Louisville, Ky., Mayor Greg Fischer and host Graham Shelby discuss the city’s challenges and unique potential in each episode.
Produced by Louisville Metro.
Music by The Pass used with permission of Sonablast Records.
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Louisville, Ky., Mayor Greg Fischer and host Graham Shelby discuss the city’s challenges and unique potential in each episode.
Produced by Louisville Metro.
Music by The Pass used with permission of Sonablast Records.
In the final episode of his Mayoral podcast, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Rep. John Yarmuth.
Mayor Fischer speaks with bourbon expert Fred Minnick and and tourism veteran Karen Williams about =bourbon and Bourbonism.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Evolve502 Executive Director Marland Cole about the scholarship opportunities available to every eligible new Jefferson County Public Schools graduate.
As the annual Mayor's Week of Valor kicks off, Mayor Fischer discusses the city's support for military veterans with John Miles, Director of the Office for Veterans, and Dr. Anyah Hoang-Ansert, co-chair of the Veterans Community Alliance of Louisville.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the city's support for immigrants during his 12-year tenure and status as a certified Welcoming City with Emilie Dyer, Executive Director of Americana Community Center and Amos Izerimana, Program Manager in the Office for Globalization.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and Louisville Metro Police Chief Erika Shields discuss the city's efforts to address violent crime and the status of reform efforts.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Laura Grabowski, director of the Office of Housing and Community Development, and REBOUND Executive Director Kevin Dunlap about the work over 12 years of putting vacant and abandoned properties back into productive use.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Louisville Free Public Library Director Lee Burchfield.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, Louisville Downtown Partnership Executive Director Rebecca Fleischaker and Young Professionals of Louisville's Cassidy Hyde discuss the state of downtown Louisville and its future.
This June, Louisville will mark the historical significance of Juneteenth through an expanded series of events organized by the Juneteenth Jubilee Celebration Commission and partners. Wanda Mitchell-Smith, who chaired the commission, discusses the history of Juneteenth and the city's plans with Mayor Fischer.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer has recommended a $1.3-billion city budget that continues to prioritize public safety while investing in the city's core values — lifelong learning, better health, and compassion. He speaks with Chief Financial Officer Monica Harmon and Budget Director Aaron Jackson about the proposals, the city's strong fiscal position, and what's next in the budget process.
During Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer’s three terms, Louisville’s economy has added 3,500 new businesses and more than 80,000 jobs. On this episode, the Mayor speaks about the city's on-going economic development efforts and successes with Ben Moore, Director of Economic Development, and Rebecca Fleischaker, Executive Director of Louisville Downtown Partnership and former Co-Chief of Louisville Forward.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer is joined by Allison Smith, assistant director of Advanced Planning and Sustainability and Zach Tyler, Louisville Metro’s first-ever Energy Manager, for a discussion about what Louisville Metro is doing to live up to our 100% clean energy goals and the Paris Climate Accord.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer is joined by Director of Compassion Services Janice Cates and GE Appliances' Katina Whitlock to discuss the city core value of compassion and the Give A Day Celebration of Services running through the month of April.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Office for Women Director Gretchen Hunt about the work happening to improve the lives of women and families in the community.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses efforts to improve racial equity with the city's Chief Equity Officer Michael Meeks and the Lean Into Louisville initiative with Project Manager Joi McAtee.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the deflection pilot program, which deflects a number of 911 calls to a non-police response, with Emergency Services Director Jody Meiman.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the city's infrastructure needs and the federal Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act with Jeff O'Brien, Chief of Louisville Forward, and Grace Simrall, Chief of Civic Innovation & Technology.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Project Manager Dondre Jefferson and Louisville Metro Police Officer Ivan Haygood about Group Violence Intervention, a community violence deterrence initiative.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the city’s violence prevention and intervention programs and public health approach to tackling violence with Dr. Monique Williams, Director of Louisville Metro's Office for Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Louisville Metro Corrections Chief of Staff Eric Troutman and Assistant Director Steve Durham about new recruitment incentives for officers and innovative corrections programs to help people with substance abuse issues.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Sabeen Nasim, Director of the city's Office for Globalization, about Louisville's immigrant communities and the resources available to them.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer is joined by Dr. Marty Pollio, Superintendent of Jefferson County Public Schools, to discuss the return of JCPS students to five-day-a-week in-person learning, the Academies of Louisville, Evolve502 scholarships and services, and more.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Rebecca Fleischaker, Co-Chief of Louisville Forward, and the Rev. Dr. Jamesetta Ferguson of Molo Village and The Village @ West Jefferson about support available to Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with his Administration's Strategic Operations Officer, Keith Talley, about the efforts to put the city's $388 million allotment of American Rescue Plan funding to work.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Louisville Free Public Library Director Lee Burchfield and Parks Assistant Director Margaret Brosko about summer learning opportunities for young people throughout the community.
