Hello, welcome to the Rustoration Podcast with James, Evan, and Dave, where we talk about restoring yesterday’s tools for the craftsmen of today!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therustorationpodcast/
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Hello, welcome to the Rustoration Podcast with James, Evan, and Dave, where we talk about restoring yesterday’s tools for the craftsmen of today!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therustorationpodcast/
Copyright: © Copyright 2020 James Evan Dave
This episode we hung out and explored so many restoration random rabbit holes even Elmer Fudd couldn't keep up.
Wandering Topics Explored:
Quick mentions and shout outs:
Let us know what you think of this episode on Instagram @therustorationpodcast or our email therustorationpodcast@gmail.com
Steve from "Iconic Iron and Oddities" comes to the Rustoration Podcast to share his stories , knowledge and passion for turn of the century casters and his love of giving old iron new life!
You can find Steve on Instagram at "IconicIronAndOddities".
Let us know what you think of the interview on our Instagram or our email TheRustorationPodcast@gmail.com!
The Rustoration Podcast interviews Tom Utley of Von Industrial, also known to the restoration community on Instagram as KingTutley!
Tom creates machinery tags for vintage machinery and provides the listeners with a wonderful explanation of how the technical process of creating machinery "artware" has evolved over the years. The restoration of his personal South Bend Lathe was his introduction to the art and science of tag creation, and he brings us along for an incredible education on the topic!
Dave couldn't join for this episode (slacker) and James did everything in his limited powers to get the audio to a balanced and happy place, we really hope you enjoy this discussion!
Tom can be reached at his website www.vonindustrial.com, go follow him on Instagram @KingTutley! Tom, thank you so much for your time with us on The Rustoration Podcast!
The boys are back for 2021 and with them a special guest, Ben Wilson BenMakesKC! The boys talk through tinkering, crazy picking stories, and Ben's process of working with reclaimed materials, restoring furniture. The episode wraps up discussing mental health benefits of the hands on work we all enjoy so much. Some more good stories after the credits too!
Go Follow Ben @BenMakesKC on Instagram!
The 2020 Rusty Recap: Lots of new additions to the Rustoration Crew family, new kids, new cars, new universal woodworkers. The boys recap a very weird year but a fun one none the less to launch the podcast.
Thank you to all our 2020 interviewees, we had a great time with you all. 2021 will bring more new and familiar voices to the table to talk all things rusty.
2021 Rustoration Plans: The Rustoration Podcast purchases a tank as the official podcast mascot, Evan finishes unboxing his projects, Dave reforms piles of parts back into a vehicle, James cuts wood on a universal woodworker.
Dave and James interview Eric from Hand Tool Rescue!!! Drag Saws, Chainsaws, YouTube, Patents, and the definition of GIZMOSITY! It was such a great time, have a listen and let us know what you think!
Follow Eric @HandToolRescue on Instagram and YouTube! Share his stuff and our podcasts with all your friends!!
The Rustoration crew interview Keith Rucker, host of the Youtube channel "Vintage Machinery" and founding member of VintageMachinery.org!
Keith talks about his start in the machine shop, his first restoration, his work at museums, his youtube channel, the origins of VintageMachinery.org, and his must haves in his shop. We were truly honored to host Keith, hear his stories, and collect some of his wisdom.
Go follow Keith on Instagram @ VintageMachinery and check out his Youtube channel and website VintageMachinery.org ! !
Share with us your thoughts on the interview with Keith on Instagram @ TheRustorationPodcast ! !
The Rustoration crew interview Jason Nix, "Tool Scrounge", talk about his journey to the restoration lifestyle, his philosophy on staying humble, and why the old ladies at the pick love him oh so much.
Lots of "honest" language, keep the kids earmuffs on.
Go follow Jason on Instagram @ ToolScrounge, your feed will thank you.
Share with us your thoughts on the interview with Jason on Instagram @ TheRustorationPodcast ! !
The gang invites Zach the Upstate Tool Guy onto the show. Another NY voice added to the conversation brings the state rivalry to a balance, and Zach has lots of fun personal stories to share.
(the after show has more "passionate language" so kiddo earmuffs after the music rolls is advised)
Let us know what you think on IG @ "TheRustorationPodcast"!
It's going to get hot in here talking Oxy Acetylene torches!
If you like roasting tools over an open fire, hit us up on Instagram at "TheRustorationPodcast" or our email at TheRustorationPodcast@gmail.com!
Check out the great discussion with Victor at "Modern and Mint", we talk about finding and using older restored tools for a small business operation. Victor has some great stories to share and an incredible Delta Bandsaw, go check him out on IG at "Modern and Mint" as well as his website www.modernandmint.com!
Please let us know what you think of how our interviews are going so far, leave us a comment on IG or send us an email at TheRustorationPodcast@gmail.com!
The boys dip their toes into the big pond of money making opportunities in the Rustoration world.
Share with us how you make restoration part of your business on Instagram at @TheRustorationPodcast!
