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The date, time, and point rules for the SSR (Small Stupid Ride) are laid out at the top of the show. if there is any confusion here are the details written down:
You must burn an full tank of gas/battery to say you did the ride.
There is a 400 mile limit on the ride. So you can ride further, but nothing counts after 400. We will be shooting for just under 400. Scooter Miles might count double. All miles must be ridden on a motorcycle on planet earth. Burning a whole tank of gas at your dirt track counts. We want to know how many hours that was though.
1 point for every ten miles over 150. 400 mile limit.
1-10 points for a cool destination along the ride. Examples: Graceland, Grand Canyon, Sex dungeons, etc...
1-10 points for treasure collected. examples: ninja weapons, drugs, strange bumper stickers, etc...
1-5 points for Adventure factor. Examples: break downs, damsels rescued, 20 dollars found in parking lots, did you maintain iron butt pace??? etc...
We will be on the discord channel starting at 9AM Mountain time Sat May 4th. We might be on as long as 9PM. Discord Channel link:
link is in last weeks show notes also if this doesnt work for some reason.
Are you high? there are no prizes promised for this. We aren't even sure if it will work. Maybe if this works out really great we can have people send in money to participate and support a charity.
Best Bike in the World This week: 2022-2024 GSXR 600
Worst Bike in the World This Week: 2024 Honda RC 213v
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