Welcome BACK to The Really Bitchee Podcast with your really Bitchee host, Christina Marie! Finally, after a month and a half of no podcast episodes, I have emerged with an episode for you all, and it feels SO good to be back and better than ever! We kick off the show by talking about the Black Lives Matter movement, and how the conversation shouldn't be finished until change is made (just because the "media push" died down a bit, doesn’t mean we stop talking about it and making changes). As mentioned in the episode, check out this link of helpful information, petitions, and tons of ways you can help BLM as well as other world issues that need our attention: https://bit.ly/3eLL7f2. We follow that up with a discussion on my newfound love and interest in tarot cards and readings, the “new” zodiac signs (spoiler alert: it’s all BS), TikTok drama (I know what you are thinking… seriously? Again?), and we wrap it all up with some life advice on going number 2 in public (no, i’m not kidding). I hope you enjoy this episode and make sure to follow @BitcheePodcast on Twitter & Instagram for updates on the show. Follow me on my personal Twitter & Instagram account @BeautyChickee. Beat/Music by @MarkGenerous. See you in the next episode, BITCHEES.