The Rustoration crew interview PJ Galati, "Son of the Junkhunter", and talk about his work bring old tools back to better than new condition. We included our discussion after we hit "stop" as PJ lives and breathes this world all day ,every day, and all his stories are too great not to share. (minor profanity in the after show!)
You must follow PJ on Instagram @ PJGalati_Son_of_the_Junkhunter and go watch his youtube videos too ! ! Hi Memphis!
Share with us your thoughts on the interview with PJ on Instagram @ TheRustorationPodcast ! !
It's been a long summer of projects, the boys get back into the podcasting swing catching up and then begin dissecting the timeless question when you finish restoring something... "Now What?"
Tag us on Instagram #TheRustorationPodcast with what you are keeping, what you are displaying, and what you are selling!
The paint vs patina debate is real in the restoration world, and it gets personal, and we don't quite let Evan makes peace with all opinions by the end!
Tag us on Instagram #TheRustorationPodcast with how your painting and patina projects are progressing!
The gang is still stuck in the wacko pandemic quarantine world and just need to catch up on the random project progress as well as swap resources and things they've enjoyed.
Check out the folks mentioned in the episode!
Caveman Welder: https://www.instagram.com/cavemanwelder/?hl=en
Oliver 102 Pattern Maker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHJhp0RgNqmkYr_jg1RWnFQ
AvE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChWv6Pn_zP0rI6lgGt3MyfA
Thanks for tuning into this episode, please subscribe and share with like minded folks!
Share your project progress with us on Instagram @TheRustorationPodcast!
Evan is preparing to welcome a little one into the world this fall, James and Dave share some insights on parenting young ones while projecting.
Thanks for tuning in, share with friends and family if you like what you're hearing!
Also please share your parenting restoration strategies with us on Instagram @TheRustorationPodcast!
The Rustoration crew interview Zach Gillenwater, "TheTradesmansCorner", on his path to collecting and rehabilitating old tools with a keen eye for Champion Blower & Forge Co. His current project, the Champion #2 Power Hack Saw gets a deeper look into his restoration process. There is plenty of banter and merriment on the enjoyment of giving old tools some love and getting them back in working order.
Go follow Zach on Instagram @ TheTradesmansCorner ! !
Share with us your thoughts on the interview with Zach on Instagram @ TheRustorationPodcast ! !
The conversation swings from home electrical to roofing to fire fighting, but finds its way conveniently to 120 year old antique motors and truck engine block restorations. We thought you'd like to join in the conversation, it definitely is worth a few chuckles.
Share your restoration projects with us @TheRustorationPodcast on Instagram!
Its been a hectic few weeks, the guys keep it casual and catch up on quarantine life and random things seen and done over the weeks worth hashing out together.
Some casual cursing slipped through, our apologies!
Thanks for tuning in! Share your quarantine restoration projects with us on Instagram @TheRustorationPodcast!
Link to Greenlee machine restoration story: https://www.rrstar.com/news/20200407/vintage-rockford-woodworking-machine-bound-for-museum
The guys gush over Evaporust and the others chemicals they enjoy using restoring old tools. No sponsorships involved, just honest feedback.
Tag us on Instagram #TheRustorationPodcast with your restoration chemical stories!
Old trucks, antique power, moving shop, paper choppers... welcome to the table for an Iron Potluck!
Tag us on Instagram #TheRustorationPodcast with how your projects are progressing!
You know them, you love them, the all mighty wire wheel! James, Evan and Dave talk about the differences in wire wheel types and application, and share some important safety tips.
Tag us on Instagram #TheRustorationPodcast with your wire wheeling stories!
The boys confess their sins and admit their eyes were bigger than their immediate intentions for some antique tool restoration jobs. The episode starts as a motivational nudge to tackle the work and then transitions into a deeper look into the emotions, both high and low, in the rustoration game.
Keep us motivated on our restoration back burners!
James - Bailey Stanley No. 7 Hand Plane with a busted handle
Evan - Walker Turner 16" Bandsaw
Dave - Walker Turner 20" Wood AND Metal Bandsaw
Share with us your tool junkie confession projects that need a good motivating nudge on IG and tag #TheRustorationPodcast!
The gents discuss various methods for hanging onto your project, and Evan takes everyone to school with some VISE wisdom!
James Dave and Evan share a few tips and tricks for organizing restoration pieces and parts and some strategy for documenting the disassembly process to have a more enjoyable reassembly stage.
Recap on EPIC 1916 Sidney Universal Woodworker find, disassembly and moving logistics, as well as some general heavy lifting and supporting tips
Check out the video!
Dave James and Evan discuss current projects and how heavy machinery and tools changed in the 20th century
How to approach your very first restoration project and what is good to have on hand to get the job done.
You can do it!
Welcome to the Rustoration Podcast with James, Evan, and Dave, where we talk about restoring yesterday's tools for today's craftsmen!
The first episode is a quick glance at what is to come for podcast topics and James, Evan and Dave share a little of their own backgrounds and what gets them excited about classic heavy duty tools and machinery.