On Episode 2 of Rather Be Reading, The Point podcast, we discuss the #MeToo social media campaign, shitty media men, and moral education with Becca Rothfeld and Jennifer Frey (00:54). For Charitable Reading, Jon Baskin talks to literary critic Nicholas Dames about Franco Moretti and the so-called "digital humanities bust" (27:22). Plus, we call up comedian David Heti to get his opinion on Larry David's controversial SNL monologue—and hear his latest Holocaust jokes (44:17).Editors: Jon Baskin, Anastasia Berg & Rachel WisemanGuests: Jennifer Frey, Becca Rothfeld, Nicholas Dames, David HetiRelevant Sources:- "The Fratty Wolf in Your Grandmother's Clothing" by Becca Rothfeld, in the Baffler. thebaffler.com/latest/fratty-wolf- "Can Feminist Scholarship Stop Sexism?" by Becca Rothfeld, in the Chronicle of Higher Education. www.chronicle.com/article/Can-Femi…ship-Stop/240428- "The Digital Humanities Bust" by Timothy Brennan, in the Chronicle Review. www.chronicle.com/article/The-Digi…ties-Bust/241424- "Letter on the New Humanities" by the Editors, in The Point. thepointmag.com/2014/criticism/the-new-humanities- "System Reboot" by Justin Evans, in The Point. thepointmag.com/2016/criticism/system-reboot- "Things Don't Make Sense" by Sheila Heti & David Heti, in The Point. https://thepointmag.com/2017/dialogue/things-dont-make-sense-conversation-comedy-sheila-heti-david-heti