Upon its inception at the end of 2016, The Midnight O.J. Podcast began as what would seem on the surface if nothing more than an excuse to catch up with friends, drink some beer and share in a few thoughts and laughs. But at its very core Omar & Joey really just wish to serve more as a reminder that among all the turmoil and uncertainty that surrounds us, there has to be a little time set aside to laugh and have an exchange of ideas for a better understanding of what’s happening around us on a day to day basis. We didn’t set out on this path but yet we continue to improve and evolve. it’s been a lot of fun getting here and I’m proud of what two friends from Hoboken, N.J. have managed to accomplish in a short period of time. Now, I don’t know what the future might bring and we certainly cant help you maximize your returns from your 401K contributions or expand your international holdings portfolio, but we are confident that wherever the future may takes us, we are going to have a blast getting there. So sit back, and for the next 30 minutes share a laugh on us, because its always midnight somewhere.
God Bless America
Support the Troops
& Veterans 2017