Tomorrow, I get to share my passion for preschoolers with about 100 preschool teachers. I am sharing with them the Top Ten Things Preschooler Want You to Know. I thought you might enjoy hearing this list, as well.
#10 –Just because I use potty talk does not mean I have to go potty.
When I child calls you poopy head, simply say something like, “What? I have poopy on my head. Nope, I don’t think I have poopy on my head.” Children use potty talk to get the attention of others. Once they realize that their words don’t shock you, they won’t use them as often.
#9 – Just because I can hold a pencil and spell my name does not mean that I am ready to read and write.
If I begin counting in Spanish…. Uno, Dos, Tres, etc…. you might assume I speak Spanish? I don’t. Just as counting in Spanish does not mean I speak Spanish, holding a pencil and spelling their own name, does not mean a child is ready to read and write. Reading predictable books, Reading quality books, asking good questions, journaling, making books, recognizing that words have meanings, inventive writing, scribbling, and manipulatives all help prepare a child for reading when it is time (somewhere between 5-8).
#8 –Children need a variety when they are outside. Many children need to run, jump, climb, and ride when they are outside. However, some need to be on a blanket with a book or building blocks. Offer them a variety!
#7 – There is more to forgiveness than “I’m Sorry!” In the early childhood world, it is often said – “Don’t force a child to say I am sorry.” However, rarely is an option given. How should we handle those hits, ugly words, and moments of anger? The goal is to help children understand that their actions have consequences. What they do impacts other people. When they hit their friend, their friend is hurt. When they say unkind things, their friend is hurt. Children should be encouraged to use their words and express their feelings.
#6 – She is not invited to my birthday party. Preschoolers are trying to figure out who they are, what they like, and how to establish boundaries. This is an important time for teachers to help children put their words to their emotions. This is a gift we can give children. We would all say that we want adults that can work out problems and strife in their relationships. This needs to start early. Just like #7, helping children express how harsh words make them feel will them in the long run.
#5 – We learn through the process and not the product. It is in the process of discovery, experience, and wonder that children learn. When we focus on an end result, we often miss the actual lesson of the process.
#4 – Please listen, we have something to say. –We can learn about children’s needs, stresses, developmental areas, etc… if we will take the time to listen to their stories, their pretend play, their questions, etc… If we don’t give them time during the small moments in their life, they will not give us time when the big topics arise.
#3-We need to experience to explore a topic. – “Being a kid is dirty, messy, noisy work. It is in the experience that we actually understand the topic. Whatever we hope to teach children about, the brain needs to experience through the senses. It is in the touching, smelling, hearing, tasting, and seeing that the brain builds synapses.
#2 – We are ALL different. – Honor who your child is! Our goal as a parent is to help a child become who they were already meant to be.
#1 – MEMORIES will be made! Bottom Line, what do you want children to remember in 5, 10, 15, 20 years? What impact do you want to have on them?
Find a way to #sayyes today.
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