To submit a shoutout for the Saturday Shoutout episode
1. Record your shoutout on your phone, computer or other recording device
2. Send file to with subject “Shoutout” (Feel free to write a little back story)
3. If you’d rather leave a voicemail, call (615) 422-5460 (Only allows 2 minutes or so and the quality won’t be great)
Remember…It can be anything from Happy Birthday, embarrassing a friend, favorite local Mexican restaurant or venting about your job! Let us know how your week turned out!
The Root Note is brought to you by and NBI Studios. If you would like to have a song on The Root Note visit to order one for you or a loved one today! Or…we do have a Patreon page under PutThemInASong if you’d prefer to help that way! Thanks for listening!
You can follow us @RootNotePod on Facebook and Twitter.