Description — Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks about his budget recommendations for reimagining public safety with Vincent James, the city's Chief of Community Building, and Louisville Metro Police Deputy Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Chief Financial Officer Daniel Frockt and Budget Director Aaron Jackson about his budget recommendation for the fiscal year starting July 1, which seeks to build a model that defeats the pandemic, lifts up our economy and realizes racial equity.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Assistant Director Maryam Ahmed of the Office for Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods and One Love Youth Implementation Team member Erica McPheeters about youth violence prevention and National Youth Violence Prevention Week in Louisville.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses Give A Day with Metro United Way President and CEO Theresa Reno-Weber. With support from Metro United Way and community organizations throughout the city, hundreds of volunteer opportunities are available during this month of giving.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and Dr. Sarah Beth Hartlage, Associate Medical Director of Louisville Metro Public Health & Wellness, discuss the city's efforts to vaccinate Louisvillians through the LouVax site at Broadbent Arena and through health partners.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Erika Shields, the new Chief of the Louisville Metro Police Department, about her career in policing, her plans for LMPD, the Hillard Heintze independent audit, and more.
Noting that 2020 "has been a year like we've never seen before," Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the challenges the city faces and the plans for addressing COVID-19, the economic downturn, the push for racial justice and equity, and violent crime in 2021.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and Chief Equity Officer Kendall Boyd discuss the plan for advancing racial equity for Black Louisville, which was announced on December 1, 2020. You can learn more about the plan and the Executive Order declaring racism a public health crisis here: https://louisvilleky.gov/news/mayor-outlines-detailed-plan-advancing-racial-equity-black-residents
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer is joined by Marilyn Harris, director of the city's Office of Housing, and Neva-Marie Polley Scott, executive director of the Legal Aid Society of Louisville, to discuss assistance available to residents to prevent eviction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with LMPD Chief Yvette Gentry about public safety, community relations, the top-to-bottom review of the department, steps taken in response to the Breonna Taylor case, the transition to a permanent Chief, and her career as a police officer.
Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the state of innovation in Louisville, the city's makers and the 2020 Maker Faire with Larry Portaro, director of the GE Appliances-backed co-creation community FirstBuild.
With a focus on Louisville's youngest residents, Mayor Greg Fischer delivered his 10th State of the City address on February 6, 2020 at the Republic Bank Foundation YMCA at 18th Street & Broadway. In this special episode, we'll hear Mayor Fischer's remarks.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and co-host Graham Shelby discuss some of the highlights of 2019 and look ahead to 2020.
Louisville Mayor Fischer discusses teen vaping with Dr. Sarah Moyer, Chief Health Strategist for Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness; November Offutt, a member of the Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods Youth Implementation Team; and Chris Kenney, a teacher at Moore High School.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Catalina Cordova, who is working the Mayor-appointed Louisville Complete Count Committee to raise awareness about the importance of residents completing the U.S. Census in 2020.
Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Jody Meiman, director of Louisville Metro Emergency Services, about gun safety and preparedness. The Mayor has spoken out over the last month about the need for common-sense gun safety legislation from Washington, D.C.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Christy Rogers, Assistant Superintendent of Transition Readiness for Jefferson County Public Schools, about the Academies of Louisville initiative.
Mayor Fischer speaks with Bryan Warren, Director of the Office for Globalization, about the important role immigrants play in Louisville's economy and culture.
Mayor Fischer is joined by Louisville Metro Chief Equity Officer Kellie Watson and Police Chief Steve Conrad to discuss the new Synergy Project, a community engagement initiative aimed at further strengthening police and community relationships grounded in trust and legitimacy.
In this episode, Mayor Fischer speaks with Rashaad Abdur-Rahman, Director of the Office for Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods, and members of the Youth Implementation Team.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and co-host Graham Shelby are joined by Daniel Frockt, the city's chief financial officer. They discuss details of the budget proposal for Louisville Metro Government's 2019-20 fiscal year, which reflects cuts caused largely by the city’s increased state pension obligation and lack of new revenue. You can learn more about the budget proposal at https://louisvilleky.gov/budgetFY1920.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer is joined by Give A Day Week of Service Board member Melissa Swan and Ben Langley of JCPS to discuss the Give A Day Week of Service, April 13-20.
