined Kevik’s mysterious disappearances.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 8
Aug 20, 2021
Prophetic dreams and ghostly possessions are the order of the day. With all of the additional stress it is a good thing that this little fishing village has a sauna that the gang can use to unwind.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 7
Aug 06, 2021
The gang prepares to head to Kivik to investigate the missing children. After a short stop in Kristianstad, they make it to Kivik and find quite a few unusual things.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 6
Jul 24, 2021
We join our investigators as they prepare for their second mission.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 5
Jul 17, 2021
We join our investigators as they return to Upsala after their first mission.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 4
Jul 09, 2021
We join our investigators for the conclusion of their first mission. Will they all make it out alive?
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 3
Jun 17, 2021
We join our investigators as they embark on their first mission. They get the puppet play they were looking for, as well as a whole lot more they weren’t bargaining for.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Chapter 2
Jun 09, 2021
We join our investigators as they get their bearings in their new home of Upsala. They make their preparations, and head out for their first mission.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
The Sight: A Vaesen RPG Episode 1
Jun 02, 2021
We are proud to present the first episode of our weekly twitch stream as a podcast! With this new show, we are hoping to blur the lines between actual play podcast and audio drama, and we are very pleased with our first installment.
This episode was made possible by the GeeklyInc patreon. If you enjoy this podcast, and would like us to produce more content, please consider donating.
Announcing The Sight: Vaesen RPG
Jan 11, 2021
We are very excited to announce a new actual play RPG stream called The Sight: Vaesen RPG based on Free League’s “Vaesen” rpg set in 19th century Scandanavia. The Sight will be a mini-series exclusive to Geekly’s Twitch channel at and will be streamed on Saturdays at 8PM ET. The first episode will be aired on January 16, 2021. We have plans for video and audio archives which we will announce soon.
The game will be run by Michael DiMauro (hey that’s me!) who also acts as the dungeon master for the Greetings, Adventurers! podcast.
“The nisse, lindeworms, trolls, and fairies immediately captured my imagination as I read through the Vaesen source book,” says Michael. “but it was the focus on roleplaying and mystery over combat that made me want to create a new series. Also, there is base building??”
The new mini-series is hopefully just the first in an effort to expand Geekly’s twitch offerings, and will feature Veronica Escamilla-Brady as Mexican expat doctor Araceli Delfina Cruz, “The Geekly Council has been working on creating a repository for GeeklyInc creators to put their new crossover content. I hope that more of the creators will see this as an opportunity to make fun new content with GeeklyInc friends without feeling like it needs to turn into a 100+ episode podcast.” says Escamilla-Brady.
The cast will also include podcaster and GeeklyCon organizer Carly Shields, and Geekly community members Justin Connell and Bridgit Connell. In addition to being a cast member, Bridgit has also created the art for the series.
The Characters
Dr. Araceli Delfina Cruz played by Veronica Escamilla-Brady
Veronica Escamilla-Brady is the GM for Welcome to St. Paxton, a Call of Cthulhu real play TTRPG podcast on the GeeklyInc Network. She’s a Pisces born in the year of the Rat and drinks too much spicy water. Her favorite games are Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Demon’s Souls, so make of all that what you will.
Astrid Jägare played by Carly Shields
Carly Shields is a consummate nerd in nearly every aspect of her life. When not working as a PR rep in the videogame industry, she enjoys watching anime, running GeeklyCon each summer, playing everything in the game sphere (videogames, boardgames, card games, etc.), and graphic design.
Elijah Lord played by Justin Connell
Justin Connell is a real life witcher. His hobbies include yelling at things in the woods and playing GWENT. His special skill is he can fall asleep anywhere.
Captain Anneke Helvig played by Bridgit Connell
Bridgit Connell is the artist for the Drinks & Daggers game, and is currently drawing the Dark Horse comic Lady Baltimore for the Mignolaverse. She previously released her comic book Brother Nash through Titan Comics. She likes her coffee black and likes her jello without all those weird little pieces of fruit in them.