In this episode, hosted by Larry and Rebecca Gifford, members of The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Patient Council and their care partners share their honest reactions to their diagnosis — from panic and denial to sadness and loneliness. This group of men and women of different ages and backgrounds offers words of wisdom about what to consider, what they’ve lost and what they’ve gained – and you’ll be surprised to hear how, for some, what they’ve gained is more than what they lost.
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If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed and you’re wondering where to start, visit to find helpful resources, including an educational guide, support groups and videos.
Whether you’ve been newly diagnosed or have been living with Parkinson’s for many years, The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Parkinson’s Buddy Network is a free, online platform that helps you find new connections, access educational resources and engage in important dialogue. Join our community today at
The Foundation’s landmark study, the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative, also known as PPMI, is recruiting volunteers. Join the study that’s changing everything at
Mentioned in this episode:
This Giving Tuesday, December 3, you can help us sustain and grow the momentum in Parkinson’s research. All donations will be matched up to $4 million, which means your impact will be doubled. Visit to help us accelerate research and be part of the cure.