In this episode, Mayor Fischer answers frequently asked questions about the state pension-driven budget challenge and the need for new revenue.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Eric Friedlander, the city's Chief of Resilience & Community Service. Friedlander leads efforts to develop a Resilience Strategy and is the point person for the city's many efforts to address the challenge of homelessness.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, Deputy Director of Economic Development Rebecca Fleischaker, and small business co-owner Nathaniel Gravely discuss Louisville's small business scene.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with the Rev. Vincent James, the city's Chief of Community Building. Topics include Louisville Metro's efforts violence prevention, health and more.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer sits down with Dr. Marty Pollio, Superintendent of Jefferson County Public Schools. They discuss Dr. Pollio's journey to becoming Superintendent, current and future partnerships between Louisville Metro and the city, and more.
Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Joshua Watkins and Linette Huelsman, Real Estate Coordinators for the Louisville Metro Vacant & Public Property Administration. In the 2017-18 fiscal year, VPPA closed on the sale of 125 vacant properties in FY18 — a 330% increase from the previous fiscal year.
Mayor Greg Fischer speaks with Rider Rodriguez and Tina Maddox about Code Louisville, a partnership that provides free coding training for residents. Rodriquez is Director of Sector Strategies for KentuckianaWorks and a leader of Code Louisville, which was recognized in 2015 with a visit by President Obama. Maddox is a Code Louisville graduate who now works for the Louisville tech company El Toro.
Mayor Greg Fischer is joined by Donald E. Lassere, president and chief executive of the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, to discuss the life and legacy of Louisville's own Muhammad Ali. The Mayor, Lassere and co-host Graham Shelby also discuss the week in early June 2016 leading up to Ali's burial in Louisville, and the on-going I Am Ali Festival. Learn more about the festival at www.alicenter.org.
This week, Graham Shelby and Mayor Fischer discuss the Mayor's recommended 2018-19 executive budget. Mayor Fischer delivered his budget proposal to the Louisville Metro Council on Thursday, April 26. To learn more, visit https://louisvilleky.gov
In this episode, we hear from Dr. Bruce Katz, who works for the Brookings Institution and is an expert on how cities work. Katz recently visited Louisville and learned more about some of the city's programs. During his visit, he spoke with Mayor Fischer before an audience of city employees and partners.
In this episode, Mayor Fischer discusses the recent opening of the $315-million Omni Hotel in downtown Louisville, and Graham Shelby discusses the city's growing tourism industry with Cleo Battle of the Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer is joined by Raoul Cunningham, who began his Civil Right activism in Louisville as a teenager in 1959 and is currently President of the Louisville Branch of the NAACP.
Mayor Greg Fischer delivered the 2018 State of the City address on Jan. 4 at the new South Central Regional Library in Okolona. In this episode, we present the Mayor's remarks in full. To find Louisville's 2017 Progress Report and a transcript of the speech, go to http://progressreport.louisvilleky.gov.
In the latest episode, Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the major developments of 2017 and looks ahead to the events that will carry forward Louisville's momentum in the new year.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer discusses the city's many efforts to build a more sustainable city. Also, Maria Koetter, director of the city's Office for Sustainability, discusses the recent Greenhouse Gas Inventory and offers advice for talking about sustainability during the holidays.
Mayor Greg Fischer interviews Sheldon Shafer, who is retiring from the Courier Journal after 44 years covering many city-changing events. Shafer discusses the big news stories and personalities during his journalism career, the city’s evolution — and shares a bad joke. Released: Nov. 17, 2017
In this week's episode, Mayor Greg Fischer speaks in-depth about economic development in west Louisville and the history of its many neighborhoods. We also hear from Director of Redevelopment Strategies Jeana Dunlap, who works closely with west Louisville projects. Learn more here: https://louisvilleky.gov/government/redevelopment-strategies
Mayor Fischer and Graham Shelby discuss the broad impact of Google Fiber's arrival in Newburg, Portland and Strathmoor, and the expansion of super-fast internet in the city. Also, Chief of Civic Innovation Grace Simrall discusses the city's digital inclusion efforts. Posted Oct. 18, 2017.
In this episode, we hear Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer's recent live on-stage interview with Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings. We also hear ideas for new public art from Idea Festival attendees.
In this week's episode, Mayor Greg Fischer announces plans for an investor-led $200-million development — including a soccer stadium. Host Graham Shelby also discusses plans for the Heritage West site with the Louisville Urban League's Sadiqa Reynolds. Released: September 22, 2017
Bourbon combined with local food and hospitality have been an economic boon for Louisville and Kentucky as a whole. In this episode, Mayor Fischer talks about what bourbon means to Louisville today and bourbon historian Michael Veach shares some of the spirit's colorful history.
Graham, the Mayor and Bryan Warren discuss immigration in Louisville, Kentucky. Published Aug. 31, 2017.
In the first episode of the Mayor Greg Fischer Podcast, Graham and the Mayor discuss race, equity and the upcoming community conversation on public art that can be interpreted to be honoring bigotry, racism and/or slavery in Louisville, Kentucky. Published Aug. 17, 2017.