Missing Dialogue in Q&A
First Question: We're missing the first few seconds of the question.
Q: "Several years ago I invited a guy I worked with to church. We were in revival, and he comes. Thankfully it wasn’t anyone from our church, it was a visitor from another church...we were having a “runaway” service, and a visitor comes running down the aisle and just slaps my buddy right on the back and scared the guy…"
Cutout #1: 9:30
“Basically, what he was saying was, I wish he would’ve got it our way.”
Q: “His experience wasn’t quite as good as the other.”
A: “That’s right. But, I’ll tell you the follow-up (our pastor likes to quote Paul Harvey) I’ll tell you the rest of the story, this is going on now, probably about three years later, there was 40 to 45 people saved in that revival
Cutout #2: 55:57
when you let go of that control, you’re going to look like what all of our fellowships call worldly, but you’re going to have an environment where you can have a lot more babies.
Q: “So is that where we have to get to? Is that what you’re saying?”
A: I don’t know exactly where that is and that’s not really for me to say…
Music within the Podcast:
The music in this episode is provided by OBI Overcomer's Choir. This choir is expertly directed by Bro. David and Sis. Lorraine Branham. Visit OBI's website to learn more about them at www.obicollege.com
We love to support Pentecostal people who are using the talents God has given to them by their Creator. We encourage to support them as well. You can purchase The Overcomer's music on iTunes, or listen to them on Spotify and Apple Music.
"Speak" and "Trust and Obey" are the songs featured in this episode.