Crashing the First International Conference on Innovations in Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Don and Noah discuss seeking peace amidst violence and distrust, the secular and profane, ancient enmities and fragile hopes, with Northern Irish leaders who helped to end centuries-old conflict between Protestants and Catholics, Unionists and Republicans. What, if anything, do we have to learn from their experience?
Don and Noah then discuss with a rabbi and former MK and Minister, the roles religions play in prolonging and, perhaps, resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
God, country, violence, faith, hatred, love, death and rebirth: this episode has got it all! All that and the soulful Irish music of The Bloomers, and the genial good-will of Natalie Goodis!
Between Belfast, Bethlehem and Beer Sheva
What can Israelis and Palestinians learn from Northern Ireland? A lot, says former First Minister Peter Robinson, who devoted his life to finding peace among Protestants and Catholics.
Light Out from the Nations?
What else can Israelis and Palestinians learn from Northern Ireland? So so much, says Rev. Gary Mason, who devoted his life to finding peace among Protestants and Catholics.
Gods of War, Gods of Peace
Is religion a barrier to peace between Jews and Palestinians? Rabbi, MK and Minister Michael Melchior says that the path to peace is paved with religion.
The Bloomers, which Haaretz rightly calls “Israel’s best traditional Irish music.”
- Step It Out Mary
- Star of the County
- The Clueless Tinker
- Ranting Roving Robin