From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths
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Welcome back, everyone. I am so happy that you’ve joined me to discuss the season 4 finale of Orphan Black.
This week I talk about “From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths”. This episode has left us with some burning questions for next season. I just hope they can answer them all in the ten remaining episodes.
What I do cover this week is the succession of leadership at Brightborn and the revolving door of who will take the lead. From what we’ve seen it looks like it will be Rachel but does she actually have what she’s told the board she has?
Krystal was brought into the mix, well kind of, she was told the truth but didn’t buy it. What an interesting character she is and I hope she does eventually get the whole picture.
Cosima discovers that she’s been used. Susan plans on using their discovery to continue human cloning. When opportunity knocks, Cosima takes it and gets out with her findings, BUT, did she just take what she needs, or did she take all the cure?
And of course, Cophine have been reunited. It took us all season to get the answers we’ve been asking, or at least some of them, but what does it mean for their relationship next season?
I talk about all this and more plus get some great feedback from my listeners.
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Links mentioned in the show.
Orphan Black Soundtrack and Score available on Amazon, Amazon Canada, and iTunes
46 Burning Questions for Season 5
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