Today we're going to jump in with an episode on, ‘how children learn and what we should value in our children's education’.
So, we're going to talk about two different types of learning and specifically, I’m talking about for under kindergarten age level right now, but this will apply for all age levels. So, there are two different goals in learning that I want to talk to you about. The first is academic and the second is intellectual.
So, academic goals focus on the mastery of facts. So, memorizing the alphabet, practicing drills, worksheets, and other kinds of exercises that prepare children for the next level of numeracy and learning. So, in older grades, this would be you know, the things that we have to know the facts for to memorize for a test history information that kind of stuff.
Okay intellectual goals, emphasize reasoning, hypothesizing, posing questions, predicting answers to questions, developing and analyzing ideas, and then trying to understand something.
So, we need both goals when it comes to learning. However, much of the early curriculum in non-accredited programs focus on the academic goals before the intellectual goals. Academic learning will happen without a doubt in kindergarten first grade and second grade, but research argues that preschoolers and toddlers actually will do better academically if they have the executive functioning skills which include self-regulation, organizing and planning, and flexible thinking before those academic goals come.
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If you're new to me, I'm Lauren Pace. Mom of two (one on the way). I have a Master's Degree in Child Development with research in challenging behavior. I have worked as a behavior coach online, in classrooms, and in homes.
Talking about child development & challenging behavior fires me up with so much passion and my goal is to help parents all over the world.
I love helping parents understand their children, see hard behavior through new lenses & strengthen their relationships.